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How many times a year does hyacinth bloom?

To force hyacinths indoors, large, dense, heavy bulbs are taken. In September, the bulbs are planted one at a time in 9-11 cm pots. The pot is filled 2/3 with light soil, the bulb is planted so that 1/3 of it sticks out, lightly watered and covered with peat or the same soil from top to the brim. The pot can be buried in the garden to a depth of 20-40 cm, or it can be placed on the balcony in a container with wet sawdust. In November they are insulated so that the temperature of the bulbs does not drop below zero. 25-30 days before the desired flowering time, the pots are brought into the house, placed in a dark place or covered with a dark cloth or paper. Begin to water, gradually increasing the humidity. When the sprouts reach 8-10 cm, the pots are placed on a bright window. Bulbous plants love high air humidity; they should be sprayed with warm water, but only before the flower shoots appear. then you just need to place the pot on a tray with damp moss or expanded clay. It is advisable, before the flowers bloom, to illuminate the sprouts in the evenings for at least 4 hours, then the inflorescences will be thicker. The cooler the conditions during flowering, the longer the flowers will not wilt. After flowering, keep the plants until the end of June, gradually reducing watering, then lay the pots on their sides to allow the leaves to dry out. The bulbs are dug up and dried for 3-4 days. In September they are planted in the garden, where they must rest for at least 2 years. Description: Lily family. Homeland – Mediterranean, Asia Minor. It has long been known in culture. The name “hyacinth” means “flower of rains” and is associated with the flowering period. Hyacinths appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century. Highly ornamental plants with a strong, pleasant aroma, suitable for cutting into bouquets and for forcing in winter. Oriental hyacinth is the most common of all indoor plants. More than 300 varieties are known, distributed throughout the world, of which the most popular varieties are Myosotis (blue), Pint Pearl (pink), Jean Beauce (red), Inosans (white). Flowering lasts 10-15 days. The most common forms are those with simple flowers, but double flowers are also found. The bulb is large, round, consists of 10-12 scales. The outer scales are a film of white, purple or other shades of color, depending on the variety. Hyacinth is one of the best forcing bulbous plants. Blooms when forced in winter and early spring. The flowers are fragrant, white, pink, blue, red and other colors, collected in a beautiful inflorescence called. For forcing, large, well-ripened, dense, heavy bulbs with an intact bottom are purchased. In the fall, the bulbs are planted one at a time in old, cleanly washed 9-10 cm pots in loose sandy loam soil. The top of the bulb should be flush with the edges of the pot, and the bulb should be 2/3 deep into the ground. In rooms, pots with planted bulbs are covered with paper caps or overturned pots and placed in a cool place, where they are kept at a temperature of 6 to 10 degrees. Plants are watered with cold water, sparingly, only as the soil dries out. Depending on the varietal characteristics and time of planting, the bulbs take root within two to three months, after which they begin to grow. When the sprouts (shoots) reach a height of 10 cm, the shelter is removed and the pots are placed on the windowsills. The plants are sufficiently watered and systematically sprayed with water before the buds open. A mixture of mineral fertilizers given every five days significantly enhances flowering. After 3-4 weeks and after installation, flowering begins, which lasts up to three weeks. Forcing hyacinths is also possible in special glasses of water in which a mixture of mineral fertilizers is dissolved. Faded bulbs do not grow well next year and produce weak plumes, but they can be successfully used for planting in flower beds, where they are planted in September and covered with a layer of leaves for the winter.

Problems when forcing hyacinths:

Each hyacinth bulb usually produces one peduncle, with flowers 2–5 cm in size, which do not fade for 2–3 weeks. Bulbs prepared for forcing for Christmas (blooming in December – January) are planted in August – September. For flowering in March, bulbs are planted in October. Often, amateur flower growers buy already planted hyacinth bulbs with flower stalks in half bloom. Difficulties arise during further forcing of such bulbs:

The leaves are turning yellow

If the leaves become pale green with a yellowish tint, then the reason is improper watering and insufficient lighting. Hyacinths are watered sparingly after the top layer of soil has dried. If the leaves dry out, they are frostbitten, or the plant is in a draft. Frostbitten leaves cannot be saved, but the plant must be placed in a warm place without drafts and cold air flows.

Buds do not open

The most common reason for this is improper and careless watering, water getting on the buds.

