How does topaz stone affect a person?
July 12, 2022 Topaz is a semi-precious stone with a glassy luster, a transparent mineral, the hardest in the class of silicates. In terms of hardness, topaz is second only to corundum and diamonds. The color palette is wide: there are specimens in blue, blue, pink, yellow, green and brown shades. By the way, nitrogen or mystic-colored topazes do not exist in nature: such colors are obtained using special spraying. This coating, unfortunately, wears off over time. Topaz has many interesting properties, for example, it is credited with the ability to relieve depression and protect against colds. The stone sharpens intuition, protects sailors from the violence of the elements, and helps childless couples conceive a child. Topaz is a powerful talisman, and if it is chosen correctly, the owner of such a talisman can receive many benefits.
Origin, deposits, price of topaz
Origin of the name
According to the first version, the stone was named after the island of Topazios, where the mineral was first discovered. This island is located in the Red Sea, now it is called Zeberged.
According to the second version, the name of the mineral is associated with the word “tapas”, which is translated from Sanskrit as “fire” or “heat”.
According to the third version, the stone received its name thanks to the Greek “topazos”, which means “search”.
Place of Birth
Topaz is not a rare stone; minerals are common in nature, and their weight can reach hundreds of kilograms. Due to the large specific gravity of the stone, it is called “heavy weight”. There are deposits in the Urals, Transbaikalia, Germany and Madagascar, Japan and the USA, Brazil and Australia. The main exporter to the world market is Brazil; it was in this country that the largest blue topaz was found – “Marabella” weighing 1,65 kg. The largest processed yellow topaz weighs 22 carats. Work on cutting this stone weighing about 892 kg took 4,5 years.
The largest topaz in the world was found in Ukraine, at the Volyn deposit. The weight of this specimen is 117 kg, height 82 cm, color wine yellow.
Color and price
Transparent blue specimens have long been called “Siberian diamonds.” Jewelers see the resemblance to diamonds in the density of the stone and the glassy shine characteristic of diamonds, which appears after cutting. Topaz crystals have an interesting property: when exposed to the sun for a long time, they lose color. That is why most minerals that are found near the surface of the earth are practically colorless. Many stones, before being used in jewelry, are refined – subjected to heat treatment and irradiation to obtain a more saturated color (about 99% of brightly colored topazes are refined). The cost of topaz is relatively low, which is why they are very popular in the jewelry industry. The price of a stone depends on its color: rich natural tones are valued higher. Treated stones, despite their brightness, are less valuable. The most expensive are natural stones in rich purple and pink shades and polychrome crystals, which have layers of different colors. The process of refining topaz is reliable: the color of the stones remains saturated for a long time. However, experts still advise remembering the sensitivity of minerals to light and high temperature. They recommend storing treated stones away from heat and light to prevent their color from fading.
Healing properties of topaz
- increases immunity;
- protects against colds;
- helps with poisoning;
- has hemostatic properties;
- relieves problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- has a calming effect; prevents insomnia;
- relieves bad dreams;
- promotes the recovery of patients with nervous and mental disorders.
It is believed that topaz has the ability to enhance taste sensations, so dishes were often decorated with it. Spouses who are trying to conceive a child are advised to wear topaz amulets.
The magical properties of topaz
The mineral is considered energetically strong. He is able to protect from any negative influence – evil thoughts, envy, the evil eye and witchcraft. It eliminates negative emotions, and in return attracts optimism, prudence, and freedom from bad habits into the owner’s life.
Topaz can relieve depression, anxiety, fear, hatred, and anger.
Since ancient times, the blue mineral was considered a talisman for sailors – they took it with them to the sea to protect themselves from storms and other adversities.
The stone has the ability to strengthen friendships; it helps its owner to win over others.
This is a mineral of spiritual purity and sincerity; if a person has bad or selfish intentions, the talisman will not help. In addition, it sharpens intuition and can help in revealing secrets.
