How does a ruby glow in ultraviolet light?
More than 60 years ago, a stone came into our family. It was originally part of a gold ring that was given to my grandmother. One day, money was needed and it was decided to sell this ring. But they sold only the gold, and the stone was taken out of the setting and left. There is no information about who made the ring, where or when. And the stone, without any doubt, has always been called a ruby. But is it? The pebble is big. I am attaching a photo of him next to the line. We do not have special scales showing tenths, hundredths, thousandths. Regular kitchen scales fluctuate between 2 and 3 grams. stop at two. So most likely it weighs more than 2 grams. Of course, if the scales are accurate. It feels heavy in your hands and doesn’t look like glass at all. I want to clarify right away that I don’t understand stones at all and don’t know how to take informative photos. I tried to do the best I could, I hope this is enough. I also read that real rubies fluoresce red in UV rays, while synthetic ones are orange and do not shine like real ones. In another source I found information that both real and synthetic rubies glow red in ultraviolet light. Where is the truth? We have a large medical quartz lamp and I took pictures of our stone in its light. See photo on a dark background. The stone glows red from all sides. We didn’t get any clear pictures, but the color is visible. Photos were taken at different positions from the light source. The lamp itself is large and its position cannot be changed, so the light is always on the side. The rest of the photos were taken in natural light near a window on the windowsill and in artificial light near a table lamp (where I tried to highlight some edge). I can’t take clearer photos, this is the limit of my equipment’s capabilities. I also want to note that the photos do not convey the full depth of the color of the stone. In reality the perception is different. The color is very rich, deep red shades. Shines beautifully. If it is synthetic, then it is very well made) Where I live there are no gemologists, I was going (and am still going) to fly to Moscow for examination. This is a big (and expensive) journey for me, so I hope you can tell me what to do. I will be grateful for your help) Amethysts, 09.01.2021 1 – Ruby, both natural and synthetic, ALWAYS has RED UV fluorescence. So the origin of the ruby cannot be determined. 2 – The stone is not cut symmetrically, not evenly, without observing the geometric rules of cutting. A typical cut without a goniometric device from the Soyuzkvartssamotsvetov factory. Most likely, Severquartz gems. 3 – Color, clarity and enormous weight – more than 10 carats, all consistent with a synthetic ruby grown from a melt by the Verneuil method. 60s of the last century – massive experiments of the USSR on growing stones for powerful ruby lasers. Up to 99% of unsuitable crystals were sent to Soyuzkvartsamotsvet factories. The forum contains more than 100 questions and discussions of similar stones from the Soviet jewelry industry of the USSR Ministry of Culture. Decide everything else yourself. 4 – If you have a good non-Chinese x10 magnifying glass, look through different edges for weakly curved concentric equidistant growth stripes – circles. There are many photographs on the Forum and on the Internet. 100% synthetic ruby, grown and cut in the USSR in the 60s of the last century. That’s all. Good luck to you in all your endeavors. Eugene, 09.01.2021 Thank you very much for the answer! I expected this result, but I want to believe in miracles. And all the best to you, success and prosperity! Natural Ruby ☘History of origin Natural ruby stones belong to the corundum class. Moreover, only red corundums are called rubies; all the rest, not necessarily even blue, are called sapphires. Corundums themselves are quite hard; they are second only to diamonds in terms of strength. Due to their excellent hardness, beautiful shades and unique shine, rubies are so valuable, they are rightfully given the title of jewel. The name of the mineral has roots in Latin; the name itself means nothing more than “red”. In fact, in color they are not only red, but also pink, brown and even orange. This largely depends on the presence of iron or chromium in the mineral. The most valuable shade of ruby is red with a blue undertone. Such minerals are mined only in Burma. As natural rubies stones are quite valuable in themselves, occupying first place among the most expensive precious stones, then when large sizes of these minerals are found, they are immediately assigned a high value. In general, large rubies are quite rare. The value of these stones can be judged by the fact that they are often added to various royal regalia and other expensive and significant jewelry. This stone is perfect for those born in July, and is also often used to celebrate various important holidays. ☘Shades of stone As mentioned above, natural rubies have in their arsenal not only red shades. They can be orange, pink or brown, and this will depend on the content of chromium or iron elements in the mineral. The most expensive shade is considered to be “pigeon blood”; it is a natural red combined with an admixture of blue. In this case, the shade may be distributed unevenly, in spots or veins, spreading unevenly over the surface of the stone. ☘Establishing the authenticity of a stone The hue of a ruby is of paramount importance in identifying the mineral. Next comes transparency. The third factor is size; large rubies appear very rarely in nature. ☘Stone color The most expensive shade is considered to be “pigeon blood”; it is a natural red combined with an admixture of blue. But here, too, the value will be influenced by the intensity of the color; the brighter the stone, the