How does amber affect humans?
Shulamith, the beloved of King Solomon, used amber to preserve youth and beauty. Jewelry made of amber set in gold is worn by the sophisticated Nicole Kidman and Amber Heard. What is the power of the stone and who is it suitable for?
What is amber
The golden resin of prehistoric trees, which contains fragments of ancient insects and plants, air bubbles or other inclusions, is called amber. In Belarus and Ukraine the stone is called “burshtyn”, and in most European languages they use the French word “amber”, a derivative of the Arabic name.
Nature of amber
The oldest sample of amber is more than 100 million years old, and the famous gemologist Vladimir Valentinovich Bukanov, who devoted his entire life to the study of stones, wrote in the book “Colored Stones: Encyclopedia” that, according to various estimates, the age of amber is 65–250 million years. The ancient Greeks Aristotle and Theophrastus were the first to think about the origin of the stone. Later, the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder became interested in it: he described the properties of amber in the 37th volume of “The Natural History of Precious Stones.” First they, and then the Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov and the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, were convinced of the organic origin of the stone, calling it petrified tree resin. In 1807, along with other minerals and stones, amber was scientifically described and classified by academician Vasily Severgin. Science knows about experiments on stone. Its property of being electrified and attracting small particles earned amber the name “electron”. This is what the ancient Greeks called amber, associating the stone with the name of the star Electra. Here are the main physical characteristics of yellow stone:
- In composition, it is a brittle polymer containing 78% carbon, 11% oxygen and 10% hydrogen.
- Warm to the touch and heats up quickly upon touching the skin.
- It ignites quickly, melts at 180 °C and smells pleasantly of pine needles.
- Easily processed, polished, but easily crumbles.
- Lightweight, floats in salt water, has a density of up to 1,3 g/cm³.
- May include compounds of sulfur, aluminum, nitrogen and iron.
- Has luminescent properties (glows in the dark).
- In the open air it “ages”, darkens and becomes more fragile.
Because of this, jewelers and artisans apply minimal cutting to the stone, leaving a natural pattern and natural edge lines. How master jeweler Lisa Rambjor does it.
Types of amber
There are a huge number of types of amber resin found in the world. They are divided into two large classes:
- fossil resins, which lie in deep fossilized layers of rock;
- semi-fossil resins that can be found in the soil layer, closer to the surface of the earth.
Amber resins are classified according to their fragility number, ranging from 20–200 grams.
The most famous type of amber in the world is the fossil resin succinite (Baltic amber), which contains 3–8% succinic acid. This and other types of stone are described in the book of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Boris Srebrodolsky.
In addition to succinite, the following are also highly valued:
- Black stantienite is the rarest type of amber, having a dark color due to the presence of iron oxides in it.
- Waxy gedanite is a light-colored resin from an extinct white pine tree.
There are other types of stone that are less popular:
- Glessite is a reddish-brown and opaque succinite that is contaminated with impurities.
- Matte dark colored bocquerite.
- Green immature kranzite is soft and brittle and is very rare.
All types of amber are also divided according to the degree of transparency:
- transparent – absolutely transparent resin without internal voids;
- cloudy – translucent stone with a small number of voids;
- bastard – opaque amber with a large number of cavities inside;
- bone – a porous stone that looks like ivory;
- foamy – opaque porous amber, similar to a sea sponge.
Amber is classified by color, which can range from the traditional yellow to any of the possible colors in the spectrum depending on impurities. Jewelers use more yellow stones. Green specimens and milkstone are highly prized, and blue amber is considered the rarest.
Naked amber is found in nature – a stone of a natural shade, polished at sea depths. There is also an earthen stone.
According to the degree of maturity they are distinguished:
- kryshnoy – amber from the deep layers of the earth’s interior;
- rotten – something between a mature and immature stone, a transitional stage;
- immature amber, or kranzite.
In addition to solid stone, craftsmen use pressed amber obtained from cleaned small stones and chips pressed at high temperature and pressure. Finished stones look like textiles made using the patchwork technique.
The demand for amber has given rise to imitations or fakes. How to distinguish natural amber from a cheap imitation made from natural resins or a plastic fake? Here are the main criteria for natural stone:
- It weighs very little and is not monochromatic in color.
- It becomes electrified if you rub it with a piece of wool.
- You cannot scratch your fingernail.
- Acetone, alcohol and other solvents are not scary for him.
- It does not sink in salt water, and when burning it smells like tree resin.
Legends and facts
Over the years of its existence, the famous stone has acquired a huge number of legends. Here are the most popular ones, as well as some facts about the stone:
- Amber is called “alatyr”, “white-flammable stone”, “gift of the sun”, “tears of the sea” and “sea stone”.
- The Roman Emperor Nero decorated the gladiatorial arena with amber, and Homer mentioned it in the Odyssey.
