Can you wear a ruby every day?
Rubies are probably the most historically significant colored gemstones of all, they are by far the most expensive and are easily the subject of most myths and legends. In Sanskrit, the language of the ancient Hindus, he was known as Ratnaraj, “the king of gems,” and the infamous Chinese Emperor Kublai Khan once traded an entire city for a large red ruby! To Vedic astrologers, the ruby represented the sun and had powerful healing properties, while the Bible says it was the most precious stone in Aaron’s famous breastplate. To be fair, the history of the ruby is a bit murky, as until the 1800s all red gemstones of any quality were called rubies, including spinels, tourmalines and garnets, so some of the legends may well be associated with completely different types of gemstones. .
Ruby Virtues
- Stone of Love
- Power and leadership
- Honesty and dedication
- Courage and strength
- Passion and Energy
- Sexuality and Fertility
- Generosity and Prosperity
- Confidence and motivation
Ruby color
Rubies are the perfect representation of the color red, when we hear the word ruby we immediately think of a deep rich red color and when we think of the color red we see passion, seduction, power, violence, danger, fire, blood, excitement and lust.
Ruby red is the color of self-confidence, based on bold action and excitement. It lifts our mood and speeds up our metabolism, motivating our creativity and desire.
This is a very strong color – the color of fire and blood. Sports teams that wear red perform better on average than teams of other colors. This is thought to be because humans have evolved to associate the color red with strength and aggression.
Some rubies also exhibit fluorescence, a phenomenon that causes them to glow under ultraviolet light, and some special specimens even seem to glow in the sun.
Emotional and Spiritual Benefits of Ruby
Rubies were the gemstone of dominant rulers and nobles. It brings vitality and vigor to the wearer, allowing him or her to live life to the fullest and take advantage of any favorable opportunity that comes their way.
Rubies increase desire and energy, allowing you to enjoy the sensual pleasures of life and attract romantic partners. Ruby sharpens the mind and helps focus, ideal for preparing for important meetings or negotiations.
They are so strong that they can protect the owner from paranormal and evil forces, from psychic attacks and bad dreams. According to legend, a ruby could ward off plague and pestilence, and warn of impending doom.
Warriors wore rubies as amulets to make themselves invincible, although Burmese fighters went to the extreme of inserting rubies under their skin before battles!
In a modern reflection of this, rubies will bring heightened awareness and excellent concentration. It promotes a courageous attitude, inspiring a person to speak up and defend those who are threatened, be they friends or strangers, children or animals.
Rubies are an aphrodisiac that increases sexuality, desire and stamina during lovemaking.
However, keep in mind that those who are highly sensitive or short-tempered may find this stone too stimulating or too unpleasant to wear.
Physical Benefits of Ruby
Being a red stone, rubies are associated with the flow of blood throughout the body and everything that goes with it, from blood pressure to heart strength.
It also affects the abdominal area, lower back and digestive system. Sexual problems, PMS, menopause problems and impotence can be relieved with this powerful crystal.
There is also the Star Ruby, which carries all the strength and power of a regular ruby gemstone, but is enhanced by the enhanced light of a star.
Ruby and chakras
Ancient Hindu and Buddhist philosophy states that we all have seven sacred points in our bodies that influence our physical and mental well-being. These points are called chakras (meaning wheel or spinning) and are centers of energy that begin at the base of the spine and end at the top of the head.
All of these seven chakra points have their own color, and gemstones of the same or similar color can be used to unblock or realign a problematic chakra.
A classic red gemstone, rubies are associated with the root or base chakra, associated with physical health, stability, prosperity and resilience.
Can Ruby unlock chakras?
Yes, rubies can definitely help unblock your chakra.
Signs of a blocked root chakra include feeling insecure, disconnected and a little apathetic, an inability to feel enthusiastic about anything and a lack of motivation. You may even feel physically weak.
An overactive root chakra can manifest itself in feelings of greed and selfishness.
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and if using ruby for healing, find yourself a place to lie in front and place the gemstone on the lower back. Breathe calmly and relax.
To enhance the effectiveness of your ruby, keep mantras such as “I feel safe,” “I am safe,” “I am safe,” and “I love life” in your thoughts.
