Geological classification

How does rauchtopaz affect humans?

Rauchtopaz or smoky quartz is considered a valuable mineral and is considered a type of crystalline quartz. Given the richness of shades, many jewelers work with it. Rauchtopaz has unique properties, meaning and influence on various signs of the Zodiac.


Rauhtopaz has a rich smoky color with a golden tint and is found in nature in the form of crystals. The size of the mineral in nature can be more than a meter in diameter, and the weight of some samples reaches several tons. It belongs to large stones. Due to the presence of pleochroism, which allows the facets to play different shades in sunlight, it is especially valued by jewelers.

Description Characterization
Chemical formula SiO2
Transparency Translucent
Hardness 7
Specific weight 2,6-2,65
Refractive index 1,64-1,65

Color spectrum

  • Light gray specimens are obtained by heating the mineral to a temperature of about 300 degrees.
  • Purple and greenish. You can often find minerals that exhibit pleochroism – a change in color when the stone is rotated at a certain angle.
  • The black mineral has mystical qualities and is considered a witch’s talismans, although it can have a positive effect on the human body.
  • Dark brown specimens are most common. After cutting, the stone acquires the transparency and golden color characteristic of citrine.


The formation of smoky quartz occurs more often in acidic granites. If they are enriched with fluorine, the mineral may precipitate from lava solutions. The stone is also classified as igneous rock. The constant companions of the mineral are amethysts, topazes, and micas.


Due to its unusual color, in ancient times the stone terrified people. There was an opinion that he was a guide to the other world and various negative properties were prescribed to him. Rauchtopaz gained popularity in the 19th century, when it was fashionable to get involved in spiritualistic seances. But this stone is energetically strong, and a strong psychic can use it in rituals. Men were the first to wear it, preferring cufflinks and rings. Also at that time it was actively used in the design of figurines, cigarette cases and pens.

There are also records about the stone in Jewish manuscripts. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the mineral was initially widespread in the Urals, where specialists learned to process it so that it cast golden reflections; the processing method was soon made public: it was baked in dough. Today, some craftsmen still use this technology.


This story originated in Ancient Greece and the events that took place at that time relate to King Gyges, who actually existed. Legend has it that this great man was originally a shepherd and descended into the underworld, where he discovered in a crack a ring that gave its owner the gift of invisibility. The future king became interested in the find and climbed up there, but saw a giant sleeping on the ground, and on his finger was a ring with rauchtopaz. He really wanted to take it, and the shepherd carefully removed the jewelry from his finger and subsequently ascended to the royal throne. This priceless product helped him throughout his life.

Place of Birth

It is worth noting that the deposits of the mineral are quite extensive, but the largest of them are located in the countries: Brazil, USA, Spain, Switzerland.

Practical application

Magical influence

Hindus and Tibetan monks call the mineral the sacred stone of Buddha. Even in Ancient India, there was a legend that rauchtopaz allows one to reach the highest peak in spiritual practice and free the body from negative energy. Modern esotericists have proven the fact that it helps a person cope with negative thoughts and experiences and neutralizes them. Given its strength, the mineral is a powerful amulet not only for an ordinary person, but also for people with psychic abilities. He fights well against black magic and negativity. Another ability of the crystal is that it directs the energy needed to where there are energy breakdowns, correcting the situation.

In addition, it allows you to cope with jealousy, incomprehensible grievances, and relieves stress and tension. In particular, it is recommended to be worn by hot-tempered and impressionable people. It is also suitable for vindictive people. The mineral, placed under the pillow before bed, allows you to see prophetic dreams.

Rauchtopaz is a stone symbolizing calm and peace of mind.

Its exciting and intoxicating vibrations make it suitable as a talisman for creative people, poets and artists.

There is an opinion that dark stones have more pronounced magical properties. It is better for young beauties to buy light rauchtopaz, for older women – darker products with black inclusions.

You can reveal your intuition and enhance the magical properties of rauchtopaz by purchasing jewelry framed in silver.

Therapeutic effect

The positive effects of stone on the human body have been known since ancient times. The mineral has a general stabilizing effect on the human immune system and endocrine function. Regularly wearing products with rauchtopaz improves the functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands.

Its effect on the owner’s reproductive system has been noticed. In the form of an amulet, it is more suitable for men, enhancing their qualities. It helps women cope with infertility, making them more attractive and charming.

The mineral is also worn for diseases or disorders of the nervous system. This is an excellent antidepressant for any stressful situations or experiences.

It is applied to a sore spot, as it perfectly fights headaches, general weakness, and improves a person’s energy field.

The mineral is recommended to be worn by those who struggle with bad habits, suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism; it fills a person with self-confidence.