- Representatives of the Teutonic Order had a monopoly on amber, so they limited its circulation in the world for a long time.
- The Italians carved amber figurines in the shape of shells or a ram’s head to preserve the harvest, successfully hunt and catch a lot of fish.
- The Scots believed that when a bad person approaches amber, the stone darkens, but next to good people it sparkles and plays with all the colors of the rainbow.
- Dwellings were protected from fires using amber amulets.
- Moroccan warriors sewed amber into their clothes to preserve their lives in battle.
- Thanks to living organisms frozen in amber, scientists have made many important historical discoveries.
- Most amber comes to the surface during sea “amber” storms.
The largest specimen of sunstone is included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is kept in the Copenhagen Museum and weighs 47,5 kg.
Extraction and use of amber
The oldest amber deposit, located in Denmark, has exhausted itself after a long time. Then traders developed stone deposits on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea, which became known as the Amber Coast.
History contains evidence of stone quarrying on the island of Ameland in the Netherlands and in that part of Eurasia that now belongs to Russia. There are suggestions that there are also amber deposits in India, Africa and Lebanon. Where is amber mined today?
Deposits and cost of stone
Today, amber mining is carried out in many parts of the world, which makes it possible to obtain up to 90% of medium-sized stones without impurities in:
- Russia (Kaliningrad region, Siberia, Far East, Sakhalin).
- Ukraine (Rivne region and Carpathians).
- Italy (island of Sicily).
- Myanmar (formerly Burma), Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
- Dominican Republic.
- Mexico.
- USA.
Stones containing sealed fragments of living beings are most valued and even become precious. They are called inclusions. The most popular ornamental amber is succinite of the “batter” variety.
The famous “Amber Museum” is located in Kaliningrad. Ancient amber products have survived to this day, presented in various museums around the world, for example, an amber casket of the 1945th century. The most expensive product made from yellow stone is the famous Amber Room, traces of which were lost after XNUMX, and the real cost is unknown.
The most valuable types of amber are white, green and blue, as they are extremely rare. Today the price of large fraction amber is about $20. Smaller stones cost $1,5–5 per gram.
Where is the stone used?
Amber is used not only in jewelry and folk crafts. Poor quality stones and jewelers’ waste are suitable for:
- production of rosin and oil;
- production of succinic acid.
Amber is in demand in the perfumery, paint and varnish industries and in pharmacology. Based on succinic acid, food additives for people and animals and fertilizers for plants are produced. The acid itself and the oil based on it are included in many cosmetic products that prevent skin aging.
Surfaces are covered with amber varnish; it was previously used for musical instruments. Amber insulators are used in instrument making, as well as in the production of devices and instruments for blood transfusion.
How to wear and care for amber jewelry
Amber is most often worn in jewelry without a frame. Less often they are set in copper, even less often – gold and silver. Jewelry made from natural resin has always been popular:
- For every day, medium-sized single stones in products made in a classic style – pendants, stud earrings, rings – are more suitable.
- For a festive occasion, use large jewelry with an irregularly shaped stone.
- Wear yellow amber jewelry with a white shirt, turquoise cardigan, khaki clothes, little black dress, or outfits with fur or leather trim.
- Light amber is suitable for brown-eyed girls, and dark amber is suitable for ladies with blue, gray and green eyes.
General advice: an overabundance of amber jewelry indicates a lack of taste, so be careful when choosing products and images.
How to extend the life of a stone
Amber does not require special care, but we must remember that natural stone is fragile:
- It is recommended to store the products in a box, placing them on a soft pillow.
- Wipe them with a soft cloth slightly moistened with warm water.
- Dry after washing, blotting lightly with a towel.
- Protect from exposure to perfumes and oils. They have a negative impact on the integrity of the stone, leaving stains on the surface.
Amber is not afraid of water, you can safely wear it for a walk, take it with you to the beach or to the pool.
Amber in magic and treatment of diseases
In healing and occult sciences, as well as in astrology, sunstone is highly valued due to its unique composition and long history of use, folk traditions and beliefs. In modern medicine there is a place for the beneficial properties of amber.
Treatment with amber
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, pointed out the healing properties of amber. It has not been proven by science, but with the help of amber they treat:
- Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and thyroid gland.
- Diseases of the central nervous system.
- Stress and chronic fatigue.
- Any form of arthritis and rheumatism.
- Blood diseases and weak immunity.
In folk medicine it is recommended to use amber as follows:
- Place a yellow pebble in your newborn’s crib to promote sleep and relieve teething pain.
- Use amber amulets to protect children from diseases.
- Fumigate a child with amber for fear, stuttering and troubled sleep.
- Apply amber plates to your temples to relieve headaches.
