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How many calories are in 200 grams of fillet?

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Caloric value 110 kcal 1684 kcal 6.5% 5.9% 1531 g

Energy value Boiled chicken fillet (200g) is 110 kcal. Primary source: Created in the application by the user. More. ** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Product calculator

Nutritional value per 100 grams
Serving size (–> –> –> –> –>
Vitamins and minerals Most foods may not contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis

  • Sausage (1 piece)
  • vinaigrette
  • MILK
  • sunbathing
  • fruit mixture (banana, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry)
  • macaroon almond halves
  • Corn porridge
  • carcass cutlets
  • apples and dates
  • boiler
  • brisket with mushrooms
  • Philadelphia rolls
  • Beef goulash
  • Pork goulash (100g)
  • Fried beef liver
  • Cucumber and Tomato Salad
  • Fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil
  • The vinaigrette
  • Sauerkraut
  • Processed cheese soup
  • Beet salad with sour cream
  • Chips(25g)
  • Pizza (1 piece)
  • Butter (1 tsp)
  • Sunflower oil (1 tsp)
  • Tomato sauce (1 tsp)
  • Mayonnaise (1 tsp)
  • Honey (1 tsp)
  • Sugar (1 tsp)
  • Oatmeal cookies (1 piece)-
  • Lollipop (1 piece)-
  • Ice cream sundae
  • Chocolate candy
  • Marshmallow (1 piece)
  • Sponge cake (1 piece)
  • Chocolate (1 strip)
  • Orange juice (1 glass)
  • Cherry juice (1 glass)
  • Grape juice (1 glass)
  • Apple juice (1 glass)
  • Tomato juice (1 glass)
  • Cocoa with milk and sugar (1 cup
  • Coffee without sugar (1 cup) –
  • Coffee with milk (no sugar, 1 cup)
  • Coffee with cream (no sugar, 1 cup) –
  • Tea without sugar (1 cup)
  • Rollton
  • Eggplant and zucchini stew
  • Dried fruit compote (no sugar)
  • Light beer (0,5l)
  • Dry white wine (100ml)
  • Hamon
  • Basturma
  • Rye crisps
  • steamed rice
  • tomato juice
  • coffee settlement
  • error
  • Baked potatoes, peel, no salt
  • Rye bread healthy style
  • Shortbread cookies
  • kefir pancakes with soda
  • Cottage cheese 1% Savushkin product
  • Cottage cheese 1% Savushkin product
  • Marshmallow “Red Pischevik”
  • California rolls
  • French fries
  • Gosha ice cream in a cup
  • Red cabbage, cucumber and radish salad
  • Salad
  • boiled rice
  • sandwich with peanut butter and blueberry-raspberry jam
  • Crab stick salad
  • Rye bran
  • Muesli bar
  • chips of coconut
  • dried banana
  • carrot-apple salad with kugaga and walnuts
  • Fudge
  • Soft cottage cheese “Minsk brand” 4%
  • salmon oven
  • Il Patio, Pasta with mushrooms and asparagus
  • Khlebtsy-Well done
  • Porridge mullun paras 4 grains
  • Cheesecake
  • Oka bread
  • Bread “Minskie”
  • hedgehogs
  • protein shake
  • soft cheese with dill and cucumber “syrko”
  • ABC puree “apple + peach”
  • low-fat kefir
  • Curd 0%
  • dried fruits
  • ABC “apple-banana” puree
  • omelet
  • Boiled squid
  • baked salmon
  • Cold smoked chum salmon

Tags: Boiled chicken fillet (200g) calorie content 110 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, benefits of Boiled chicken fillet (200g), calories, nutrients, beneficial properties Boiled chicken fillet (200g)

Daily Nutrient Calculator

Calculate the amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals depending on gender, age, weight and level of physical activity.

Calories, vitamins and minerals calculator
Counts proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in your daily menu.

Recipe calculator-analyzer
Calculate the calorie content and chemical composition of a dish or recipe

Leading Products
A complete guide to the healthiest foods with the highest content of vitamins and minerals

Recommendations for losing weight

Ideal weight calculator, body mass index, calorie range calculation, recommendations for weight loss, action plan.

Calorie calculator
Calculates energy expenditure for various types of physical exercise

Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI, BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s weight and his height and, thereby, indirectly assess whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive.

Product calculator and analyzer

The food calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of a product and help you create a diet that is completely balanced.

