How to choose a talisman stone according to your zodiac sign?
Many contemporaries consider astrology to be a pseudoscience, but our ancestors took it much more seriously. And now there are serious reasons to believe that the position of the luminaries and planets at the moment of birth has a significant impact on both a person’s character and many aspects of his life. Talismans of the Zodiac signs in 2021 will help to attract good luck to their bearers, and this will not hurt anyone during such a difficult period. There is no need to reject astrology: even inveterate skeptics need amulets according to the signs of the Zodiac and the months. If you believe in their powerful sacred energy and miraculous power, great: the talisman will reward your trust a hundredfold. No – that means you will just get an elegant decoration, which is also not bad. A money talisman for a man according to his zodiac sign will contribute to increased prosperity and success in business, and an amulet to attract mutual love will help a woman find her soul mate – just believe.
How to choose a talisman for yourself based on your date of birth?
The easiest way is to select a talisman by date of birth in accordance with the zodiac horoscope. It is well known and does not cause misunderstanding among people far from esotericism. For each sign of the Zodiac, there are talismans to attract money and good luck, amulets against hostile energy and misfortunes, amulets for love, faithful marriage, healthy offspring, career growth, and so on.
When choosing a talisman or amulet against the evil eye and damage, you need to take into account not only the formal zodiac constellation, but also the specific date of birth. Those born in the early days of a sign are not always suited to what is ideal for those born at the end of the sign: the influence of other elements is strong.
- eastern (animal symbols);
- Druid (trees);
- floral Celtic (by color);
- numerological (by numbers);
- Slavic (according to the position of the Moon and the Sun);
- Zoroastrian (according to the position of the Sun and Saturn).
If you are seriously passionate about sacred practices, you can find out your talisman by date of birth from an experienced astrologer, who will draw up an individual horoscope, taking into account the position of the luminaries at specific minutes. But you can get by with the general information that will be presented in this article: a good astrologer is not easy to find and his services will not cost a penny.
Amulets and talismans for fire signs
The element of Fire is bright and unpredictable: it can become a guiding light, or it can burn everything around in a furious flame. That is why representatives of the signs of the fire element are usually characterized by an indefatigable desire for progress, a thirst for knowledge, excellent health, openness and inexhaustible optimism.
However, fire-born also have a number of significant disadvantages. They are often selfish, tactless, stubborn, vain and firmly confident in their own rightness, not accepting an alternative point of view. But a correctly selected talisman can neutralize these shortcomings, turning them into direct advantages.
The zodiac circle is opened by the “youngest” sign of the Zodiac, Aries. He is distinguished by a truly fire-breathing temperament, audacity, courage and legendary stubbornness. Aries stones are garnet, amethyst, agate, jasper, sapphire and diamond, symbols are fire, eye, shield, sword, armor, Phoenix bird, wolf, falcon.
The next fire sign is the royal Leo, leader, energizer and soul of the party. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious, they strive for power and love to be the center of attention. Garnets, chrysolites, rubies, topazes, and amber best correlate with the internal energy of Lviv. Images of the sun, lion, eagle, ladybug, and star can become his amulets.
The last sign of Fire is Sagittarius. He is always forward-looking, open, optimistic, but straightforward (sometimes to the point of tactlessness) and extremely loving. Turquoise, peridot, topaz, blue sapphire, ruby and even emerald are very suitable for Sagittarius. Powerful talismans will be an arrow, a horseshoe, a Centaur, a star of Erzgamma, a scarab beetle, and a Phoenix bird.
Almost all fire signs are born leaders who love to be the center of attention. Due to their natural love of cutting the truth, they have many enemies. Therefore, it is best to wear diamond amulets for all important meetings and crowded events – they effectively reflect negativity.
Talismans for zodiac signs of the element Earth
It is often said about representatives of signs belonging to the Earth element: they stand firmly on their feet. And it’s true: they are, as a rule, rational, careful to the point of pedantry, patient and persistent in achieving their goals.
However, earth signs often lack self-confidence, eloquence and creativity. Many subjects of this element are cold in expressing feelings, which their significant other does not like very much.
The first earth sign is Taurus. One can envy his self-control, but in a rage he is terrible. Taurus are confident practitioners, loyal friends and spouses, persistent creators of families and careers. They are characterized by hedonism (love of beautiful and expensive things) with some stinginess. Their stones are emerald, turquoise, sapphire, agate, malachite, and onyx. Material talismans are a bull, a lotus, an apple, a cornucopia, a dove, a wreath, a mirror and others.
