Stones by zodiac signs

How can you tell if lapis lazuli is real?

Lapis lazuli (or lapis lazuli) – an opaque mineral from blue to bluish-gray or greenish-gray in color; the best stones are juicy blue or blue-violet, as well as deep blue. The name of this stone “lapis lazuli” appeared only in the early Middle Ages, designating it as “azure stone”. The word “azure” comes from the Persian “لاژورد”‎ – Lavard – blue stone, lapis lazuli. In Italy they called him Lapis Lazzuli, in France – Pierre d’Azur. The modern name “lapis lazuli” appeared in the 18th century. Only dense and uniformly colored dark blue varieties of lapis lazuli were called “lapis lazuli.” Physicochemical characteristics Shine – glass Color – shades of blue Transparency – translucent Hardness – 5,5 Mohs scale Density – 2,38 – 2,42 g / cm3 Kink – conchoidal, granular Varieties Lapis lazuli is valued for the beauty of its enchanting blue color, which comes in a wide range of shades. The color of the stone varies from soft turquoise to bright blue and purple. To the naked eye, the stone may appear entirely blue, sometimes it is white with blue stripes, and often contains inclusions of small grains of irregularly shaped pyrite. There are three main varieties of lapis lazuli: — neither – an indigo-blue stone, which has the greatest value; — Asmani – a stone of lesser value, having a sky blue color; — fursi – an inexpensive greenish-blue stone. Dark indigo-blue lapis lazuli stones that do not have visible light inclusions are most valued. Dark blue stones with a violet tint, interspersed with pyrite, sparkling with gold and silver tints are also highly valued. All other varieties of lapis lazuli are used in the manufacture of costume jewelry, cladding, figurines and tableware. The deposit has a great influence on the color of lapis lazuli. Thus, Afghan lapis lazuli shines with golden sparkles of pyrite inclusions. Baikal lapis lazuli is blue in different shades with white spots and stripes intertwined into beautiful patterns. The color of the stone also depends on the presence of sulfur. In sunlight, lapis lazuli is bright and sparkling; in electric light, it is dark and dull. In ultraviolet rays, lapis lazuli sometimes luminesces with a faint orange light. Place of Birth Main deposits: Badakhshan (Afghanistan), Southern Transbaikalia (Russia), California (USA). Application and Use Lapis lazuli is used in jewelry as an inexpensive but beautiful ornamental stone. Lapis lazuli is a rather soft and brittle mineral, easy to process and polish. Decorative vases, boxes, and figurines are made from lapis lazuli. In the form of thin plates, they are used for inlay in artistic mosaic works, as well as for cladding columns, fireplaces, etc. One of the most valuable and most ancient mineral pigments. How to distinguish real from fake Lapis lazuli is often imitated by painting white stones of various origins blue. Another way to imitate lapis lazuli is to dye jasper, resulting in the so-called “Swiss lapis.” False lapis lazuli is jasper colored blue. It is also possible to impart a blue tone to synthetic spinel using cobalt, which also makes it possible to obtain an imitation of lapis lazuli. As a rule, sodalite is also used to fake lapis lazuli. You can distinguish lapis lazuli from it by several characteristics. Firstly, sodalite is slightly translucent, while natural lapis lazuli is completely opaque. Secondly, sodalite has a glassy luster, whereas lapis lazuli does not have such a luster. Lapis lazuli is often counterfeited using cheap minerals and paint. Dyed pseudo-lazurite (fake lapis lazuli) can be distinguished from natural lapis lazuli by dipping the stone or a product containing it into water. If lapis lazuli is fake, then the water after it will turn blue, but if lapis lazuli is natural, then this will not happen. You can run a wet stone over your hand – fake lapis lazuli will leave a blue mark on the skin; It should be remembered that jewelry lapis lazuli is a high quality stone, its color and play of colors vary between blue and blue. The only deviation from this range is sulfurous golden inclusions, but there should be no white dots or spots on it. If they are present, then the lapis lazuli is fake. Medicinal properties In folk medicine, there is an opinion that lapis lazuli is an excellent remedy for restoring vision. To do this, you need to peer at the stone for several minutes every day. Lithotherapists suggest that lapis lazuli beads reduce high blood pressure, calm the nerves, help with insomnia and relieve nightmares. In some countries, products made from lapis lazuli or just a stone are recommended to be worn on the stomach by pregnant women. It is believed that it protects the expectant mother from miscarriages and alleviates attacks of toxicosis. Magical properties In Ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was considered a divine stone, with which one could communicate with the gods. A special paint was made from it, which was used to dye the clothes of the high priests; the powdered mineral was added to medicines and it was believed that lapis lazuli removed poisons from the human body. In Europe, lapis lazuli was revered as a stone of sincerity. Jewelry with lapis lazuli received as a gift was regarded as a true manifestation of friendliness. Modern experts claim that this mineral cleanses the aura of its owner from the negativity that he has accumulated during his life (old grievances, unseemly actions and thoughts, etc.). This