Therapeutic properties

Can Gemini wear emerald?

People born under the zodiac sign Gemini belong to the air element. The planet under the auspices and control of which this sign is located is Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. Gemini time falls during the spring period, when the really warm and summer weather begins. Geminis are full of energy and always ready for new beginnings. People born under this zodiac sign are characterized as hyperactive and active, but their main weakness lies in a quickly passing concentration of attention and, as a result, jumping from one idea to another. Geminis are prone to external expression of emotions, have a need for society and communication, which is of paramount importance to them. In cases where a person with this familiarity does not find his company, he plunges into the world of his fantasies, trying to make up for the lack of communication and attention in reality. One of the significant qualities of Gemini duality is the ability to quickly recover from even the most shameful moments and failures in activity. Their rhythm of life is fast enough to allow themselves to ignore annoying mistakes and panic: they simply move on. Gemini’s favorite pastime is traveling! They also love to read and watch movies, write poetry, host and organize fun events with a lot of guests. By nature, they are radiant, so positivity and energy pour out of them, sometimes infecting everyone around them. This feature allows you to inspire people from your close circle, and the team in which such a person is present always tries to achieve its goal! By nature, people born under this sign are flexible in thinking and quick in making decisions. These personality traits, along with natural curiosity, open any doors for them on the path of self-improvement and knowledge. Due to the energy of the Sun, they always look young, and the use of jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones corresponding to their sign gives them a chance to level out their weaknesses and an excellent opportunity to emphasize their special style.