Rubies can also affect the heart chakra and can be used to activate the Kundalini.
Is ruby a birthstone?
Yes, ruby is the birthstone of July, the hottest summer month.
Ruby is also a traditional gemstone gift for 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries.
Ruby and Zodiac
Ruby has several references to the zodiac stones.
It is the stone for both the Capricorn and Cancer signs, and for those who follow the Vedic astrological charts, it is traditionally associated with Leo.
How to restore strength and cleanse a Ruby
Ruby is a durable gemstone, so it will withstand any cleansing ritual, be it water, sun or smoke, but I especially like the time-honored Hindu method from India, where ruby is especially revered.
First put the ruby in a bowl of Gangajal water. (Gangajal water is holy water from the Ganges River available online, but some fresh spring water from a source special to you will do.)
Place the bowl where the sunrise light will fall on it and leave it in the rays for 30-40 minutes.
Rinse and dry, your ruby is now clean and fully charged.
Where to place Ruby
Sir John Mandeville was called the English Marco Polo and is believed to have spent 25 years traveling from his home country to China, visiting Turkey, Egypt, Russia, India and the Holy Lands along the way.
“As soon as a man touches the four corners of his land with his Ruby, his house, vineyard and orchard will be protected from lightning, storms and crop failure.”
In ancient China, rubies were placed in the foundations of important buildings to protect them and their contents, and you can do something similar by placing one in your basement or first floor to fill your entire home with its support.
The southern part of the house is where reputation and fame are cultivated, so placing a ruby there will enhance your position in society.
Of course, the bedroom is another great option to preserve your rubies as a gem of lust and sexuality!
How to use Ruby
We are often asked how to use gemstones for spiritual or health benefits, and while we are certainly not experts in this area, we have gained some experience and knowledge.
Wearing a ruby gemstone as jewelry is the easiest way to influence you and the most popular way to use this magnificent gemstone.
Certain stones and colors are associated with different parts of the body, for example, ruby is associated with the core chakra and the heart chakra, so a pendant could be perfect, or they could be put in your purse or pocket.
The easiest way is to simply lie with the crystals on your body, if possible aligning them with the chakra points.
Decorate your home with crystals so that their influence spreads throughout the home, benefiting the entire family. Likewise, placing one of these in your office can affect your entire workday.
Ruby and wealth
According to Vedic astrology, ruby is the main source of wealth, prosperity, status and position. It is known as Manik in Hindi and represents the almighty sun and is recommended for all who strive to reach the top to have it with them.
Additionally, simply owning or wearing ruby gemstones is a symbol of abundance and wealth and suggests experience and skill, helping to attract patrons and investors.
Can I use Ruby for meditation and yoga?
I would say that Ruby is too invigorating and stimulating to be suitable for meditation, and would suggest something more akin to Aquamarine or Hematite.
Ruby could be incorporated into a more active yoga practice, but it still wouldn’t be my first choice.
Can I wear or wear Ruby every day?
We all respond differently to the spiritual power of gemstones. Some people can comfortably wear the most powerful crystals every day, while others find some gemstones too overwhelming.
Ruby is one of the most powerful gemstones available, so it is possible that it will take some getting used to. I suggest trying your ruby for a day or two, if you’re feeling a little down or overstimulated, take it off and slowly reintegrate it into your life over a few days or weeks.
It was previously believed that ruby, like most other precious stones, warns of poison and impending danger. It became dark and cloudy if something bad happened to its owner, and became lighter and clearer when the danger had passed.
Ruby goddesses
Here in Thailand there is a famous temple of Chao Mae Tubtim or Ruby Goddess where couples come to ask her for help with fertility problems. Google image search is a revelation!
Another local goddess associated with ruby here in Thailand is Mazu, originally from China, and her worship spread along the coast with sailors and traders calling on her for protection at sea.
Ruby is also associated with the Egyptian goddess of war, Sekhmet.
Can I help my pet with Ruby?
All gemstones can affect the health and well-being of our pets just as they can affect us. So, in theory, ruby could be used to help a pet with root chakra problems or blood disorders, but in reality there are probably better gemstones.
