Can I wear Amazonite all the time?
Amazonite The history of the name of this stone is quite curious: it is believed that it was named after the Amazon River, but amazonite itself is not found there: the fact is that jade (which was found near the Amazon) was confused with it. Other researchers believe that its name comes from the name of the tribe of warlike Amazons, who decorated their belts and clothes with this green stone, since Amazonite jewelry was found in many Scythian mounds (in the territory allegedly belonging to the Amazons). This is a very beautiful and bright stone, and modern jewelry made from it still looks bright and presentable. It has been known since ancient times – back in Ancient Egypt, magical amulets and necklaces were made from this mineral. Amazonite is a well-known ornamental stone: figures and balls are cut out of it, and various jewelry is made – rings, earrings, pendants, cufflinks and others. At one time, the Peterhof Lapidary Factory produced a variety of decorative items from this gem, and four Amazonite vases from the late 18th century are still kept in the Hermitage. Tabletops were made using the “Russian mosaic” technique, and in France there is a mosaic map of this country, made of Ural amazonite by the hands of Ekaterinburg craftsmen; it was previously exhibited at the Louvre. In everyday life, this stone can also be found under the names “Colorado jade”, “Amazonian stone”, “Amazonian jade”. Geological certificate The chemical formula of Amazonite is – (K, Na)AlSi3O8 . It belongs to the feldspars, and is a type of microcline. In nature, it is most often found in intergrowths with albite: this manifests itself in the so-called “perthite pattern”, when white regularly located inclusions of albite are visible on the green background of spar. The color of Amazonite is primarily green, ranging from grassy to aqua blue-green, with turquoise undertones. There are grayish inclusions and whole samples. Amazonite is opaque, has a glassy luster, and sometimes on its surface you can see pearlescent iridescence – running reflections of light. Hardness is 6-6,5 on the Mohs scale (this means that you cannot scratch the stone with a pin, but you can leave a weak scratch with quartz). Amazonite deposits can be found in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia (Kola Peninsula, Sayan Mountains, Southern Urals). The best collectible and ornamental specimens are mined in the USA (Colorado), sometimes Amazonite is found there intergrown with morion. Peruvian Amazonite has a delicate bluish tint without white inclusions. Medicinal properties Amazonite is a very useful stone in lithotherapy. Thus, it helps with varicose veins and prevents the formation of blood clots. It can be used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Amazonite has a good effect on the endocrine system, relieves headaches, neuralgia, migraines, relieves epilepsy attacks, and cleanses the body of toxins. Women have long loved amazonite because it has a rejuvenating effect and improves the condition of the skin, teeth and hair. When massaged with amazonite balls, this mineral stimulates metabolism, promotes proper deposition of fat reserves in the body, and makes the figure more harmonious. In addition, with the help of such a massage you can relieve fatigue and return nervous well-being to normal. Amazonite will ease the course of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Magical properties Amazonite can be a good helper for older people, as it can give them vigor and improve their well-being. Amazonite actively stimulates the energy centers of the body, ensuring its harmonious and coordinated work; puts your thoughts in order, helps distract you from worries and worries. It has been noticed that this stone helps to survive depression and nervous breakdowns, guiding its owner through this condition with the least loss; instills a light outlook on life, bringing a good mood. As a home talisman, Amazonite will help maintain calm, comfort and harmony in the home. The gem is also an assistant in love affairs, strengthening the connection between people and helping to heal emotional wounds. Amazonite, when treated well, can reveal the gift of foresight in its owner, but it is worth considering that it, being a generally calm stone, can strengthen and aggravate its owner’s desire for idleness. Some people notice that Amazonite can attract cash flow. Feng Shui, Vastu Shastra Amazonite has a receptive Yin energy, soft and calm, and also enhances the influence of the elements of Water and Soil (according to Feng Shui). IN Vastu Shastra could serve as an affordable replacement for emerald for the planet Mercury (direction – North). Good for chakra balancing, works best with Anahata и Vishudha. For zodiac signs This stone is best suited for representatives of the signs Libra, Aquarius, Gemini и Capricorn, however, it is generally suitable for all signs. It should be noted that Sagittarius и Scorpions you need to look for an individual approach to this mineral, since sometimes it can conflict with them. Amulets and Talismans Amazonite is best known as the “stone of peace”: it is credited with the ability to smooth out quarrels, aggression, maintain the hearth and a favorable spiritual climate in the house. It symbolizes independence, beauty and constancy and is very good as a family talisman. If you lack determination or self-confidence, Amazonite will help you find it. It is also considered a talisman of friendship, a talisman of creative people. It helps preserve female beauty and youth. For jewelry, Amazonite is often cut as both a cabochon and a cut, but a cabochon better conveys the beauty and variability of this stone. In prefabricated jewelry, Amazonite goes well with topaz, with stones of white, blue, and green colors. It can be safely combined with any other stones, since Amazonite “reconciles” the influence of different stones, neutralizing their conflict, if any arises. Amazonite can and is even recommended to be worn often and every day, since this stone loves when its beauty is appreciated. The wearing rules include the following: – do not expose the stone in the decoration to too much heat; – if it gets dirty, it is recommended to wash it with water or a mild soap solution, and wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth (ideally, if it is flannel or suede). Amazonite is guaranteed to bring you a lot of positive emotions. Make up your mind! Add to Basket! Other products made from this stone: Stones and minerals have been used by humans for many centuries in jewelry and serve as the basis for amulets and amulets. There are a huge variety of them, and each of them is attributed with certain properties and ways of influencing the human body. Amazonite can be considered one of the most common minerals today. What is Amazonite? Let’s try to figure it out with you, and I will try to briefly talk about the stone. Amazonite is a variety of microcline, a potassium feldspar. The large crystals have a bluish-blue hue, with black, white and beige inclusions of rubidium, lead and cesium. There are many legends about the appearance of this stone, and all of them are more like mystical ones. Jewelry with the mineral was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and this indicates that people were familiar with amazonite many centuries ago. Mineral deposits are located in many countries around the world. Amazonite is mined in the Southern Urals and the Baikal region, in Brazil, Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Mongolia and the USA. Since ancient times, Amazonite has been attributed healing and magical properties, and it was claimed that the stone has powerful energy.
