How to activate the wealth zone?
Feng Shui translated from Chinese means wind and water. This is an ancient practice of harmonizing space in the home. Ancient philosophers believed that decorating a home according to the rules of Feng Shui would help not only improve the space, but also improve careers, finances, and even family relationships. We will talk about how to create harmony in the interior using the teachings of the Chinese sages of Feng Shui. Room zoning The main aspect of Eastern philosophy is the layout of the room. To make it easier, the Chinese have developed a special Bagua map, which contains rules for creating a Feng Shui environment in an apartment. It is a grid in which each zone is highlighted with a specific color: for example, wealth is blue, fame is red, etc. It’s easy to use:
1. First, draw a floor plan;
2. Then use a compass to explore the room, find the north – this will be the reference point that is responsible for financial well-being;
3. Next, identify the remaining areas of the room using the color map. This way you can plan not only a separate room, but also Feng Shui in the interior of the entire apartment. Shops in the Leningrad shopping center will help you purchase the necessary furniture and plumbing fixtures. Why is it important to consider cardinal directions? Each cardinal direction has a specific effect on the room. They have different energies and are able to influence a person in different ways. If the rules of Feng Shui are followed in the interior, then it will be comfortable to be in. Otherwise, you will want to leave the room as soon as possible. The Bagua map looks like this: With the help of such a visual diagram it will be much easier for you to create an interior according to Feng Shui. In each side you need to place certain elements that will fuel their energy and create harmony. Let’s talk about the main areas in the room: •Wealth zone. It is located in the southeast; this is the best place to organize a study. The Feng Shui colors of the room are light green and purple. Bright lighting will fuel the wealth zone – if it is not possible to use natural light, then add lighting from a store of chandeliers and lamps. Also here it is best to place figurines and paintings in the interior according to Feng Shui, symbolizing financial well-being – golden figurines of the Chinese god Hottei, a money toad or a tree. Also in this side you need to place things that symbolize water and water flow: an aquarium with fish, a vase with flowers, a small fountain. •Love zone. This is the southwest of the apartment – the place is most suitable for a matrimonial bedroom. Chinese philosophy says that an atmosphere of love spreads in this area, which will strengthen the relationship between lovers. According to Feng Shui, the interior of a bedroom should be designed in red and yellow shades. These colors allow you to awaken passion and attract your soulmate. Paired decorative items or those animals that symbolize fidelity are best suited for the bedroom: swans, mandarin ducks, pigeons. According to Feng Shui, butterflies in the interior should be located above the bed: for single people, they can bring a soul mate into their lives, and for lovers, they can “breathe” new emotions into the relationship. •Health zone. This area occupies the center of the room. Natural colors are best suited for Feng Shui interiors: green, brown, sand. Activation of this zone helps apartment owners feel better and strengthen their inner spirit. To do this, bowls of fruit and indoor plants are placed here. According to Feng Shui, artificial flowers can also be placed in the interior, but they should be as similar to real ones as possible. The most “charged with energy”: lotus, chrysanthemum, magnolia, peony and orchid. To cleanse the health zone, aromatic oils, incense sticks and candles are used. •Happiness zone. It occupies the south according to Feng Shui rooms. Bright and contrasting shades should prevail here: red, brown, yellow. In this place you can place awards and items of pride for the owners of the house: certificates, diplomas, medals and cups. To attract the power of luck and happiness, figurines of a phoenix, an eagle, and a rooster are placed in the zone. Element – Wood. Direction – South-East. Green color. In order to maximize monetary luck using Feng Shui, you need to follow the basic rules in the sectors whose aspects are wealth and prosperity and observe favorable directions.
Tips for really attracting good luck in business or money luck:
The classic method of activating money luck would be: a small pond with carp right in front of the facade of your house, a well-kept aquarium in the south-eastern zone of your apartment or house, an image or symbols of a turtle in the northern sector, as well as a fragrant “money” tree in the south-east. If you are starting a new business from scratch, then it would be better if you yourself grow a money tree from a small sprout, and as it grows and your business grows, it will become bigger and bigger. You can also add bright lighting in the hall to the list, it is better if it is a good crystal chandelier. Another favorable measure is the creation of an “illuminated palace”, that is, when there is an illuminated space in front of the entrance to the house, and the larger it is, the better. Good lighting is also desirable for offices, shops, etc. — the façade of an office or store should have bright lighting. Place a red and gold decoration in front of your front door, such as a tapestry or a painting, or something else entirely, all this will attract additional monetary luck and open up excellent prospects in the field of earnings. South-eastern zone of your home is responsible for wealth, and everything connected with it, which includes power, because the derivative of money is power, independence and freedom. Activate your feng shui wealth zone and you will have everything you want. To attract business success, you need to pay special attention to your desktop: it must be correctly oriented, have the right dimensions, and be properly designed. There is no need to allow your desk to become cluttered, otherwise the same thing could happen to your business – this is the most important and effective rule. The same rules and recommendations apply for offices as for houses and apartments. It is very good to place a large well-kept aquarium in the south-eastern zone of the office, but the main thing is not to forget about a sense of proportion, since Feng Shui is, first of all, balance and harmony.
Revitalization of the southeast wealth zone
To activate the wealth sector, you will need favorable qi, as you already know, qi energy loves everything clean, bright, elegant, beautiful and is attracted to music and light. The owner of this sector is the element Wood, and to support it, it is necessary to add the element of Water so that the tree grows well and becomes strong. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the cycle of creation is the most positive, so water supports the tree and gives it strength to grow. In the south-eastern zone it is good to place an aquarium in which there will be eight goldfish and one black – for protection, a picture with a water image, a bowl of clean water. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because too much Water will simply flood the Tree. And, do not forget that the main thing in Feng Shui is symbolism. Also, to activate the wealth zone, “wind music” is suitable, in which there will be four hollow tubes, the number 4 symbolizes Wealth sector. For everyone who prefers non-Chinese symbols, it will be more effective to place various symbols of prosperity in the wealth zone, for example: a jewelry box, a piggy bank and similar piggy banks, a bowl of fruit, a photograph of a dream car or villa, a yacht, jewelry, chocolates in gold wrappers, dollar bills, various figurines of cows, pigs and roosters, beautiful paintings of fruits, especially oranges. There are certain taboos for the southeastern wealth zone. For example, the bathroom and toilet in the south-eastern sector are considered a serious problem – it is believed that your cash receipts will be flushed down the drain. You can protect yourself from this by hanging a mirror on the outside door of the toilet or bathroom; this will create the effect as if the room has visually disappeared. And don’t forget that it should not reflect the front door, and it should not cut off the top of any member of your family. If you can’t hang a mirror, then hang a beautiful picture with a flowering tree or some other plants in this place. You can also use a small pocket mirror to direct the energy qi upstairs, and tie all the pipes under the toilet and sink with red ribbons. The toilet lid must always be kept closed; all these methods will help retain positive qi and it will not go down the drain. Now you know everything you need to activate the wealth zone according to Feng Shui.