How is diamond translated in Russian?
Almaz Sharman is currently developing a technology product that provides information resources for those who want to join a healthy lifestyle. Diamond Sharman is currently developing a technology product that provides information resources for those who want to join a healthy lifestyle. On top of that, the Almaz Central Naval Design Bureau quoted an outrageous price to them. In addition, the Central Naval Design Bureau Diamond quoted an outrageous price for them. In 2006-2008, the activities of Almaz Sharman were aimed at finding and implementing management technologies and standards in the health care system. In 2006-2008 activities Diamond Sharmana was aimed at identifying and implementing management technologies and standards in the healthcare system. Judging by the posted Photos, and official statements made by the company Excalibur Almaz.
Judging by the posted photographs and official statements from Excalibur representatives Almaz.
Founded in 2008, Almaz Capital investments in early stage, capital-efficient technology companies. Founded in 2008 Almaz Capital invests in capital-intensive technology companies in their early stages of development. Co-owner of Automobile Holding Almaz Group Co. and construction company Stikon.
Co-owner of an automobile holding Diamond Group and construction company Stikon. How much investment does Almaz Group plan over the next three years to implement this ambitious project? What is the volume of investment Diamond The Group plans over the next three years to implement this ambitious plan? By constantly using the elixir, Almaz and his girlfriend Milica live until the 20th century.
Constantly using the elixir, Diamond and his girlfriend Milica survived into the 20th century.
Attack anyone “Almaz“, of course, could not – it was a means of self-defense.
Attack someone “Diamond“, of course, he couldn’t – it was only a means of self-defense. At the end of his visit Almaz Tolymbek responded to the questions of Gulnara Karasha, the journalist. At the end of your trip Diamond Tolymbek answered questions from journalist Gulnara Karash.
Almaz will build a smaller version that will cost less, a source in the industry told Kommersant.
Diamond will build a smaller version that will cost less,” an industry source said. So, we strive to maximally speak with children in their language and involve popular children bloggers, Almaz Sharman told. Therefore, we try to speak to children in their language as much as possible and attract popular children’s bloggers,” said Diamond Sharman. WhyAlmaz – Antey” refused from many years of practice, we can only guess.
Why “Diamond – Antey” abandoned many years of practice, one can only guess.
Production of micro- and nanoHaHoresistors by gas-phase probe method on “Almaz” type plants
Preparation of micro- and nanoresistors by the gas-phase probe method using installations of the “Diamond». Our separating machinesAlmaz” can be used in different industrial sectors, including agricultural production and processing, industry, construction, pharmacology, etc. Application of our separating machines “Diamond»possible in various sectors such as agricultural production and processing, as well as in industry, construction, pharmacology, etc. Andrey Korobov: ‘Almaz Group has the opportunity to occupy a significant share in the global market’
Andrey Korobov: “U Diamond The Group has the opportunity to take a significant share in the global market”
Cdb “Almaz” developed a base project 20180.
Central Clinical Hospital “Diamond” developed the basic project 20180.
Almaz is an absolute record holder, he is the greatest ever discovered in North America. Diamond – absolute record holder, he is the greatest of all ever found in North America During these years, Almaz Sharman took American citizenship and became a research fellow at Johns Hopkins University. During these years Diamond Sharman takes American citizenship and becomes a research fellow at Johns Hopkins University. Potentially sensitive or inappropriate content The examples are intended only to assist in translating the words and expressions you are looking for in different contexts. Examples are not selected or approved by us and they may contain inappropriate words or ideas. Please let us know about examples that you think should be corrected or removed. Potentially sensitive, inappropriate or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. Register to see more examples. This just и for free
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Translate by voice, functions offline, synonyms, conjugation, educational game Results: 307. Exact matches: 307. Time taken: 63 ms Helping millions of people and businesses communicate more effectively in all languages. From Turkic, Wed: Tel., Tat., Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Kypch. almas – the same, tour. elmas, which goes through Arabic. from ancient Greek ἀδάμας. Russian diamond – already with Afanasy Nikitin. Data from M. Vasmer’s dictionary were used. See References.
Phraseologisms and stable combinations
- Englishen: glasscutter, glazier’s diamond
- Spanishes: diamante de vidriero
- Italianit: diamante tagliavetri
- Chinese (simplified): 钻石
Morphological and syntactic properties
Semantic properties
- diamond (similar to the Russian word) ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).
Related words
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From Turkic, Wed: Tel., Tat., Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Kypch. almas – the same, tour. elmas, which goes through Arabic. from ancient Greek ἀδάμας. Data from M. Vasmer’s dictionary were used. See References.
Phraseologisms and stable combinations
This is an unfinished article. You can help the project by correcting and expanding it.
In particular, you should clarify information about:
Morphological and syntactic properties
Noun, inanimate, masculine.
Semantic properties
- diamond (similar to the Russian word) ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).