Tips for stone care

Can peridot be worn permanently?

Mineralogy is one of the most ancient sciences. Man’s acquaintance with stone began at the dawn of our civilization, when primitive people began to use it as a tool and weapon. Then as a decoration for your body and decorative accessories, in the form of household items. The stone began to attract attention not only for its necessity, but also for its natural beauty, color, transparency and pattern. Our distant ancestors collected unusual stones, carefully stored them, and attributed properties to them based on their own observations and impressions. Thousands of years have passed since then, but the beauty of minerals still evokes delight, admiration and boundless interest. Mentions of chrysolite are found in the Indian Vedas and in the first Christian books. It was known as a gemstone long before the new era, although it was often confused with other green minerals. In non-scientific literature and among collectors, the name “peridot” is still used to describe the light green demantoid garnet (“Ural emerald”). The mineralogical community will consider this name incorrect, gemologists will object to them: that’s what it was called for many centuries in a row. And what to do if they first named it, and only then determined the composition? This is how unscientific formulations took root: “Saxon peridot” for topaz, “aquamarine peridot” for beryl and “Brazilian peridot” for chrysoberyl. Chrysolite has always been widely known and popular, which may have prompted traders and miners to deliberately or accidentally distort the names of other minerals in its favor. In the legends of ancient times, when there was no clear classification of precious stones, even emeralds were mistaken for chrysolite. Chrysolite is an unusual, transparent stone of grassy-golden shades with unique properties. This mineral, emitting the light energy of spring, young grass and the sun, has long attracted people with its charm and incredible attractive power. Color saturation depends on the iron content. In the sun it takes on a golden hue, and in the shade it really looks like an emerald. The yellow tint goes away and pure green remains. Therefore, it is sometimes called the evening emerald. The comparison to emerald was first attributed to it in ancient Rome. Historians have recorded many facts that when studying some ancient finds with emeralds, the latter actually turned out to be chrysolites. For example, the chrysolite turned out to be a large green stone polished into a lens, known as the “Emerald of Nero.” Through this lens, like through binoculars, the bloodthirsty emperor watched gladiator fights and admired the glow over burning Rome, which he himself ordered to set on fire. Now the stone is kept “behind seven seals” in the Vatican treasury. Chrysolite is the oldest name for the stone; it existed before our era and is translated from Greek as “golden stone”. It is a noble variety of olivine formed due to magmatic crystallization. The bright shine of the stone is due to the high index of double refraction of light. Therefore, when a ray of sunlight hits a stone, it may create the impression of a double image. According to the Mohs hardness scale, the stone has a low value, no more than 6,5-7,0. Density – 3,3 g/cm3. Chemical composition: iron and magnesium orthosilicate. Chemical formula (Mg, Fe)2 SiO4. Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt left quite a lot of references to this jewelry stone. There is a legend that peridot (peridot) was the favorite stone of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. In European countries, the name of the stone is peridot, translated from Greek as “giving abundance.” The most amazing thing is that peridot crystals are found not only on our planet, but also in the lunar soil; they are even contained in meteorites. Peridot crystals are short-columnar and prismatic, most often found in the form of flattened grains. Thus, in its origin, chrysolite can be not only volcanogenic, but also cosmogenic. It is characteristic of both deep magma and meteorite mass. This fact added mystery and mystery to the stone. In Egypt, on the island of Zaberget in the Red Sea, there are the very first deposits of chrysolite. Now its largest developments are in the USA (Arizona, New Mexico) and Hawaii. There are deposits of this stone in Mexico, Brazil, Norway, South Africa, India, Burma and Tanzania. In Russia, chrysolites are mined in the Southern Urals, Murmansk region, Buryatia and Krasnoyarsk region. Worship of rare, unusual stones is found in almost all peoples of the world. Shamans, sorcerers, and priests were the first to pay attention to the connection between man and stone. Random coincidences were filtered out through the filter of millennia and disappeared into oblivion. Only “working”, significant connections remained, firmly imprinted in the memory of mankind. The first thing that immediately catches the eye of a natural scientist today is the dependence of the magical properties of the stone on the color and its intensity. Green, red, purple and blue stones have the most powerful effect on humans. Scientists have found that the color of minerals is associated with the inclusion in its crystal lattice of ions, elements that can give up electrons with little external influence. As a result, structural disturbances occur in the crystal. Our