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How much lead is in Galena?

Galena is a common mineral, lead sulfide with the chemical formula PbS. Ag, Cu, Zn, sometimes Au, Se, Bi, Fe, Cd, Sn, Sb, etc. are often present in the form of impurities. Some of the impurities are included in the crystal lattice of galena, isomorphically replacing lead, and some are associated with microinclusions of foreign minerals captured by galena during growth. Forms a series of solid solutions with clausthalite (PbSe). The name comes from Lat. “galena» – lead ore. This mineral is mentioned under this name in the works of Pliny the Elder. In the Middle Ages, miners called galena “glitter.” The term “galena” itself was introduced in 1838 by the German mineralogist W.F. Kobellem. Synonyms: lead luster, gray ore, lead (cryptocrystalline confluent masses). The color of galena is steel, lead-gray, gray with a bluish tint, tin-gray, sometimes black. Matte or mottled discoloration is often observed. In nature, this mineral occurs in the form of well-formed crystals, usually cubic and cuboctahedral in shape. Less commonly, it forms octahedral, lamellar, columnar and skeletal crystals, druses. Twins of fusion and germination are characteristic. Distributed in the form of fine- and coarse-grained dense masses, inclusions and deposits of irregular shape, sintered colloform masses, loose powdery kidney-shaped deposits mixed with sphalerite. Epitaxial intergrowths of galena with arsenopyrite, gold, fahlores, and bournonite are known. Hardness 2 – 3. Brittle, easily chipped along the cleavage, breaking up into small cube-shaped pieces. The cleavage is very perfect across the cube. The shine is metallic, strong on fresh chips. The fracture is stepped. Opaque. Easily dissolves in nitric acid, giving sulfur and a white precipitate of PbSO4. Diamagnetic, weak. Satellite minerals: sphalerite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, barite, anglesite, dolomite, calcite, quartz, pyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, cerussite, fluorite, fahlores, carbonates, bournonite. The genesis of galena is predominantly hydrothermal. It is one of the main minerals of polymetallic deposits. Often forms rich accumulations. It is also found in contact-metasomatic deposits and skarn-type deposits. In the form of individual grains, this mineral can be found in pegmatites, acidic and alkaline rocks. Finds of galena are known in limestones, where it occurs in veins, streaks and voids. During weathering, in surface conditions, galena oxidizes, becoming covered with a crust of anglesite (PbSO4), and from the surface passes into cerussite (PbCO3). These minerals form a dense ring around areas of galena untouched by changes. In the oxidation zone, due to galena, other sparingly soluble phosphates, arsenates, vanadates, molybdates, etc. also appear, which is the reason for the increased lead content in this zone. The modern formation of galena from underground brines and mine waters has been noted. Galena deposits are numerous and distributed throughout the world. Excellent examples of crystals of this mineral are found in the USA, Mexico, Germany, Bulgaria, and Romania. In Russia, magnificent crystals and druses of galena are today mined at the deposits of the Dalnegorsk ore cluster in Primorye. Galena is the main ore for producing lead, which has a very wide application (in the production of chemical and electrical equipment, cables, batteries; in the defense industry; for the manufacture of varnishes and paints; in the production of crystal, etc.) Along the way, silver and sometimes other valuable materials are extracted from galena impurities – selenium, bismuth, zinc. Well-formed galena crystals and their intergrowths, druses, and spectacular examples of cubic crystals in the cores of phosphorite nodules are very popular among collectors. It is believed that galena helps strengthen the fortitude and willpower of its owner. It helps in achieving your goals and gives you strength to cope with failures and troubles with dignity. In addition, this mineral helps in the fight against bad habits. In ancient times, galena supposedly gave women strength and helped pregnant women bear and give birth to a healthy child. However, given the high lead content in the mineral today, galena has no use in lithotherapy and, moreover, is considered potentially dangerous to human health. The exact correspondence of this mineral to the signs of the Zodiac has not been established. Areas of expertise: Natural sulfides and their analogues Other names: Lead luster (obsolete) Syngony: Cubic Hardness on the Mohs scale (minimum value): 2,5 arb. units Density (minimum value): 7,58 g/cm³ Galena (from Latin galena – lead ore) (outdated name – lead luster), mineral of the sulfide class, PbS. It is one of the most common natural sulfides. Often contains impurities Ag, Se, Sb, Bi, Sn, Zn, Fe, Cd, etc. Crystallizes in cubic system.

Forms of location. Properties

Crystals of cubic and cuboctahedral shape; on the edges there are stages of growth and dissolution; skeletal crystals, crystal intergrowths, druses, etc. are known. Usually found in the form of solid granular masses. When mixed with sphalerite, it forms sinter forms. Color: lead gray; opaque. Metallic shine. Hardness on the Mohs scale 2,5; density 7,58 g/cm 3 (very high). The cleavage is perfect in three directions, parallel to the faces of the cube. Fragile. Druze of galena crystals. Neighborhoods of Braubach (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). An exhibit from the collection of the National Museum of Natural History (Washington, USA). Smithsonian Institution. Druze of galena crystals. Neighborhood of Braubach (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). An exhibit from the collection of the National Museum of Natural History (Washington, USA). Smithsonian Institution.

Origin. Practical significance

The origin is mainly hydrothermal, but also metasomatic. Often forms large accumulations. Often found in paragenesis with sphalerite; as well as with chalcopyrite, fahlores and other natural sulfides, including sulfosalts. In the oxidation zone it is replaced by cerussite, anglesite, pyromorphite, etc. Galena is the main component of lead ores , main source of lead . Along the way, silver, selenium, bismuth and other metals contained in it as impurities are extracted from galena.

Place of Birth

The deposits are known everywhere, among them: Broken Hill , Mount Isa (Australia), Pribram (Czech Republic), Freiberg (Germany), Madan (Bulgaria), etc.; in Russia – the Dalnegorsk ore field (Primorsky Territory), deposits of the Nerchinsky region (Transbaikalia), Sadonskoye (North Caucasus), etc. Since ancient times, galena ores have been processed to produce paints (lead white). Lead compounds are toxic, so currently the production and use of such paints is extremely limited or prohibited. Well-formed crystals, druses are valuable collection material. Pekova Natalya Anatolevna Published January 31, 2023 at 14:40 (GMT+3). Last updated January 31, 2023 at 14:40 (GMT+3). Contact the editors Information Areas of expertise: Natural sulfides and their analogues Other names: Lead luster (obsolete) Syngony: Cubic Hardness on the Mohs scale (minimum value): 2,5 arb. units Density (minimum value): 7,58 g/cm³

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