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How often can topaz be used?

The drug Topaz is a highly effective, specialized fungicide for the fight against fungal diseases of cultivated plants. Used for preventive purposes and for treatment of powdery mildew, rust, fruit rot and oidium. Drug class: triazoles. Active ingredient: penconazole (100 g/l). Spectrum of action of the drug: Powdery mildew, American powdery mildew, Oidium, Fruit rot, Coccomycosis, Purple spot, Gray mold, Rust, Septoria, Raspberry didimella. Advantages of the drug:

  • Versatility. The drug Topaz is used for fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables, flowers, as well as decorative indoor plants;
  • Efficiency. After treatment, Topaz is absorbed by the plant and protects all its parts and is not affected by rain. Relieves many diseases;
  • Economical. The drug is used very economically, and the cost is low and affordable;
  • Possibility of using fungicide in conjunction with surface watering;
  • No phytotoxicity.

Application: average consumption 2-4 ml. for 10l. water.

Do not use during flowering.

Culture type Disease Preparation per 10 liters of water/working solution consumption Frequency of treatments/waiting period The order of application
Vegetables Mučnistaâ rosa 1,5 ml/0,5-1 l/10 square meters 4/3 Apply when the first signs of disease are detected
Fruit trees Powdery mildew, fruit rot 3 ml/2-4 l per tree 4/7 For prevention, it is treated before and after flowering. Two or three sprays are enough
Grapes Oidium 3 ml/1-1,5 l per 10 square meters 4/14 After bud break and after flowering or when the first signs of disease are detected
Fruit bushes Mučnistaâ rosa 2 ml/1-1,5 l per bush 4/14 For prevention, it is treated before flowering and after harvesting. Two or three sprays are enough. When the first signs of illness are detected.
Flowers Powdery mildew, rust 2-4 ml/1-1,5l per 10 square meters 3 / – When the first signs of disease are detected and re-treatment after 2 weeks
Houseplants Powdery mildew, rust 2 ml per 5 liters / 1-1,5 liters per 10 square meters 3 / – Apply when the first signs of disease are detected

For violets, which are very often and intensively affected by powdery mildew, it is necessary to remove all affected areas of the plant at the first signs of the disease, after which the violets are sprayed with a highly concentrated solution of Topaz – 1 ml per 2 liters of water.

Control of powdery mildew on berry and vegetable crops, fruit trees, raspberries and grapes. Topaz is the undisputed leader in the fight against powdery mildew.

Topaz is considered one of the most highly effective fungicides, an antifungal agent with preventive and therapeutic effects. The advantage of the fungicide is its versatility: it is used both in garden plots and for improving the health of indoor flowers.

The fungicide belongs to the class of triazoles – organic heterocyclic compounds. The main active substance is penconazole – a concentrated liquid of moderate toxicity, which has a depressing effect on the reproduction function of fungal microorganisms, blocking the germination of spores into plant tissues. The substance does not form a film on the green parts of trees and shrubs, but is immediately absorbed into them and moves with the juices through the vessels to the growth points.

This means that the drug reliably protects not only mature leaves and stems, but also developing shoots even in rainy and cold weather. Treatment can be carried out even in early spring and late autumn, when the air temperature at night drops below -10°C.

The drug Topaz is a highly effective assistant in the fight against plant diseases. It is compatible with pesticides and other chemicals that have suitable processing times, which makes it possible to use it as part of plant protection complexes.

1 review for TOPAZ

Evaluation 5 of 5
Suzanna Nyrova – 01.10.2020

I use the drug to treat and prevent powdery mildew in plants. Based on the results of the treatment, I consider it very effective. It only takes 2 consecutive foliar sprays per season to get rid of powdery mildew.

Topaz is a fungicide developed by the Swiss concern Syngenta. It is very popular in the world and is produced in many countries under license. Its main purpose is to combat phytopathogen fungi.

The drug is on the list of artificially produced systemic pesticides of hazard category 3 and belongs to the group of fungicides that actually suppress the process of cell division of fungal mycelium.

Initially, Topaz was developed as a narrowly targeted drug to combat powdery mildew, but it has also proven effective against a number of other pathogenic organisms.

