Therapeutic properties

How to check if peridot is real?

Chrysolite is one of the most ancient stones that has ever existed on our planet. Scientists find references to golden-green iridescent crystals in the mythology of many peoples of the world. The mineral is believed to have magical and healing properties. It is no coincidence that he was highly valued by the pharaohs of Egypt and the rulers of Rome. Due to its deep color and variety of shapes, the gem is often used for inlaying jewelry. Let’s consider what properties chrysolite has, as well as who this unique mineral is most suitable for.

Origin of the stone

The history of peridot is closely intertwined with the Mesopotamian kingdoms and dates back about 6 years. The stone was first discovered on the island of Zabarghat in the Red Sea – now the territory of modern Egypt. The name of the mineral comes from two Greek words chrysos – golden and lithos – stone. Residents of France called it olivine, and jewelers called it peridot. Another name – “evening emerald” – peridot received due to a special optical property that was noticed by the ancient Romans. The thing is that after sunset and in the evening light the stone acquires a rich green color, losing its greenish-yellow tints. For such an unusual property, peridot has long been called the “stone of change.” Perhaps this is why jewelry with this mineral was so valued by Queen Cleopatra, who was distinguished not only for her beauty, but also for her very changeable disposition.

Peridot deposits

The mineral is mined in Russia, Australia, and Brazil. Deposits of chrysolite, located at a depth of up to 400 meters, are found in Mongolia, Afghanistan, South Africa, and Tanzania. In addition, stones are often encountered by archaeologists during excavations in Greece, Jerusalem and Sri Lanka.

Characteristics of the mineral

Typically, peridot is green in color, which can look different depending on the lighting. Light golden notes are given to the mineral by impurities of chromium or nickel, and green-orange inclusions are the result of iron silicate content. The purest natural peridots range in color from white-yellow to pale green. Geologists classify a whole group of stones as chrysolites, among which green garnet, chrysoberyl and even topaz stand out. But the stone that we are considering in the article is one of the subspecies of olivine.

Precious or semi-precious stone

Chrysolite is a semi-precious stone that is actively used in jewelry. Peridot pairs equally well with gold and silver. Rings, earrings, and bracelets are encrusted with gemstones. Large specimens are used to decorate pendants and pendants.

Medicinal properties

Not only representatives of ancient civilizations, but also modern lithotherapists paid attention to the healing properties of chrysolite. It is believed that the mineral is capable of giving the owner inexhaustible spiritual energy and vitality. In lithotherapy, chrysolite is used for a variety of purposes: · relief of headaches and migraines; · reducing muscle tension and treating inflammatory processes; · maintaining immune strength during colds; · improving appetite, restoring the body after injuries and illnesses.

Magical features of peridot

From an esoteric standpoint, the meaning of peridot is determined by its shape and chemical composition. Previously, the stone was very popular among both magicians and clergy – they used the mineral to perform various rituals. The color of peridot combines the power of the fire and air elements. Many believe that the stone attracts good luck and provides the owner with strong energetic protection. Therefore, if you want to change your life or try yourself in a new business, then the mineral will definitely help and give you success in all your endeavors. · helps lonely people find their soulmate; · increases self-esteem and self-confidence, protects against the evil eye; · allows you to find peace of mind and improve family relationships. The stone will be the best talisman for emotional and purposeful people, as well as those whose character includes perseverance and a thirst for new knowledge. According to its characteristics, the stone is open to good-natured and talented individuals with a sincere heart.

Who is suitable for chrysolite according to their zodiac sign?

The stone is best suited for earth and fire zodiac signs. · For Taurus and Virgo, chrysolite will bring good luck in family matters, will help them look at life more optimistically, and also successfully smooth out conflict situations. · For Aries and Sagittarius, the mineral will help increase emotional stability, strengthen leadership qualities, and become more tolerant towards relatives. · For Capricorns and Leos, olivine will give a charge of vivacity and the desire to change their lives for the better, while bringing harmony to relationships with loved ones.

Compatible with other stones and metals

Olivine gets along well with minerals that have similar energy and origin. Here, not only the proximity of production sources plays a role, but also the elements. Peridot can be worn with stones such as diamonds, rubies, corals, sapphires, topazes, and amethysts. A good tandem will turn out in combination with tourmaline and rock crystal. Peridots go well with white gold, platinum and silver. The light shade of the metal sets off the stone well, giving it a special charm.

