Myths and legends

How is jade useful for humans?

NEPHRITIS – a cryptocrystalline entangled fibrous variety of minerals of the tremolite-ferroactinolite solid solution series, including an intermediate actinolite, which continues to be listed as minerals by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA). Sometimes jade is considered as a rock (mappable geological body), part of the composition of which is made up of the indicated types of minerals.
But more often jade is interesting as an ornamental stone, and the more jade the stone contains in its composition of the mineral tremolite or actinolite, or ferro-actinolite, the higher the grade of jade. English name: Nephrite
Other names (synonyms): Kidney stone (obsolete) First isolated and described: Unknown, since jade was not distinguished from jasper for a long time. According to Bukanov V.V. (2008), the Spanish physician and botanist Nicolas Monardes (1493-1588) described jade under the name “kidney stone” in 1569, guided by the principle of similarity – since the stone is shaped like a kidney, it means it heals the kidneys. Origin of the name: From the ancient Greek νεφρός – kidney
New items with Jade in the product catalog Products with Jade are presented in the following categories:

  • Unique exhibits and interior items,
  • Stones and minerals,
  • Decorations,
  • Products and souvenirs,
  • Cabochons and cutting,
  • Stones in esotericism,
  • Books
  • class Silicates
    • subclass Chain/tape (inosilicates)
      • Amphibole supergroup
        • Actinolite group
          • mineral Actinolite
            • variety of Jade

            Blue jade (blue nephrite) – a trade name mistakenly taken for a variety of jade
            Blue jade
            (blue nephrite) = Blue jade
            Black jade (black nephite) – depending on the place of origin, this can be either traditional actinolite jade, colored with an admixture of graphite and/or magnetite minerals, or a trade name mistakenly taken for a variety of jade, when the mineral composition is determined by amphibole with the root name arfvedsonite and simultaneous the presence of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ in its composition.

            Color: Green from light to dark green, sometimes almost black (ferruginous varieties); less often white, gray, from lavender to pink (magnesian varieties); spotted patterns occur (from inclusions of other minerals).

            Trait Color: White
            Transparency: Opaque, translucent
            Cleavage: Very imperfect (absent)
            Fracture: Splintered
            Gloss: Waxy, greasy, silky
            Hardness: 5,5-6,5
            Density (specific gravity), g/cm 3: from 2,8 (white jade) to 3,3 (green jade)
            Brittleness: Impact-ductile

            Special properties: Jade stone is well polished, processed in cabochon form, and often has a cat’s eye effect.

            Jade forms cryptocrystalline solid masses.

            Metamorphic: jade is mainly formed by the introduction of intrusions into rocks rich in magnesium (serpentinites, dolomites and others).

            Jade stone is ornamental.
            Medicinal properties

            In ancient times, it was believed that jade stone helped with kidney diseases. Subsequently, an explanation was found for this: having a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity, jade stone seems warm and pleasant to the touch. Jade applied to the lumbar region acts as a long-term warming compress or heating pad, providing a calming effect and gradually relieving pain. Adherents of lithotherapy, in addition to the physical effects, receive a positive psychosomatic effect.
            Some believe that jade normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs, protects hair from drying out, strengthens the liver, stomach, bones, circulatory system, vision, and hearing.
            Allegedly, jade stone is a good remedy for headaches, dizziness, atherosclerosis, and strokes.

            In China, white jade is the national stone.
            They say that, having strong energy, the jade stone gives people a sense of gentleness, justice, the desire for knowledge, promotes happy changes, and leads them out of a dead end. It is recommended to possess it for those who want to change their worldview and lifestyle, for people who are looking for enlightenment.
            Jade is credited with the ability to provide vitality, good health and longevity.
            In the East, jade was considered the “stone of victory” and greatness, an amulet that strengthened vitality and protected against the evil eye.

            Effect on chakras

            The jade stone has the greatest influence on the Manipura and Anahata chakras.

            • White jade – receptive Yin (absorbs energy)
            • Green jade – harmonizes Yin-Yang balance
            • The remaining colors have projective Yang energy (charge, activate)
            Interesting Facts

            The square in the formula indicates a vacancy, the occupation of which does not form a new mineral species.

            Jade stone was used by ancient man to make amulets and jewelry dating back to >100 thousand years BC (Stone Age).

            The largest jade product that has survived to this day and has a history of more than a thousand years is the tombstone of Tamerlane’s tomb, which today is kept in the city of Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

            This is a semi-precious, durable stone that can only be cut with a diamond. Comes in several colors. Emerald jade is common. But there are examples of white, blue and even red shades.

            Jade is a beautiful stone that speaks of great wealth. It is not at all afraid of fire; on the contrary, the more it heats up, the longer it releases heat. With a sharp change in temperature, it does not collapse or crack, but only hardens, becoming stronger. He is not afraid of any mechanical influences. The density, hardness and heat capacity of this stone are among the highest among other minerals.

            A high quality stone will last in a bathhouse for several decades. And its appearance and beneficial properties will not decrease at all.


            For centuries, jade has firmly held its position among the most useful bath stones. It is believed that it prolongs youth and has medicinal properties:

            1. Jade is said to cure cancer. There is no official confirmation of this statement, but it is mentioned more and more often.
            2. Relieves allergy symptoms and completely cures it.
            3. With its help you can get rid of problems with the kidneys, liver, and genitourinary system.
            4. Normalizes blood pressure.
            5. During bath procedures, warm stones are placed on bruises. The pain subsides almost immediately, and recovery accelerates.
            6. Helps cope with the symptoms of colds.
            7. It has no contraindications even for children. It is used for increased hypertonicity of the limbs and flat feet.
            8. Enhances regeneration, rejuvenates the body.
            9. And finally, it has pronounced aseptic properties.

            The “magical” abilities of the stone include the ability to attract wealth into the home, facilitate quick earnings, and provide the owner with rapid advancement up the career ladder.

            Note to buyers

            When choosing jade, you should exercise the utmost caution. Due to the high price of this mineral, the market is flooded with fakes. Therefore, do not be tempted by discount offers from dubious sellers, but buy goods in specialized stores that guarantee quality.

            The average price for jade is from 380 to 450 rubles. for 1 kg.

            The influence of jade on zodiac signs

            It is believed that this stone has a beneficial effect on everyone. But it is especially suitable for those who need change and agree to change their lifestyle.

            Jade has the most beneficial effect on Scales. They should select light-colored stone samples. It will protect them from difficulties, troubles, and will become a useful talisman.

            Devam It’s better to buy red jade. This way they can meet their love and find family happiness. The stone will attract success in any endeavor and promote career growth.

            Cancer and Pisces also fall under the beneficial influence of jade. Jewelry made from black and blue minerals will suit them. Stones of these shades impart strength and replenish energy reserves, and representatives of these signs really need this.

            Capricorns Green jade is suitable. It will help its owner curb outbursts of anger and rage. People of this sign will become less emotional. Green jade brings Capricorn’s plans to life and promotes him up the career ladder.

            Sagittarius and Taurus It is better to refrain from buying jade. It won’t harm them, but it won’t do them any good either.

            Jasper – royal luxury for your bath

            Serpentinite: what you need to know about the “snake stone” for a bath

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