How to activate a bracelet made of stones?
Even if the stone called you, if you wanted to acquire it with all your heart, it often happens that it suddenly becomes silent when it is in your hands. This also happens with assistants with whom you have worked for a long time and successfully, without obvious reasons. Regardless of the strength of our desire “from the mind” or “from the heart”, once in our field the ancient helper either responds weakly or does not show its characteristic properties at all. It may well be that you are not actually ready to work now with those issues that are being resolved by a crystal or mineral assistant. But more often, new stones require attunement with the owner, which is carried out in several stages, each of which is important and integral.
1. Cleaning. I talk about its importance in almost every article. Whether it’s a new stone or one that works with you all the time doesn’t really matter. If it just appeared or you plan to change the intention put into it, clean it. Well and for a long time, himself and him. He may not be “dirty”, he has just completed a certain amount of work, needs to refresh and relax before the next task, and your task is to help him with this. Before the initial activation, clean for a longer time, at least 3 days, it will only be beneficial.
2. Charging. Use the elements (sunlight and moonlight, running water, an energetically good and clean impassable place on the ground under a tree, hold or move candles over a flame at a distance, fumigate with incense, hold nearby or in singing bowls while playing, etc.), but remember about safety: quartz and many other types do not like direct sunlight, many stones do not like water, some cannot be heated so that toxic substances do not begin to be released from them, and the like.
3. Actual activation. Take a stone or a product made from it in your hands, relax, close your eyes and imagine how a ray of light passes through the top of your head into your heart. It flows down the chest through the arms and hands directly into the stone, filling it. Greet your new friend, thank him for coming into your life and ready to help you. Treat him like your future best friend who hears you, feels you and understands you. Ask to work delicately, in the volume, quality and in those ways that will be pleasant, useful and, most importantly, within your capabilities (it is very important to “turn on” the stone gradually). What I DO NOT recommend doing regarding activation:
– work with unrefined stones
– work with other people’s stones (even clean ones)
– do various rituals that you don’t understand that you read on the Internet or someone recommended, especially using third-party objects, liquids, candles, crosses, prayers, “the moon in Sagittarius and a needle in an egg”
– give your stones for activation to even the most superb, enlightened and advanced “masters” in all respects. I would like to draw your attention to this separately. You buy a stone for yourself, it should tune only to you, your energies, requests and select only useful and suitable ways for you to realize your intentions and methods of working with you, and not with someone else. Everyone who works with him invariably leaves his own emotional and energetic trace. Are you sure of the crystalline nature of these energies? Your stone is yours alone, no one can do it better. Several times, out of ignorance, I got caught up in other people’s “activations”, and ended up with a huge pile of difficult-to-solve problems with money, health, documents, and other things, but before this procedure I was in complete order and well-being. And then the stone could crumble or be completely depleted of energy and I was forced to “return it to nature” forever. The only true and “ecologically friendly” path is you, your kind and bright feelings and intentions addressed to the mineral during the “launch”, expressed with gratitude and trust. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly you say, sing, or do with the stone, what’s important is how, what’s inside you at that time, what experiences, emotions, what you convey to it on a sensory level. This is what the stone remembers.
– if you don’t know which hand is receiving and which is giving, just hold the stone between two palms at heart level in front of you while working
— it’s good to activate the stone after your own high-quality energy purification, after meditation in a blissful and calm state
— during activation, no one and nothing should distract you, neither home, nor communications, nor TV/radio/computer with music. Yes, I personally don’t recommend being distracted by music either, it’s better to listen to your sensations in your body, the sensations of the stone (it starts to tingle, it becomes heavier or lighter, it gets hotter than your hands, it becomes cold, etc.), how your condition changes in all parameters, well, or does not change, which is also worth considering. These 10-20 minutes belong only to you
— activation can be carried out several times at intervals until the effect is achieved
— it’s good to do activation in nature in a secluded place where you feel pleasant and comfortable and where there are no people; it does not have to be a sacred place or a “place of power.” Just nothing should interfere and it should be good inside and out
– if the stone does not make contact after several attempts, leave it to lie for a while not far from you, so that it is within your visibility and your field (let it lie by the bed, on the desktop, on the mirror on a beautiful stand) . This way, attunement and very unobtrusive contact will still occur. FAQ:
— Does each stone need to be activated?
