How do people use feldspar?
Theoretically, the term “feldspar” refers to a family of minerals with a defined crystalline presence. However, true feldspar powders are made from crushed crystalline rock containing a mixture of sodium and potassium aluminosilicates (with small amounts of lithium or calcium). They typically contain 10-15% alkali (K2O, Na2O) and melt well at medium to high temperatures and are an economical source of flux. Commercially available feldspars tend to be predominant in one particular mineral species, with smaller amounts and traces of others. Manufacturers can be found all over the world and they usually do a good job of providing consistent and pure products, given that feldspar deposits vary widely in composition and contain many impurities. Feldspar is used in large quantities in non-ceramic industries (eg cement, agriculture).
In many countries, feldspar companies use the same year and mine year, selling the product under a brand name that is widely recognized. In other countries (like India) large feldspar suppliers don’t even have mines, they buy the raw product according to the chemical composition and mix it from different sources to make a specific product. They change suppliers over time, but due to careful quality control, their ceramic customers often don’t realize that their feldspar comes from different sources with different supplies. Increasingly, customers are contacting suppliers on other continents, often leading to misunderstandings and poor or substandard product delivery. Typically, high potassium feldspars are used in bodies and promote vitrification, forming a glassy phase that “cements” together the more refractory particles and starts formation of mullite from a clay mineral. It is typical to see about 25% feldspar in cone 10 (1300 °C) vitreous and 35% in cone 6 (1200 °C), although porcelain may have slightly more. Feldspar does not form vitreous well below 1200 °C. Manufacturers often use percentages of feldspar that are not appropriate for their conditions and add other materials (e.g., silica sand, alumina, additional quartz) to compensate. It is important to check the porosity and shrinkage of your body when firing at temperatures above and below operating temperatures (eg -30, -60, -90, +30, +60, +90). This will tell you where you are on the porosity and shrinkage curves (it is not good to be near or on the firing shrinkage slope or on the porosity rise). You can arrange this testing through your account.
In glazes, feldspar promotes melting at medium to high temperatures (feldspar is the main ingredient in most high-temperature wet glazes). Sodium feldspars are the most common and are used primarily as a source of alkalis. Feldspars are mineral compounds of silica, alumina and fluxes and are among the relatively small number of insoluble sources of K2O, Na2O and Li2O. No other raw material on its own comes closer to a complete glaze for porcelain tiles than feldspar. Because feldspar contains a complex mixture of oxides, ceramic chemistry calculations are required to “juggle” the recipe to achieve the desired balance of oxide flux with alumina and silica and to manage the high thermal expansion they impart.
Many feldspars begin to melt at about 2100 °F (1150 °C) and are good bases for glazes because they contribute alumina and silica in forms that participate well in melting. Feldspar tends to work well in high-temperature, quick-fired glazes because they remain relatively inert until the later stages of firing.
Geologists consider feldspar as a mineral and classify feldspars mainly as albite, microcline, orthoclase and anorthite. However, when used in glazes, we can consider feldspars as “oxide stores” (for example, because they supply K2O, Na2O, Al2O3 and SiO2 to the glaze melt). For this reason, other materials such as Cornish stone and nepheline syenite, which have a similar chemical composition, can be considered feldspars.
“Fluxed” glazes with high feldspar content tend to be chemically unbalanced and thus are a poor base for functional ware, especially glazes containing metallic colored oxides (glazes can be soft, leachable, cracked, oxidized). High feldspar content can promote high surface tension in the glaze melt and can result in large amounts of bubbles (causing milkiness in the fired matrix). Glazes for porcelain stoneware that use large amounts of feldspar as a flux almost always entrain because sodium and potassium predominate with a high expansion factor. Feldspathic glazes The formation of feldspars was influenced by volcanic eruptions, displacement of tectonic plates, as well as wind and precipitation. The scientific term “feldspar” itself combines a group of 40 minerals and has been used since the 18th century. Feldspar was used by the ancient Chinese. In particular, the mineral was added to clay in the manufacture of dishes, decorative vases and various figurines.
Externally, feldspar in a brief description can have different shades. It looks different, for example, there are red, brown, gray and black minerals. Today, feldspar is a fairly common rock-forming mineral. In particular, a rock such as “granite” is formed as a result of the interaction of feldspar with quartz and mica. Feldspar also contributes to the formation of clastic sedimentary rocks. Chemical weathering causes feldspar to turn into a clay mineral.
Feldspars can have different colors. However, these minerals are generally light in color (white, yellowish, greenish, reddish, brownish). It is also worth noting that the stone is transparent and has a fairly high hardness (above average). On the Mohs scale, the hardness level reaches 6,5.
The largest part of feldspars has the ternary chemical formula NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8-CaAl2Si2O8. The mineral withstands the effects of most types of acids.
The stone is actively used in lithotherapy, as it can have a positive effect on the nervous system and helps overcome stress. It is important to take into account the fact that different types of feldspar differ in certain medicinal properties.
- Thus, amazonite balls are used for massage, which helps improve the condition of blood vessels, skin and restore metabolism.
- Bull’s eye, a variety of Labradorite, reduces blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system.
- To combat edema and insomnia, it is recommended to use sanidine. It will also help you relax. Adularia will also help solve the problem of sleep disorders.
- Albit helps cure diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach and spleen. The stone just needs to be applied to the affected area for a while.
- Labradorite is useful during the treatment of infertility and impotence.
- To cure nervous disorders, it is recommended to additionally resort to heliolite (sun stone). It will fill a person with vital energy and even relieve allergic reactions.