Topaz is used for the following diseases:

  • Rust
  • powdery mildew
  • Kokkomikoz
  • Spotting (purple, lilac, gray)
  • gray rot
  • Ordinary rot

It is most effective to use it on the following crops:

  • Fruit trees
  • Stone fruit shrubs
  • strawberry
  • Grapes
  • Berry bushes (currants, blackberries, gooseberries)
  • Flower plants (including roses)

Composition and mechanism of action of the fungicide

Topaz, although a multicomponent fungicide, consists of 1 active ingredient – penconazole. Its content in the finished product is 10%.

Absorbed through the mouths of leaves and penetrating into plant tissue, penconazole moves from bottom to top and quickly covers the entire above-ground part of the crop. It can safely be called supersystemic, since it destroys pathogens even in germinating spores.

It is especially effective for preventive purposes because it spreads throughout the plant faster than the mycelium grows.

Triple effect of the drug:

  • Protects and stops the development of fungal mycelium on young shoots
  • Protects plants from spore development
  • Treats fungal affected areas

Packaging and release form

Pencanazole powder has a bluish tint and is difficult to dissolve in water, so the finished Topaz preparation is a 10% suspension or emulsion, which is much easier to work with when mixed with powder.

3 ml and 100 ml – suitable for summer residents and gardeners with small plots

1l and 5l – for large farms

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Among the positive qualities, the following properties of the drug are distinguished:
  • Convenient form – liquid, easy to use;
  • Cost-effective – small dosage for working solution
  • Resistant to rain and irrigation water
  • Instant absorption without formation of residue or film
  • Quick effect (after 2 – 3 hours)
  • No harmful effect on the plant
  • Has a long-lasting protective effect – 3 – 4 weeks
  • Can be used with other chemicals
  • Effective use at different stages of crop development
  • Resistant to temperature changes

Despite the large number of advantages, it also has disadvantages. For example:

1.It is dangerous for fish, so use near stocked reservoirs is prohibited.

2.Has a third class of toxicity, which means the mandatory use of gloves and a mask when working with pesticides

3. Capable of accumulating and accumulating in the soil. The recommended duration of use is no more than 3 years in one area.

Instructions for use:

Preparation of the working solution – dilute the required amount of emulsion in a small container, gradually increasing it to 10 liters. Dosages of Topaz may vary depending on the crops being processed.

For fruit trees

Correct and competent use of topaz can prevent damage to fruit trees by spheroteca and moniliosis. To do this, pour 2 ml of concentrate into a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. Two treatments are sufficient to prevent these diseases.

1 treatment is carried out in the unopened bud phase

2 treatment – ​​in the phase of ovary formation

If there are visible signs of fungal activity, then a stronger solution of 3 – 4 ml per bucket is needed. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times every 10-14 days. One adult tree will require up to 5 liters of working solution, and a seedling – up to 2 liters.

For berry bushes

Berry bushes covered with a white coating are treated with a standard Topaz solution – 3 ml per 10 liters. Treatment is carried out 2-4 times with a frequency of 7-10 days. One bush consumes 1,5 liters of solution

For roses

At high humidity, rose bushes suffering from fungal pathologies are sprayed 3 times during the growing season with an interval of 7 days. Since roses are not eaten, the dosage can be increased to 4–5 ml, and if the disease spreads strongly, to 8–10 ml per bucket.

For grapes

Oidium is a dangerous disease in vineyards around the world. The most effective drug for diseased grapes is Topaz.

Treatment solution – 3 – 4 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. The consumption of the working solution is 1,5 liters per 10 square meters. For prevention, the leaves are sprayed on both sides immediately after blooming, as well as after flowering. When symptoms appear, the grapevine is additionally treated 2-3 times every 14 days.

For strawberries

Strawberries can be cured of fungal diseases by a fungicide solution – 3 ml per bucket of water. The bushes are sprayed 2 times.

  1. Before flowering
  2. After the end of fruiting

Consumption: 0,4 – 0,6 liters of solution per square meter.

For vegetables

Annual vegetables, especially with excess moisture, are susceptible to the appearance of powdery mildew and require mandatory treatment even with the slightest signs of disease.

According to the instructions, for greenhouse vegetables, prepare a working solution of 3 ml per 10 liters, and for crops in open ground, 1,5 – 2 ml is sufficient. Spraying is carried out 4 times with a frequency of 14 days.

You can buy Topaz and other plant protection products on our store website

It belongs to the group of moderately hazardous chemicals, but still, when using it, be sure to use gloves and wear a mask or respirator.

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