Long limp leaves

Reason: the plant was kept in the dark for a long time, and during the flowering period it does not have enough light. Place the plant in a bright window, or even better, additionally illuminate it with artificial light for up to 10 hours of daylight.

Slow growth

After several weeks, the peduncle with buds looks the same as when purchased. The usual reason is that the rest period is not long enough. The plant is transferred to a warm, bright room only when the flower stalks reach 5 cm in height; before that, the plant is kept in a cool (8 – 12 degrees above zero) and dark place. Another reason could be insufficient watering.

Lack of flowers

If you bought a planted hyacinth bulb without a peduncle, and a few weeks after the purchase the peduncle did not appear, despite intensive care, there may be several reasons. Perhaps the bulb is not large enough. This bulb will not bloom this year; it needs to be planted in the garden in the spring and grown. The plant may have been or is being kept at very high temperatures. The optimal temperature for flowering hyacinths is 18 – 20 degrees above zero. Flowering can be inhibited by insufficient watering.

Deformed flowers

This deficiency is most common in hyacinths. The peduncle develops bent in one direction due to the high temperature during the dormant period. During the dormant period, hyacinth bulbs should be kept at a temperature no higher than +5 degrees. You should not keep plants in a stuffy closet or in an unheated but sunny room. During flowering, this deficiency cannot be corrected.

Decaying flowers

The reason is waterlogging. In a cool room, in a container without drainage, the plant quickly becomes waterlogged. Hyacinths are watered sparingly after the top layer of soil has dried. Excess water that leaks out is poured out of the trays. We hope our tips will help you. Don’t forget to water and feed the plant after flowering, and plant it in the garden in the spring. Hyacinth is a flower that is grown not only in the flowerbed, but also indoors. If you care for it correctly, in indoor conditions the plant will bloom magnificently and for a long time. To achieve such results, use the advice of Larisa Koneva, Alexander Matantsev, Natalia Sheshko and Natalia Logacheva. Key information about the plant, which is further detailed in the article, is presented in the table below.

Lighting – diffused sunlight
– additional lighting is required in winter
– need to be shaded from direct sunlight
Temperature – +15-20 °С
– does not tolerate drafts
Watering – no more than 2 times a week
Additional fertilizing – during the period of active growth, once every 1 weeks
Transfer – by transshipment method, after the hyacinth has bloomed
– 2-3 cm more in the pot
Humidity level – not less than 60%

What you need to know about growing hyacinth at home

Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Asparagus family. It is grown indoors and in flower beds. In a pot without transplanting into open ground or forcing, the plant blooms only once.

Features of hyacinth

  • violet – blue, violet or blue flowers;
  • lilac – raspberry, pink, light gray;
  • brown – scarlet, beige, yellow, orange, peach.

Under natural conditions, hyacinth goes through 3 stages of development:

  • spring growing season (3 months);
  • summer dormancy (3 months);
  • winter dormancy (6 months).

You can change the growing season of a flower artificially by forcing the plant. Forced hyacinths bloom at any time the grower chooses.

When favorable conditions are created, hyacinth in a pot blooms from 10 days to 1 month. During this time, the flowering brush doubles in size. Different varieties of hyacinth have their own flowering times. For indoor cultivation, breeders have developed special varieties with thick peduncles and inflorescence heights up to 5 cm.

After flowering, the ephemeral plant dies and goes into a dormant period. To continue its viability and see flowers next year, the plant is planted in a garden bed for the summer or the bulbs are saved for the next planting. They are cleared of soil, dried and stored in a cool, dry place until distillation.

Requirements for keeping hyacinth at home

Hyacinths do not bloom at all or shorten the flowering period at temperatures above +16 ° C, in a shaded place, or if the watering regime is violated.

How long does hyacinth live in a pot? If the plant is kept in conditions close to natural, the hyacinth will live in a pot for 8–10 years. To prolong its viability, replant the flower in the ground in spring. If the green part of the hyacinth does not die off after flowering, the plant will bloom again. Repeated flowering is undesirable, since the bulb is depleted and the plant may die.

The rules for keeping hyacinth in the house are as follows:

  1. Use loose soil for normal bulb development. The best option would be a soil mixture consisting of equal parts of leaf, turf soil, peat, humus, and sand.
  2. Observe the temperature regime during storage of the bulb, during growth and flowering. Hyacinth does not like high temperatures and can dry out in hot conditions.
  3. Place the flower pot in a bright place away from the heating system.
  4. Maintain air humidity in the room at least 60%.
  5. Water the plant, avoiding drying out the earth clod and excess moisture in the soil.
  6. Apply the fertilizers necessary for the plant to resume its growth point and form a bud.

