How to activate a money talisman?
Every culture has special symbols and rituals that promote prosperity. But even strong money talismans do not work for everyone. Psychologist Masha Mamonova tells how to choose the right talisman and where to place it to attract wealth November 2, 2022 Psychologist, writer, founder of the Multiverse Club. Practices neofeng shui, which over time has transformed into the author’s method of working with the house “Secret Feng Shui” (Secret Matrix of the House) At first, symbols and rituals that attracted wealth were associated with the harvest, then precious metals, gems, and furs came into play. Even later, metal money entered people’s lives, and even later, paper money. And now we live in the era of plastic and online banking. But the passion for prosperity does not subside! “I was given a strong money talisman. I put it on the table in my office. A year passes, a second one is coming. Does not work!” – my client complains. “It’s already covered in dust, but there’s no result. The same one worked great for a friend – he bought an apartment with an unexpected discount. Why doesn’t it work for me? It’s simple: this is not your symbol. And you don’t feel the resonance. But if there is no resonance, there is no result. And a friend had a resonance. How so? Why only a friend? What is resonance and how to get it? What’s going on? Let’s figure it out now.
Where is the money sector in the house?
How to take control of something that, as it seems, does not belong to you and is somewhere outside? One way is to study the feng shui sectors in your home. Using the Magic Square, you can find all nine sectors and decide which priorities you will work with. Realize where the financial sector is located in the house (hint – in the southeast of any interior). And start working with him. And this is without any connection with financial analysts and stock exchange forecasts. According to the method of macro- and microcosm (that is, when the small contains the whole essence of the larger) in your apartment – no more, no less! – contains the entire Universe. And if it is there, then what might be beyond your control? You just have to want it! If everything is so simple, then why few people use this knowledge? First, to use such knowledge, you need to take responsibility as the creator of your own destiny. Pay attention to the central sector of the square: it seems to symbolically “embrace” each of the sectors, as if “reaching out” to each of them. It is a person who sets tasks for himself, reaches the necessary vibrations (thoughts, sensations, emotions, feelings) and gets the result himself. He does not complain about world crises and politics, takes into account all the nuances, but builds his own unique Path. Including through working with the house – after all, the house helps to bring to awareness many things that were previously in the “gray zone”.
Colors, shapes and textures of the money sector according to Feng Shui
- Favorable colors: green, purple, lilac, red (a little, to activate). A little golden.
- Favorable forms: wavy, circle, rectangle, cylinder
- Main element: wood (that is, all wooden furniture is suitable)
- Power element: water (that is, the colors blue, cyan, black, decorative items made of glass, crystal).
- Damaging element: metal
- Weakening element: fire. This means that a lot of fire and light is not needed. Only in homeopathic doses for point activation (for example, light a candle for an hour).
- fragrance: cinnamon, orange, sandalwood, vanilla
- Stone: yellow citrine, green jade, malachite, jadeite, emerald, amethyst, golden amber (since amber is the hardened resin of relict trees, the element of wood, favorable in the money sector, is supported here).
- Classic talismans: fountains with active water (Yang elements), all fresh flowers, amethyst geodes, citrine druses, jadeite dishes, amber products, any coins from financially stable countries, you can choose candles of the desired colors and scented candles, for example, sandalwood, vanilla. And symbols of wealth (we’ll talk about them now).
Personal money symbol
So why did a friend have a resonance, and my client came for a consultation to sort out a case of failure? Because for his friend, that talisman evoked a deep response, positive emotions, as they say now – inspired. Why? Yes, simply due to the characteristics of his life, upbringing, growing up, and his history in general. For example, there are people whose childhood was so difficult that they even associate chocolate medals in gold wrappers with prosperity. Some people believe that only gold is stable, and banknotes are pieces of paper. Some people like the sound of metal coins – it is this and the cool weight in their hands is associated with stability. For some, this is a “golden” bank card. Give someone only real estate – everything else to such a person seems like “decay” that can collapse at any second.