little treasure “breathes”, lives its own inner life. Its external manifestations constitute a set of qualities that are traditionally called magical. Impurities of some metals have a particularly intense effect on the energy of the crystal. These are primarily iron, copper, manganese, chromium and lithium. Transparent stones are capable of synchronously emitting light from the entire volume of the crystal in the form of a concentrated beam. This is laser radiation. The laser beam is invisible, it consists of waves that penetrate deeply into living tissue. It is likely that laser effects may be the source of many of the magical properties of stones. To understand all this, you need to write a separate book and more than one. You need to have astrological and scientific knowledge, know the history of the ancient world and be able to recognize stones – in order to compare all the facts and provide accurate information on the influence of stones on human psychology. One thing has been reliably proven, and modern medicine takes into account this opinion, that if faith in amulets and talismans helps, then it must be strengthened. But faith, you know, is voluntary. And if you still have an interest in green, sunny chrysolite, the structure of which contains iron, and it has the ability to double refraction of light, then from the next red line you will learn about its effect on humans, magical and medicinal properties obtained from the Internet by searching and with an eye to the credibility of the texts. Since ancient times, people believed that the Sun endowed Chrysolite with a special powerful force that could protect against the influence of evil spirits, the evil eye and damage. It differed from other minerals in its strong energy. Ancient magicians wore amulets made of this stone, framing it in gold, which increased its magical power and capabilities. He helped them unravel the mysteries of the future and predict fate. Traders in Ancient India carried it with them, considering peridot a stone of luck and good fortune. Businessmen of those times: merchants and merchants, were confident that the stone would help in concluding profitable deals and contracts, eliminate risk in financial transactions, and also help make profitable investments. They wore it without taking it off, as a talisman against all kinds of accidents, thefts and fires. In the Middle Ages, peridot was a symbol of inspiration, as it was believed that the mineral had the ability to influence the creative abilities of the owner. In the 60s of the XNUMXth century, the popularity of stone in France reached its apogee. Jewelry with peridot was held in high esteem not only for its extraordinary beauty and transparent golden hue. It was believed that the stone was a talisman that helped its owner resist temptations and protect him from rash actions. Thanks to its strong energy, peridot was revered by Catholic bishops; they still wear a ring with this stone as a symbol of spirituality, high morality and purity. It is believed that chrysolite helps in all endeavors. Protects a person’s aura from any negative influence. If you give a stone figurine to newlyweds, they will be guaranteed a long and happy life, without quarrels and scandals. Peridot figurines and jewelry are given for wedding anniversaries, birthdays, and just for special occasions. A gifted stone has more power than one purchased independently. Jewelry with chrysolite is presented to young girls so that they can successfully arrange their destiny. Those who are constantly in sight are advised to always carry a peridot stone, earrings, necklace or ring (on the left hand) with them; it will protect its owner from envy and malice. Astrologers believe that the stone’s properties are suitable for literally everyone. But chrysolite has some peculiarity; it is believed that this stone is monogamous. Once accustomed to a person, he reluctantly serves another, while trying not to get noticed or simply get lost. Therefore, purchasing jewelry with chrysolites at a pawnshop is not the best option. The healing properties of the stone were discovered by the ancient Armenians; it was their healers who claimed that by gazing for a long time at the magical greenery of peridot, one could significantly improve one’s vision. One way or another, the color green has a beneficial effect on the heart, nervous system, and relieves mental stress. Motivates a person to overcome depression, become more active and relaxed. I offer several photographs with jewelry made from this wonderful stone to check for yourself how true the statements of ancient healers were about the beneficial effects of chrysolite on humans. It does not take a lot of time. If the publication captivated you a little and seemed useful to you, click “like” and “add to favorites.” Thank you for attention! Best wishes 🙂 Chrysolite is a mineral of wondrous beauty. But not only its spectacular “appearance” attracts attention to this stone. Chrysolite is endowed with powerful energy and magical properties that can fully manifest themselves when using the stone as a talisman or amulet. Representatives of many zodiac signs choose chrysolite amulets for their destiny. This is a surprisingly friendly and warm stone that combines with many other minerals, including the regal diamond. And when properly cut and framed in silver or gold, it only enhances its sacred properties.