- Adults are recommended to wear amber on their chest to stimulate vital activity and strengthen overall tone.
- It is better for mature people to put amber on their hands for longevity and prevention of senile dementia.
With the help of amber, diseases are diagnosed: the stone is hung on a thread and with the help of such a pendulum, sore spots on the human body are found.
Amber talismans
Amber is used in witchcraft and magical rituals, and amulets are prepared from it. Olga Yankovskaya, the winner of the 17th season of the Ukrainian “Battle of Psychics,” recommends this valuable stone as a talisman.
For magicians, amber is like a wise old man: it contains a huge store of strength and knowledge. The most powerful ingredient in magical recipes is reddish amber with a scorpion inside. Stones with air bubbles – containers of good spirits – are also good.
Amber is also used in traditional religion. Patriarch Nikon of Moscow and All Rus’ had a staff made of amber, which he rarely parted with.
Inexpensive amber was melted along with incense during Christian rites. Previously, it was often used at weddings, driving away poverty, childlessness and envy from the newlyweds. Amber was used to attract love.
Amber is recommended to be worn by brides to protect the future family home. The stone heals energy, calms, helps control emotions. It makes people more compassionate and empathic.
In astrology, amber is the stone of the Sun. It suits all signs without exception, but most of all Leo and Cancer. The only sign that should not wear amber all the time is Taurus.
Safety precautions: when amber is harmful
If the amber darkened or cracked, the owner of the amulet was subjected to a powerful energy blow or was in danger. It is better not to wear such jewelry or replace the stone.
To choose a suitable small amber jewelry, hang it on a thread. If it swings back and forth, then this is your talisman. If from side to side, then it is better to refuse such an accessory.
Old people say that amber is a stone of loneliness. There is no confirmation or explanation for this fact.
Amber is not commonly used in piercing jewelry. Only earrings with amber are acceptable, for example, like those worn by the charming Nicole Kidman.
This is where the restrictions on the use of yellow stone end. Apparently, amber has more pros than cons, and every lover of natural jewelry should definitely acquire a stylish amulet made from ancient tree resin for good luck.
Amber beads were valued not only for their beauty and grace, but were also used in the fight against many diseases and the prevention of their development. Why were beads especially valuable? Interest in amber has long been explained not only by its beauty, but also by ideas about its healing properties. Amber is a fossilized resin from coniferous trees mined from the sea. Common colors range from pale yellowish to red-brown, although milky white, greenish and even black and blue stones are found. The most valuable is considered to be amber mined in the Baltic states (succinite).
The name comes from the Lithuanian “gintaris” – amber. You can find interesting inclusions in it – twigs of plants, insects, air bubbles, grains of sand. If you look at the stone, you get the feeling that the life of nature has frozen inside, which has been preserved, like one moment, for so many long years. The first mention of the healing properties of amber and its use in medicine belongs to the famous ancient physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC). Medieval medicine, having inherited the experience of previous generations, not only used already known methods of treatment with amber, but also expanded the indications for its use for medicinal purposes. Amber was used for skin diseases, to strengthen teeth, for headaches, cramps, asthma, consumption, and insomnia. It was believed that if amber was crushed and smeared on teeth, it would give them shine, cleanse, make them white and strengthen them. Amber was credited with the properties of mitigating the adverse effects of weather on humans. It can prevent an attack of bronchial asthma if worn by the patient.
from books
According to E. Frakei, amber products can prevent colds and help treat rheumatism. Amber, as a remedy, was widely used throughout Europe. In Germany, Martin Luther carried a piece of amber in his pocket to prevent the formation of kidney stones. With its help, nosebleeds are stopped, it helps with difficulty urinating, the dose is from ten to twenty granules per dose. At the beginning of the disease, take half a drachm of selected amber, crush it finely and take it once a day with a pint of white wine for seven to eight days. If necessary, continue treatment. Amber compositions were prepared in pharmacies in the form of a variety of lotions, potions and ointments. In China, a balm made from succinic acid and opium was used as a sedative. Amber oil with ammonia was widely used for fainting. Amber in those years was also valued thanks to a drink called “lammer wine”, which was a concentrate in which amber was dissolved.
