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How do you install the blende on the catalyst?

The catalytic converter, also known as a catalytic converter, is a special component of a vehicle’s exhaust system. It is a metal case containing inside a ceramic or metal honeycomb structure coated with a layer of precious metals.


The malfunction of this vehicle component can be determined by a decrease in engine power, as well as limited dynamic capabilities and the appearance of a Check Engine signal on the instrument panel. Possible breakdowns include clogged or overheated cells, broken or overheated sensor wires responsible for monitoring oxygen levels. Catalysts usually cannot be repaired, so most often they have to be removed from the exhaust system in order to install new blocks or specialized analogues. The second option is preferred by many car owners, since replacing the catalyst can be quite expensive. After removing the catalyst, an error usually appears. Modern engine control systems usually have several sensors responsible for monitoring the composition of the fuel mixture. Oxygen sensors usually interact with the catalyst and are installed before and after it to transmit signals to the engine ECU. When the catalyst is removed, the level of toxic components in the exhaust gases may become too high, which will result in an error signal from the sensor indicating that the CO content in the exhaust gases is too high. The ECU usually responds to this signal by activating the Check Engine light on the dashboard.


In high-level services, a discovery was made – the ability to deceive the engine management system by replacing the firmware and removing the second oxygen sensor from the circuit. This makes the electronics think that there is no second sensor in the exhaust system, so it will not take into account its readings and the engine will operate as normal. However, with such a deception, if the catalyst is removed, the consumption of the fuel mixture will be the same as when using it, but the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere will increase. When the catalyst is removed from the exhaust system on a gasoline engine, the combustion products of the fuel will attack the exhaust system components, causing them to break down. To extend the life of the exhaust system, it is necessary to install a flame arrester instead of a catalytic converter. If you simply remove the catalyst and do not install a flame arrester, the engine management system will display an “insufficient catalyst efficiency” error. To avoid this problem, you can install a device to deceive the control system or reflash the ECU to work in accordance with the Euro2 standard. Newer cars use sophisticated methods to test and monitor the system, so using the device to cheat will not work. Instead, the performance of the catalyst is reduced, which leads to a change in the fuel mixture to reduce catalyst wear. Reflashing the ECU can improve the dynamic performance of the engine.


Disabling the particulate filter on a diesel engine necessarily includes software disabling its use in the ECU and making appropriate changes to the firmware. This makes it possible to improve the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle. Most often, such work is carried out by specialists at service stations who have the necessary knowledge, experience and qualifications, as well as having access to modern equipment and firmware from global manufacturers of various car brands with certain improvements that make it possible to remove the particulate filter on almost any engine. The question of removing this component from the car remains at the discretion of each car owner.


Deception of the oxygen control system is a way to ensure that the electronic control interlock (ECU) outputs signals that are considered normal in nature. This is necessary so that the computer can think that the catalyst is in working order and performing its functions. There are electronic and mechanical methods of deception. The mechanical method of deception is to use a bushing, which is installed instead of the original lambda probe, and the sensor itself is installed in this bushing. To do this, a capacitor and resistor are soldered into the connector of the native sensor. Also, an autonomous unit with a microcontroller is installed between the connector and the lambda probe.


  • Inserts with a small diameter hole are designed to emulate a small number of Euro3 vehicles. They are used to isolate the lambda probe from the gas flow, which contains a lot of oxygen. A small hole allows a small volume of gases to penetrate to the sensor, which transmits a corresponding signal to the ECU. The inserts are manufactured on a lathe according to the provided drawings, and all parameters are adjusted taking into account the individual dimensions of the sensor. These parts are mounted on the exhaust tract instead of the second probe, and an oxygen sensor is inserted into the inserted bushing.
  • The insert also contains a minicatalyst, which acts to clean exhaust gases only for the lambda probe. This small catalytic converter contains precious metals pressed into an insert. The principle of operation of the design is that gases pass through the honeycomb and then reach the sensor. Signals transmitted to the ECU indicate a low content of harmful gases.


You can make a device to change the readings of car sensors using a capacitor and resistor. The resistor must be soldered into the circuit of signal wires, and the capacitor must be soldered into the gap between the ground and the signal contact. Each vehicle requires individual component parameters. This data can be found on specialized forums dedicated to specific car models.

It is also possible to install an emulator for a lambda probe, which is a microprocessor board. They are usually sold ready to use. These devices look neat and do not require soldered connections, only plug-in terminals. You need to buy an electronic snag that is compatible with the firmware version of the car’s central computer.

