How is mica used by humans?
According to the generally accepted definition, Muscovite (English muscovite, from Muscovy – Muscovy – the ancient name of Russia, from where large sheets of this mineral called “Moscow glass” were exported to the West), is a rock-forming mineral from the group of micas of the subclass of layered silicates. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: Moscow star, potassium mica, white mica, sericite, antonite, leukophyllite. Tabular crystals of monoclinic system. The basal cleavage is very perfect. Muscovite easily splits into the thinnest sheets, which is determined by its crystalline structure, composed of 3-layer packages of 2 sheets of silicon and aluminum-oxygen tetrahedra, connected through a layer composed of octahedra, in the center of which are located Al ions, surrounded by 4 oxygen ions and 2 OH groups ; 1/3 of the octahedra are not filled with Al ions. The packages are connected to each other by potassium ions. Hardness on the mineralogical scale 2,5 – 3; density 2760-3100 kg/m3. Muscovite is usually colorless, less often light brown, pale green and other colors; The luster is glassy, on the cleavage planes it is pearlescent and silvery. Hidden scaly masses with a silky sheen are called sericite. Muscovite is widespread; is a component of igneous as well as metamorphic rocks: granites and granite pegmatites, syenites, greisen, crystalline schists, gneisses. In pegmatite veins it occurs in the form of large crystals and clusters up to 1-2 m in diameter, which are of industrial importance. Field
On the Kola Peninsula and in Eastern Siberia (Mamskoye, Kanskoye); abroad – in India, the Malagasy Republic, Canada, the USA, Brazil. Application
The most important practical property of muscovite is its high electrical insulating qualities. In industry, muscovite is used in the form of mica sheets (for insulators, capacitors, telephones, etc.), mica powder (in the manufacture of roofing felt, mica cardboard, fire-resistant paints, etc.) and mica products (for electrical insulating gaskets in electrical appliances). Varieties
– Sericite is a term used to describe fine-grained white mica (muscovite or paragonite). Sericites are often characterized by high SiO2, MgO and H2O content and low K2O content compared to muscovite. Fine-grained samples that differ from muscovite in containing some or all of the above constituents may be classified as phengite, hydromuscovite, or illite.
– Phengite is used to designate muscovites in which the Si:A1 ratio is greater than 3:1; and usually an increase in the Si content is accompanied by the replacement of A1 in octahedral positions with Mg or Fe+2.
– Mariposite is a variety of phengite with a high Cr content.
– Alurgite is used to designate phengites with noticeable Mn content.
– Fibrous magnesian hydromuscovite, called gumbelite, was studied by Aruja (1944).
—The term illite seems to be the least defined; it is commonly used to designate micaceous minerals and to designate minerals with interlayered packages of micas and clay minerals. Medicinal properties
In folk medicine, there is an opinion that muscovite can be used for skin diseases, to get rid of acne and flaking. Some lithotherapists suggest that this mineral can positively influence the functioning of the endocrine system. It is believed that muscovite bracelets can serve as a preventative against thyroid diseases. Magical properties
It is believed that white and gray muscovite protect its owner from the danger of freezing. Brown and yellow attract financial luck and success in all endeavors. Green stone influences a person’s inner world – it makes him nobler, calmer and kinder. The pink mineral attracts mutual love, revives cooled marital feelings, and creates harmony in the life of its owner. Astrologers believe that muscovite can be worn by all zodiac signs except Scorpio and Libra. The gem simply does not feel people born under these signs, and therefore cannot be useful to them. Talismans and amulets
As a talisman, muscovite protects its owner from moral injury and physical violence.
source Albite is sodium feldspar. The color of the mineral is most often gray with various shades. Colorless crystals are found. The shine is glassy. Hardness – 6,0-6,5; density – 2,62 g/cm3. Main deposits: USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, etc. Medicinal properties
There is an opinion that albite is an excellent means of preventing kidney diseases, diseases of the liver, spleen and pancreas. Lithotherapists recommend applying the mineral to the sore spot immediately after taking the medication and lying down for a few minutes (about 15-20), completely relaxed. They say that during this time the stone absorbs the disease, so after the procedure it needs to be held under running water for 5 minutes to wash away the negativity extracted by albite from the human body. After this, the stone can be used again. Magical properties
Albit is a conductor of the energy of the Moon and the Sun. Astrologers advise having not one, but two stones (including in the form of products). In the Chinese Feng Shui method, designed to harmonize a person’s inner life and relationships with the outside world, this mineral is used to determine the excess of Yin or Yang energy. To achieve harmony, a person must have equal amounts of these energies. Albit is able to neutralize the excess of one energy and add that energy that a person does not have enough (in the physical body, soul, thoughts, home). Lunar albite adds Yin energy, solar albite adds Yang energy. Lunar and solar minerals can be made by “walking” stones in the rays of moonlight and sunlight. One stone should be placed on the windowsill on the night of the new moon, including the full moon (put it in the box during the day), the other stone should be placed from dawn to dusk during the same period. People born under any zodiac sign can own products made from albite. Talismans and amulets
As a talisman, paired albites help the owner to have a wise, philosophical attitude towards everything that happens in his life. They cleanse a person and his home from negativity from the outside.