This drink was considered the elixir of immortality. Wearing amber necklaces and beads made of amber is recommended for enlarged thyroid glands, and since it contains a small amount of copper, it is also recommended for lung diseases. Traditional healers even today successfully use amber powder for oral administration according to ancient recipes with honey, wine, and milk. Slavic women wore heavy amber beads, as it was believed that amber rejuvenates the skin and accelerates the growth of hair on the head. They gave amber jewelry to their daughters so that they would quickly find good suitors.
beliefs in amber
Wanderers took him with them on their journey to protect themselves from trouble. It has been proven that amber has the ability to produce a large number of negatively charged ions, which, passing through the upper respiratory tract, are distributed throughout the body and contribute to the active synthesis of ATP. Thus, intracellular energy supply is ensured, which leads to restoration and normal functioning of all organs. Due to the ability of amber to increase the release of free electrons when heated, in recent years various devices for passive massage have appeared: an amber bath, amber belts. Modern astrologers consider amber a stone of longevity and fearlessness and claim that it is associated with the forces of the Sun and Venus, symbolizing happiness and health. They consider amber to be a universal cleanser of the human body: if it is regularly worn on the body, astral toxins are removed. Thus, amber protects us and eliminates unfavorable radiation that disrupts harmony.
None of the precious stones had as many indications for use in medicine as amber. Modern doctors, who do not know about the healing properties of amber, attribute this to the phenomena of self-hypnosis and psychotherapy. However, bioenergy therapists claim that the healing energy of amber restores weak human energy, stabilizes the endocrine system, and regenerates nervous and muscle tissue. Amber is recognized throughout the world as the most powerful healer, as it has the ability to “pull” negative energy from a diseased organ and absorb it. Healing amber. So those ancient healers who recommended applying amber to the sore spot were right.
amber treatment
It is only important to know how to do it correctly. Amber is durable, beautiful and always fashionable. Listen to the advice of our ancestors: “Love amber, wear it, because this “sun stone” is an accumulator, a reservoir of Universal energy.” To charge amber with positive energy, you should hold it under the sun for several days. Amber knows how to listen to music: to enhance protective and other properties, let him “listen” to classical compositions. It is recommended to wear amber constantly in the form of beads, bracelets or amulets on a silk thread. It is recommended to wear an even number of amber beads in necklaces, since an even number of beads mutually balance each other and then the necklace turns into a stable system, passively reflecting external influences.
amber and effects on the body
Like other stones, amber, when in contact with human skin, emits electromagnetic waves that affect the human body. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the healing properties of amber are due to a combination of several factors: – exposure to the energy of free electrons; – the presence of paramagnetic centers in amber; – the presence of free succinic acid and its salts in amber; – high sorption properties of crushed amber; – the ability to neutralize excess free radicals formed in the human body; – the ability to receive and transmit information. Healing amber. The emission spectrum of amber completely coincides with the emission spectrum of sunlight, which is the source of energy for all life on Earth. It is probably no coincidence that amber is called the “Stone of the Sun”.
Amber is composed primarily of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms. The bulk of molecules in the human body consists of atoms of the same elements. When massaging the body, palms, feet with crushed amber (friction and heating of amber), walking on small amber stones or applying amber to the projection areas of affected organs (reflexogenic zones), the electromagnetic energy of amber, corresponding frequencies, is transmitted to the body through biologically active points (reflexogenic zones) . Consequently, the influence of amber through biologically active points on human skin not only promotes the transfer of energy of free electrons, but, most importantly, this energy coincides with the frequency characteristics of the human body.
Which, from the point of view of modern concepts, leads to the phenomenon of bioresonance, restoration of the amplitude of vibrations of cells, organs, and tissues. Ultimately, the body’s adaptive abilities are restored, health returns, and the body is rejuvenated at the cellular level. Amber has another amazing property – the ability to absorb infrared and ultraviolet radiation and all other types of electromagnetic radiation harmful to the human body, capture geomagnetic information, protect its owner from magnetic storms and unwanted bioenergetic influences, both from other people and from means. mass media. It would be more correct to say – disinformation. The paramagnetic centers of amber are capable of absorbing the energy of pathological, harmful to the body, alien electromagnetic fields when amber is applied to biologically active points located in the area of reflexogenic zones on the body, hands and feet.
That is, the most important property of amber was revealed – the ability to absorb all types of pathological electromagnetic fields and, thus, help eliminate the causes of diseases. As is known, Baltic amber stands out from other fossil resins due to its relatively high content of succinic acid and its salts (3 – 8%). Ancient healers empirically discovered that ingestion of amber powder was an excellent healing substance, and did not suspect that this effect was largely due to succinic acid. At home, using this mineral you can solve the following health problems:
Healing amber
- Relieve inflammatory processes. It is the secreted succinic acid that has these properties; it penetrates inside the body and finds the problem area, actively affecting it.
- Due to the fact that one of the substances released is iodine, amber can be used to eliminate thyroid problems associated with its deficiency.
- Restore biofields. Unpolished amber has an inexplicable, but nevertheless proven effect on energy. He is able to relieve depression and bring joy back to life.
- Cleanse the body. Healing Amber can have a destructive effect on harmful bacteria and helps remove toxins from the body. It is believed that it acts like a sorbent and is capable of removing radioactive isotopes from the body. All these qualities are nonspecific prevention of the development of cancer.
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