Pink stones attract love into the life of the owner, golden stones bring happiness and prosperity, blue stones give travelers protection along the way.
Topaz promotes mental acuity and gives the owner the opportunity to comprehend the essence of life. The stone helps to expose secrets and “untie” tongues, make the right decisions and react faster to events. With the help of topaz as a talisman, a person can get rid of dangerous passions – bad inclinations and habits.
Who is topaz suitable for?
Jewelry with this stone should be worn by those whose activities involve communicating with other people – businessmen, managers, teachers, diplomats, psychologists, journalists. Thanks to its ability to help solve mysteries, the stone will be an assistant for criminologists. It is recommended for women who want to get pregnant and travelers to carry it with them.
Topaz will help the owner make acquaintances faster, establish contacts more easily, and help make a pleasant impression on others. Topaz can bring benefits to its owner in business and financial matters: it will help recognize the real intentions of partners, open eyes to promising opportunities, suggest the right decision and bring good luck in the financial sphere. Such a talisman brings recognition, prosperity, and success in professional activities.
Topaz is a stone for determined, strong and courageous people. Not everyone can withstand its powerful energy: a person who is weak in spirit may not be able to cope. However, this does not mean that topazes are contraindicated for those who are not too confident in themselves. You can not wear jewelry with this energetically strong mineral all the time, but only at the right moments, for example, wear jewelry with topaz to negotiations
Who does topaz suit according to their zodiac sign?
Topaz will not harm any zodiac sign if its representative is a decent person. But when a talisman with topaz falls into “bad” hands, the stone will not be useful to the owner – topaz does not like lies, self-interest, stupidity and anger.
Astrologers claim that the properties of topaz are best revealed in Sagittarius, Cancer and Scorpio.
Lions It is worth wearing jewelry with topaz during the period of new beginnings – entering university, getting a new position, etc. The stone will help its owner cope with new tasks, overcome difficulties and achieve success.
Pisces the talisman will give them peace of mind, they will be less susceptible to mood swings. Topaz will relieve internal tension, put the Pisces owner in a positive mood, and help with health problems.
Capricorn The stone will direct you to the main goal and will help you not to get scattered about trifles. It will be easier for Capricorn to cope with the desire to give up everything, he will be able to show strength of spirit in time.
Cancers will be able to emphasize their elegance with the help of blue topaz. Correctly selected jewelry will make Cancer the center of attention, arouse interest among the opposite sex, and help you find new friends. Topaz talisman will help Cancers carefully plan their actions and think about the consequences.
Gemini can count on success in financial matters and any negotiations. With the help of topaz, it will be easier for Gemini to win over people, and the talisman will also protect against the machinations of enemies.
archers will become more sociable thanks to the topaz talisman. It will become easier for them to contact new people, they will be able to strengthen friendships and improve relationships with colleagues.
Taurus the mineral will help you understand yourself and decide on your choice of life path. Topaz will protect you from envious people, slanderers, and dishonest friends.
Aries Topaz will help you show your talents and good traits. Those around you will notice their strengths, which will help them move up the career ladder and open up other prospects.
У weights topaz will strengthen intuition, help them better see the real intentions of others, and will contribute to making the right decisions.
Aquarius The talisman will bring success in professional activities and will contribute to better assimilation of new knowledge.
Scorpions topazes will help you become more insightful, give you self-confidence, and prevent outbursts of anger. Scorpio will become more reasonable and will stop focusing on the negativity they have experienced.
Devam It will become easier to make decisions. Topaz will balance their emotional state, help them think rationally and without being tied to momentary experiences. This will also affect Virgo’s self-esteem: they will become more confident in themselves.
A cold, transparent blue topaz stone looks like a piece of ice sparkling in the clean and frosty morning air. But topaz has many faces. And this applies not only to its color range, but also to its many different properties. Both medicinal and mystical-magical.
What is topaz as a stone?
