Therapeutic properties

How is onyx useful for humans?

Jewelry with stones is a win-win option for creating an original and unusual look. When thinking about gems, many people think of diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls and others. But onyx stone deserves no less attention. Jewelry with onyx looks amazing, because the mineral has a rich history, an unusual striped color, it has always been respected by many peoples of different faiths – be it Christians or even Muslims. Since ancient times, fables have been told about onyx, diseases have been treated with its help, and used as a powerful energy talisman against everything bad. So what is this magic stone? Read more about the properties of onyx, its deposit, and its features in the article.

Characteristics of onyx: what you need to know about the stone

  • main feature – striped color, which is obtained due to different inclusions arranged in layers;
  • the stone has sufficient hardness, on the Mohs scale it corresponds to 6,5-7 out of 10 units;
  • has a pronounced glassy shine;
  • structure The gemstone is opaque, occasionally up to four centimeters can be seen through;
  • average density Onyx stone reaches 2,66 grams per cubic centimeter.

Onyx stone is used in jewelry, decoration and design. Due to the excellent physical properties of the gem, jewelers use onyx in the manufacture of jewelry. After all, the mineral is easy to process, has high strength, a beautiful color palette and unique stripes. Rings, earrings, pendants and even necklaces are made with stones.

The price of onyx stone is not very high. Accessories with mineral are considered affordable. The cost of an onyx product will depend on the precious metal frame and the shade and size of the stone.

Mineral deposits are most often found in almost all countries of the world. However, the ideal stone was found most often in Brazil, Uruguay, Arabia, India, Australia and North America. Also, fairly large deposits of onyx have been found in Afghanistan, Mexico, Turkey, Pakistan and Iran.

What shades can onyx be?

Onyx is a multi-colored stone, the color range of which is very rich. Each mineral is harmonious and special. After all, nature itself created it. Interestingly, the color of the gem is influenced by impurities – silicon oxide, iron, chloride and other minerals.

In nature, the mineral is found in almost all color shades. Most Popular:

  1. Black onyx, also called Arabic. It has a rich striped black hue, with additional inclusions of white spots.
  2. Orange-red, brown stone also looks very beautiful.
  3. Green onyx called mineral. Refers to a type of calcite.
  4. White gemstone is often used in decorative items. The stones have a milky or soft pink hue and often have beautiful patterns in the form of small cracks or veins.
  5. Brown, pink, blue, yellow and beige minerals are common.

Remember that a real stone cannot be completely monochromatic!

What properties does onyx have?

The properties of onyx stone are very extensive. The mineral has a beneficial effect on human life and health. Therefore, we will divide the actions of the gem into healing and magical actions.

Medicinal qualities

Since ancient times, the stone has often been used in traditional medicine. They ground it into powder, cleansing the oral cavity, and infused water on it to combat excess weight problems. The powder was also applied to wounds and injuries, which then healed quickly. Later, modern experts proved this information by widely using medicinal properties in many other cases.

The main effect of the mineral is on the nervous system, where it helps in the fight against depression, nervous tension, improves mood, and helps maintain self-control. In addition, it has a positive effect on:

  • inflammatory processes, relieving inflammation, lowering temperature;
  • increasing potency;
  • general condition of the body – relieves fatigue, laziness, irritability;
  • immune system;
  • slowing down the development of tumors;
  • problems with rheumatism;
  • liver, kidneys, maintaining healthy organs;
  • recovery from serious injuries and illnesses.

Jewelry with onyx in the form of red gold pendants will help in the treatment of heart failure, and gold earrings with onyx will help normalize hearing and vision.

Magical properties

The magic stone onyx is considered a powerful life talisman. It is capable of protecting its owner not only from the evil eye, negative thoughts, conspiracies and other magical rituals. The gem helps to overcome hostility by enhancing the effect of a person’s energy field.

Many ancient peoples associated the onyx jewelry stone with masculine energy. In India, it was considered an amulet of a leader; among the Aztecs, it was worn by men who had courage and went straight to their goal. Many leaders used the gem to restrain their own feelings, maintain a cool mind, and achieve the respect of their subordinates.

Today, experts are confident that only those people who have a positive attitude and a kind soul can wear gold jewelry with onyx, so as not to let the mineral turn against them.

It’s interesting, but in terms of magical properties, the black onyx stone works best. It is this that increases internal energy, potential, and gives strength to those who are physically exhausted. Therefore, a gold and onyx ring, best worn on the middle finger, will give the owner a strong supply of energy.

Onyx stone: who suits it according to their zodiac sign

This magical mineral helps to absolutely reveal the owner’s own magical, healing characteristics if it suits him according to his zodiac sign.

