Mineral Review

How to charge a rock crystal stone?

I already told you about the talisman. and this is about stones.
Charging crystals.
Every stone is a crystal, even if it is not transparent and does not resemble a diamond in shape. All stones by their nature have a rigid crystalline structure, and all crystals perfectly absorb and retain information. To charge the crystal, select in advance any stone with a cup-shaped depression in the center. It is in this recess on a clean linen rag that you place your crystal. You must be somewhere nearby at all times. At least periodically approach the stone and maintain contact with it. After all, crystals are the only objects of power that can create a constant connection between a person, himself and the Place of Power.
Different methods of charging crystals are used for different purposes.
If you are charging a stone for protection from someone else’s biofield or the invasion of any hostile energy into your life, then choose the midday hour when the sun is at its zenith (that is, it will fall vertically down on the crystal). A protective item of power is essentially a talisman. Therefore, for this purpose it is better to take special protective stones. There are many of them, but the most common are various kinds of ocellated quartz (tiger, falcon, cat’s eye). Marble will have the same properties after charging. But if ocellated quartz helps maintain a person’s personal energy, then marble provides general protection for the family’s energy. So when you need an object of power that can protect your home from harm, then choose marble.
In second place after marble is tuff. People in the south loved to build houses from it. It was believed that tuff walls blocked the path of evil spirits into the house. You can charge a small piece of marble or tuff and then place it at the entrance of your home or just outside your doorstep. Then a robber and thief will never come to you, or just an evil person will never visit your house.
Our regular limestone is also not bad. This stone has always been considered to have the ability to conduct energy, structure and redirect all flows. It is not for nothing that churches were built from limestone in Rus’. And not only in Rus’, a huge part of the megaliths is made of limestone and sandstone. If your house is protected by limestone that has been in the Place of Power, then you are guaranteed to be protected from any hostile intrusion of energy, because limestone repels everything and does not let everything in.
A variety of ornamental, precious and semi-precious stones are used for personal use. There are so many of them that you need to write a whole book to describe the properties of each. I don’t have such a task ahead of me. Therefore, consult reference literature.
To charge crystals that will enhance certain aspects of your life, it is better to build a pentagram (five large stones, like the tops of a star, and two small stones at the core at the ends of the rays of the star). In the center, inside the pentagon of stones, place the crystals that you are charging. Carry out the exercises with the first rays of the sun and finish when the sun goes below the horizon, that is, you will need the whole day for this ritual. To use for personal purposes, charge the jewelry, which you will then wear constantly, and to attract something useful to the family, choose a large crystal, which you will then place in the house where the whole family likes to gather. You will achieve better results if the number of charged stones is odd.
You can use another method to charge crystals, without stones. For this you will need a round silver or copper bowl. Pour clean spring water into it, place precious stones at the bottom and place the bowl under the rays of the sun in a place of power.
However, not all stones can be charged this way. For example, you should not put porous stones in water: they will lose their beauty or beneficial properties. One of these stones is the turquoise you know, which gives love. It is not even recommended to rinse it with water, let alone leave it in water for a long time! But rock crystal acquires special power if it lies under the bright sun in spring water! shakurovasMaster (1920) 10 years ago SLAVS – CHARMS AND SYMPATHIES
Turquoise, strong woman. amulet for marriage. To be worn in silver by girls no older than 20 (I think in our time this period is not so critical, girls were married off at the age of 12). After marriage, Turquoise is removed and carefully preserved, it is passed on by inheritance, Rod adds strength to the stone.
The stone is extremely contraindicated for Married Women and Ladies; its love spell changes the energy and it can cause damage to health and family. Turquoise goes away (loses, changes color, gets destroyed) when:
energetically does not cope as an Amulet;
changes color – pay special attention to the health of the owner, or in the family;
Also, a change in color sometimes warns of impending shocks.
Turquoise is a degenerate stone, so love it, take care of it, even if you don’t believe in the magic of stones, at least out of respect for this mineral)
It is with great sadness that I state that all this works; I am convinced from personal experience, having once considered this knowledge to be entertaining superstitions. Subscribe to be the first to know about new arrivals in the store:

