History of use

Can you wear tourmaline all the time?

Tourmalines are a subgroup of minerals from the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. The name of the tourmaline stone came from the Sinhala language “Turmali”, which means a multi-colored magic stone. The ancients described its ability to attract dust. This suggests that the piezoelectric properties of tourmaline have been of interest to humans for a long time. Other names of the mineral: crimson schorl, schorl, verdelite, achroite, rubellite, sibirite, indigolite, paraboite, dravite. The color of tourmalines depends on its chemical composition. Chemical composition of tourmalines:
– Complex boron-containing silicate of aluminum magnesium and iron,
– silicon oxide, magnesium and boron oxides, aluminum, iron, potassium and sodium, silicates,
– Crystalline substance: the type of crystal is a convex triangular prism. Some tourmaline crystals have multiple zones of different colors; Such crystals are called “polychrome”. Depending on the color and transparency, some varieties of tourmaline are classified as precious stones, while others are classified as ornamental stones. In nature, it is found in tourmaline green and crimson colors, less often yellow and blue. The most highly prized varieties are the transparent green, blue and crimson red varieties, as well as the polychrome green and red ones. There are polychrome types – several colors are present at the same time. The tourmaline mineral is mostly homogeneous, the physical and chemical characteristics are the same for its entire mass. It is naturally present in igneous rocks. Hardness 7 – 7,5, density 2,98–3,20 g/cm3. Refractive indices from 1,619 to 1,643. It is characterized by strong dichroism (in transmitted polarized light it turns into different colors when the orientation changes). Crystallizes in the trigonal system. The shine is glassy. According to their chemical composition, there are varieties:
– Tsilaisite – predominance of active metals: potassium, sodium and aluminum,
– Dravit – lack of dominance,
– Sherl – predominance of iron (black),
– Elbaite is a magnesium structure. Jewelry varieties of tourmaline:
– Rubellite – pink or red color,
– Sibirit – cherry-red color,
– Indigolite – blue, blue color,
– Verdelite – green color,
– Achroite is colorless. The different types of tourmalines contain magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, lithium, potassium, sodium, chromium and vanadium. To date, a technology for the artificial production of tourmalines has been developed. The technology is quite expensive and is based on dosed bombardment of silicon workpiece atoms with charged ions of Boron, Sodium, Potassium and Aluminum, at high pressure and temperature. Place of Birth. It is found in granites (sherl), pegmatites (sherl, dravite and elbaites), as well as in metamorphic rocks: crystalline schists and gneisses (sherl) and crystalline limestones (dravite), as well as in greisens and skarns. Fine large samples of tourmaline are known in Russia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Madagascar; gem-quality crystals are mined in the USA and Canada. The colored varieties mined in Brazil are given the trade names “Brazilian emerald”, “Brazilian ruby” and “Brazilian sapphire”. Use of tourmaline. Tourmaline crystals are characterized by the manifestation of pyro- and piezoelectricity (they are electrolyzed by heating, friction, pressure, and one end of the crystal is charged positively, the other – negatively). Large tourmaline crystals are used in radio engineering. The piezoelectric properties of tourmaline are used for the synthesis of negative ions in medical devices: health mattresses, and other devices designed to ionize air. The polarization of light was discovered in tourmaline crystals. Tourmaline is by definition a gem, a mineral with beneficial properties that are used in microelectronics and medical devices. Tourmaline processing:
Jewelry cutting, stone engraving, stone carving, cabochons. Medicinal properties
In folk medicine, there is an opinion that tourmaline has a positive effect on the endocrine system. The healing effect of this mineral depends on the color. Green stones help with liver diseases. Blue tourmalines relieve nervous tension, alleviate the effects of stressful situations, improve sleep, relieve insomnia and nightmares. Black stones, according to some traditional healers, are a good preventative against colds. Blue tourmalines improve vision and relieve headaches. Modern lithotherapists believe that this stone improves immunity and gives a person a feeling of joy and peace. Tourmaline improves memory, relieves dizziness, cleanses blood vessels, and charges the plasma. Running water can remove excess charge from the stone. In order to charge, you need to hold it in the sun for a while. Magical properties
Since ancient times, witches have used black tourmalines for witchcraft. Stones of other colors, such as green, awaken creative powers in a person and discover new talents. In European countries, sorcerers made amulets from these stones. Tourmaline patronizes people born under the signs of Leo, Capricorn and Sagittarius. He helps them develop their talents, protects them from alcohol and drug addiction, and reconciles them with the outside world. According to some experts on the magical properties of stones, tourmaline should not be worn constantly, as it can harm a person’s mental health, causing obsessive thoughts and creating a distorted idea of ​​the current situation.