more expensive it is. ☘The shine of the stone, its properties Many rubies are born with the effect of pleochroism. This effect gives the stone the ability to change colors depending on its viewing angle and the intensity and color spectrum of lighting. This effect, like cat’s eye or asterism, is best observed under direct daylight. Also natural ruby stones have the ability to glow in ultraviolet light of different wavelengths. This effect is often used to identify the birthplace of a mineral. If in front of you is a stone from Burma, it will glow so intensely that it will be impossible not to notice its radiance even under the sun’s rays. It will give the impression of light coming from within. If we talk about stones from Thailand, they will not have such special effects, but simply will not glow at all under ultraviolet light. ☘Brightness and transparency of the mineral Despite the fact that they are considered absolutely more valuable pure rubies, the presence of inclusions in them does not make them of poor quality and unclaimed. In fact, these inclusions even have a unique name – “silk shine”, which is what the rutile needles themselves are called. If just such a stone is found, and subsequently cut into a cabochon shape, then it will make a wonderful product with a “cat’s eye” effect. If the needles of the inclusions are oriented and intersect each other, then such inclusions create the semblance of a star with six rays, which is called asterism. This is quite a rare occurrence for stones, and therefore very valuable. ☘Shapes and cutting If a ruby is born completely transparent, then it will be either step-cut or in the form of a diamond. Translucent samples are designed in the form of a cabochon, perfectly conveying their cat’s eye or asterism effects. ☘Finding the stone The largest and most valuable specimens have been in Burma for centuries. But at the same time, only a small percentage of the total amount mined became precious stones. It was in Burma that the most expensive rubies with a blue color were found, which is considered the most noble and rare color for such a mineral. Mined ruby stones in Thailand they are more often found in brown or purple colors. But at the moment, the birthplaces of these stones are already drying up; in this area they are now being processed and sold more. Sri Lanka is famous for rubies in pink, crimson or light red shades. Purple and brown gemstones are mined in Tanzania, and many of them have gemstone properties. Sometimes opaque gems are also found. Other territories where rubies are mined in small quantities are Kenyan, Madagascar, and Vietnamese lands. These gems are also found in Australian, Brazilian, Pakistani, Malawian, Zimbabwean and American territories. ☘Gem upgrade Natural ruby stones often processed using heat. This happens immediately before cutting, then they are heated for several hours. This is done mainly to improve the color qualities of the stone, as well as to enhance its transparency. An experienced specialist, after a short inspection, will always determine whether any improvements have been made to the stone. When purchasing, you must be notified of any changes made to the stone. If a ruby is born of poor quality, with visible cracks, it is usually filled with lead glass. With this improvement, the mineral acquires a beautiful appearance, and it can be sold for much more. ☘Famous rubies Natural ruby stones are the favorites of not only kings and nobility, but also just wealthy celebrities. Many famous figures in cinema and other fields of art own ruby jewelry, which shows their status and material well-being. At the same time, these gems occupy a significant and important place in the scientific field, because the very first lasers were made from artificial ruby crystals. The most famous stones of this kind are the Edwards Ruby, weighing almost 170 carats, located in England, the Rosser Reeves, stored in America and weighing almost 140 carats, and the DeLong Ruby, weighing 100 carats and stored in the same America. Needless to say, for royal families and nobility, rubies have always played a big role in determining their status and greatness. Many royal regalia are decorated with these minerals, as are other famous and legendary pieces of jewelry. ☘Healing properties of ruby, mythological and metaphysical features of the stone In India, for a long time, rubies were considered the king of all stones. Also, these minerals were mined there for quite a long time. In ancient times natural rubies were considered to have the ability to protect their master from failures and illnesses. They correspond to the month of July and Capricorn, their planets are Mars and Pluto. In ancient times, and in a sense even today, stones were credited with healing properties and a connection with the cosmos. Many healers also used rubies in the treatment of ailments. It was believed that these minerals were able to protect their owner from various diseases, especially those associated with the back and legs. It was prescribed to wear the stone closer to the sore spot, preferably in contact with the skin. The mineral also had the ability to protect its wearer from trouble. ☘Stone care Due to their almost unique strength and hardness, rubies, like sapphires, are quite resistant to various damages. But still, even the hardest and most unpretentious stones need at least minimal care. These stones are cleaned with soapy water and plenty of warm water. The mineral is then wiped with a soft cloth. As with caring for other stones, rubies should not be exposed to shock, heat, ultrasound or steam, or chemicals. You should not wear ruby jewelry before playing sports or cleaning the house, but treat it according to its royal status. Store the mineral separately from other products, as it may be damaged.