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How is flint useful for humans?

Nutritionist, specialist in the prevention of nutrition-related diseases (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Russian State Social University, Interregional Center for CME, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology”, MAN). Certified dentist (GOU SPO MMU No. 1). Anti-age expert (RUDN University, Academy of Youth and Beauty). What role does silicon play in the human body? What does a deficiency or excess of silicon lead to? What foods contain silicon in large quantities? Silicon is one of the most common elements on earth; it is also found in the human body. Silicon and its alloys are used in many areas – in construction, healthcare, and the production of electronic devices.
Research shows that silicon is important for health, it affects the heart, skin, nails, hair, and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Silicon has not been fully studied and it is completely unclear exactly how it affects the body and how it helps us to be healthy.

The role of silicon in the human body

Silicon is rarely found in nature as an independent element. It occurs in combination with oxygen and other elements; you may have heard about silicon dioxide. It is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. Food sources include water, air, fruits and vegetables.
Silicon is important for the production of collagen and elastin, important for the health of connective tissues, bones, cartilage, tendons and joints. When we talk about the benefits of silicon, the first question that arises is why is silicon needed in the human body? Silicon is found in all human tissues, and as we have already said, its biological role is considered to be not fully understood. Everyone knows that vitamin D and calcium play a key role in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, but not everyone knows that silicon is also important in the formation of connective tissue, skin health and bone strength. Silicon is believed to protect blood vessels from damage. It plays an important role in many physiological processes in the body and is also important for dental health. Silicon promotes the synthesis of collagen, a protein that forms the basis of connective tissue. Silicon is also important for hair. In addition, according to some data, silicon plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system, promotes metabolism and normalizes cholesterol levels. Silicon has antioxidant properties, allowing it to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, it may help reduce inflammation and increase resistance to stress. Although silicon is not an essential micronutrient, its deficiency can lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you have enough silicon in your diet, especially if you have factors for its deficiency, such as poor nutrition or metabolic diseases. With the participation of silicon, radionuclides, heavy metals and chlorine are neutralized in the human body.

The body’s daily need for silicon

There are studies that have found that doses of silicon from 5-50 mg per day are not dangerous for humans. On average, silicon intake can range from 20-50 mg per day. However, this figure may vary depending on gender, age, physical activity and other factors. Additional intake of silicon may be relevant for certain conditions of the body: osteoporosis, when using certain medications, and diabetes. Additionally, diet and lifestyle should be taken into account. The daily requirement for silicon can usually be met through a balanced and healthy diet, as silicon is found in many foods.

Silicon deficiency

Silicon deficiency is a common phenomenon that can lead to negative consequences for human health. Silicon is one of the most abundant elements in the earth’s crust and performs important functions in the body, including strengthening bones and improving skin, hair and nails. In this section we will look at the causes of silicon deficiency, its symptoms and possible methods of compensation. The benefits and harms of silicon depend on the dosage, and proper use of silicon can help improve human health.


Silicon deficiency is quite rare, since its content is high not only in foods; a person can receive up to 15 mg from the air, and silicon deficiency can develop with consumption of less than 5 mg per day. The reasons may be an extremely unbalanced diet, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or impaired absorption.


Silicon deficiency leads to brittle nails and affects the appearance of skin and hair. Silicon deficiency can negatively affect the structure of bone tissue; due to its participation in calcium absorption, bone demineralization can occur. Silicon is an active participant in mineral metabolism in the body, and an imbalance in its quantity can also affect the immune system. With a deficiency of silicon, the healing process of wounds is slow, and fractures heal slowly.

Excess silicon

An excess of silicon can be a real disaster for your health. If there is too much of it, it can cause negative consequences. An excess of silicon can damage tissues and organs.


An overdose from consuming silicon in products cannot occur. Excess silicon, which is “not needed” by the human body, is excreted through the urinary tract. Excess can occur due to too much silicon in the form of dietary supplements. Also, an excess of silicon can occur due to pathologies of the excretory systems, for example, urolithiasis of the kidneys. An excess of silicon for the human body is most often associated with professional activities, with working conditions in production, where the silicon content is excessive.


  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Soreness in muscles and joints
  • Edema

If excess silicon intake continues for a long time, it can lead to serious consequences such as kidney damage and poor bone health. Therefore, if you suspect an excess of silicon in the body, you should seek medical help.

Silicosis is a lung disease that occurs due to regular inhalation of quartz dust, with the formation of characteristic nodules. Lung tissue loses its ability to absorb oxygen, which subsequently leads to suffocation and other serious lung diseases. Silicosis is an occupational disease, as scientists have identified a clear connection between the development of the disease and working conditions.

Foods rich in silicon

A lack of silicon can seriously affect the condition of your skin, hair and nails, so watch your diet and don’t forget about “silicon” products to prevent harm to your health and beauty! The human body cannot produce silicon on its own, therefore, it is recommended to consume it with food.