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Caloric value 113 kcal 1684 kcal 6.7% 5.9% 1490 g
Proteins 23.6 g 76 g 31.1% 27.5% 322 g
Fats 1.9 g 56 g 3.4% 3% 2947 g
Carbohydrates 0.4 g 219 g 0.2% 0.2% 54750 g
Carbohydrates (total) 0.4 g ~
Water 73 g 2273 g 3.2% 2.8% 3114 g
Ash 1.1 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 9 μg 900 μg 1% 0.9% 10000 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.07 mg 1.5 mg 4.7% 4.2% 2143 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.07 mg 1.8 mg 3.9% 3.5% 2571 g
Vitamin B4, choline 82.1 mg 500 mg 16.4% 14.5% 609 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 1.495 mg 5 mg 29.9% 26.5% 334 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.811 mg 2 mg 40.6% 35.9% 247 g
Vitamin B9, folate 9 μg 400 μg 2.3% 2% 4444 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin 0.21 μg 3 μg 7% 6.2% 1429 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.56 mg 15 mg 3.7% 3.3% 2679 g
Vitamin PP, NE 7.69 mg 20 mg 38.5% 34.1% 260 g
niacin 10.9 mg ~
Potassium, K 292 mg 2500 mg 11.7% 10.4% 856 g
Calcium, Ca 8 mg 1000 mg 0.8% 0.7% 12500 g
Magnesium, Mg 86 mg 400 mg 21.5% 19% 465 g
Sodium, Na 60 mg 1300 mg 4.6% 4.1% 2167 g
Sera, S 225 mg 1000 mg 22.5% 19.9% 444 g
Phosphorus, P 171 mg 800 mg 21.4% 18.9% 468 g
Chlorine, Cl 77 mg 2300 mg 3.3% 2.9% 2987 g
Trace Elements
Iron, Fe 1.4 mg 18 mg 7.8% 6.9% 1286 g
Iodine, I 6 μg 150 μg 4% 3.5% 2500 g
Cobalt, Co 9 μg 10 μg 90% 79.6% 111 g
Manganese, Mn 0.02 mg 2 mg 1% 0.9% 10000 g
Copper, Cu 80 μg 1000 μg 8% 7.1% 1250 g
Molybdenum, Mo 11 μg 70 μg 15.7% 13.9% 636 g
Selenium, Se 22.8 μg 55 μg 41.5% 36.7% 241 g
Fluorine, F 130 μg 4000 μg 3.3% 2.9% 3077 g
Chromium, Cr 25 μg 50 μg 50% 44.2% 200 g
Zinc, Zn 1.3 mg 12 mg 10.8% 9.6% 923 g
Essential Amino Acids
Arginine* 1.82 g ~
valine 1.3 g ~
Histidine* 1.32 g ~
Isoleucine 1.13 g ~
leucine 1.98 g ~
lysine 2.64 g ~
methionine 0.45 g ~
Methionine + Cysteine 0.87 g ~
threonine 1.11 g ~
tryptophan 0.38 g ~
phenylalanine 1.06 g ~
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 1.96 g ~
Replaceable amino acids
alanine 1.3 g ~
Aspartic acid 1.94 g ~
Hydroxyproline 0.21 g ~
glycine 0.92 g ~
Glutamic acid 2.83 g ~
Proline 1.01 g ~
serine 1.01 g ~
tyrosine 0.9 g ~
Cysteine 0.43 g ~
Fatty acid
Omega-3 fatty acids 0.01 g from 0.9 to 3.7 g 1.1% 1%
Omega-6 fatty acids 0.21 g from 4.7 to 16.8 g 4.5% 4%
Cholesterol 10 mg max 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids 0.51 g max 18.7 g
14:0 Miristinovaya 0.01 g ~
16:0 Palmitinaya 0.4 g ~
18:0 Stearic 0.09 g ~
20:0 Arakhinovaya 0.01 g ~
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.71 g min 16.8 g 4.2% 3.7%
16:1 Palmitoleic (ud) 0.12 g ~
17:1 Heptadecene 0.01 g ~
18:1 Oleic (ud) 0.58 g ~
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.22 g from 11.2 to 20.6 g 2% 1.8%
18:2 Linoleic (ud) 0.19 g ~
18:3 Linolenic (ud) 0.01 g ~
20:4 Arachidonic (ud) 0.02 g ~

Energy value Chicken breast (fillet) is 113 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and others. Chemical composition of food products. Read more.

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Product calculator

Nutritional value per 100 grams
Serving size (–> –> –> –> –>
Vitamins and minerals

Most foods may not contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how much a product or diet meets the standards of a healthy diet or the requirements of a certain diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

Calculate your standards

If more energy is expended than it is received, the body begins to use up fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Chicken breast (fillet) rich in vitamins and minerals such as: choline – 16,4%, vitamin B5 – 29,9%, vitamin B6 – 40,6%, vitamin PP – 38,5%, potassium – 11,7%, magnesium – 21,5, 21,4%, phosphorus – 90%, cobalt – 15,7%, molybdenum – 41,5%, selenium – 50%, chromium – XNUMX%

  • Mixed is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin V5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin V6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor for many enzymes that ensure the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
  • Selenium – an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, and is involved in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Chromium participates in the regulation of blood glucose levels, enhancing the effect of insulin. Deficiency leads to decreased glucose tolerance.

You can see a complete guide to the healthiest foods in the “My Healthy Diet” app.

Calorie content and chemical composition of other products

  • Chicken, broiler chickens 1 category.
  • Chicken, broiler chickens 2 category.
  • Goose 1 cat.
  • Goose 2 cat.
  • Goslings 1 cat.
  • Home
  • Product composition
  • Poultry composition
  • Chemical composition of “Chicken breast (fillet)”

Energy value, or calorie content – this is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during the digestion process. The energy value of the product is measured in kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. The kilocalorie used to measure the energy value of food is also called a food calorie, so when caloric content is reported in (kilo)calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed energy value tables for Russian products here.

The nutritional value — content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of food product – a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person for the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

Vitamins, organic substances required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person’s daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

Daily Nutrient Calculator

Calculate the amount of calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals depending on gender, age, weight and level of physical activity.

Calories, vitamins and minerals calculator
Counts proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in your daily menu.

Recipe calculator-analyzer
Calculate the calorie content and chemical composition of a dish or recipe

Leading Products
A complete guide to the healthiest foods with the highest content of vitamins and minerals

Recommendations for losing weight

Ideal weight calculator, body mass index, calorie range calculation, recommendations for weight loss, action plan.

Calorie calculator
Calculates energy expenditure for various types of physical exercise

Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI, BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s weight and his height and, thereby, indirectly assess whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive.

Product calculator and analyzer

The food calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of a product and help you create a diet that is completely balanced.

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