Feldspar has been used for a long time by sorcerers, witches and healers. Moreover, it is a fairly universal mineral, as it is used in a wide variety of practices. For example, adularia has a connection with the Moon, which is why it is also called moonstone. The mineral attracts good luck and is able to protect its owner from evil. Unmarried girls can carry this stone with them all the time, as it can help them find their soulmate.
Labradorite is also a good amulet and helps develop hidden abilities. The presence of this stone in the house will provide the home with protection from various troubles.
Amazonite will make a person more decisive and confident in his actions. It will bring peace to the heart and soul, and will also help to find harmony in family relationships.
To date, mineralogists have identified the following varieties of feldspar:
- potassium (potassium predominates in the composition, and among the representatives of this type of spar it is worth highlighting adylar, optoclase, canidine, microclines);
- calcium (they contain calcite, are called “plagioclases” and, due to their bright appearance, are used in jewelry);
- potassium-barium (the most famous subtype is Celsian, which is an opaque stone that attracts exclusively collectors).
It is also worth noting that feldspars can have different shades – from bluish-black to gold.
Place of Birth
Feldspar is a rock-forming mineral and accounts for half the weight of the entire earth’s crust.
- Technical spar material is mined almost all over the globe. In particular, stones can be found in the Pamirs, Asia and Europe.
- Feldspar is also mined in Germany, India and China.
- Very expensive samples of the mineral are present in Finland.
- It is also worth including South America to the list of the above states.
- As for Russia, spar is mined on its territory in the Baikal region and in the North.
- The total volume of mined technical spar raw materials reaches several billion tons. Particularly large deposits of this raw material are located in Germany, Russia, the USA, and about. Madagascar, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan.
Where to use
Feldspar has found its application in the industrial sector. In particular, it is used in the production of glass, building materials and ceramic products.
- Spar is also very important in the electrical industry, since without it it would be impossible to manufacture cables and insulators.
- It is also worth mentioning about mechanical engineering, namely the defense and space industries, where specialists cannot do without feldspar. This also applies to the high technology sector.
- Among other things, the mineral is used in the metallurgical industry and construction.
- Moreover, spar is also relevant in the cosmetics and perfume industries. In particular, it is used in the manufacture of toothpaste, scrubs and soap.
Jewelers prefer transparent feldspars, among which it is especially worth highlighting adylar, amazonite, andesine, heliolite (or sun stone), and labradorite. Experts make quite original jewelry from these minerals or can use them as imitation of expensive stones.
To whom does
Zodiac sign
The stone has many subspecies, making it suitable for any zodiac sign. You just need to choose the right mineral.
- For example, adularia is suitable for Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers. It is better to buy Labrador for representatives of the water and earth elements. In particular, Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus.
- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are better off giving preference to heliolite.
- Amazonite will serve as a talisman for Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
- Albite is suitable for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Orthoclase will also bring good luck to Cancer and Pisces.
By name
Certain types of stone are suitable for representatives of different names.
For example, amazonite is suitable for Lyubov, Valentina, adularia is suitable for Roman, Gleb, Svetlana, and labradorite is suitable for Yana and Zinaida.
Compatible with other stones
- Compatible stones are adularia, labradorite and amazonite.
- Adularia also gets along well with belomorite, lapis lazuli, white pearls, onyx, coral, and obsidian.
- Labradorite is compatible with aquamarine, opal, lapis lazuli, and malachite.
- Amazonite is favored by aquamarine, rauchtopaz, fire opal, jasper, and rock crystal.
- Belomorite gets along well with adularia, mother of pearl and pearls.
How to wear
Since feldspar can have different shades, it must be worn according to certain rules. For example, warm shades of the mineral are perfect for representatives of the autumn and summer color types. These are orthoclases, heliolites and andesines. For women of winter and spring types, cold stones such as labradorite or moon mineral are suitable.
As for the compatibility of stones with clothing, it is worth noting that all types of feldspar will look great on any outfit. The only exception is the sporty style.
How to care
It is recommended to store the mineral in boxes. At least every six months, the stone must be washed in a pre-prepared solution (200 ml of boiled water, 20 ml of ammonia, 30 ml of dishwashing detergent). After cleaning the stone, it must be rinsed in running cold water and dried. There is no need to wipe the mineral.
How to distinguish from fakes
Feldspar counterfeits can be made of glass or plastic. However, it is worth considering that natural stone cools much more slowly than a fake. Also inside the original mineral there is a rainbow play of colors. Natural stone is heavier than fake stone.
Best time to buy
Feldspar has a fairly affordable price. For example, for 1 gram of green amazonite you will have to pay only 1 to 3 dollars. Dark specimens of the mineral will cost at least $10 per 1 gram. The most expensive is the sun stone (heliolite). A bead will cost between 1-3 dollars, and for a solid necklace you will have to pay about 100 dollars.
As for the time of purchasing a mineral, each user decides this issue at his own discretion, since it is impossible to say exactly when exactly it is worth purchasing this stone.
Interesting Facts
- The mineral is mined almost anywhere on the globe, but few people know that it is present on the moon and is even found in meteorites.
- If we talk about the presence of the mineral on planet Earth, it is worth noting that it occupies 50% of the total mass of the earth’s crust, but the largest amount is mined in Italy, Turkey and China. At the same time, the mineral does not have any shade in its natural formation.
- The “field” mineral got its name due to the fact that it can be easily found in a field, near a river or in the mountains.
- In the United States, about 66% of feldspar is used in glass production. Including fiberglass.
Photo of the stone
Here we have selected for you photos of the most beautiful specimens of the stone.