No, it feels like it. Some are just eager to fight, others are very quiet and delicate, listen to yourself and your first thoughts, I’m sure this is the best method to decide whether to activate them or not, and when
— If the stone is silent, does this mean that it is simply not activated?
No, even an active stone becomes silent after completing the work, or is silent immediately after purchase if you do not have a deep-seated true request to work with it. We wait and trust.
— Can everyone activate the stone themselves?
I’m sure that’s all. A clean stone, in a good mood and condition, perhaps not the first time, but definitely yes. Be patient and non-intrusive.
— Are gifted stones active immediately?
Not always. They are active because the giver thought about you and put his intention there, he seemed to be setting the gift to you, but, again, he was setting it up with himself, so we adhere to the rules: we clean it, we re-tune it to ourselves.
— Is activating and charging stones the same thing?
No. Activation is carried out with a new stone or with an old one when its “task” is changed. The sequence for both cases is the same: clean, charge, activate. Charging is the process of enhancing or replenishing the energy of the stone with the energies of the elements, and can be carried out at any time depending on your needs and feelings. I wish you a quality activation =) The energy of stones affects a person in different directions. Minerals can have a healing effect, protect, cleanse from negativity, bring good luck and fill with vitality.
The main thing is to choose the right stone. Depending on the task for which you create a magical item, its power depends. More information about choosing a talisman stone can be found here.
This is followed by cleaning and tuning of the mineral. So, “your” stone is in your hands – beautiful, sweet, warm and already dear. He already warms you with just his presence. However, the mineral is functionally inactive. So far it is a simple piece of rock, unremarkable. In order for the stone to start working and bring benefits, it must be prepared accordingly. Conventionally, stone preparation is divided into several stages:
- Determination of the purpose of the mineral.
- Cleaning stones.
- Charging stones.
Let’s consider these points in more detail.
Determining the purpose of the stone
You should decide in what form the talisman stone will be used. This could be a piece of jewelry, or a stone in a bag compartment, or a pendant on a string under your clothes.
Porous and soft minerals are capable of absorbing energy and information. Such stones, as a rule, are used to protect a person – they take the “blow”, absorbing the surrounding negative currents.
Soft stones are those with a hardness rating of 1-6 on the Mohs scale. For example: fluorite, dolomite, sphalerite, agalmatolite, apatite, hematite, lapis lazuli, orthoclase, opal and others.
In stones with high strength, the protective function manifests itself differently. They work as a shield – they repel unfavorable fluids into the external environment.
The hardness of such minerals is 7-10 points. These include: garnet, tourmaline, topaz, beryl, spinel, corundum (sapphire and ruby) and other minerals. And, of course, the hardest natural mineral is diamond.
Stones with a characteristic crystal lattice (minerals of the quartz group) collect and store positive energy. The scheme for using these minerals is as follows: first, they are charged with natural energy (for example, solar energy), and at the right moment this charge is used to replenish a person’s energy balance.
Now is the time to take the stone and determine exactly what function it will perform for you.
Cleaning stones
Before use, any mineral (or a ready-made talisman) must be cleaned – its memory must be erased.
Stones charged with negative information can bring misfortune to the owner, even death. Many people know stories about ancient jewelry that destroyed its owners. These cases are often described in the literature, many have a scientific basis.
It should be borne in mind that over the long period of its existence, the stone passes through many hands and absorbs hundreds of thoughts and emotions. Stones that have been used by other people require energetic cleansing. With constant use of the mineral, there is a continuous exchange of energy between it and the owner. A person not only absorbs the energy of a stone, but also saturates it with its vibrations.
Thus, in some spiritual practices, talisman stones are used to convey a certain spirituality to students from gurus who have reached a high level of development.
