How to activate a purchased amulet?
Making an amulet is a real ritual that every person who knows how to make amulets performs in his own way. In order for the amulet to effectively protect the owner, it is necessary to clean the amulet and charge it. The Slavs had their own traditions and rituals with which they protected themselves and their loved ones, and some of them have survived to this day. For example, you can entrust only knowledgeable people to make an amulet for yourself; giving an amulet to a loved one is the best way to protect him from misfortunes. Also, rituals for cleaning and charging amulets came to us from distant ancestors, who understood the magical effects of the elements and knew how to cleanse ourselves and cleanse amulets. Cleansing the amulet. How to cleanse Slavic amulets and charge them with new strength? This is accessible to everyone, and it must be done regularly so that new forces have a beneficial effect on energy. The simplest method, known since ancient times, is cleaning in running water. You need to place the Slavic amulet under running water, and water from a stream works best. It has long been known that water has the ability to absorb bad energy, and running water has a particularly positive effect. The only requirement for such purification is the absence of negative thoughts. The only thing you should think about while cleaning the amulet is that water washes away the troubles and misfortunes absorbed by your amulet. Mentally or out loud, ask the water to take away all the negative influences that have been absorbed into the amulet. If the material from which the amulet is made does not like water (for example, your amulet is made of wood), you can sprinkle it with drops of melt or rain water, since such water has pure energy. After you have cleaned the amulet, you need to wipe it with a cloth and leave it in the sun – this will help charge the amulet. The ancient Slavs knew the power of fire and often used it in their rituals. Everyone knows about jumping over the fire on Ivan Kupala, when the flames helped to cleanse. Those who quickly jumped over the fire were provided with good health, and lovers were guaranteed a strong union. In order to cleanse the amulet with a flame, you need to carry it over the candle flame from right to left, and then in the opposite direction. At this time, you need to imagine how bad energy burns in a flame and turns into smoke. You can mentally say the words that all troubles and misfortunes turn into smoke and disappear. Remember that it is not the wording that is important here, but the attitude. Only sincere faith and a serious attitude will help you clear the amulet. After you have cleaned the amulet, the candle must be thrown away. After cleaning, it is recommended to charge the Slavic amulet made of silver, gold or other materials in the sun. In order to cleanse the amulet with earth, you need to bury it in dry soil and leave it there for one night. The earth will absorb the bad energy of your amulet, and after that you can charge it in any convenient way. You can also simply leave the item on the surface of the earth, and if you surround the area with stones, the cleansing will be even more effective. Also, salt is often used to clean amulets, which perfectly absorbs bad energy. The amulet should lie in salt for three days, after which it must be thrown away. If you prefer incense, you should choose sage or cedar – they perfectly cleanse the energy of the room and can serve as both an additional aid in cleaning the amulet and in preparation for the cleansing ritual. How do you know when the amulet is cleared? No one can tell you this except your feelings. When the magical item is cleansed, you will feel the power and confidence that the metal gives. If sensations do not arise, the amulet needs to be cleaned again. How to charge a Slavic amulet? Once the magical protection item is cleansed, you can charge it. The best time for this is the waxing moon. The charging ritual contains all the elements: fire, air, water, earth and ether. You need to choose a place in nature, where you are guaranteed not to be disturbed by other people. The best place to be is the bank of a river or other natural body of water where you can build a fire. You need to take off your shoes, remove all metal objects, and let your hair down. A Slavic amulet made of gold is charged with the help of hymns to the gods (ether), then sprinkled with a handful of native soil, immersed in running water and dried over a flame. Every time a certain element touches the amulet, ask it to endow the magical thing with the necessary qualities. If you can’t get out into nature, you can charge the amulet at home, but then you need to try to ensure that all the elements are present. In any case, the main thing is to sincerely believe in the ritual, to be honest with yourself and with the world, then the amulet will give you strength, wisdom and happiness. In my store you can buy or order items with protective symbols printed on them. Examples of my work with Slavic symbols are here and here. Runic amulets are activated by a spell and the forces of one of the four elements: air, water, earth or fire. This ritual is mandatory – it is a kind of “START” command for a runic amulet. During activation, you