How to distinguish amethyst from fluorite?
Sometimes on the shelves under the guise of amethyst you can find fluorite – a semi-precious stone that looks very similar to amethyst.
There is nothing harmful or bad about artificial gems. They are grown on the basis of quartz; in appearance, such stones are no different from natural amethyst, and the cost of grown specimens is slightly lower. In this case, the origin is important for those people who need amethyst for medicinal purposes, as well as for those who do not like synthetics.
How to distinguish a real amethyst from a fake: win-win ways to find a real stone
There are several ways to distinguish a real amethyst from a fake. During the purchase, you can resort to visual assessment. Synthetic and fake crystals are always clean and bright, without visible flaws. Real amethyst is unevenly colored, does not have a very bright shade, and, in addition, it is not completely transparent, unlike artificial stones. Microcracks, air and water bubbles can be distinguished in the structure of natural stone.
Another important parameter when evaluating a stone is color. Natural amethyst is violet in color, from very pale to deep dark shades with a reddish or bluish tint. A special case is prasiolite, or green amethyst. Usually this type of stone does not appear on the shelves and is quite rare, so when purchasing you need to study the documents – the birthplace of green amethyst can only be the USA or Brazil.
A simple and reliable way to determine the authenticity of an amethyst is to compare the color of the stone under different lighting conditions, in the shade and in the sun. For a real crystal, the original shade does not change under different lighting conditions.
The classic method to check whether the stone in front of you is natural or not is thermal exposure. Natural stones have fairly low thermal conductivity. You can check this quite simply: just take the stone in your hands and squeeze it in your fist. If it does not heat up immediately, then the amethyst is real.
To recognize a fake, an amethyst can be tested for strength. Natural crystal cannot be scratched with a regular steel knife, but it can easily cut porcelain and glass. In this way, you can identify a fake made of plastic and glass, but you will not be able to distinguish an artificial amethyst from a natural one in terms of strength.
If possible, you can place the crystal under an ultraviolet lamp and observe the changes. Natural amethyst fades completely and evenly under ultraviolet radiation, while synthetic amethyst lightens unevenly, in spots.
If, after you have tried to check the authenticity of an amethyst at home, you still have doubts, you can turn to a professional assessment. It is carried out in special laboratories using several methods. The most accurate of them is microanalysis. Using X-ray and spectral analysis, it is determined whether the stone contains inclusions of goethite, which are present in genuine amethyst.
The best way to avoid buying fake amethyst is to buy gems from trusted stores, where each stone has certificates confirming its quality, origin and authenticity.
The name fluorite comes from the Latin word fluor – flow. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: Transvaal emerald, South African emerald, false emerald, fluorescent emerald.
Fluorite was first described by the German scientist G. Agricola in 1546, who called it “ore flower.” When fluorite was added to the ore charge for smelting, the resulting slag was separated from the metal more easily and quickly; That’s why G. Agricola called the mineral fluorite, which means “fluid” in Latin. By the way, this property is reflected in another name of the mineral – “fluorspar”.
Fluorite – Calcium fluoride (CaF2).
Fluorite is a transparent or translucent stone with a glassy luster and a variety of colors: colorless, blue, pink, yellow, green, violet (almost black). Unevenness and varying intensity of color are often noted, and banded and spotted varieties are found. There is probably no mineral in the world that has such a wide range of colors as fluorite.
The color of fluorite is associated with impurities of rare earth elements, chlorine, iron, uranium, and thorium. It can also be caused by defects in the crystal structure, which reacts very subtly to radioactive irradiation and heating. It can be zonally colored. Pure fluorite is colorless and water-transparent, with a glassy luster, but it is usually green, violet, yellow and other colors, which are caused by impurities or may be the result of radioactive effects (yellow color). Dark purple fluorites contain increased amounts of strontium, and green varieties contain some samarium. Rare earth elements and some heavy metals, as well as excess calcium ions, give it different colors.
Fluorite usually contains impurities of rare earth elements, uranium, etc.
Fluorite in the same crystal often exhibits an amazing zonal structure, due to numerous alternations of layers of different thicknesses and different colors. This zoning of crystals is the most attractive aspect of samples with fluorite. Such fluorites are constantly found together with smoky quartz and amethyst in mineralized cracks among the sandstones of the Tersky coast of the White Sea.
It is impossible not to mention another amazing property of fluorite – luminescence, glow under an ultraviolet source (photoluminescence) or when heated (thermoluminescence).
Cubic system, cubic, octahedral, cuboctahedral crystals. Twin germinations are common. The cleavage is perfect along the octahedron (along 111), due to weak bonds along the octahedral networks of the structure. Hardness 4. Fracture conchoidal, brittle. The density is 3,18, and for yttrium and cerium varieties it increases to 3,3 and 3,6. Density – 3,1 g/cm3. Melting point 1360 oC. Diamagnetic. Under the blowpipe it cracks, burns and melts slightly at the edges. It is soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, releasing HF, which corrodes glass.
Pure fluorite crystals have high transparency over a wide range: from vacuum ultraviolet to the far infrared region, luminesce brightly in cathode rays and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, and glow when heated (thermoluminescence). Fluorite is a typical fluorescent mineral; when heated and after irradiation with ultraviolet light, it phosphoresces. Actually, the term “fluorescence”, proposed by J. Stokes, comes precisely from the name of this mineral.