Healing properties of Amazonite
- • Amazonite stone is used by lithotherapists to treat joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism will help eliminate amazonite in silver when wearing jewelry regularly.
- • Diseases of the hematopoietic and vascular systems, such as thrombosis, as well as varicose veins, are reliably cured by the mineral, but it is important to ensure close contact of amazonite with human skin. This could be massaging problem areas with a stone, jewelry that touches the body, or periodically applying a mineral to sore areas.
- • Experts say that the stone promotes the healing of wounds, ulcers, and various dermatological problems, improves the condition of the skin, and eliminates scars. It is recommended to apply the stone to problem areas, stroking and massaging them.
- • Getting rid of wrinkles and preventing their appearance is another feature of Amazonite. The stone will also help cope with acne and pimples of various origins. The skin becomes clean, firm and youthful, acquires a healthy appearance and elasticity.
- • Silver earrings with amazonite and marcasite will help eliminate toothache, improve hair condition, and help remove salt deposits from the body.
- • Lithotherapists advise wearing the stone to get rid of manifestations of aggression and to normalize the state of mind. Those who experience anxiety and fear should make sure that they always have Amazonite with them, whether it be jewelry or a small crystal in their pocket.
- • Silver pendants with amazonite and marcasite treat throat diseases and speed up the recovery process for colds. In addition, the stone has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and normalizes hormonal levels.
- • Fatigue and muscle spasms will be relieved by a massage using polished smooth amazonites. The procedure will also help get rid of bad mood.
- • The mineral improves the functioning of the digestive system. Thanks to the stone, food is absorbed faster and fat metabolism is stimulated. The stone also promotes the production of food enzymes. It is used to combat cellulite and fat deposits.
- • Experts recommend wearing amazonite with marcasite if you have sexual problems, both men and women.
- • Silver brooches with amazonite and marcasite will help heal heart disease, strengthen it and normalize blood pressure.
In general, the gem has a general strengthening effect on the human body, increases immunity, improves resistance to dangerous microbes that enter through air, water and food. Those who regularly wear Amazonite forget about health problems and visits to doctors.
Each stone has a certain energy, and Amazonite is no exception. I will tell you about the magical properties of this mineral, and what problems it allows you to fight. Silver products with amazonite today, as many years ago, they are used as amulets and talismans, believing in its magical properties.
- · Wearing Amazonite is recommended for impulsive, hot-tempered individuals, as the stone will help protect them from making rash decisions.
- · The stone protects from negative energy, protects from the anger of enemies and envious people.
- · People who are constantly under stress and lose a lot of strength should definitely buy Amazonite. The stone will restore the body’s strength, help improve your mood, and set a positive attitude even in the most difficult situations.
- · Silver bracelets with amazonite and marcasite will help a person become confident and decisive, especially if he has to start a new business. The stone attracts good luck and luck, removes all negativity and bad thoughts.
- · People who meditate often use the mineral to achieve harmony and peace of mind.
- · Even in ancient times, rulers and orators claimed that Amazonite helped them make their thoughts clear, formulate their speech, and not be afraid of speaking in front of a large public. Therefore, if you are a social, public figure, then experts advise you to carry a small amazonite crystal in your pocket, or complement your image with silver jewelry that contains this stone.
- · It is believed that Amazonite is a talisman for the family. The mineral brings harmony to the family, improves love relationships, and helps maintain a strong marriage for many years. For this reason, for the wedding, the newlyweds were given objects made of stone – kitchen utensils, figurines, jewelry.
- · Experts recommend that women wear the stone to become a good housewife, to properly organize housework and family care, and to always be desirable and feminine. Perfect for this silver rings with amazonite and marcasites, brooches, pendants and necklaces with stones.
There is an opinion that Amazonite helps to manifest superpowers and the gift of vision. The magicians charged the stone by placing it on the altar. They were sure that the stone would absorb energy and, upon contact with the human body, release it, endowing him with unique abilities.
Buy silver products with amazonite and marcasite recommended for older people. The stone will return to them their former youth of soul and body, and will reveal in them those qualities that have faded with age. It is noted that wearing the mineral restores enthusiasm and positive mood and pushes one to take bold actions.
Amazonite is not suitable for all zodiac signs. The stone has a positive effect on Leo and Aries; it promotes the manifestation of creative abilities, allows you to release the hidden forces of the body and direct them to achieve your goals. Scorpios are recommended to use the gem when experiencing depression, bad mood and failures in life.
Astrologers also claim that people born under the sign of Libra, using Amazonite, will be able to improve their lives, will make the right decisions regarding work, and in the family will be able to find compromises and be in harmony with their loved one. To achieve this, you can wear silver watch with amazonite and marcasites, or give preference to other jewelry with a stone – rings, pendants or earrings.
Of course, the information presented above about the properties of amazonite is not complete; there are other points of view and opinions, but it is very difficult to talk about them all in one article. I think that if you wish, you can find out more about the stone in other sources of information. In the meantime, I invite you to our online shop stones and jewelry, where you can view the catalog and choose the products that suit you. We will be happy to answer any of your questions, help you choose jewelry for men and women, and deliver the products to you in a short time.