History of use

How does quartz stone affect a person?

Isolated and described for the first time: The mineral quartz has been known to mankind since the ancient Stone Age, including in the form of rock crystal, flint, chalcedony and beautiful quartz pebbles used in amulets and jewelry.
In the official list of minerals, the first description and country of the first discovery of quartz are listed as unknown (as of March 2023). In particular, quartz was described by Agricola G. (1546).
Approved in 1967 according to a special procedure. Origin of the name: According to Tomkeieff SI (1941, published 1942), the mineral quartz got its name from the German “querkluftertz” – ore of cutting veins. Sergei Ivanovich Tomkeev (1892-1968), a native of Lithuania (Russian Empire), lived in Great Britain since 1916 and taught geology, mineralogy, and petrography there. Author of the two-volume Petrological English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary (translation edited by A.A. Marakushev), M., 1986 (in the original Dictionary of petrology, 1983). New products with Quartz in the product catalog Products with Quartz are presented in the following categories:

  • Unique exhibits and interior items,
  • Stones and minerals,
  • Decorations,
  • Products and souvenirs,
  • Fossils,
  • Beads made of stones,
  • Cabochons and cutting,
  • Stones in esotericism,
  • class Oxides (oxides, hydroxides, V [5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodates)
    • subclass Oxides (oxides) of metals
      • Silica family
        • mineral Quartz
          • not a mineral Aquaaurite
          • Amethyst variety
          • Ametrine variety
          • variety of rock crystal
          • variety of smoky quartz
          • Morion variety (black quartz)
          • Prazem variety (green quartz)
          • Prasiolite variety
          • Rose quartz variety
          • Chalcedony variety
          • variety of Herkimer diamond
          • variety of Citrine

          Agate, amethyst, amethyst-like quartz, ametrine, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), milky quartz, prazem, rose quartz, chalcedony and its varieties (carnelian, chrysoprase, chalcedony onyx, etc.), citrine

          Syngony: Trigonal
          Composition (formula): SiO2

          Color: Colorless, from milky white to gray and black. Blue, yellow, green, brown, pink, purple

          Trait Color: White
          Transparency: Opaque, transparent, translucent
          Cleavage: Imperfect
          Fracture: Conchoidal
          Gloss: Matte, glassy, ​​silky
          Hardness: 7
          Density (specific gravity), g/cm3: 2,5-2,8

          The mineral quartz forms crystals, solid masses of varying density and grain size (from coarse to cryptocrystalline), fine-fibrous, spherulitic, sinter (chalcedony) and earthy aggregates.

          Quartz single crystals were used in optical instrument making and radio engineering. Quartz sand – in the ceramic and glass industries. Many varieties of quartz (agate, amethyst, smoky quartz, citrine, etc.) are used in jewelry.

          Quartz has a positive effect on the chest and respiratory organs. It is believed that if you keep a quartz product, a small fragment or a quartz crystal with you, it will significantly ease the course of colds.
          In folk medicine, quartz water, which is prepared at home, is popular. It is obtained by infusing water on quartz or passing ordinary water through a filter made from a special mixture of different types of quartz.
          Quartz water has healing properties and has a very beneficial effect on the human body. It is biologically active and useful for the prevention of various diseases, for stimulation and rejuvenation of the body. It is also used for cosmetic purposes. With regular washing, quartz water makes the skin more elastic, smooth and elastic, smoothing out wrinkles and rejuvenating it, and helps get rid of acne. Quartz water is used to wet the skin, apply lotions and compresses for bruises, burns, cuts, skin inflammations, etc.

          Minerals of the quartz group have healing properties, attract love, luck, success and material well-being, develop imagination, and promote active thought processes.
          Each type of quartz has its own magical properties, which can be viewed separately: agate, amethyst, aventurine, rock crystal, flint, morion, onyx, opal, rauchtopaz, rose quartz, sardonyx, carnelian, citrine, chalcedony, jasper.

          There are many precious stones in nature that are widely used in jewelry. The abundance of options allows you to find and use stones that suit a person’s taste and astronomical indications. Some people like bright stones, some prefer more restrained colors, matte, for others, the shimmer of colors is important. I wonder if there is a stone that can combine all these requirements? Yes, there is such a stone, or rather, it is not a stone, but a group of minerals called quartz.

          An amazing fact, scientists have found that quartz is based on two main components – oxygen and silicon. It is worth noting that it is silicon that is included in almost every living organism found on this planet. Therefore, quartz is also living. And the importance of oxygen is not even worth mentioning – it is the basis of everything. We can confidently say that quartz is a living stone, whose energy a person certainly needs.

          Interesting things about quartz.

          Many lovers of natural stones are probably familiar with such representatives as cat’s eye, aventurine, hawk’s eye, and amethyst. Believe it or not, all these stones are classified as quartz. All of them are considered a variety of quartz, which proves that quartz is not just a single stone, but a whole family of minerals that have surrounded us in life for thousands of years.

          Magical properties.

          Even ancient thinkers identified a certain effect of quartz on humans, which cannot be explained from a scientific point of view. It was from this time that the concept of the magic of stones originated, which led to the development of interest in these precious jewelry. Today it has been proven that quartz has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. It is recommended to wear quartz pendants or beads if you have chronic respiratory diseases.

          The effect of quartz has also been proven in relation to people with creative inclinations. When worn for a long time, a person develops imagination, oratory notes appear, and self-confidence is present. It is recommended to wear quartz during a prolonged creative crisis. By the way, people of more squat professions who are also on the verge of a breakdown can also follow this advice. To enhance the effect of quartz, people began to frame this precious material with silver or gold. It is believed that such decoration will certainly attract love and good luck.

          Quartz in cosmetology.

          Doctors have found that quartz has a rejuvenating effect on the body. For facial skin it is used as a lifting agent. Today you can buy quartz water in pharmacies, which can be added in small quantities to cosmetics.

          Quartz in jewelry.

          Needless to say, quartz beads arranged into an amazing necklace composition will become a worthy adornment for every woman. This stone can illuminate everything around with sunlight. If you are in a bad mood or the weather is cloudy outside, jewelry made from natural light quartz can brighten up your day with bright and sunny colors. This is a priceless decoration, the energy of which can be used for the benefit of yourself and your family.

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