He has an ideal combination with Aries and Capricorns. For a hot-tempered Aries, the gem helps to cope with difficult emotions, bring things started to completion, and firmly move towards their goals. Jewelry with onyx will help them direct energy to the necessary area. For them, onyx is the optimal stone. The mineral will help Capricorn achieve powerful personal growth, inspire him to reach peaks, and relieve him of distraction.

Who else is onyx stone suitable for:

  • Taurus will be relieved of bad behavior, negative habits, and will also help to reveal their sociability. However, it is worth choosing onyxes of light, warm colors to enhance the magical and healing effect. It will help lazy representatives of this zodiac sign increase their ability to work, giving strong impetus to action.
  • For Libra, it is better to choose a stone of a blue hue in order to streamline all life processes.
  • For Leos, the gem will help them become more decisive, more confident, achieve success and respect, as well as love.
  • Male Cancers are recommended to choose blue-colored minerals to increase self-confidence and find inner harmony. It will promote positive thinking to achieve success in your professional activities.
  • It will help Virgos overcome embarrassment, dependence on the opinions of others, and will also give peace and peace of mind.
  • For Sagittarius, onyx will bring life balance, protecting against envy, evil and other negative influences.
  • Scorpios can use the stone to ward off bad thoughts, depression and others. Black onyx is ideal for Scorpios.
  • It will help Aquarians achieve self-confidence.

Who is the mineral not suitable for?

Under no circumstances should representatives of Pisces and Gemini wear the mineral.

Pisces should not wear jewelry with onyx for the reason that the gem can make them prone to depression and renunciation of earthly goods (asceticism). The talisman is contraindicated for Geminis, as they are very creative, versatile personalities. A stone with such powerful energy will “force” you to stop at only one specific goal in order to persistently move towards it. Thus, the person may lose interest in other goals. As a result, the owner of the amulet may become depressed.

Ways to fake onyx stone

Onyx stone is considered a relatively inexpensive mineral, but there are fakes. Today there are two methods of imitation.

  1. The first method is that cheap onyx can be treated with various chemical compounds. They bring it closer to an appearance that is almost identical to a standard jewelry stone. This method is called counterfeiting. The disadvantage of this method of counterfeiting is that the mineral does not have a stable shade and fades very quickly from sunlight and moisture. The fact is that the reagents, getting into the microcracks of the ornamental stone, are quickly washed out from there.
  2. The second method is that the artificially derived polymer material is painted so that it has exactly the same color method as natural onyx. This artificial onyx is considered to be honestly imitated.

How to distinguish natural onyx from a fake?

Fortunately, it is very easy to distinguish a fake from a real mineral; even an ordinary person can handle it. To do this correctly, you need to know about the important features of natural onyx:

  1. A real gem will look quite proportional in appearance, without sharp color shades.
  2. Onyx does not tend to conduct heat well. Try this experiment: hold the stone in your hand for a few minutes. If it remains cool, then this means that this is a natural stone.
  3. Natural onyx is very strong and almost impossible to deform. For example, if you run a blade over it, there will be no scratches. But a fake can easily be deformed.

Let’s add that onyx looks perfect in gold. When buying jewelry, look carefully at the stone and hold it in your hands to decide.

Natural stones have been faithful companions of people throughout the history of mankind. They not only become elements of luxury jewelry, but also have magical and healing properties. Onyx stone is considered one of the most spectacular and mysterious in appearance. Revered in Christian and Muslim cultures, it is surrounded by numerous legends. What properties of onyx can be useful for humans? Let’s take a closer look at this stone and the opportunities it opens up for women and men.

Description and characteristics of the stone

  • deposits of the mineral are found in different parts of the planet. The most famous territories where onyx is mined include India, Brazil, Uruguay, and the states of the Arabian Peninsula. The stone is found within the terrestrial rock, and sometimes forms full-fledged cave deposits. A striking example is the impressive Turkmen onyx galleries;
  • Intricate patterns are a key distinguishing feature of onyx. Ornaments are formed as a result of the distribution of impurities in which the stone is rich;
  • onyx is a mineral with a glassy luster, which, depending on its composition, is opaque or transmits sunlight to several centimeters. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of the stone ranges from six to seven, which practically puts it on par with durable and hard granite.

What colors can onyx be: the main types of mineral

Onyx is a stone whose properties depend on the types of impurities and the characteristics of its formation. When purchasing jewelry or crafts, remember: this mineral cannot be monochromatic.


The most common type of onyx. Its characteristic feature is alternating stripes of brown and white. The former are formed due to the presence of aluminum-silicon compounds in the composition, and the latter – oxides of non-ferrous metals.

When planning to buy such onyx, it is better to study the properties for whom it is suitable before purchasing. This stone is the personification of courage, activity, and health. He is considered a faithful companion to wanderers, philosophers, and the guardian of the family hearth.