When choosing a decoy, the driver is guided by his own preferences and the characteristics of his car.

A lambda probe decoy is a device that corrects the signal from the car’s second oxygen sensor, thereby “deceiving” the ECU about the current state of the catalyst. It can be mechanical in the form of a metal spacer or in the form of an electronic unit (emulator).

Why install a lambda probe decoy?

The main reason is problems with the catalyst. It may crumble, melt, become clogged, or simply stop cleaning the exhaust from residual fuel, in which case the second lambda probe will display a “CHECK” error indicating ineffective operation of the catalyst. The consequences of such an error are usually an emergency operation of the car, and with it an increase in fuel consumption, in some cases also turning off auxiliary systems and limiting engine speed.

How does a lambda probe work?

With the EURO-3/4/5 emission standard, starting from 1998, each car is equipped with at least two (some cars, especially with a V-engine – four) oxygen sensors. The first lambda probe is located before the catalyst; it monitors the remaining oxygen in the vehicle exhaust and adjusts the supply of the air-fuel mixture. The second sensor is located after the catalyst, and it reads the readings of the exhaust gases passing through it. The ECU compares these readings with the first sensor and if the catalyst is clogged or is missing at all, it issues an appropriate error.

The lambda probes themselves are a galvanic cell with a solid electrolyte in the form of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) ceramics. One of the electrodes is washed by hot exhaust gases, and the second by air from the atmosphere. It is important to note that the sensor elements begin measuring the composition of the exhaust gases after heating to 300-400 °C. Only under such conditions does the zirconium electrolyte become conductive and the galvanic cell begins to work. That is why a heater is installed inside the sensor, which at idle speed helps it quickly warm up to the required temperature and start working.

Mechanical decoys of the lambda probe

The mechanical blende of the lambda probe is a spacer machined from steel with a catalytic element pressed inside. Such decoys are suitable for any car, the main thing is to select them correctly according to the EURO environmental class. In fact, this is an ordinary catalyst, only it “cleans” the exhaust gases directly for the sensor, and their main flow flies into the pipe. In this way, the oxygen sensor receives exhaust gases with the required levels of CO, CHx and NOx. There are also “empty” blende with a small hole of 2-3 mm, but they are only suitable for some cars with the EURO-3 environmental class (foreign cars most often before 2003-2004, domestic cars up to 2010-2011. ).

You can buy lambda probe decoys in our online store

Installation of a mechanical blende lambda probe takes no more than 10 minutes: the sensor is unscrewed, a snag is screwed into its place, and the sensor is screwed back into the snag.

Electronic lambda probe emulator

The second way to deceive a lambda probe is electronic deception. This can be either a full-fledged unit with a microcontroller that completely replaces the oxygen sensor, or a circuit of a capacitor and resistor soldered into the contact gap of the original sensor. Accordingly, the better such an emulator does its job, the more complex its microcircuit, which means the greater the likelihood of getting problems with the electronics of both the unit itself and compatibility with a specific machine.

You can read a more detailed comparison of electronic and mechanical decoys here.

Car ECU firmware

It is impossible in this article not to mention the firmware (reflashing) of the car’s control unit for EURO-2. With its help, you can completely disable the lower lambda probe sensor. It would seem that this is a panacea – no sensor, no problem, but almost always it is not cheap. In the best case, this service will cost 5000-10000 rubles, but most likely in a trusted place it will cost you from 20000 rubles. There is also always a risk that even the best specialist will burn out your ECU. And even if everything goes smoothly, the new firmware may periodically fail and you will have to regularly download it again.

Therefore, although this method solves the problem of a catalyst error, it only makes sense if, along with disabling the oxygen sensor, you will perform some other manipulations with the firmware settings, say, to increase engine power. Otherwise, the game is not worth the candle.

How to extend the life of a catalyst

Firstly, refuel only at trusted gas stations, try to avoid refueling on the highway and at little-known gas stations. Do not use untested fuel additives.
Secondly, try to avoid mechanical impact and, especially, damage to the catalyst body – the ceramic honeycomb of the neutralizer is quite fragile and sometimes cannot withstand even strong shaking from falling into a hole at speed.
Thirdly, try not to get into deep puddles and snowdrifts – sudden cooling of the hot catalyst honeycomb will eventually lead to its destruction.

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