At the epicenter of the earth element is Virgo. Representatives of this sign are wise, rational, and prone to deep analysis of events and actions. However, sometimes they are overly sentimental, unsure of themselves and frivolous, especially in their youth. Amulets with jade, chrysolite, onyx, tiger’s eye, and aventurine will help overcome natural deficiencies. Virgos are protected by dogs, owls, monkeys, and grasshoppers. Strict geometric shapes are welcome.
The earthly triumvirate is crowned by Capricorn. A typical representative of this sign is stubborn and disciplined, has an iron will and powerful charisma. However, he can turn into a complete egoist, a bore and a careerist, literally paving the way to his cherished goal over his head. Agate, garnet, rock crystal, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, jade, serpentine, and malachite correlate with the energy of Capricorn. As talismans, you can choose any sacred symbols, two-faced Janus, goat, black cat, owl, turtle, ladder, key, coin.
The Tree of Life talisman is suitable for all earth signs. Amulets made from natural wood and stone, as well as indoor plants in all forms, are welcome.
Talismans for water signs
Water is a special element: it is changeable and fickle. She imparts these traits to her children. Representatives of water signs are endowed with excellent intuition, well-developed creative abilities, and the ability to adapt to any circumstances.
However, these people are often indecisive, especially sensitive to other people’s opinions and are not capable of making decisions. They prefer to go with the flow, making no attempt to change their own lives.
The first sign of the water trio is Cancer. For the most part, these are very emotional and sensual natures, prone to mysticism and possessing the gift of empathy. These refined aesthetes live much more by feelings than by reason, which often hinders them in life in general and in building a career in particular. It is better for Cancers to choose jewelry with moonstone, carnelian, rock crystal, opal, hematite, rock crystal, pearls, and choose the Moon, heart, crayfish or claw, fish, turtle, dolphin, olive, clover as a talisman.
In the center of the water circle is Scorpio, perhaps the most powerful of all water signs. Many Scorpios cannot be denied determination and the ability to achieve their goals by any means necessary, which sometimes turns into incredible selfishness. Scorpio’s character is complex and contradictory: the same person is capable of becoming the truest friend and enemy, capable of any meanness. Among the stones that neutralize the negative traits of a Scorpio character? It is worth mentioning topaz, alexandrite, pyrope, aquamarine, bull’s and cat’s eyes, opal, corals. Of the material talismans, Scorpios are most shown the scorpion itself, the scarab beetle, all the inhabitants of the water element, something related to weapons.
The aquatic trio is crowned by Pisces. Representatives of this sign are romantic and sensual. As a rule, they are endowed with extraordinary intuition and wisdom. However, they clearly lack determination and consistency – most Pisces do not shine with leadership talents. You can overcome the natural indecision of Pisces with the help of amulets with pearls, sapphires, emeralds, aventurines, amethysts, and aquamarines. All representatives of aquatic fauna, led by fish themselves, shells, boats, and the Horn of Plenty will become good mascots.
The scourge of almost all water signs is a tendency to all sorts of addictions, which stems from a lack of their own energy. Zodiac sign stones are capable of accumulating cosmic energy and transmitting it to its bearers!
Amulets for zodiac signs of the element Air
The air element, like the water element, is characterized by inconstancy. Air signs are constantly on the move: their path is communication and working with information in all its forms. However, they sometimes lack consistency in actions and self-confidence.
The airy triumvirate is opened by the contradictory and ambivalent Gemini. They are inquisitive, eloquent, able to solve several problems at the same time and inspire the trust of their interlocutor. However, sometimes Geminis are overly talkative, dependent on other people’s opinions, and unpredictable in their feelings and actions. Their stones are agate, alexandrite, beryl, carnelian, citrine, pearls (not black). A snake, an owl, a mask, a key, all symbols of duality and information carriers are suitable as amulets.
At the center of the Air element is Libra. They are very friendly, dreamy, wise, creatively gifted, but vulnerable and sometimes capricious. And Libra’s mood swings defy any logic. They can be stabilized with rose quartz, amethyst, topaz, rhodonite, moonstone, tourmaline, and opal. Good talismans would be scales, heart, dove, butterfly, sunflower, wheel.
The third representative of the air element is Aquarius. He is always on the move and in the center of events, a brilliant speaker and intuitive, the real soul of the company and a conqueror of hearts. However, loyalty, consistency and responsibility are clearly not his strong point. The shortcomings inherent in Aquarius can be overcome with the help of amethyst, zircon, sapphire, pearls, jade, tourmaline, and turquoise. Effective amulets will be a dove, a turtle, a crane, a key and a lock, and a jug.
Air signs should wear diamond jewelry with caution. They will reflect negativity coming from outside, but can strengthen the natural shortcomings of the children of Air.
A prudent sapphire, a charismatic garnet, a dreamy topaz – each of these stones can become your energy shield and ally if it suits you.