Ruby Elixir
A gemstone elixir can be made quickly and easily by simply placing one or two clean gemstones in fresh spring or mineral water and leaving for a few hours – in the sun if you are using a ruby. Then simply drink the water, make a tea out of it, add it to your bath water, or apply it to the affected area of your body.
Ruby contains aluminum, which can be poisonous. The chances of harming yourself by making a ruby elixir are slim to none, but it’s better to be safe than sorry by placing ruby gemstones in a waterproof container and putting IT in water. This method means that the rubies can influence the water, but never touch it.
Ruby makes an excellent invigorating elixir that brings enthusiasm, motivation and passion. Pour some elixir into a spray bottle and create a mist when you need to lift your spirits or get out the door for extra energy.
Ruby and dreams
A ruby under your pillow (or tucked into your pillowcase so you don’t lose it) will increase both the number of dreams you have and the understanding of your dreams.
Dreaming of rubies can be a good sign, as it could mean spiritual enlightenment or the start of an exciting new period in your life. This is often an omen of future wealth and romance.
What gemstones go well with Ruby?
We can look to Mother Nature herself for advice on what gemstones will work well with Ruby. Ruby occurs naturally in combination with zoisite, kyanite and fuchsite.
Ruby-zoisite gemstones are usually a mixture of red and green crystals that have a reputation for helping with spinal problems.
Ruby in Fuchsite is another crystal blend that promotes lucid dreaming.
Ruby in Kyanite is an invigorating gemstone that can enhance your vitality. Kyanite can also be found as individual beautiful gemstones in a delightful blue color that pair very well with rubies both aesthetically and spiritually.
Ruby can also be combined with other red gemstones such as garnet and carnelian to work with the root chakra and with rose quartz for romance and love.
Ruby and the workplace
Ruby is an excellent stone for career success and good luck. It is believed that this is a crystal that gives fame and recognition. Ruby helps you realize your goals and attracts prosperity and personal power. It imparts calm and balance, which promotes creativity, career achievement and independence.
Wear one to work, leave it in the office or place it on your workspace at home – it’s a sure recipe for triumph.
Ruby pendulums
Pendulums are a great way to uncover hidden truths about yourself. Hang the crystal on a string or chain and ask a series of yes or no questions to access your subconscious. The movement of the pendulum reveals the answers.
The gemstone at the end of the chain must be strong enough to be easily understood, and this can be an expensive process when using ruby. There are several options.
You can attach a small ruby to the chain in combination with a large crystal of your choice.
Ruby in Fuchsite can be found in large sizes at reasonable prices, and the blending of energetic, balancing and stimulating energies, as well as promoting personal reflection, makes excellent pendulum stones.
Use any type of crystal pendulum suspended over a ruby placed on the floor or table, it can influence the results from there.
The integrity and power of ruby make them very useful for getting clear and specific answers from your psyche.
Ruby and EMF
Our modern world is full of smartphones, computers, Wi-Fi routers and interactive TVs, and as a result we are flooded with harmful electromagnetic waves.
Gemstones can provide some protection from this invisible smog, and while ruby is a powerful gemstone, its power comes in different forms. I would recommend choosing black tourmaline, malachite and amazonite.
Final thoughts on Ruby
Fifty million years ago, the land we now call India collided with the Asian continent. When these two masses pressed against each other, they formed the mighty Himalayan mountain range, which rises to heights of over 8000 meters in some places.
The enormous pressure and combination of different minerals not only created massive mountains that Sherpas and wealthy people could climb, but also created rubies. Follow the Himalayan fault line from Pakistan through India and China to the foothills of Myanmar, and along the way you’ll find prime ruby mining sites.
How an object of such sublime beauty was formed by fire from below the surface of the earth, the mixing of minerals and chemicals, and the crushing and pressure of two continental plates is a miracle of nature, and we are all blessed by the existence of rubies.
Jewelry, complemented with precious inserts, attracts with special beauty. Ruby rings, earrings and bracelets fascinate and enchant. A red crystal with a rich color is a royal stone with a long history, unique characteristics and interesting features. Let’s take a closer look at its properties and understand the reasons for its popularity, thanks to which it has been in demand since ancient times.