Wealth trigger
It is important to find your “wealth trigger”. Because you will not react to others. We have already told how things in the house program us, and with wealth it’s the same story, only the opposite: your task is to find a personal symbol of money, then purchase an interior accessory that fully conveys this symbol, install it in your study or office at home. And start “programming” yourself consciously.
It is better to find one high-quality talisman, the look of which will give you goosebumps with pleasure, than to buy a scattering of symbolic objects on the advice of the seller or friends. What worked for someone doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you.
At different times there were different symbols of wealth: in agricultural communities it was always a rich harvest. The steppe peoples have as many healthy horses as possible. In feudal times, kings and czars were already gold bars, coins, castles. Closer to our time – paper money and plastic cards of various ranks and stripes. And at each historical stage, depending on the climate and the type of benefits received, different symbols served as images of wealth.
It’s the same story with activator amulets for the money sector – it’s extremely important to find exactly your symbol! Others will either not bring results at all or will cause irritation. And this will only worsen the situation. After all, according to the law of attraction: what you emit is what you receive. The main question to yourself: What do I emit (that is, what do I feel, perceive, what do I think about) when every day I see a symbol selected for the money sector on my desktop?
Where to place the found symbol?
In the south-eastern sector, best on the desktop, in the office. It’s good if this sector falls into the living room. A desk in an office would also be perfect. We have already written about express desktop feng shui. But not in the bedroom. Everything related to money is very active, yang, and in the bedroom we need yin energies to calm down and fall asleep.
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A three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth has become a familiar attribute of a modern home. Many people buy it without realizing the power of the ancient Chinese talisman. Where did the money toad come from and how to use it? The laws and rules of Taoist feng shui practice will help you attract finance with the help of a popular money talisman.
What is a money toad?
The three-legged toad, or zhaocai chanchu, came to us from Chinese culture. This is a symbol of wealth, so the toad is one of the special talismans that are used in Feng Shui practice to create an abundant, comfortable and happy home.
What is a money toad?
This unusual talisman has been used in China for thousands of years. You can recognize a money toad by the following details:
- made of yellow alloy, plaster, wood, amber, glass or ceramics;
- often colored golden, brown or burgundy;
- the toad has three legs;
- The characteristic large eyes and nostrils are painted red or encrusted with red crystals.
The more valuable the material from which the talisman is made, the more powerful its magical power. There are frogs made of precious metals, decorated with natural gems – rubies, garnets, opals, corals or tourmalines.
Natalia Pravdina writes in her book “Talismans of Love and Luck” about what money toads look like and how they affect people. She compares them to other powerful feng shui talismans.
The history of the origin of the talisman
There are two versions:
- The strange creature was an evil and vengeful amphibian that created incredible difficulties for people in life. It forced humanity to ask for help and intercession from God. Buddha dealt with the aggressor, and the toad lost one paw, was defeated and became more favorable to people.
- The toad became the cruel robber Chan Chu, who killed and robbed everyone he met on his way. When lower deities were among his victims, alarmed people turned to God, demanding justice and punishment for the offender. Buddha reined in the robber, turning him into a toad with three legs.
In order to somehow compensate for his sins before people, the toad has since been spitting out gold coins and helping his owners gain wealth and honor. Therefore, he is depicted with a coin in his mouth, sitting on a stack of the same coins, gold bars and jewelry.
What is the role and significance of the money toad in Feng Shui?
In the symbolism of Taoist feng shui practice, the toad is considered a symbol of wealth. The three-legged toad will help:
- make profitable deals;
- create a strong family unit built on harmony and reciprocity;
- improve the health and well-being of home residents;
- create a comfortable atmosphere and friendly disposition among members of the family clan.
In addition to the function of a financial magnet, the three-legged frog has other roles:
- attracting material wealth, success in business and work;
- the role of a symbol of good luck in any endeavor.