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How to make friends with a mineral?
Cleanse minerals

Cleaning your minerals is a vital part of caring for your rock collection. Without cleansing, the stones become duller and may turn pale and lose color. Many may notice that “contaminated” minerals even become more unpleasant to the touch and you want to come into contact with them much less. Sometimes stones that have not been cleaned for a long time become destroyed and lost, and cracks and damage may appear on them. When we talk about cleaning, we mean not only the physical cleansing of specimens from dust and dirt. Cleaning through the interaction of stones with natural elements restores their external beauty and internal strength. Even if you are completely far from mysticism, be sure to try one of the cleaning options and compare the purified mineral with the unrefined one. We’re confident you’ll notice the difference. When is it time to cleanse your mineral? When you feel like you’re losing touch with him. He no longer attracts attention, does not seem beautiful, you experience less emotions from looking at him. You can also cleanse the stone immediately after purchasing it to “zero” it before contact. Or after active interaction, for example, after sleeping with a stone under your pillow or meditating with a mineral. And, of course, if your collection is already stale and dusty.


The easiest and fastest way to clean minerals is to hold them under cool running water. A couple of minutes is enough. Suitable for all strong stones: quartz and all its varieties (including chalcedony, agate, etc.), beryl, topaz, corundum, tourmaline, obsidian, etc. Try to avoid contrasting temperatures, do not use too hot or too cold water.

This method is suitable for fragile minerals, as well as for greater emphasis on internal cleansing of the stone from accumulated information. Salt acts here as a natural absorbent; its crystals will take with them everything unnecessary and unnecessary, zero out the stone and give it a break from interacting with the outside world. Use regular sea salt without additives. Methods for cleaning with salt: – wrap the fragile mineral in a cloth so as not to scratch it with salt, and cover it. – place a specimen of the mineral on a sprinkled base of salt (suitable for large stones). Leave the minerals in the salt for a day or several, depending on your feelings. Suitable for all fragile stones (fluorite, selenite, lapis lazuli, malachite and other stones). To clean fragile stones from dust and dirt, use only dry cleaning with a cloth. Cotton swabs are suitable for cleaning hard-to-reach places.

The most powerful cleaning method, which literally returns minerals to their “homeland” and gives them the opportunity to relax and gain maximum strength. Bury the minerals in the ground. You can use a regular flower pot for this. Large minerals can simply be placed on the ground. To prevent soil from getting into cracks and depressions, you can first wrap the specimen with a cloth or paper napkin. This method can be enhanced by burying the minerals in real soil, for example, in a garden or forest. Leave the minerals in or on the ground for a day or several.

Fans of incense and the smell of herbs can safely cleanse any minerals with smoke. Smoldering St. John’s wort, sage, juniper, wormwood, and lavender are suitable. Or Indian sticks and tetrahedrons. To clean, pass the stone over the smoke, watching how the minerals become shrouded. We recommend performing this ritual only in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area. Be careful when interacting with smoke sources!

Owners of singing bowls can try cleansing minerals with sound. Place the specimen in the center of the bowl and run the stick along the edge.

Charge your minerals

After cleansing and zeroing, it is necessary to fill the stone with vitality. This recharging is almost the same as recharging a person. Minerals, like people, need to be filled with energy. Minerals are sensitive to light and to the atmosphere that surrounds them. Try not to keep your collection in a distant, dark place; in this case, they are unlikely to be able to please you and bring the desired emotions and feelings. Becoming friends with a mineral that is far from your eyes is very difficult. Below we will talk about how to strengthen your collection and keep your minerals in good shape.


The most common and easiest way to increase the energy of your minerals is to place them where the bright rays of the sun fall. This method should be used no more than 15-20 minutes a day for colored minerals so that they do not fade. Try to avoid overheating the minerals.