General information about ruby
The hardness of the jewelry stone is quite a bit inferior to diamonds, and thanks to its unique color, the representative of corundum from the sapphire family is singled out into a special category of semi-precious stones. The magnificent red mineral has been known for more than two thousand years. It was a favorite stone of royalty from Ancient Rome, India and Ancient Greece. In China, rubies were placed in the foundations of buildings to strengthen them. The magical capabilities of the crystal still attract connoisseurs of beautiful, bright products with powerful energy. The stone will be perfectly complemented by amethyst, sapphire, emerald, as well as pearls and diamonds.
Characteristics of ruby
Red corundums belong to category I precious stones. Main properties of rubies:
- Hardness on the Mohs scale – 9 points. Just one value less than a diamond.
- Color – red. There are stones with orange, brown, pink tones. Bright red crystals are most prized. Specimens with a purple tint are in demand – they are called “pigeon blood”.
- The shine is glassy.
- Density – 4 g/cm³.
- Strength – brittle even with impressive hardness.
- The size is small. Stones weighing more than one carat are rare. Such specimens are extremely valuable.
Ruby contains more than 50% aluminum. It gets its rich color thanks to the admixtures of chromium and titanium. Ruby stones with rutile inclusions deserve special attention. These are “star” specimens and are valued quite highly. Their needle-like pattern resembles a star located inside the crystal. The stones are opaque. However, the pronounced property of asterism, when rays of light hit the surface, creates the effect of starlight. By the color and characteristics of the stones, experts are able to determine the territory where they were mined.
Deposits and cost of rubies
The development of deposits of unique corundum is carried out in different parts of the world. The largest deposits of ruby gemstones are concentrated in India. The following territories in terms of production volumes and importance can be distributed in this order:
- Sri Lanka. Rare star-shaped specimens are found here. In their beauty they are not inferior to the world famous Burmese rubies.
- Thailand. This territory contains valuable stones, which in terms of properties and purity are only slightly worse than the specimens from Sri Lanka. Almost 90% of all rubies mined in the world are processed in Thailand.
- Countries of Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and America. They do not contain rare variants of red corundum – only classic stones.
It is not difficult to figure out how much a ruby costs in Ukraine – its price depends on a combination of significant factors. Among them:
- crystal weight;
- Colour;
- type and concentration of inclusions;
- transparency;
- field;
- processing method;
- type of cut.
The more transparent, clean, large the specimen, the higher its quality and value. Jewelry craftsmen can either increase or decrease the value of a ruby. It is important to choose the right type of cut and method of processing the crystal, taking into account its initial characteristics and features.
Interesting facts about ruby
Many connoisseurs of the stone and jewelry with it do not know interesting facts about their favorites and do not fully understand the meaning of the ruby stone. Let’s fill this gap using the information available today:
- The first name of red corundum is “ratnaraj”. Translated from Sanskrit it means “king of precious stones.” Ruby was first discovered in India. It was named in the native language of the region.
- The word “ruby” is of Latin origin. The name stuck and became popular because “rubens” translates to “red.” In fact, it means the main property of precious crystals.
- Almost all natural rubies are flawed stones. Crystals without flaws are extremely rare and are valued higher than diamonds of the same weight. Defects in rubies help confirm their natural origin. Synthetic stones look perfect, but do not have the same unique properties.
- The largest ruby ever found weighs 21,955 g. This is a unique, expensive stone owned by the Indian company Prestige Gems & Jewels.
- The Black Prince ruby is actually a red spinel. The famous crystal adorns the crown of the Imperial State of the United Kingdom. Until 1783, all red corundum gemstones were called rubies. “Black Prince” is the largest uncut spinel in the world, so it deserves the status of a unique crystal, while remaining a great rarity.
- The inclusions can be used to determine the ruby deposit. The most valuable stones are mined in Burma.
Ruby is a recognizable and popular jewelry crystal with a thousand-year history. From the moment the first specimen was found, this unique stone has always remained in the spotlight.