Gems that Unleash the Potential of Twins

1. AGATE is a semi-precious, but the first most important talisman stone for people born under the zodiac sign Gemini. It is believed that the use of jewelry with agate fills its owners with positive energy and replenishes health in case of loss of strength, both physical and psycho-emotional. Among other things, jewelry with agate helps Gemini with concentration and focusing multidirectional forces on the task that is the focus of attention. Astrologers recommend purchasing this stone for those Geminis who strive to increase the level of their eloquence and begin to conquer new knowledge in study or work, because it, like no other, is capable of concentrating the work of thought. 2. CITRINE is also a semi-precious stone that corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini. In Astral meaning, this stone is very important for people with this sign, because it symbolizes confidence and optimism. Jewelry with citrine attracts good luck into the life of Gemini, helps to increase self-esteem and balance in assessing risks, which has a beneficial effect on the conduct of work and transactions. In the absence of jewelry with this stone, you can use a small fragment of natural citrine as a talisman. It should be placed in your inner pocket at the beginning of the day, so it accumulates more positive energy. It is advisable to use citrine of the brightest yellow color possible for these purposes. 3. PEARL is the only precious stone of organic origin in its nature. In all its properties it is close to the emotional nature of Gemini. Pearls symbolize purity and tenderness, which Gemini needs to optimally express their feelings. It helps to find a common language and establish an emotional connection with your interlocutors. For an astrological amulet for Gemini, pearls of any origin and color are suitable. Jewelry with pearls will help improve mutual understanding with your Gemini other half and bring harmony of feelings and prudence into your life together. 4. TOURMALINE is a semi-precious stone that is most needed by female Geminis, because it is responsible for femininity and health. But this does not mean that jewelry with tourmaline should not be worn by men – after all, it also symbolizes energy and stability, has astral properties to strengthen connections with family and friends, and is a strong amulet against the evil eye, evil intentions and impending danger. With the help of this stone, Gemini can increase their concentration levels. This concentration helps you manage your internal energy. The best choice would be to use lighter colored tourmaline – pink and green. 5. AMETHYST – semi-precious crystal. Only a few experts in astrology and magic know about the true influence of amethyst on people born under the sign of Gemini. It is the concentration of the energies of peace and honesty. Using amulets made from this semi-precious crystal, Geminis gain access to hidden wisdom and hidden spiritual powers, the use of which reduces external anxieties and worries. Amulets, talismans and jewelry with amethyst should become a permanent attribute of Gemini when undergoing spiritual practices and meditation. Having gained control over their inner world, Gemini will be able to do everything in the external world. In addition to the above stones that promote the spiritual growth of Gemini, there are others, such as: moonstone, emerald, jade, malachite, rock crystal, amber and others. When choosing the most powerful talisman for yourself, you need to focus on your gender, age and date of birth. We can confidently say that the use of jewelry with tourmaline, amethyst, pearls, citrine and agate will have a positive effect on any Gemini, regardless of his gender, age and date of birth – after all, these are the most powerful stones of this sign. According to the horoscope, the main stone for Gemini is topaz. Topaz strengthens the immune system and develops mental abilities, gives attractiveness, charm and sexuality. Reveals the versatility of twin nature, removes fears and doubts, harmonizes spiritual and physical development. Protects from the evil eye and damage. A faithful assistant in financial matters, it will help you choose the right direction and development in business, and increases your material well-being. A good mood and an optimistic view of the future are guaranteed to those who wear topaz regularly. Suspension, earrings и ring made of silver with lemon gilding and topaz Amethyst is also the main protector of the sign Gemini. The talisman stone, set in silver, gives all the energy and supports you in any situation. It gives good mood, strength and hope. A woman who wears amethyst constantly knows the joy of love and motherhood. It can be worn with any decoration. Brooch made of silver with amethysts and cubic zirconias Sapphire helps Geminis to be more patient, restrained, learn true wisdom and develop the spiritual world. It reveals the talents of the airy Gemini. Harmonizes relationships with people, while increasing the circle of friends and acquiring connections that Gemini needs. The inconstancy of the zodiac sign disappears, and this has a positive effect in personal and professional relationships. Suspension и earrings in white gold with sapphires and diamonds Rhinestone helps in the development of eloquence and the ability to concentrate, since this is very important for the restless Gemini. Also, rock crystal restores inner harmony. Protects the owner and his family from negative influences. Easily adapts to the wearer’s biofield and relieves headaches, helps get out of stress and even reduces temperature. It also protects, eliminates unpleasant and absurd situations, and clarifies awkward moments. The gem improves memory, thought processes and assists in work. Earrings и ring made of red gold with rock crystal and cubic zirconia Jewelry with onyx balances Gemini. The stone absorbs negative energy, relieves tension and calms the intensity of passions. The main feature of onyx is that it has multi-colored layers. Earrings and ring made of blackened silver with gilding and onyx • Signet made of silver with onyx and cubic zirconia Geminis who experience an acute lack of communication or various spiritual experiences are ideal emerald. Emerald is intended to protect family values ​​and give harmony in relationships with your life partner. Jewelry with this gem for creative people is necessary for inspiration and for recognition of their talent by others. The most pragmatic Geminis can easily climb the career ladder with the help of this crystal. Earrings и ring of combined gold and emeralds Alexandrite is a magnificent stone that has the property of changing its color shade under the influence of lighting and even the mood of the wearer, which echoes the dual character of Gemini. Alexandrite carries with it an aura of balance, calms and improves the processes of the nervous system, protects against excessive stress and reduces the risk of depression, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The mineral is able to cool heated debates and disagreements, and acts as a talisman against evil intentions on the part of opponents. The owner will be given happiness and prosperity in family life, harmony with himself and the world around him. The stone will help you bring the work you have started to a victorious end. Alexandrite is a prophet stone, it has the ability to predict future troubles. It is better to always wear alexandrite in pairs, then it will fully reveal its power. Earrings и ring red gold with alexandrites Citrine is both an orator and a stone doctor. It helps to develop oratorical abilities in its owner and eliminates fear of any public. Excellent for health, strengthening the immune system if worn constantly. Citrine enhances intuition, helps to sort things out and sort out thoughts. A reliable talisman in the financial sector, it will protect you from deceitful partners and unprofitable transactions. Attracts good luck for those starting their own business. Earrings и ring red gold with citrines Another one of the main stones that is essential for these Geminis is opal. It brings harmony and will make Gemini more friendly and tolerant. Opal is recommended for use by people with the most difficult character, as it allows them to suppress uncontrollable outbursts of anger, have a calming effect on the nervous system and generally soften their temperament. Necklace и earrings blackened silver with opals The given tips for wearing certain stones according to your zodiac sign as a talisman are proven and effective. But it’s up to Gemini to decide which stones to wear, especially if they like jewelry or products with gems that are not from the main recommended group. Your mineral is felt on a subtle energy level. Log in to leave a review.

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