Any minerals can be charged in the light of the Moon; this will be especially effective on cloudless nights, when the Moon is clearly visible in the sky. A full moon is also perfect when the Moon is especially bright and strong. Place the minerals on the windowsill overnight.

When going to a park or forest, to the sea or to the mountains, anywhere where you feel a particularly strong connection with nature, take a few stones with you. Walking in the fresh air helps not only the person, but also the minerals.

Contact with the owner

Stones are filled with power when they are admired, when they interact with the owner. And they fade away when they are not communicated with and cared for. Therefore, it is very important to exchange your emotions with the mineral. Contemplate the pattern and color of the stone, try to fill it with the power of your love and admiration for its beauty. Study its structure, listen to tactile sensations. Many can even detect the “sound” and “smell” of the stone.

Contact with Selenite

Selenite is a type of fibrous gypsum with a silvery surface. A special feature of the mineral is that it strengthens other stones. Selenite seems to conduct a cleansing light through them, which helps the stones to rest, fill with strength and always be in shape. Keep a piece of selenite near those minerals that need recharging.

Communicate with minerals

It is absolutely not enough to purchase a mineral, put it in a box and expect miracles from it. Daily close contact will help you open the stone, get closer, find out its essence, why it came to you, and how exactly it affects you. The world of minerals is individual, each representative is special and unique, each has its own character and its own purpose. And for your friendship to be rich, vibrant and fruitful, you should be in contact with the stone.


Everyone’s favorite way to interact with a stone is to touch it. Twist the mineral in your hands, stroke it, squeeze it in your palms. You may want to place it on your cheek or place it in your solar plexus area. Follow your intuition and remember to monitor your feelings. Be careful, mentally say what feelings you are experiencing.

The most meditative way with which you can achieve a deep immersion in the world of your mineral. Contemplate the pattern of the stone, its structure, texture, all the cracks and features of its structure. Examine the surface of the stone in bright sunlight, at dusk, in the light of the moon, and under a flashlight. At the same time, it is useful to keep track of the associations that arise when you look at the stone. Some inclusion may resemble a branched tree, a crack may resemble a sea wave, and an elusive highlight may resemble a twinkling star. Dive deeper into the associations, dissolving in the mineral. And when you don’t have time for prolonged contact, leave the stone in a visible place and glance at it as you pass by.

The dialogue with the stone is not a scene from the realm of fantasy. A mental conversation with a mineral is also a conversation with yourself. And an incredibly useful practice for acquaintance with a stone to develop into true friendship. Looking at the stone, try to fill it with your thoughts and feelings. Start by expressing gratitude and love to the mineral. Share your feelings with him, tell him about yourself, your life, worries and joys. Imagine that you are giving your feelings to the stone. You can also ask the mineral questions. Find out why he came into your life, what he carries within himself, in what areas he works and how best to contact him. You can ask the stone for help in a given situation, you can ask about the most favorable solution to the problem. Monitor your thoughts and feelings.

Our subconscious is activated at the moment of sleep. And this is a great time to communicate with the mineral. It is enough to place a stone under your pillow or at the head of the bed, or you can fall asleep with a stone in your palm. Smooth, rounded minerals are best suited for this. In the morning, try to remember the dream. It is very useful to keep a dream journal with stones. The theme of the dream, your feelings during the dream events, symbols and sensations can tell you what kind of character the mineral has and in what area it will work for you. And with some minerals you will have sound and deep sleep without dreams, they can be used to relax after a hard day.