Rubies in jewelry
Since ancient times, “red diamond” has been incredibly popular due to its unique properties and beauty. Magnificent crystals were the centerpieces of exquisite jewelry. They symbolized wealth and power – close favorites were given the honor of receiving ruby rings from the hands of reigning persons. It was a gesture of incredible favor and approval.
By choosing jewelry with rubies, you can not only emphasize your refined taste, but also always stay on trend. An excellent solution would be to purchase a product with magnificent crystals as a gift to a loved one.
Rubies are in demand as beautiful, expensive and quite rare inserts that can turn any piece of jewelry into an exquisite product. In Burma, auctions are held annually at which jewelers strive to obtain exclusive red corundum for their designer collections.
A natural crystal, as a rule, is a stone with certain flaws. To improve the characteristics, refining is performed using heat treatment, flux medium, and diffuse exposure. Jewelry production also involves surface coloring. However, masters rarely resort to it.
A noble ruby looks harmonious with gold of any color, as well as platinum and silver. The optimal addition to the composition will be provided by topaz, spinel, garnet, and carnelian.
How to use rubies in your style
The juicy color of red corundums is relevant in summer and winter. At the same time, it is difficult to call the royal stone everyday. The optimal solution for every day would be earrings and rings with rubies made of silver. The exquisite splendor of scarlet crystals is emphasized by red gold and diamonds. Such compositions are options for an evening out.
When going to the office, you can complement a classic suit or a plain dress with white gold and ruby jewelry. Women who like to wear outfits with floral prints should choose models with a calm background.
Combining red stones with crystals of other shades in one product is one of the popular high fashion trends. Such tandems are options exclusively for evening outings.
Caring for Rubies
Caring for your jewelry is an important aspect to maintaining its aesthetic features. Considering the properties of the ruby stone, it becomes clear that jewelry with these inserts does not require special care. You only have to follow a few simple rules:
- remove jewelry at night and during active activities;
- store in a soft upholstered box or individual bag;
- Clean regularly with soapy water; heavy dirt can be removed with a soft brush.
Precious ruby rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings should be professionally cleaned annually. This service is provided free of charge to all customers of the Capital Jewelry Factory™.
Myths and legends about ruby
Red corundums have a magnetic beauty. It is not surprising that their history is shrouded in legends and myths.
In Provence, there was a legend about a terrible echidna with a ruby in its forehead. Any mortal who can obtain it gains boundless happiness. You can get the amazing jewel while the monster is bathing – the crystal remains on the shore at this time.
An ancient eastern legend says that the fiery red stones could be the eyes of a dragon. It was with two ruby crystals that a huge snake looked at the world, hypnotizing all living things that came across its path.
An interesting legend explained the origin of ruby in Ancient India. The fight against the demon Val, who seized power in the Universe, was crowned with success for the gods. The villain was killed with daggers. However, the Sun God, having collected Val’s blood in a vessel, accidentally spilled it from heaven. Where the drops fell, precious stones appeared.
Magical properties of ruby
Jewelry with red corundum is an ideal gift for bright and eccentric individuals with a strong character. Ruby emphasizes positive traits, gives inspiration and self-confidence, helping in the implementation of ambitious plans. A beautiful stone is a reliable talisman for clarity of mind. It brings peace of mind and promotes mutual understanding. A ruby ring should be worn on the index or ring finger. This is an amazing talisman for finding love, prosperity and protection. Keep in mind that artificial stone does not have these properties.
Ruby and zodiac signs
When choosing jewelry with natural crystals, you need to inquire about their compatibility with the person for whom the product is intended. When asked who the ruby stone is suitable for, astrologers say: almost all zodiac signs. The exception is Virgo and Libra. It is important to remember that the stone is not suitable for evil people. Ruby increases positive energy, and can punish negative thoughts.
Ruby in modern jewelry fashion
Staying stylish with jewelry from Capital Jewelry Factory™ is no problem. Jewelry fashion is very flexible. However, rubies are always in trend. It is only important to take into account fashion trends when choosing jewelry for yourself or as a gift. Look for your own style, mix even what seems incompatible, and the jewelry will always look trendy. Colored stones are in fashion, creating bright accents. Choose jewelry with rubies from the Capital Jewelry Factory™ – radiate confidence and stay stylish!
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