How much is 1 carat worth today?
In international trade, the unit of 1 carat equal to 0,2 grams is used to determine the weight of a diamond. Weight is not the only, but important criterion for determining the price of the most expensive stones in the world. The cost of a cut diamond depends on the high cost of raw materials. To obtain a round diamond weighing 1 carat, it is necessary to process over 1 million tons of ore. The quality of the stone, market conditions and other factors also matter.
How is the market regulated?
In Russia, price lists are controlled by Gokhran, which is part of the Ministry of Finance. The characteristics of stones are assessed according to TU 117-4.2099-2002. In international diamond transactions, the Rapaport Diamond Report is usually used. The publication has been published weekly for round cut stones and monthly for fancy cut stones since 1978. Prices determine the maximum amount diamond dealers can offer to wholesale buyers. The cost for the end consumer is affected by subsequent markups and discounts.
Price range for 1 carat diamonds in Russia
A cut round diamond of 1 carat is currently valued on the Russian retail market at an average of 400 thousand rubles for stones of medium clarity with a tint, up to 2 million rubles for selected, absolutely colorless minerals. Fancy cut diamonds (“pear”, “princess”, “heart”, “emerald”) are valued in the range from 250 thousand rubles to 1,5 million rubles, respectively.
Expert opinion
How does the cost of a diamond carat differ on the secondary market: All other things being equal, the price of a diamond on the secondary market is on average 20–40% of the cost offered by retail stores. It is important to understand that in retail the numbers are greatly inflated. These include retailer and reseller markups, premiums for brand and frame style, advertising costs and other factors. If you compare offers with similar ones from specialized gemstone sellers, the cost will be approximately 70%. Buying diamonds on the secondary market is profitable in any case; it is only important to make sure of their authenticity and quality. Shuvalov Konstantin Chief expert gemologist of the jewelry company Mister Diamond, certified at the Gemological Center of Moscow State University
How is the value of cut diamonds determined?
The price of precious stones is influenced by the following factors:
- Size. The price for 1 carat of diamond is not the same when it comes to stones of different weight categories. With the transition from one group to another (for example, from 0.9–0.99 to 1.00–1.49 carats), the cost of a conventional unit of weight changes by an average of 20–40%. Therefore, jewelry with dozens or hundreds of small inserts are cheaper than a solitaire with one large mineral.
- Color. Among traditional stones, other things being equal, those with the least intense shade are most valued. Ideal stones should become invisible when placed in water. The yellower the mineral, the cheaper it is. In the case of fancy yellow, cognac, black, blue and other rare diamonds, on the contrary, the brighter and more saturated ones win in price.
- Purity. The presence of inclusions, defects or microcracks reduces the market value of stones, even if they are invisible to the naked eye. The GIA system has 6 levels – from FL (absolutely free of inclusions) to VS (very small defects visible under a microscope with 10x magnification) and I (imperfections noticeable without magnification).
- Cut. The Rapaport Diamond Report price list is available in two versions: for round and fancy diamonds. The former are valued most highly, among the latter the most expensive are “drop” or “pear”, and the cheapest are “emerald” cut stones.
In the international grading system, these parameters are designated as 4C: carat (carat, or weight), color (color), clear (purity), cut (cut).
Specialized Certificates
The presence of a certificate determines how much a diamond can be sold or bought for. Famous brands usually use stones certified by the prestigious American institutes GIA or AGS, international organizations HRD or IGI to make rings and other jewelry. These are expert laboratories that provide the most complete list of evaluation characteristics of the quality of precious stones. With such a certificate, diamonds can participate in professional transactions around the world and receive the highest possible valuation. In some cases, stones with a GIA certificate are twice as expensive as similar stones that have passed laboratory tests at HRD, AGS, and EGL centers.
Transparent transactions with precious stones
Clients of the Mister Diamond store can either buy genuine cut diamonds and jewelry with them, or sell jewelry from their own collection. We guarantee current, fair prices, legal transactions with paperwork and cash issuance on the same day. You can even receive a preliminary offer for purchasing diamonds remotely using the online appraisal system.
Diamonds have always been a profitable and reliable investment. However, despite the high cost and ideal wear resistance qualities, they are items for personal use. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account that diamond cost can also be primary and secondary.
Diamond price The secondary market makes up 20-40% of the offerings of jewelry stores, and about 70% of the value of those companies that specialize in precious stones. Diamond carat cost depends on its quality, the seller’s markup, appearance and a number of factors that are involved in pricing.