Characteristics of the mineral

  • semiprecious stone;
  • magnesium-iron silicate;
  • with the chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2[SiO4];
  • transparent, with a glassy sheen;
  • various shades of yellow and green (from olive to emerald);
  • quite hard (6,5-7 units on the Mohs scale), but brittle mineral.

As mentioned above, peridot is a very beautiful stone that can change color under the influence of light. Most of the minerals of this group seem to be saturated with sunlight during the day, acquiring a pronounced yellowish tint, and in the evenings they become like noble emeralds.

Olivines are common not only on our home planet. They are part of meteorites and asteroids, and are also present in lunar regolith. In a word – cosmopolitan minerals and travelers!

At the moment, the largest deposit of pure jewelry peridots is located on the island of Zeberged, which is under the jurisdiction of Egypt. In Russia, jewelry olivine is extremely rare: it is sometimes found, perhaps, in the Murmansk region.

History and magical properties

The first mentions of peridots as precious stones go back several thousand years. Yes, due to the weak development of chemistry in those hoary times, the names of minerals were often mixed up, classifying stones only by color and hardness. But it is known for certain that precious olivines were revered by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians – this is evidenced by excavations.

Chrysolite is considered one of the Biblical stones; it adorns the clothes of the high priests and the legendary foundation of the Heavenly City. But this stone came to Europe recently, by historical standards, with paladins returning from Palestine.

The miraculous properties of chrysolite were recognized not only by alchemists, healers and esotericists, but also by representatives of the official religion. What is there: all kinds of church attributes with this stone were used by Christian clergy for exorcism rites!

The Diamond Fund of the Russian Federation houses a magnificent olive chrysolite of amazing purity – one of the regalia of the Russian Crown. It is believed that this is the same stone through which the Emperor of Rome Nero majestically looked at the bloody fruits of his “labor”: wars, torture, fires.

Jewelry with chrysolite correlates with both feminine and masculine energy. Brooches, necklaces, bracelets and earrings with peridot give beautiful ladies even greater attractiveness and success with the opposite sex; men wearing cufflinks, tie clips and rings with peridot – determination and perseverance in achieving goals.

Peridot and the signs of the Zodiac

A talisman with chrysolite serves as a powerful protection against damage and the evil eye – in a word, hostile energy. Moreover: he gives each sign of the Zodiac the missing character traits, leveling out natural shortcomings.

Most of all, chrysolite is friendly to:

  • Gemini. The stone will help you overcome the duality of nature and choose the right path.
  • Leos. Accustomed to being the center of attention, Leos need a talisman that reflects negativity. However, it is not recommended to wear peridot all the time: Leos become unbearably self-centered.
  • Virgos. Representatives of this zodiac sign will get rid of their inherent extreme perfectionism and gain the ability to work better with information.
  • Libra. Down with hesitation and half measures – peridot will help Libra to be more confident in making decisions, gain sociability and the ability to please people.
  • Pisces. Going with the flow is normal for Pisces, but it does not guarantee success in your career and personal life. Peridot will help you get rid of lazy contemplation and take the path of creation.

Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius and Capricorn are in a state of friendly neutrality with chrysolite. This stone can become an effective amulet and stabilizer of their internal state, but subject to long-term constant contact.

Cancers, Scorpios and Aquarius should have limited contact with peridot – it can provoke attacks of irritability, inexplicable laziness, and unmotivated aggression.

According to the Eastern calendar, chrysolite corresponds to the Year of the Dragon. The stone is quite friendly to Tigers, Cats and Snakes – they love the color green. The remaining signs are neutral to this mineral.

The effect of peridot on health

According to lithotherapists, chrysolite has pronounced healing properties. A talisman with chrysolite will help not only attract good luck, but also improve vision, cope with insomnia and other consequences of stress, relieve fatigue, relieve pain in the head, spine and muscles, improve digestion, and get rid of toxins.

It is believed that peridot helps the stronger sex overcome delicate problems of an intimate nature and greatly increase male strength.

It should be remembered that chrysolite is a monogamous stone that remembers the energy of the first owner. Having changed its owner, it often becomes cloudy and “dies.” You should not buy jewelry with this mineral from your own hands: it is better to pick up a “virgin” amulet with chrysolite in a store.

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