How to distinguish natural stone from a fake

Although chrysolites are not made in laboratory conditions, many fakes can be found on sale, made from plastic and glass outside laboratories. Therefore, it is important to know what a naturally occurring chrysolite stone looks like, so as not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous sellers. Differences between a natural gem and a fake: · there are no foreign inclusions inside the real stone, and its structure is transparent over the entire surface; · after cutting, peridot begins to refract light rays – when passing through the stone they bifurcate; · the natural sample does not heat up from the warmth of your hands and always remains cool. Real peridots are rarely more than 1 cm in diameter, and if they are found, their cost is close to that of high-end precious stones.

Caring for peridot, storing jewelry

Olivine is a fairly fragile stone – it must be protected from mechanical damage and exposure to chemicals. It is important to ensure that jewelry with peridot does not fall on the floor and does not come into contact with household chemicals such as alkalis, acids, or detergents. You should not wear jewelry with olivine to the beach, gym, pool, or go for a summer walk. It is advisable to protect peridot from exposure to sunlight – intense light can cause the mineral to crack. But due to chlorinated water, the stone will fade and lose its characteristic shimmer. Rings and cufflinks, rings and bracelets with chrysolites require especially careful handling. Constant friction can cause the mineral to be scratched, so jewelry should be stored in a soft box with a lid. To clean your jewelry, it is best to use a mild soap solution and plain water. A soft brush or brush is suitable for processing. After washing, the stone must be dried by placing it on a cloth. Who is chrysolite stone suitable for: properties and significance of the mineral Origin of the stone Deposits of chrysolite Characteristics of the mineral Precious or semi-precious stone Healing properties Magical features of chrysolite Who is chrysolite suitable for according to their zodiac sign. In many jewelry, instead of real peridot, a fake is used. It is imitated using glass and plastic. Artificial chrysolite is not grown, as it is not profitable, because natural crystals are inexpensive.

Artificial peridot

To create an imitation of a precious mineral, synthetic and inexpensive natural materials are used: cubic zirconia, colored glass, artificial spinel. They are painted green with a golden tint using manganese sulfate. Then processing is carried out in special furnaces, the final stage is grinding. The resulting chrysolite successfully copies the natural mineral in external features. But in terms of optical parameters it is inferior to the original. Large natural gems are rare, so large stones in jewelry are, in most cases, imitation. Sometimes synthetic peridot, grown in a laboratory for industrial needs, is passed off as peridot. This mineral is subjected to heat treatment to impart the desired color, but it does not have the high optical properties of real peridot. The production of fake gems is widespread in Ceylon. Bottle glass is dipped into sea water, and after being rolled by the waves, the fragments are sold as a precious mineral.

How to distinguish peridot from a fake

  • If we assume that the source material is plastic, then after passing the counterfeit over the surface with a hard object, detachment will occur in the form of chips.
  • The uneven transparency of the stone indicates that the imitation is made of glass. You can distinguish a natural gem by the absence of internal defects and cloudy areas.
  • The even greenish-yellow hue of peridot indicates its authenticity. The fake is distinguished by areas of different color saturation.
  • After cutting a natural mineral, a refractive effect appears: the ray passing through the crystal bifurcates. Fake samples do not have this property.
  • Bright oily shine, inclusions of yellow color, hardness – these qualities distinguish a real stone from imitation stones made from other inexpensive materials.
  • If you hold a glass crystal in your palms, it will quickly heat up and retain heat for a while. The natural gem will remain cool.
  • When purchasing a product, you must require a quality certificate confirming the authenticity of the mineral.

Sometimes chrysoprase ornamental stone is sold under the guise of a precious insert. Apart from the green color, there is no external resemblance to a real gem. It is opaque, there is no double refraction.

Care of products

Peridot is used in jewelry as an ornamental stone and is used to make accessories and interior items. Proper care of jewelry with peridot allows you to preserve the beauty of the stone for a long time.

The natural mineral must be protected from heat and contact with acid. You can wash with a weak soap solution or water with ammonia (5 ml per glass of water). Do not use a brush or sponge for cleaning. If the product has a silver frame, then dry cleaning with baking soda is possible. The rules for caring for a fake stone differ in that it must be protected from mechanical damage.

Artificial chrysolite is not a complete replacement for a natural gem, since it does not have the same physical, magical and healing properties. In addition, a fake is significantly inferior to a real stone in beauty, brightness and brilliance, which makes it easy to distinguish an imitation.

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