How to analyze the cost of a diamond ring?
For a superficial comparison of any product and the opportunity to clarify diamond cost, It is necessary to clarify the availability of the certificate. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the certification was carried out by the same laboratory. Commercial laboratories can significantly improve the actual performance of a gemstone.
If the certificate results are identical, you must:
- Check the quality of the cut.
- Polishing.
- Carefully examine the symmetry of the stone.
Diamond prices, which are classified as class A may vary depending on the price list Rapaport. Diamonds whose weight does not exceed 0,2 carats are sold in batches. Stones larger than 0,3 cart must undergo GIA certification.
The antique store “Golden Council” has extensive experience in the precious stones market. Having its own official website, the company offers its visitors not only to obtain useful information, but also to calculate diamond cost, using a calculator.
What determines the cost of diamond earrings?
Need to sell precious stones, diamonds, free of charge assessment, can be caused by a variety of reasons: from an urgent need for money to a desire to purchase a more modern model of jewelry. It is important profitably sell the product, having previously specified diamond carat cost.
The antique store is an official and rated market participant that conducts constant monitoring cost of a carat of diamonds in rubles. Therefore, the company’s offers today are much more profitable than market offers.
The cost of the product is affected by:
- General condition of the product.
- The weight of the stone and its quality.
- Cost of 1 diamond according to the price list Rapoport.
How to use the company’s services?
To use the company’s services, it is important to first clarify diamond prices. The cooperation algorithm is quite simple and accessible:
- Contact a company representative in any way convenient for the visitor. You can visit the company in person or call the numbers provided. One of the most convenient methods is remote access.
- Use the rating of the presented product online from photo. All you need to do is take a few high-quality photos and send them via a mobile application or by email.
- The assessment does not take much time and after 5-15 minutes the specialist is ready to voice cost of products and jewelry with diamonds.
To quickly resolve your financial issue, you can resort to the services pawnshops. It should be borne in mind that buying at pawn shops is significantly lower than the real cost of an item with precious stones. By solving the problem quickly, you can actually lose money.
In order not to encounter scammers and not to lose your own funds, you should give preference to trusted and official market participants.
Rapaport Value Chart for Round Diamonds
Use the tables below based on the quality characteristics of your stone. All prices indicated in the price list must be multiplied by $100 and you will receive the amount for 1 carat.
Example: You need to evaluate a stone of 0,34 ct with clarity SI2, color H. You find the intersection of the columns in the table – in this example it is 16, then multiply by 100 dollars, since we have indicated the cost per carat, we need to adjust the amount to our weight, which means multiply by 0,34. We get the following S=16*100*0,34=$544, which is exactly how much your gemstone will cost according to the Rapaport table.
If you don’t understand or don’t want to delve into these numbers, then take advantage of a free assessment from our experts! Just contact us by phone via WhatsApp , Viber by number +7(903)790-05-06 or email and we will make a cost estimate in a matter of minutes!
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 0.18-0.22ct (carat)
Cost of diamonds with the KR-57 (round) cut according to Rapaport 0.23-0.29ct (carat)
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 0.30-0.39ct (carat)
Cost of diamonds with the KR-57 (round) cut according to Rapaport 0.40-0.49ct (carat)
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 0.50-0.69ct (carat)
Cost of diamonds with the KR-57 (round) cut according to Rapaport 0.70-0.89ct (carat)
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 0.90-0.99ct (carat)
Cost of diamonds with the KR-57 (round) cut according to Rapaport 1.00-1.49ct (carat)
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 1.50-1.99ct (carat)
Cost of diamonds with the KR-57 (round) cut according to Rapaport 3.00-3.99ct (carat)
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 4.00-4.99ct (carat)
Cost of diamonds with the KR-57 (round) cut according to Rapaport 5.00-5.99ct (carat)
Price of diamonds with cut KR-57 (round) according to Rapaport 10.00-10.99ct (carat)
What are the advantages of the company?
Golden Council is a company with extensive experience and a high level of trust. The main advantages of the company are:
- Conducting technical expertise and realistic assessment of the cost of each submitted material.
- High level of professionalism of the company’s experts.
- Wide range of services within the legislative field.
- Having your own Internet site, which is constantly updated with useful and new information. The multifunctionality of the site allows you to get all the answers to your questions remotely.
- The company works closely with large companies and has reliable foreign business partners.
Contacting the Golden Council is a free estimate and a profitable deal, regardless of the time!