What foods contain silicon? Silicon is mainly found in plant foods and drinking water. Potatoes, cauliflower, spinach and peppers are rich in silicon. Silicon-rich fruits include strawberries and pears. In addition, silicon is part of water.

Silicon is found in many plant products.

Oatmeal is a great breakfast choice because it keeps you full longer and contains healthy cereal. Oatmeal is also rich in silicon – eating 100 g of oats, you get about 10-20 mg of silicon.

Eat bananas every day to replenish your daily dose of potassium and fiber, and increase your silicon intake. Eating 100 g of banana provides about 5 mg of silicon.

Adding 100g of spinach to your soup will give you about 6-7mg of silicon. Spinach is rich in iron and fiber, making it great for health-conscious people.

What other products contain silicon?

Rice is also a good source of silicon—eating 100g of rice gives you about 4mg of silicon. Be it pilaf or chicken biryani, rice dishes will help you reap the benefits of silica in a delicious way. If you are prone to diabetes, make sure you include brown rice rather than white rice.

What other products contain silicon? Besides oatmeal, bananas, spinach and rice, it is also found in other foods.

Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts contain high concentrations of silicon. For example, 100 g of almonds contain about 67 mg of silicon.

Fruits such as apples, pears, grapes and apricots also contain silicon. 100 g of apples contains about 7 mg of silicon, and 100 g of apricots contain about 6 mg of silicon.

Foods that contain silicon include vegetables such as potatoes, corn and broccoli, which are also sources of silicon. For example, 100 g of corn contains about 17 mg of silicon, and 100 g of broccoli contains about 6 mg of silicon.

Some types of seafood, such as shrimp, oysters and mussels, also contain silicon. For example, 100 g of shrimp contains about 6 mg of silicon.

An unexpected product containing silicon is water.

Water can also be a source of silicon. Some studies suggest that drinking water may contain varying concentrations of silicon depending on the source and region.

What foods are high in silicon? Silicon is abundant in many foods, so eating a varied diet can help meet your silicon needs, which can be beneficial for maintaining healthy skin, bones, and nails.


We have looked at all the advantages and disadvantages of silicon for our body, and I can say with confidence that silicon is an important useful element!

It helps us maintain the health of our skin, hair, nails and bones. Silicon also supports our immunity, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lowers cholesterol levels.

Of course, as with everything, it is important to maintain moderation and common sense. Excessive intake of silicon can lead to some negative effects, but don’t worry – this only happens at very high doses if you take silicon in supplements.

So, don’t be afraid of silicon and enjoy all its benefits for our health and eat a varied diet. And don’t forget, everything is good in moderation! If you are not sure where silicon is found, use justfood food delivery, because our menu has a wide variety of dishes and products.

A person needs about 40-50 milligrams of silicon daily. There are 2 options for delivering silicon to the body: water containing silicon and eating certain foods. We’ll talk a little lower about how to eliminate silicon deficiency in the body at home, but now we’ll decide which organs and systems suffer most from a lack of this mineral.