mineral helps a person in spiritual development; it constantly reminds him that everything in the world has a divine beginning, therefore it is beautiful and worthy of love and respect. The owner of lapis lazuli becomes a merciful person, able to personally feel other people’s grievances and pain. If a person follows the hints of the mineral, he can become a real sage. Astrologers say that lapis lazuli can be worn by all zodiac signs. The only exception is Capricorns, for whom it is strictly contraindicated. Talismans and amulets As a talisman, lapis lazuli attracts prosperity, success, luck and happy love to its owner. Additional Information Energy – projective Yang (releases and activates energy) Element – Earth, Fire, Ether (Space) Horoscope — Sagittarius, Virgo Effect on chakras – no exact match found Planets – Venus, Uranus Connection with names – Alexey, Vadim, Dmitry, Sergey, Alisa, Angela, Victoria, Lyubov, Tamara, Yulia History and legends In ancient times, lapis lazuli was considered a stone of sincerity and was a symbol of abilities, talents, success and divine favor. In Europe, lapis lazuli symbolizes well-being, luck and success, in India, devoted love and prosperity. Just a few thousand years ago, lapis lazuli was one of the most expensive ornamental stones in the ancient countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. According to legend, the laws of Moses were inscribed on lapis lazuli tablets. This stone was used to make jewelry, but more often as an ornamental stone. At different times, different peoples made from lapis lazuli figurines of gods and animals, decorations for clothing, hats and weapons, even preparing expensive paint – ultramarine (in Rus’ it was called “cabbage roll”). The history of lapis lazuli dates back to Ancient Egypt, where it was considered the stone of the gods (figurines from it were placed in pyramids). Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka) In the last article about lapis lazuli, I focused on the magical properties of the stone. Today we will talk about the use, talismans and amulets made of lapis lazuli, jewelry made from gemstones, and how to distinguish a stone from fakes. Lapis lazuli is often used to make souvenirs in the form of figurines and figurines. You can also find boxes, but the price of such products is quite high. Less commonly, ashtrays are made from lapis lazuli as a gift option. Plates and sections of lapis lazuli are used as mosaics, for cladding walls and columns. Large statues and columns made from solid blocks are also known, for example, the column of St. Isaac’s Cathedral. In addition, in ancient times lapis lazuli was used to produce bright blue paint – ultramarine. Ultramarine was used in powder form; it was perfect for making artistic paints based on water, resin and tempera. Ultramarine was used in painting until the 20s, when it was then replaced with an artificial dye. Talismans and amulets made of lapis lazuli Lapis lazuli can be worn both under clothing and as decoration. He is able to absorb negativity directed by envious people and simply not kind people. If you work in a team, it is better to have jewelry made of lapis lazuli set in silver. A gold frame will attract wealth and good luck. But it is worth keeping in mind that nowadays gold and silver jewelry with lapis lazuli are not often found, due to the difference in the price of these metals and the stone – lapis lazuli is no longer considered an expensive mineral. Jewelry made from lapis lazuli is now also very widely represented. Rings, bracelets and earrings are usually in great demand. But the stone also looks very impressive in necklaces, beads or pendants. Caring for lapis lazuli is quite easy – just follow a few simple rules: – store the stone or products made from it in a box – rinse periodically with running clean water – heavy stains can be removed with baby soap – after washing, wipe the stone product dry with a soft cloth or napkin – stone and products made from it must not be dropped – falling may cause it to break. Distinguish from crafts Artificially grown minerals that imitate lapis lazuli are not often found on the market. Mostly colored chalcedony, jasper and cacholong are passed off as it. Glass cabochons tinted to look like lapis lazuli and tinted polymer clay are similar to the mineral. In order to understand that this is natural lapis lazuli, you need to dip the stone in water. On the imitation, the liquid will collect in small drops, and the natural stone will remain evenly moist. It is also easy to identify a fake depending on the lighting – a fake always glows the same, and a natural mineral dims in the evening light. What stones does it go with? Lapis lazuli is best combined with jade, malachite, agate and turquoise. The stone also goes well with opal, pearl, aquamarine, and emerald. A combination with amethyst, crystal and beryl is acceptable. But it is not recommended to combine lapis lazuli with garnet, ruby ​​and diamond. – in ancient times, lapis lazuli was a symbol of sincerity and divine favor – in Europe it was considered a sign of prosperity, success and good luck – in India they believed that lapis lazuli brings love and prosperity – ancient Indians used lapis lazuli powder as an antidote to the bites of scorpions and other poisonous creatures That’s all I wanted to tell you about the blue stone. My next publication will be dedicated to turquoise.

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