In order to achieve peace and calm down, you need to tightly squeeze the mineral in your hand and imagine how it pulls all the negativity into itself. At the same time, it is important not to think about anything and relax completely. You can complete the procedure after the quartz has become warm. To achieve the state of nirvana, you can meditate with the stone, viewing its reflections through the fire of a candle.

Influence on various zodiac signs

This is an excellent option for Libra and Scorpio, for whom it will help discover talents and gain new opportunities.

In addition, it is also suitable for Capricorns, who have inner strength. The stone helps guide her in the right direction.

Other zodiac signs can wear it if worn from time to time.

An absolute contraindication for wearing it is belonging to a Cancer, who is overly emotional. Also, Sagittarius, Aries and Leo should not wear it.

When choosing jewelry, you should give preference to non-dark minerals, since the latter are recommended for wearing by magicians.


The price category of such products is low. For example, one carat of a mineral costs from 50 to 200 rubles. depending on cut and color.

How to distinguish from fakes

This is very simple, because the counterfeit contains air bubbles that are visible to the naked eye. Natural air inclusions are rare in nature, and they have an elongated or other shape. The synthetic analogue has only a round shape. But today, scammers are very skillful at counterfeiting stones, so you can’t do it without a specialist.

How to care

Being a hard mineral, it is difficult to damage mechanically. If dirty, clean with soapy water or running tap water. You can dry it by placing it under the rays of the sun, the energy of which it absorbs. But it is not recommended to leave it in the sun for a long time, as it will become lighter. It is advisable to store the mineral in a separate box, in a dark place, wrapped in a cloth.

Rauchtopaz is a type of quartz. Despite the name of the stone, it is not a type of topaz. It carries a lot of positive influence on people since ancient times.

Interesting facts about the mineral rauchtopaz.

Rauchtopaz, or otherwise smoky quartz, has a varied color palette of dark shades. Most often found in brown colors. Very dark or even black stones are called morions. Dull colored stones with smoky citrine manifestations. It gets its color by irradiating rock crystal. The stone responds well to high temperatures. At temperatures above 300 degrees, the gem can become discolored or turn into citrine. When exposed to sunlight, it can appear purple and even green! This effect is called pleochroism. The color of the stone is affected by the impurities included in its composition.

The deposit of rauchtopaz is Brazil. A little later, deposits of rauchtopaz were discovered in the USA, Madagascar and the Alps.

choker with rauchtopaz

Magical properties of rauchtopaz.

  1. Rauchtopaz relieves depression and improves the mood of its owner.
  2. Rauchtopaz transforms negative energy into positive, relieves outbursts of anger, jealousy, and aggression.
  3. It is believed that the owners of rauchtopaz have a stone calmness. He has the ability to comfort people and give them vitality.
  4. Rauchtopaz is widely popular in meditation. With its help, a person can learn his highest life values, establish harmonious relationships with his inner “I” and his ego.
  5. Rauchtopaz stone is ideal for developing characteristics such as endurance, courage and patience.

Smoky quartz pendulum

Healing properties of smoky quartz.

  1. Rauchtopaz stones affect the lower part of the human body, namely the kidneys, intestines, and reproductive system, relieving various diseases.
  2. Rauchtopaz is used to relieve swelling and bruises.
  3. Rauchtopaz relieves insomnia, nightmares, internal fears, and helps fight attention deficit disorder.
  4. Rauchtopaz has a good effect on the hearing organs. Thanks to it, it will become easier to navigate the world of sounds.
  5. Rauchtopaz has a positive effect on the body’s immune system, maintaining internal balance.

pendant with rauchtopaz

Rauchtopaz in the jewelry industry.

The gem lends itself well to processing, which is why it is valued by jewelry makers. It lends itself to various cutting and polishing. A mineral with emerald and diamond cuts looks elegant and impressive! Most often it is processed using the cabochon method.

A necklace, ring or pendant with rauchtopaz will complement her unique style! Golden-brown stones are especially valued, as they give the effect of a starry glow to the gem.

airy necklace and earrings with rauchtopaz on a mannequin

The influence of smoky quartz on the zodiac signs.

The ideal owner of the mineral is the sign of Capricorn. He has the inner strength and core to safely use the support of such a powerful stone. The rauchtopaz stone will affect all areas of the activities and lives of Capricorns. He will attract them luck, success, authority and love. For a Libra woman, rauchtopaz is also considered very suitable. It will increase her positive attitude and help her always remain in internal balance, no matter how difficult the situation comes her way. Sagittarius, Aries and Leo fire signs are advised to refrain from wearing this stone. After all, they are impulsive, passionate, and it is these characteristics that will become a constant reason for conflict with the pacifying stone. For other signs there are no restrictions on wearing rauchtopaz. But astrologers advise avoiding wearing this stone too often because of its powerful magical influence.

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