Topaz is a fluorinated aluminum silicate and can vary dramatically in color. It can be colorless, transparent blue, blue, yellow, orange, pink. Just a fireworks of colors! But in no case should one classify the beautiful and mysterious rauchtopaz as a member of the large and friendly family of topaz. This smoky quartz has nothing to do with topaz.
The word “topaz” itself means “fire, heat,” which is completely legitimate, since when cut correctly, this stone, especially of a warm yellow color, emits a shine similar to the mysterious and hot reflections of a night fire.
In terms of density, topaz is the leader among precious stones. And in the Urals, where it began to be mined only in the 18th century, it received the name “heavyweight”, since it is much heavier compared to other stones of the same type. It was then, in the 18th century, that it gained popularity in Russia, although in other countries it had been known and revered since ancient times. For almost a century, Russian jewelers called topaz nothing other than “Siberian diamond,” thereby recognizing that it is practically indistinguishable in brilliance and beauty from the king of precious stones.
There are many topaz deposits on the planet. They are found in Burma, Australia, USA, Japan, Scotland, England, the Urals and Ukrainian Volyn. The Volyn deposit is truly unique and has no equal in the quality and stunning beauty of the crystals discovered there. It was in Volyn in 1965 that an amazing wine-yellow handsome crystal weighing 117 kilograms was found. But the leader among those mined from the bowels of the earth is still considered to be the Brazilian crystal. It weighed more than five tons.
Healing and magical properties of topaz
In ancient times, sages called topaz a stone that brings enlightenment, as it was noticed that it helped to quickly and correctly make the necessary decisions. He is considered the patron saint of criminologists and psychics. In addition, it promotes the development of intuition and prevents evil. In the old days, they believed that topaz had a unique ability to reveal all sorts of secrets and intrigues, and those who owned it could mystically subjugate those around them.
According to magical scenarios, topaz is considered a stone with strong protective properties. It protects its owner from the evil eye, hex and various witchcraft influences. Able to mysteriously attract wealth and favor from superiors to him.
In ancient times, a ring with topaz was a faithful companion of sailors and travelers going on sea voyages, as there was a belief that this precious stone could pacify storms and bad weather. In addition, in many countries various amulets are made from topaz. People believe that they can protect against the evil eye, damage and various troubles.
Topaz stone also has considerable healing properties. They are successfully used in lithotherapy – the treatment of various diseases using stones. With topaz you can:
- reduce nervous tension;
- recover from depression;
- relieve unbearable migraine headaches;
- maintain youth and attractiveness for a long time;
- overcome insomnia and anxiety;
- improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- reduce the intensity of attacks of epilepsy, gout and asthma.
It is believed that if you look at topaz for a long time, your vision improves. Contemplation of this dazzling stone can help improve the condition of patients with mental disorders.
Yellow-golden and honey-warm topazes are considered the most energetically strong.
Who are topaz products suitable for?
In terms of its energetic effects, topaz has a beneficial effect on almost all signs of the Zodiac, but is most favorable to Scorpios. And most of all he finds interaction with people who bear the names: Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Taisiya, Irina. At the same time, he gifts women with unearthly beauty, and men with worldly wisdom. The ancient Egyptians believed that this bright transparent stone brings happiness and good luck only to people with exceptionally pure souls and thoughts.
For better energetic contact between the stone and its owner, it is better to wear topaz in a gold frame and in the form of a ring on the index finger of the right hand or on the neck as a pendant. Products with topaz do not require special care, since this stone is quite resistant to external influences. It can be washed in warm soapy water using a special brush or soft rag, rinsing off any remaining soap with a stream of running water. When drying the product, you need to pay attention to the fact that soft blue topaz tends to fade and become discolored under bright sunlight.
Topaz received as a gift means that the person who presented it has a special affection for you and wishes you happiness and good luck in achieving all your goals.
1981- “Russian Jeweler”
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