What kind of pot is needed for hyacinth? For hyacinth, choose pots 3–4 cm wider than the bulb. The depth of the pot must be at least 15 cm to accommodate the drainage layer and the roots of the plant.

Features of growing and caring for hyacinth in a pot

In order for a flower to bloom beautifully and develop well, it is necessary to create optimal development conditions for it.

How to plant and replant hyacinth

How to plant hyacinth in a pot at home? Follow these rules:

  1. Select planting material from saved bulbs. They must have a healthy bottom, a hard, smooth surface, and a diameter of at least 5 cm.
  2. Take a pot with drainage holes and a height of 15–20 cm, 2–4 cm wider than the diameter of the bulbs.
  3. Pass the soil through steam to disinfect it. Co-authors of the Encyclopedia of Houseplants Natalya Sheshko and Natalya Logacheva advise spreading the soil mixture in a 15-centimeter layer on the lid, placing it on a pan of boiling water, and steaming the soil for 10 minutes. After this, remove the soil and let it cool.
  4. Apply a drainage layer of 1–2 cm and steamed loose soil mixture.
  5. Plant the bulbs, leaving 1/3 of the top on the surface. Sprinkle the bulbs with a layer of sand.
  6. Cover the top with a paper cap and place in a cool, dark place (+5–7 °C) for 10–16 weeks. Moisten the soil periodically.
  7. Place the plants in a lighted place when sprouts of 2–2,5 cm appear. For the first 3 days, the temperature should not exceed +10–12 °C, then increase it to +20 °C.

After moving to a warm room, hyacinth blooms in 15–20 days. It is cared for according to the standard scheme.

What to do when the hyacinth has faded in the pot? The potted hyacinth bulb can be saved until the next season and get a new lush bloom. To do this, during the end of flowering of the plant, carry out the following activities:

  • Remove the top part of the flower stalk, which will prevent the formation of seeds and the loss of nutrients from the bulb. Do not cut off the leaves.
  • Transfer the plant along with a lump of earth into a pot that is 2–3 cm larger than the previous one, or plant it in open ground without deepening the root collar. The plant needs such a transplant so that the bulb grows, is replenished with nutrients and produces more children. They are then separated from the mother bulb and planted for germination, as recommended by the author of the book “The Most Necessary Book about Houseplants,” Larisa Koneva.

When transplanting hyacinth into a new pot, care for the plant as follows:

  1. Water moderately, not allowing the soil in the pot to dry out.
  2. Apply complex liquid fertilizer a week after transplantation, repeat fertilizing after 10 days.
  3. Stop watering when the leaves begin to yellow and dry out.
  4. Cut off the dried leaves and remove the bulb from the ground.
  5. Clean the bulb from soil, roots and loose scales.
  6. Rinse the bulbs with water and soak for 30 minutes in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
  7. Dry the bulbs for 5–7 days in a dark place with good ventilation.
  8. Place the bulbs in a paper bag or box in 2 layers. Store for 2 months at a temperature of +25 ° C in a well-ventilated area with moderate humidity, as advised by Alexander Matantsev, author of the book “Hyacinths: different colors and varieties, planting and care.”

Reduce the temperature to +17 °C, and store the planting material until forcing.

How to care for hyacinth in a pot?

After purchasing a flowering hyacinth in a pot, care for it as follows:

  • Leave it in the pot you bought it in, otherwise the plant will be stressed during replanting and will shorten its flowering time.
  • Place the flower in the brightest place in the house. In February, provide additional lighting, and in May, shade from direct sunlight.
  • Maintain the temperature in the range of +15–20 °C, ventilating the room, but avoid drafts.
  • Water the plant with settled water at room temperature along the edges of the pot or through a tray no more than 2 times a week. Overmoistening of the soil leads to rotting of the bulb.
  • Feed the plant during the period of active growth once every 1 weeks with liquid fertilizers for bulbous plants. Apply fertilizer after watering.

Hyacinths obtained by forcing can be grown for several years.

Growing hyacinth in a pot turns into an exciting hobby for gardeners. It is not difficult to prolong the flowering of hyacinth. Follow the rules for caring for the plant at all stages of its development. Then the flower will grow healthy, beautiful and will reward you with bright and lush flowering at any time of the year.

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