Stones that have not been worn before, but have been processed and cut, should also be cleaned. It is believed that during mechanical processing, minerals suffer because they lose part of themselves. Therefore, they can harbor a grudge against a person. In this case, cleaning from negativity is mandatory.
Cleansing ritual not required, if the stone was given by a loved one or received by inheritance. Experts believe that such minerals carry positive energy, the strength of the family and the love of previous owners.
Cleaning methods
1. Running water.
The simplest and most affordable method of cleaning stone. It is ideal to wash the mineral in a natural source. If there is no stream nearby, you can hold the pebble under running tap water. Duration – at least an hour.
2. Salt or saline solution.
Salt absorbs negativity well. The mineral should be immersed in dry salt or a saturated solution and left for three days. Then rinse in running water.
The method is suitable for opaque stones.
Used salt should be thrown away!
Important! Salt water can harm some minerals. Before cleaning, you should familiarize yourself with the properties of the stone.
3. “Holy” water.
The mineral must be in the water for at least 24 hours.
4. Cleaning “Four Elements”.
The complex method includes four stages: alternate cleaning with the elements fire, earth, air and water. It is used in case of severe energy contamination of the mineral.
- Fire.
The stone should be held over a candle flame (or other source of open fire). The duration is determined intuitively. - Earth.
Cleaning with dry salt (salt is of earthly origin). - Air.
The mineral is held over lighted incense sticks. Many scents have the property of absorbing negativity: pine, lavender, eucalyptus, juniper, incense and others. - Water.
Rinse the stone under running water or freeze it in water and leave overnight. In the morning, the ice should be melted and the stone should be washed under running water.
Setting the stone
The purified mineral can be prepared for further use. Next stage – charging и activation.
For a gem to become a talisman and a faithful assistant to its owner, some time must pass. Getting used to and adjusting does not happen immediately.
To properly tune, charge and activate the energy of the stone, you need to be patient and perform several exercises. Activation of stones is a necessary procedure.
How to establish contact with a gem?
The most important thing is to establish a spiritual connection with the mineral. First, according to terminology, you should learn to “breathe ether through a stone”:
- hold the stone in your open palm;
- look at the stone and mentally imagine that it is surrounded by an invisible energy cloud;
- let this cloud into you, “inhale” it;
- after a few seconds, exhale “ether” onto the stone.
During this ritual, information is exchanged and an invisible connection is established. The mineral begins to understand its owner, his desires and anxieties.
Attuning with Meditation
Meditation is one of the types of tuning a stone to the human biofield. Consists of three exercises.
In a sitting position, you should take the gem in your left hand and once again mentally imagine the aura of the stone. Admire her beauty and sophistication. Take your time, the mineral needs time to feel a person.
If the stone has heard you and is ready to interact, a slight tingling sensation will begin in your hand.
Experts recommend repeating the exercise daily for 10 days.
The time to establish contact will be reduced. When this takes 2-3 minutes, you can proceed to the next exercise.
Do the first exercise.
Lying on your back, you need to place the gem on the heart area and relax. Imagine in your mind the image of a gem. At the same time, you should remember a happy moment in your life and relive these feelings.
Enjoy this mood for 5-7 minutes. At this time, the stone absorbs your emotions and is charged with them. Repeat the exercise for 3-5 days.
If, after taking the stone, you feel the emotions that you transmitted to the stone, it means that it heard and tuned in to your energy.
Perform exercises 1 and 2 in sequence.
Place the gem on the “third eye” point and relax.
Now the person’s task is to receive response signals from the stone.
If a golden, lilac or pink glow appears in your thoughts, this is a good result, the stone radiates positivity. This means that the adjustment of the stone to your biofield has been successful.
Important: in order not to lose contact with the stone, exercises should be repeated every 6 months.
But if you experience discomfort, it is better to stop the session.
After some time, you can try to repeat the setup.
Experts say: if the adjustment has not occurred within 10 days, then the stone should be disposed of. Most likely, this is simply not your stone and it will not bring any benefit.