May 20, 2022 256 0 –>
Do you know that each zodiac sign has its own talisman stone? Astrologers are convinced that with the right choice, a stone can become a strong ally of the future owner: help replenish the lack of energy, absorb negative emotions, and strengthen the strengths of the individual. However, in order for the properties of a particular stone to be revealed to a person in the best possible way, your energies must match.
So, let’s figure out which crystals are most suitable for your zodiac sign. Perhaps this will help you choose not only a stylish jewelry accessory in the form of a ring or bracelet, but also a reliable talisman that will bring good luck.
How to choose a stone according to your zodiac sign?
As before, as now, astrology finds its supporters among those who believe in the influence of zodiac signs on the formation of a person’s personality. According to astrologers, each representative of the sign has its own system of influence and protection, in which talisman stones play an important role. Depending on the energy of the crystal, astrologers distinguish stones as protectors, stones as healers, as well as stones of good luck.
How to determine which mineral is best for you? Astrologers say that the best guide will be your own feelings, as well as your first impressions of touch. First, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the properties of minerals: compare their features with the features of your character. Determine what you want to change in yourself, which traits to soften/strengthen, and only then choose from several options, experts say. At the same time, they add, astrology does not exclude the possibility that a person may have not one, but several talisman stones. Each case is individual, so there is no need to worry about choosing just one thing.
Stones according to the zodiac sign Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Purposeful Aries are given the palm in leadership qualities. These people are distinguished by great vital energy and strong character. True, sometimes their diligence can border on excessive severity and categoricalness. It is not without reason that in mineralogy, Aries owns the strongest minerals, including His Majesty the diamond.
For a stubborn and ambitious Aries, minerals are suitable that will help maintain his energetic fuse, but at the same time neutralize emotional outbursts in a timely manner.
Amethyst, diamond, sapphire
Amethyst pacifies the hot temperament of Aries, softens his categorical nature. According to astrologers, the unobtrusive purple glow of the stone helps Aries to concentrate and also better control their emotions. It has been noticed that those who wear bracelets or pendants with amethyst become calmer.
Aries’s strength of character is best suited to the properties of a diamond. The most suitable gift for a representative of this sign is a white gold ring. Esotericists believe that a diamond brings good luck to Aries and strengthens his strong-willed qualities. But only if a person has planned something with good intentions.
A sapphire, an ancient symbol of spirituality, will be a good ally for Aries. It will help Aries to be more restrained and reasonable, to compensate for the lack of foresight. Since Aries belongs to the fire element, the best metal for him would be red gold. In addition, a combination (yellow and red) is also suitable.
Zodiac sign Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Those born under this sign are conservative, practical, stubborn and sensitive. Its main patron is Venus, so they are also connoisseurs of comfort and beautiful jewelry.
May Taurus (May 2-11) is influenced by the Moon. They are dreamy and rather slow. Astrologers advise them to pay attention to stones with incendiary energy that can motivate determination and protect against apathy and other disorders.
Garnet, emerald, citrine
Greenery, like all the gifts of nature, is the native element for Taurus, so the green emerald favors him in life. It enhances the love of life and optimism of Taurus, and helps to cope with melancholy and depression.
Taurus men can improve their attractiveness with pomegranate. Astrologers say that it gives them masculinity and charisma, and also attracts the right acquaintances. But for Taurus women, this stone will add femininity and passion. It is believed that the radiation of this stone in the ring stimulates love energy.
Astromineralogy also advises Taurus to take a closer look at citrine. Stone experts say that a citrine pendant can help with insomnia and nervous tension.
Stones according to the zodiac sign Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The energy of the air element makes Gemini a crowd favorite. They are active, sociable, and sometimes unpredictable. Geminis charm people with their lightness and mobility. Such people are easy-going, quickly adapt to everything new, but at the same time changeable in tastes and moods. They often neglect consistency, which can hinder the creation of strong relationships. Astral stones are designed to balance and stabilize the changeable moods of Gemini, strengthen their intuition and connection with their inner self.
Agate, pearl, tourmaline
Agate and Gemini are even similar in some ways: both are multifaceted and attractive. The richness of agate flowers, their intricate patterns and deep shine excite the imagination of Gemini. The gem can bring success and luck into the life of Gemini, which is why it is often given as a gift for completing their studies or when applying for a job. By stimulating Gemini’s constant desire for something new, the stone acts as a kind of fulcrum in achieving what they want.
Pearls for Gemini are a sea of brilliance and complete calm. The calm shades of pearls balance the changeable nature of Gemini and prevent their mood swings from affecting personal and work relationships.