White onyx

As a rule, such a stone is opaque and has a slight pink or aquamarine tint. Thanks to its pastel color scheme, this exquisite mineral has become widespread in jewelry.

Black onyx

Black onyx stone deserves special attention, the magical properties of which excite people throughout the entire period of the mineral’s existence.

The surface of the spectacular gem, which is also called Arabic, is decorated with graceful white lines. They create fancy designs that attract jewelry buyers.

If you study black onyx in more detail and its magical properties, it turns out that it is a symbol of wisdom, patience, insight, and strong will. The stone is considered the patron saint of leaders, philosophers, and speakers who require confidence and determination.

It is impossible not to note the protective properties of the mineral. Products made from onyx become real amulets, protecting their owner from the evil eye, illness, accidents and even premature death. That is why an amulet with a mineral of this color is suitable for public figures, extreme sports enthusiasts, and travelers.

green onyx

The stone of different shades of green from light green to rich emerald is decorated with ornaments of white and brown lines. It is actively used not only in jewelry, but also in the manufacture of decorative items and interior decoration.

Green onyx is a stone whose properties have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The mineral fills its owner with energy, allows you to learn how to correctly express emotions and establish relationships with people around you.

Marble onyx

Often among the varieties of this mineral you can find marble onyx. However, it is immediately worth noting that in fact it is a type of marble with calcite or organic aragonite in its composition.

Such a stone is a rock that serves only as an ornamental material. Depending on the impurities, its color can be different – from transparent with individual thin lines to dark green.

What is the value of marble onyx, whose properties differ from natural minerals? It has an affordable price and becomes the optimal solution for making crafts and creating large interior and exterior compositions.

Does marble onyx exhibit magical properties? No. For a person, the stone is not a source of special energy and does not in any way affect well-being, professional activity, or communication with others.

How to distinguish a fake

Healing and magical properties are characteristic only of natural onyx. How to determine the authenticity of a mineral when purchasing? Use these criteria:

  • transparency. Onyx is a unique mineral, the patterns of which can be seen at a depth of several centimeters. When producing a fake, it is impossible to achieve such a visual effect;
  • patterns. Artificial stones are covered either with too bright and clear, or with invisible and blurry patterns. Genuine onyx products look more organic and natural;
  • weight. True onyx is heavier than its plastic or agate counterparts;
  • color. Most products made from fake onyx soon lose their original appearance and become more faded and dull. This is due to the increased sensitivity of chemical dyes to environmental factors;
  • price. Onyx stones, whose properties and meaning attract many people, do not belong to the premium segment. However, you can’t call them budget either. Be wary of prices that are too low, because no one will sell natural onyx for less than its cost.

Magical and healing properties of onyx stone

When planning to buy an onyx stone, be sure to find out its magical properties and who is suitable for it in advance. Like any other natural stone with powerful energy, it has a unique effect on human health and destiny.

The magical properties of jewelry and crafts made from onyx have been confirmed for centuries. Products made from the mineral invariably accompanied military commanders, government officials, and entrepreneurs. Onyx is a stone whose healing and magical properties are most manifested in purposeful, strong-willed, energetic people. The mineral helps to concentrate, direct efforts towards achieving specific goals, adds determination and optimism.

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that during public speaking, the onyx stone demonstrated its properties and meaning for a person by placing a bead under the tongue. Modern politicians, actors and public figures do not resort to such dangerous experiments. To appreciate the role of the stone for the owner, it is enough to wear jewelry with onyx or grab an onyx rosary.

Whose zodiac sign suits onyx?

When purchasing products with natural stones, be sure to consider their impact on representatives of different zodiac signs. What kind of people are really suited to onyx, and who should stay away from it?

It is believed that the most unsuitable sign for onyx is Gemini. Their energy is diametrically opposite and there is no point in hoping that the mineral will show its healing and magical effect. At best, onyx will play the role of a neutral decoration.

So who is onyx stone suitable for? The mineral is of particular importance for such owners:

  • Leos will appreciate the influence of onyx to a greater extent. The stone will increase the already expressed internal strength, motivation, and energy of the representatives of this zodiac sign;
  • Onyx stone exhibits magical properties for women and men of Taurus and Capricorn. Thanks to decorations, they will become more active and collected;
  • The properties of onyx stone will be useful for the Virgo woman. The mineral will help get rid of unnecessary worries and self-criticism.

Don’t forget: the magical properties of onyx for men and women appear only with good thoughts and active actions.

What is made from onyx?

Onyx is a stone from which numerous accessories and decorative items are created:

  • dice;
  • keychains;
  • balls, pyramids;
  • animal figurines;
  • pillboxes;
  • glasses made of onyx, the properties of which do not affect the taste of drinks;
  • caskets;
  • vases;
  • watches and other products.

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