Expert Tatyana Panyushkina talks about how to quickly attract money into your home for urgent financial needs with the help of a money toad, what rituals to use and how to do it without harming yourself.
Now, atoning for his sins, Zhaocai Chanchu protects people from any negative influences. The three-legged money toad is also a home talisman. The toad blocks the flow of negative qi energy, attracting positive energy, which improves the overall environment in the house and strengthens the health of the inhabitants.
Her power increases during the full moon. The toad recognizes only the head of the family and home as the owner.
How to use a money toad in the house
To use the money toad profitably, you need to understand its main role – to be a magnet for money and good luck. It is important to choose the right figurine, position it and activate its power.
Modern manufacturers of Feng Shui paraphernalia offer different figures of three-legged frogs. They differ in such characteristics as:
- size and design;
- the base on which the money toad sits (coins and valuables or the Bagua octahedron);
- presence of a coin in the toad’s mouth;
- the presence of other heroes in tandem with the frog.
How to choose the right money toad? Please note the following:
- The coin should be freely removed from the toad’s mouth. This means that money will come easily.
- Coins should lie hieroglyphs up, and not vice versa.
Here’s how different talismans work:
- A toad with a coin in its mouth helps to save wisely, increase income and create a safety net.
- A toad with an open mouth that does not have a coin will increase the savings of those who already have them.
- A frog on a mountain of coins – for independence and the ability to create savings for the future.
- A frog on an octagon is protection from negativity and a generator of positive energy.
- A frog with Hotei or several smaller frogs on its back is an amulet for those who put personal career achievements first.
If you choose a figurine with an open mouth, choose a suitable coin for it. In this case, Chinese lucky coins with images of hieroglyphs are suitable, or your own coins for good luck, if you use them in life. You can put a large banknote in the frog’s mouth to attract greater material benefits.
If you brought a frog into the house without coins, put coins under it, but not less than 28 pieces.
Where to place the money toad?
The classic location of the money toad in the house is opposite the front door. The figure should stand as if it were jumping into the house, and not rushing out.
The second zone that requires the presence of a money toad is the southeastern sector of the house, which, according to Feng Shui, is responsible for material well-being. A frog figurine can be placed:
- next to the piggy bank for money;
- on a green, violet, lilac or golden background;
- not far from the pot with the money tree – Crassula;
- on a wooden chest of drawers, table or bedside table, because wood has a beneficial effect on the power of money amulets;
- next to a small indoor fountain or aquarium.
These and other subtleties are written in the book of feng shui master Olga Vega “Magnetic transformation of abundance. The secret of a star expert for improving all areas of life in a modern metropolis.”
In order for the money talisman to have the strongest impact on the financial well-being of the residents of the house, it is recommended to purchase several money toads. Here are the basic principles of arrangement and “working” with figures:
- Place the figurines in different rooms of your home.
- The figurine should not be placed high, as toads are afraid of heights.
- In order for the talisman to influence finances, the toad must be stroked daily so that the coins fall out of its mouth.
The bathroom, kitchen or bedroom are forbidden places for the money toad. You cannot place the figurine in the southern part of the house, because the primary element of the south is fire. It will destroy the water toad’s power.
How to activate the money toad?
In order for the money talisman to start working, it must be activated. To do this, perform the following ritual:
- Take a new figurine and place it under running cold water, “bathe” the talisman thoroughly. You can place the toad in a vessel with water for a day.
- Spread a red napkin in the place where the figurine will stand, or better yet, use a Chinese one with certain hieroglyphs.
- Place the figurine on a napkin, but do not wipe any drops of water from it.
- Tie a red ribbon or bow around the frog’s neck.
The figurine must be rinsed with water every two weeks or planted in the center of the indoor fountain. Come up with a saying that you will pronounce when interacting with the talisman, for example, “If you scratch a toad’s back, I’ll get a lot of money!”
The teaching of Feng Shui helps to improve life, and the money toad is one of the assistants in this important matter. Choose a suitable talisman, activate it and remember that you must believe in any household magic.