must clearly state the task for your rune or runic formula: how it is activated, when it starts working, when it finishes working. You must say the slander out loud or silently. The clause can be anything, but it is better that it be concise, specific and consistent with the abilities of the activated runes or runic formulas. For example, if you have a runic amulet for love in your hands, then it would be stupid to activate it for material wealth. In order for the runes to work the way you want, it is very important to be internally deeply confident that the result will be exactly as you specified. Your intention must be conscious, and the reservation must be carried out only with a positive attitude. You should not doubt for a minute the reality of your plan. Important: set a goal in the clause, but not the path to this goal or the method of achieving it. The powers of the runes should be free to make their own decisions. At the moment of the slander, you should feel the full depth, power and strength of the runes. Imagine your rune (runic formula) leading you as a guide, invading a situation that requires change. Mentally connect with the runes for a few minutes. The clause must indicate the method of activating the runic amulet (air, water, earth or fire) and the method of deactivating it (washing off, burning, burying in the ground). In addition, during the slander process, it is important to clarify that the rune or runic formula works without harm to you and your loved ones. Sample clause “Let the power of these runes and the power of the Gods of the rune (say the name of the rune if there is only one rune in the amulet. Or call the names of all the runes in the correct order of the runic formula) without harm to my health, influence as harmoniously as possible in this way: (list what you need It is at this moment that you lay down a program for each rune, based on your desires and goals). I start the work of the rune (you name the name of your rune or list the names of all the runes, if there are several runes in the amulet) in such and such a way (you name the method of activation) with gratitude.” How to activate runic amulets with the power of air Draw more air into your chest, warm it inside, formulate your request to the runes. Then, exhaling onto your runic amulet, pronounce your slander. You can first pronounce a slander with an exhalation on your palm, and then touch your rune or each of the runes of the runic formula with this palm. How to activate runic amulets with the power of water
An amulet with a rune or runic formula can be activated under running water.
During activation, wash your amulet with water and mentally formulate your task to the runes.
When you finish the slander, remove the runic amulet from under the water and dry it.
How to activate runic amulets with the power of the earth You can wrap a runic amulet in a piece of natural fabric and bury it in the ground – in a place where there are no people (forest, park). When the amulet is buried in the ground, mentally formulate your task for the runes.
After this, dig up, take away and clean your amulet.
How to activate runic amulets with the power of fire Prepare a wax candle and light it. Bring the amulet to the flame, but make sure that it does not catch fire. When activating your amulet in this way, mentally formulate your task to the runes.
When you finish the slander, put out the candle and cool your amulet. Important: we categorically do not recommend activating our runic amulets using fire powers, since without the appropriate skills you can get burned and the amulet can be damaged.
How to deactivate runic amulets
Deactivation of runes also occurs by elemental forces (flowing water, earth, fire). Deactivation means you will never see your runic amulet again. Therefore, during this ritual, it is important to thank the amulet and say goodbye to it. And then part with the amulet. To deactivate a runic amulet with fire light a small fire outdoors and place the amulet in the fire. Thank the amulet and say goodbye to it. After this, put out the fire and leave this place. Important: you cannot deactivate a runic amulet at home, in a fireplace or in a stove. To deactivate a runic amulet with water find a river. Thank the amulet and say goodbye to it. After this, throw the amulet into the water away from the shore and leave this place. Important: deactivating a runic amulet with water requires running water, so a lake or swamp is not suitable for deactivation. To deactivate a runic amulet with earth find a place where there are no people (forest, park). Thank the amulet and say goodbye to it. After this, bury the amulet in the ground as deep as possible and leave this place. If the runes of your runic amulet are made of silver, you can first “release” them and then give them to a jeweler to be melted down. The clause about releasing the runes could be something like this: “I thank the rune (you say the name of the rune if there is only one rune in the amulet. Or you say the names of all the runes in the correct order of the runic formula), I say goodbye and let you go. Let your (your) action cease as soon as you (you) disappear (disappear) from the surface of this amulet.” On our website you can buy runic bracelets, talismans, amulets at an attractive price.