source According to the generally accepted definition, Columbite (from the Latin columbium – Columbia, the name used in the USA (see USA) for niobium), a mineral from the columbite – tantalite group, which unites complex oxides such as AB2O6. Minerals of this group form isomorphic series: FeNb2O6 – MnNb2O6 (columbite itself) and FeTa2O6 – MnTa2O6 (tantalite itself). Columbites include members of isomorphic series in which niobium (in weight %) predominates over tantalum. There are such varieties of columbite as columbite-tantalum and ferrocolumbite. There are minerals with admixtures of tin and tungsten. Another name for the mineral is niobite. Varieties of columbite are tantalocolumbite (20-40% Ta2O5), ferrocolumbite (FeO: MnO > 3:1), manganocolumbite (MnO: FeO > 3:1), magnesiocolumbite (FeO MnO), ixiolite (up to 13% SnO2). In addition to the main components, columbite almost always contains impurities of Ti, W and rare earth elements, as well as U, Th, Zr. Columbite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. The structure is based on the densest hexagonal (two-layer) packing of oxygen atoms, in the alternating layers of which the octahedral voids are alternately occupied by (Nb, Ta) and (Fe, Mn). The crystals are short-prismatic, thin-lamellar or tabular. The color is black, brownish-black, less often reddish-brown (manganocolumbites). Main deposits: deposits are confined to granites and pegmatite veins. Columbite is associated with quartz, mica, feldspar and other minerals. Columbite is a characteristic mineral of ankerite carbonatites. Significant accumulations have been established in Germany (Bavaria), Sweden, Greenland, the USA (Connecticut, Colorado and South Dakota) and Africa (Northern Nigeria). In Russia it is found in Siberia, the Kola Peninsula, Karelia and the Urals. Color black, semi-metallic luster. Hardness 6–6,5 on the Maos scale, density 5,2 g/cm3. Medicinal properties
In folk medicine, it is believed that columbite can increase blood pressure. Some healers suggest that this mineral helps with colds caused by hypothermia. Magical properties
Since ancient times, it has been believed that columbite protects its owner from danger, protects against evil spells, gives courage, gives confidence in oneself and the future, saves from infidelity, exposes the machinations of enemies, detects lies and fraud. Like all black stones, columbite is associated with black magic. Sorcerers have long used it to protect themselves from evil forces while performing magical rituals. Protects the stone and the home of its owner. It reflects the negativity that penetrates the house and returns it to where it came from (for example, if someone is desperately jealous of the owner of the stone and wishes him all sorts of troubles, columbite will catch a clot of negative energy and send it to the ill-wisher). Experts say that columbite should not be worn by women; it only helps men. Teenagers should not wear it either – columbite can make them overly aggressive. Astrologers recommend wearing columbite in the form of cufflinks and tie clips. The stone can only be worn in a ring by military personnel and lawyers. The mineral is ideal for air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) can wear it only if their professional activities are related to trade transactions. Columbite is contraindicated for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). It can strengthen their natural bad tendencies (anger, deceit, aggressiveness). Talismans and amulets
Columbite is an ideal talisman for the military. It is believed that the stone protects its owner from injury, gives him courage, and helps him make quick and correct decisions in difficult times. Application. Columbite serves as a raw material for the production of niobium and tantalum.
Terms of delivery
Option 1: Russian Post (depends on the distance and weight of the parcel)
Delivery cost: 400 rubles Mica is a natural mineral. Used in pigmented products (such as powder) to provide opacity and impart a pearlescent sheen to pigments. To understand whether our product contains this ingredient, study the composition on the label. It is found under the name MICA. How is mica obtained? We use mica mainly from the USA and India. Mica is mined directly from the topsoil. This is one of the main components of granite. What is it used for? Mica is a safe ingredient used in lipsticks, nail polishes and foundations as it has numerous beneficial properties and benefits. Shine and Shine
Opacity “Why is its use questioned? ” In India, mica is mined in areas of socio-economic instability, where there may be cases of child labor, potentially hazardous working conditions, or where there are too many participants in the supply chain, making it difficult to trace. Data.
- Faced with these challenges, we are committed to continuing our operations in India and ensuring control and transparency throughout the supply chain. We are convinced that the refusal to supply mica from India will aggravate the situation in the region. In addition, local NGOs and expert organizations are supporting initiatives to create a reliable mica supply chain, which in turn will improve living and working conditions in the region.
- Along with other members, we contribute greatly to the Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI)* to ensure responsible sourcing in India.
- The company is a party to the UN Global Compact and is committed to supporting and respecting the protection of human rights at all stages of the supply chain process. This commitment is one of the fundamental elements of the Code of Ethics.
* An initiative to eliminate child labor and unacceptable working conditions in the Indian mica supply chain by bringing together the efforts of various industries and with the support of local NGOs. For more information, see the latest RMI report here.
Why do we use this ingredient and in what form?
We use Indian mica because it has excellent properties: it adds shine, shine and an opaque texture to products (for example, for denser coverage in powder).
If technically possible, we use synthetic mica.
Today, 98% of mica comes from fully verified sources. L’Oréal has developed the Responsible Mica Initiative and is committed to eliminating child labor and unacceptable working conditions for the Indian population, whose livelihoods are largely dependent on mica supplies.
By collaborating with stakeholders (industry, NGOs, etc.) and mica buyers through this Initiative, we are actively contributing to the sustainability of the sector, ensuring compliance with ethical standards and protecting children’s rights.
By building reliable supply chains, we support local communities.
We continue to mine mica in India and ensure traceability and transparency in our supply chain, allowing us to drive economic development and improve the livelihoods of workers in India.