Feel the minerals

  • feeling of warmth or coolness in the body
  • goosebumps
  • tingling in the body
  • muscle relaxation or tension
  • feeling of lightness and weightlessness
  • change in breathing
  • mood change
  • the emergence of impulses to action
  • smile and laughter
  • the appearance of unexpected thoughts
  • feeling of happiness and delight from contact with the stone
  • boost of strength
  • feeling of a slight trance
  • feeling of vibration
  • the appearance of a bright associative series
  • feeling inspired
  • sensation of energy flowing through the body

Your feelings may be completely different. Someone can “smell” minerals, someone “hears” stones, someone begins to sneeze and yawn. Our relationship with stone can change. From crazy interest to indifference, from fear to a sense of protection, from intense sensations to complete loss of impulses from the mineral. Communication with a stone is an extremely individual process. Enjoy it, explore yourself and your mineral collection, try new ways of interacting.

Meditate with mineral

Another point in our guide to making friends with stones will be about meditation. This is an exercise for our body and mind, which leads to relaxation and has a beneficial effect on our entire body. At the moment of meditation, we are most receptive, and therefore contact with the stone will be easier than at ordinary times, when we are constantly distracted by something and our thoughts are busy. The basis of meditation is concentration, it can be concentration on a thought, image or sensation, in our case it will be concentration on a mineral. If you think that you have never meditated, then you are most likely mistaken. A meditative state can include knitting, embroidery, drawing, any activity when we are focused on the process and our consciousness is at rest. Even washing dishes during a certain hike can be considered meditation! We offer a very simple but effective exercise that can be performed with any mineral to get to know the stone and subsequently continue a strong friendship.

  • Place the mineral in front of you / pick it up / place it in the center of your chest (optional)
  • Breathe deeply, concentrate on breathing
  • Try to stop the internal dialogue and flow of thoughts (the more practice, the easier it will be)
  • Once you have reached a relaxed state, concentrate on the stone. Don’t strain yourself, just direct all your attention to the mineral.
  • Mentally describe the stone. Color, structure, pattern.
  • Answer the question: “What does this mineral look like?”
  • Mentally describe the character of the stone. Is he strict or gentle? Happy or sad? Try to give as detailed a description as possible. Don’t overthink it, let your thoughts flow in one easy flow.
  • Mentally describe what emotions it evokes in you. Delight? Sadness? Love? Try to describe your feelings as accurately as possible, grasp your state.
  • Think about where this mineral came from? For what? What does he bring to you? Why did you come now? What would you like to get from him? Will he help quickly or does he need time? What will he share with you? How and when? Where will he take you? What problem would he like to talk to you about?
  • Don’t be afraid to seem “too much of a dreamer.” Don’t stop the flow of thoughts. Try to mentally speak out.
  • Finish the meditation after you feel that you have fully told your entire story with the stone. Thank the mineral.

6. Cracks, chips, other damage to minerals

Does your stone have a crack, chip, roughness or other feature? There’s no need to panic. Cracks and other marks on the body of a stone are like scars and moles on the human body. This is his story. Natural minerals are not precious inserts in luxury rings, they are organisms that have gone through centuries of changes. And this is their beauty.

• If your stone has received “trauma” already in the process of your interaction with it (even if you don’t know where it came from), this indicates that the mineral has taken some kind of energetic blow. Literally – absorbed too much energy.

• What to do? We monitor our feelings. If you don’t like the stone right away, you should clean it in salt for several days. Perhaps after this he will contact you again. If this does not happen, then the stone has served its purpose at the moment. I advise you to put it in a dark place. Wait, you might be drawn to him again.

• If the stone has fallen apart and the pieces don’t make you want to ever interact with them, you can throw it away. You can put it directly in the trash can, you can return it to the ground and bury it in a quiet, secluded place. This way you will get rid of the negativity that the stone carried with it.

• The destruction of the stone is its help to you. Very often, damage to a mineral leads to success in business in the life of the owner, things move forward, and the problem disappears from life. Therefore, you should not be angry with the stone and upset because of its “breakage”. It’s time to choose new helpers, it’s time to move forward.

• Only you decide how to further interact with the destroyed mineral. This is your relationship, your history with him. Do as your heart tells you, know how to let go and know how to continue to be friends.

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