Geminis have one more feature – they love to be surprised. If they get bored, they quickly lose interest and leave the relationship. The best way to create pleasant surprise is to surprise them with tourmaline jewelry. In terms of variety of colors, tourmaline surpasses most gems. This means Gemini will definitely not get bored with him!
Stones for the zodiac sign Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Cancer is one of the most emotional representatives of the star palette. It can be difficult with him: such people can inspire and fall in love at first sight, but at the same time remain closed to communication.
Considering the increased sensitivity of Cancers, stones of calm shades are most compatible with their character. They soften the excessive vulnerability and touchiness of representatives of this sign, making them less capricious.
Cancers are ruled by the Moon, so round or spherical stones are suitable for them. The symbol of the sign is a heart. If you are looking for a romantic gift, then pay attention to jewelry with stones and Love symbols.
Cancers born in mid-summer have a keen sense of other people, but they only open up to a select few. They value tenderness, sincerity and understanding, so they want discreet and discreet jewelry that inspires security.
Amethyst, onyx, ruby
Pink and soft lilac shades of amethyst are associated with sincerity and loyalty, therefore they are energetically in harmony with Cancers. Calm tones are especially valued because they are most associated with motherhood (the feminine chakra), and Cancer women have a very developed desire to care for others.
Among the sensitive Cancers there are a large number of representatives of creative professions. According to astrologers, the best gift for them would be a men’s ring with an amethyst in a gold frame. The longer you wear amethyst, the calmer your nervous system will be.
Onyx is called a favorite among Cancer men. Its uniform, deep shade gives men strength and self-confidence. Esotericists advise indecisive and shy people to wear the mineral daily. But the fiery ruby saturates closed and indecisive Cancers with the energy of luck in love affairs and gives courage in expressing feelings.
The Cancer man is a devoted friend, but sometimes when communicating with women he becomes a hostage to this role. The ruby stone of passion will help you open up and move to a new level of relationships.
Stones for the zodiac sign Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Where Leos are, bright emotions, great love of life, energy and fun prevail. Calm decorations in pastel colors are definitely not for Leo.
Leos, being under the protection of the Sun, are energetically drawn to bright sunny colors. Yellow, golden, orange, green, and red shades suit them best. The brighter and more individual the ensemble is, the greater the chance that Leo will like it. This powerful, proud sign loves to be the center of attention like no other and is dependent on other people’s praise.
Leos love expensive things, even if they cannot afford them. They persistently pursue their goal, but cannot always cope with their explosive energy. Often such people are quick-tempered and overly emotional. Leo’s pride can develop into arrogance, and increased self-confidence can lead to a painful perception of criticism.
Astrologers advise this sign to choose stones with soft energy, which will smooth out the temper and harshness of Leo. Correctly selected astral stones will tune Leo to a more understanding and lenient perception of reality.
Amber, ruby, peridot
Amber, like a little sun on your finger, gives Leos optimism and love of life. The soft yellow reflections of the stone calm the volcano of emotions in Leo. The color yellow reduces stress, brings joy, and in the case of Leo, doubly so! For better interaction with the stone, it is recommended to wear amber as close to the skin as possible. For women, a women’s pendant or bracelet in yellow gold would be an excellent option.
Bright green chrysolite for Lviv is a symbol of youth, the embodiment of spring energy, growth and development. The stone reveals the charisma of this sign, attracts and attracts people to it. In addition, chrysolite puts its owner in a creative mood.
Ruby has an unusually strong influence on Leo. The energy of this stone stimulates the owner to realize the most daring plans and ideas.
Stones according to the zodiac sign Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Inveterate pragmatists and pedants, Virgos sometimes show excessive fussiness and attention to detail. They like everything to be in order, so it is difficult for them to relax and let things go.
The pursuit of perfection in everything is the main motto of this sign. They also choose the perfect talisman for themselves. They can be difficult to please, so if you are planning to buy jewelry with stones as a gift, it is better to find information in advance and observe what Virgo likes to correlate the scale of the occasion and the effectiveness of the gift.
When choosing a talisman, keep in mind that Virgos can be overly picky. Choose a gift according to the occasion: if the celebration is magnificent, then you can give luxurious earrings with sapphires. But if you present them just like that, as a compliment, you can confuse Virgo and make her suspicious of the purpose of the gift.
The right stones will help Virgo relax and give her greater ease. Choose stones in purple, blue, yellow and white shades. But astrologers call red and pink tones unlucky for this sign.
Sapphire, topaz, peridot
Deep blue sapphire symbolizes wisdom and peace of mind. No wonder Solomon himself wore it. Such a stone will be an excellent talisman for a sensible Virgo. Sapphire eliminates inner fussiness and helps to collect thoughts.