Silicon is necessary for the normal functioning of connective tissue, lungs, endocrine glands (adrenal gland, thyroid and pancreas, thymus, lymph nodes). The most silicon is in the lymph nodes (0,6 grams per 1 kilogram). A lack of silicon sharply impairs the functioning of these organs. The main function of silicon is to maintain normal metabolism in the body. More precisely, if there is not enough silicon, then approximately 70 other elements are not absorbed. Silicon creates colloidal systems that absorb harmful microorganisms and viruses, thus cleansing the body.
Studies have shown that silicon in water suppresses bacteria that cause fermentation and decay, precipitates heavy metals, neutralizes chlorine, and sorbs radionuclides. In a living organism, biologically active silicon substances, together with protein structures, contribute to the formation of enzymes, amino acids, and hormones. Silicon is especially necessary in connective tissue; it is found in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. There is a lot of silicon in the hair. Its highest concentration is found in hair and nails.
• strengthens the immune system;
• very useful for hair, skin and nails;
• about 70 elements are not absorbed if there is not enough silicon in the body. It is necessary for the absorption of calcium, chlorine, fluorine, sodium, sulfur, aluminum, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and other elements;
• silicon promotes the biosynthesis of collagen, participates in phosphorus metabolism and lipid metabolism, as well as maintaining its balance with calcium, which is closely related to the aging process of the body.
A relationship has been found between the lack of silicon in drinking water and cardiovascular diseases. Tuberculosis, diabetes, leprosy, hepatitis, hypertension, cataracts, arthritis, cancer are accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of silicon in tissues and organs, or disturbances in its metabolism.
Our body loses silicon every day – on average, we consume 3,5 mg of silicon per day with food and water, and we lose about 9 mg!
Causes of silicon deficiency:
• insufficient consumption of fiber and natural mineral water (purified water does not contain silicon);
• excess aluminum (for example, due to cooking in aluminum cookware);
• period of intensive growth in children;
• physical overload
Typically, a decrease in silicon content occurs against the background of a general mineral deficiency and is accompanied by a deficiency of magnesium and calcium.
Signs of silicon deficiency:
• disorders of the connective tissue – diseases of bones, ligaments, development of osteoporosis, periodontal disease, arthrosis;
• vascular damage – early atherosclerosis, increased cholesterol levels;
• dry, vulnerable skin;
• fragility and slow growth of nails;
• decrease in the body’s resistance to infections, diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
It is known that biological age is determined by the rate of metabolic processes, i.e. the rate of renewal of individual cells. And if many cosmetic products can solve the problem of hydration and protection to one degree or another, the problem of accelerating metabolism requires a more intensive change of the outer layer of the skin.
The slowdown in skin regeneration processes begins at approximately 30 years of age. By this time, the body is already beginning to feel a lack of silicon. Our body cannot restore silicon deficiency on its own, since the natural silicon compounds around us are mostly biologically inactive and are not able to participate in biochemical reactions inside the cell.
Let’s consider the effect of silicon deficiency on the development of some common diseases.
According to scientific research, the normal silicon content in the body is 4,7%. Silicon is part of blood vessels – with a deficiency of silicon, cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels much faster. In the walls of an artery affected by atherosclerosis, silicon content is 10–14 times less than normal. If you normalize the silicon content in the diet, then the development of atherosclerosis slows down and blood vessels are cleansed.
A few more words about cholesterol – our body needs this substance (cholesterol is part of the cell membrane). With a lack of silicon, cholesterol, after passing through the digestive tract and entering the blood, cannot be absorbed by cells. As a result, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood increases sharply, the blood becomes viscous, thick and, naturally, cholesterol sticks to the walls of blood vessels.
By increasing the amount of foods containing silicon in your diet, a person normalizes cholesterol metabolism in the body, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and providing cells with building material.
This disease most often affects the upper right part of the lungs and, according to scientists, this part of the lungs has the lowest concentration of silicon. With tuberculosis, the silicon content in the lungs decreases by 50%. The body of patients with tuberculosis usually lacks many microelements. By increasing the amount of silicon in your diet, a person solves two problems – it normalizes the amount of this trace element in the lungs and stimulates the absorption of other trace elements. The diet of a patient with tuberculosis should be dominated by foods rich in fiber; silicon from them is absorbed very effectively.
Bones, joints.
As you know, the state of the skeletal system primarily depends on the calcium content in the diet. But the fact is that calcium is not absorbed by the body if there is a deficiency of silicon. You can saturate your diet with foods containing calcium, but if there is a lack of silicon, the benefits from such a diet will be minimal. Silicon is also necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

There are two ways to normalize the balance of silicon in the body.
1. Increasing the amount of foods containing silicon in your diet.
2. Regularly using water saturated with silicon.
Large amounts of this element can be found in cereals and cereals. Buckwheat, rice, millet, wheat, oats, millet, oatmeal, corn, etc. Eating cereals will not only help replenish silicon reserves, but will also fill the body with other useful substances. Silicon is found in bread, such as bran or wheat flour.
The next group of products that can be distinguished are fruits and vegetables.
Silicon-containing vegetables are: white cabbage, cauliflower, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, onions, ripe pumpkin and carrots, bell peppers. All of these vegetables are available to everyone, so adding them to your daily menu should not be a problem.
But there are very few fruits containing a significant amount of silicon. These include apples, melon, bananas, plums and dates. This element is also found in some dried fruits: raisins, figs and dried apricots.
Silicon is contained in almost all green edible plants, as well as roots: lettuce; radish and turnip tops; celery; spinach; green onions; nettle; dandelion; horseradish; parsnip root.
The second option for increasing silicon content in the body is to use silicon mineral water. Water has its significant advantages:
– all minerals, including silicon, are in the water in an ionically active state, which allows them to be most effectively absorbed by the body,
– as you know, calcium, magnesium and silicon cannot be absorbed without each other; all these elements are present in natural mineral water,
– when choosing mineral water, pay attention to the label; the optimal ratio of minerals is Ca 100-300 mg, Mg 50-200 mg, H2SiO3 – 50-100 mg (silicon is designated metasilicon acid on the label). Metasilicic acid supplies the body with silicon in an easily digestible form.
– also an undeniable advantage is the fact that there are no calories in water, which is very important for people who tend to be overweight and strive for a slim figure.
Silicon has a large and varied effect on our body. Therefore, to prevent a deficiency of this element, you must regularly include foods containing it in your diet and drink mineral water.

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