Talismans and amulets

Tourmaline is a talisman of writers, artists, musicians, poets, magicians and witches. For example, black tourmaline is a talisman for witches, and red stone is a talisman for artists. The talisman helps its owner to awaken creative forces and feeds him with cosmic energy. A tourmaline amulet helps its owner to concentrate on the main thing and significantly improves mental abilities. An amulet made of red stone helps a person find hope, protect against fears and unjustified anxiety. Interesting about tourmaline. The largest ruby, inlaid into the crown of the dynasty of Czech kings, upon examination, turned out to be red tourmaline. And also the famous Bunch of Grapes, which the Swedish king gave to Catherine the Second, also turned out to be made of red tourmaline. The best representative of tourmaline is considered to be the “Jolly Green Giant”, which is kept in the State Museum of Natural History in New York. Tourmaline was brought from Ceylon, confused with a precious stone. According to legend, this mineral absorbed all the colors of the rainbow. Cleopatra proudly wore jewelry with red tourmalines, thinking they were rubies. What other secrets does the “stone of poets” hide and why should young people not wear it?

What is tourmaline

Tourmaline belongs to the group of aluminosilicates containing boron. Multiple metal impurities give these stones a colorful color. In the Sinhala language, the word “tourmaline” refers to various precious stones, and the red gems of this group were previously called lalam. What else do you need to know about tourmaline?

Nature and properties

  • Crystals can be shiny, transparent or cloudy.
  • Changes color depending on the lighting, has spots of different colors.
  • They become electrified by friction, heat and pressure.
  • Hardness – 7,5 points out of 10.
  • Density is 3,26 g/cm³.

On the website of the “Drawing Minerals” project, created by a group of authors, it is said that the group of minerals united under the name tourmaline includes about fifteen types of different stones. They contain lithium, magnesium, chromium, sodium or calcium. This mineral has a complex chemical formula.


Tourmalines are divided into types depending on:

  • composition and color of the stone;
  • degree of rarity of the mineral;
  • places of its extraction.

Most varieties are difficult to find in their pure form, and their names are used only by gemologists – specialists involved in the identification, evaluation and certification of precious stones. But there are also stones that are valuable to jewelers and collectors of rare minerals.

Among them, the most famous is elbaite, which has several popular varieties. They are known by the following trade names:

  • Rubellite is a transparent red or pink mineral.
  • Verdelite is a transparent light green stone, the most common of the noble types.
  • Indigolite is a translucent azure tourmaline.
  • Achroite is a white or colorless mineral.
  • Watermelon tourmaline is a transparent two-color red-green stone (its varieties are “Moor’s Head” and “Turk’s Head”).

Jewelers, magicians and esotericists use scherl – opaque black tourmaline and burgerite, which has a brown color. There are decorations made of dark green chromedravite and blue olenite.

But the most valuable and desired find for all jewelers in the world is Paraiba tourmaline. This is the name given to a very beautiful transparent turquoise crystal. Not only has it become one of the top five most expensive gemstones in the world, but it has also changed the gemstone market, becoming one of the most sought-after investment assets.

Legends and facts

  1. Other names for the stone are “peridot tourmaline” from the island of Ceylon, “electric charge”, “Ceylon magnet”, “dust-collecting stone”.
  2. He is called the main sensation of the last century.
  3. The largest tourmaline today is the Divine Ethereal Carolina Paraiba, weighing almost 192 carats. It became part of a piece of jewelry of incredible beauty and was in the private collection of Vincent Busch until 2014, and was later put up for auction.
  4. The largest tourmaline is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  5. The mineral was awarded the Nobel Prize thanks to the work of Pierre Curie.

Deposits and value of natural stone

The United States ranks first in tourmaline mining. The valuable mineral is mined in many countries, but expensive types of tourmaline are not found everywhere.

Where is it mined and how is it used?

The largest deposits of this amazing stone are located in:

  • China, Myanmar and Sri Lanka;
  • India and the island of Madagascar;
  • Canada, Brazil and the USA;
  • South Africa, Angola and Mozambique;
  • Australia
  • Italy and Switzerland;
  • Afghanistan and Tajikistan;
  • Russia.

Natural tourmalines are durable, cool to the touch, and heterogeneous in structure and color. Chemists have learned to synthesize tourmalines in the laboratory for industrial use. The stone is used in radio engineering and medicine (for medical equipment), and natural gems have become valuable jewelry and ornamental stones.


Tourmaline is considered a third-order gemstone (in terms of value), along with minerals such as spinel, opal, topaz and aquamarine. Some types of tourmalines are very expensive (Paraiba tourmaline), and some are cheaper because they are more common in nature. Inexpensive stones include green translucent varieties of the mineral.

Jewelers prefer rare stones weighing at least 2 carats. The jewelry brand Tiffany & Co has signed a contract with Brazilian mining companies to buy back all tourmalines, as they are found less and less often. Therefore, the value of the stone is constantly increasing. For example, a ring with natural Paraiba tourmaline costs more than $1 million.

The cost of popular tourmalines up to 5 mm in size ranges from $10–100. The price for rare species and large specimens increases by 20% annually and is calculated individually.

How to care for tourmaline products

Jewelry made from unusual stones requires delicate handling, regardless of their cost:

  1. Wipe the items frequently with a soft cloth dampened in water, as the stone attracts small dust particles.
  2. Do not use steam or ultrasonic cleaning to avoid damaging the stone.
  3. Wash your jewelry with warm water and mild soap using a soft sponge.
  4. Then rinse the product with water to remove soap stains.
  5. Remove jewelry when doing household chores.
  6. Store them in a box with soft sides and a lid, wrapped in soft cloth.

Remember the value of a unique stone and treat it with care.

Tourmaline in magic, astrology and healing

It is often called the “stone of poets”, as tourmaline reveals the poetic and literary gift in people. Many poems and books have been written about him. What other magical properties does this amazing mineral that has conquered the world have?

Magical properties

Alexandra Cherepanova’s book “The Magical Properties of Stones for Magicians” describes the unique properties of natural tourmaline, which adherents of magical teachings knew about. The mysterious Cleopatra gave red tourmaline to Julius Caesar because she believed that the stone was capable of:

  • recognize any lie;
  • see through walls and distances;
  • bring success and well-deserved fame to the owner.

Cleopatra’s tourmaline passed from Caesar to Charlemagne, from him to the Templars, to the Swedes, and with them it came to Russia. The stone looked like a pink vine and was presented to Catherine II by the Swedish king.

It is believed that tourmalines kindle love and passion, and develop self-confidence in people. They also teach you to think rationally, draw the right conclusions, help you quickly concentrate your attention and achieve complete harmony.

Healing amulets made of tourmaline

Karen Frazier, author of the book “Crystals. A practical guide: how to choose, feel, use,” advises using the energy of tourmaline for:

  • relieving nervous and muscle tension, ensuring healthy sleep;
  • improving blood circulation and cleansing blood vessels from blood clots and cholesterol plaques;
  • normalization of the functioning of the genital organs and endocrine system;
  • improving metabolism;
  • prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias.

Here’s how different colors of tourmalines work:

  1. Blue stone relieves headaches and has a beneficial effect on vision.
  2. The green mineral fights chronic and acute diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Alternative medicine points to the ability of the stone to regenerate body cells using infrared radiation. Tourmaline crushed into powder warms joints and bones, the spine and sore muscles. This way you can ionize the air.

Tourmaline as a talisman for zodiac signs

Rumor has it that tourmaline is dangerous, especially black schorl. The reason lies in the powerful energy of the mineral. Its power is easily felt through the palms: just bring them to the stone, and it will “scan” the person, revealing whether there is a negative influence on him.

He can absorb negative energy into himself and accidentally give it back to the person. Therefore, you should not give your tourmaline talisman to anyone, you should not take other people’s stones, so as not to harm yourself. You need to “clean” your talisman from time to time:

  1. Soak the stone overnight in table salt.
  2. Then rinse under running water for 5 minutes.
  3. Place it in the sun for an hour to an hour and a half to “charge” it.

Tourmalines are suitable for people who:

  • own a business;
  • work in the fields of creativity, teaching, coaching and psychology.

The stone is suitable for more mature people, not young people, as it has too powerful energy.

Tourmaline amulets of different colors are ideal for representatives of such zodiac signs as:

  • Taurus (green tourmaline).
  • Capricorn (pink).
  • Sagittarius and Aquarius (blue, light blue and crimson).

The magical mineral is not suitable only for the earthly Virgo. The power of the stone is consonant with the names Andrey and Arkady, Veronica and Vitaly, Leonid and Kira, as well as Olga, Sofia, Yulia and Eduard. It is better for people with such names to buy amulets made of gold with tourmaline, since the valuable metal greatly enhances the influence of the stone.

Tourmaline is an energetically powerful talisman that is suitable for mature individuals. This stone is an excellent investment because its price increases every year in the market. When choosing jewelry with tourmaline, take the issue seriously and carefully store your magical talisman.

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