When heated, fluorite glows in the dark.
Fluorite deposits
Fluorite is found in hydrothermal ore veins, dolomites and limestones. Under hypergene conditions, ratovkite is formed, an earthy, fine-crystalline type of sedimentary rock. An accessory mineral in acidic magmatic residual differentiates, as well as in pegmatites.
Fluorites are found in Bavaria, Harz, Germany, Germany, Italy, Norway, Greenland, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Tashtagol (Mountain Shoria), Takobe, Tajikistan. Large deposit of fluorite in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan. In Russia – Kalanguy (Chita region), Dalnegorsk (Primorye), Belorechenskoye (North Caucasus), etc.
Applications of fluorite
It is used in metallurgy as flux (flux) to form low-melting slag. The name of the mineral (“fluid”) is associated precisely with this use. In the chemical industry, fluorine is used to produce fluorine, artificial cryolite for the electrochemical production of aluminum, and a number of fluoride compounds. In ceramic production, fluorite is used to make enamels and glazes.
Transparent, colorless varieties of fluorite crystals are used in optics to make lenses. However, it is difficult to find deposits of optical fluorite, and therefore now it, like quartz, is synthesized.
Fluorite crystals with impurities of rare earth elements, as well as iron, can be used in quantum light generators.
By treating the mineral with sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid is obtained, which can be used to apply an etched design to glass.
Fluorite is also used in the jewelry industry.
The healing properties of fluorite
Fluorite is most often used as a remedy for headaches. It is believed that this mineral has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and brain, and helps with serious diseases such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Some lithotherapists suggest that fluorite alleviates the condition of weather-dependent people, tones the nervous system, relieves the negative consequences of stressful situations, normalizes sleep, relieves insomnia and nightmares. Balls made of fluorite are used for restorative and tonic massage of the face and body.
Fluorite affects the parietal and frontal chakras.
Magical properties of fluorite
In magical practice, fluorite is one of the most commonly used stones. In India, it is believed that this stone has almost the most powerful magical properties. He is revered and feared. Since ancient times, magicians and mediums have used balls made of fluorite for spiritualistic séances and fortune telling. Many practicing magicians use fluorite for meditation. Amulets made from this stone protect the owner from the negative influence of others. They are recommended to be worn by people who are overly excitable to achieve harmony with the world around them. Fluorite bracelets help women cope with emotions, protect them from hysterical states and attract good luck in love.
Experts cannot say for sure which zodiac sign is protected by fluorite.
Talismans and amulets
Fluorite is a talisman for scientists, creative people, practicing magicians and mediums. A ring with fluorite can serve as a talisman. It significantly increases the mental and analytical abilities of its owner. A small keychain with a rough stone is a talisman that brings success in personal life. It enhances the mental and analytical abilities of its owner. A small keychain with a rough stone is a talisman that brings success in your personal life
Amethyst is a quartz that is dark to barely noticeable purple in color. Under prolonged exposure to sunlight, dark amethyst turns pale.
Amethyst is a symbol of peace, sincerity, and sincerity. It should be worn when you are tormented by anxiety and emotional unrest. Beads or a ring are best suited for this. Its internal energy helps to find peace of mind and inner harmony, and maintain health. If you are in love, your chosen ones will give you true love. Some widows and widowers wore amethyst as a sign of eternal love for their departed spouses. Amethyst is therefore a symbol of true, devoted love; it is sometimes called the “widow’s stone.”
The name of this stone translated from ancient Greek means “not drunk.” They say that amethyst has outstanding abilities, and the most important of them is to protect a person from drunkenness, and if he does drink, to save him from intoxication. The glorious stone absorbs wine vapors, while remaining absolutely sober and serenely purple.
There is another version why amethyst is called that way; it was invented by the ancient Greeks. The god of wine, Bacchus, was once offended by people. Those, out of their habit, completely stopped revere him. The offended Bacchus decided to take revenge on the people: the first person he met would be torn to pieces by tigers.
The first was the nymph Amethyst. She was going to the temple of the goddess of the hunt, Diana. When the ferocious animals attacked the gentle nymph, she prayed: “O beautiful goddess Diana, save me!” Then Diana turned Amethyst into a statue of pure stone. Seeing this miracle, Bacchus regretted his cruelty. He poured grape wine into the statue as if it were blood, trying to revive the nymph. But the girl did not come to life. The stone only changed color and became crimson-violet.
If you wear it in silver, the stone will promote friendly contacts and business meetings, which are sure to end in success. The stone will help infertile women find the joy of motherhood, and men will improve relationships with their wives.
If an amethyst is worn around the neck in gold, it brings the body to energy balance.
If you drink water in which amethyst is immersed overnight, it will help with colds, cleanse capillaries, and heal the liver and kidneys.
Amethyst also strengthens memory and treats skin diseases. It is believed that if you put it under your bed before going to bed, you can get rid of “devilish” temptations.
If your nervous system is upset, the stone will help you manage your emotions.
Place amethyst under your pillow and it will help against insomnia. Place it on your forehead and it will relieve headaches.
The mineral received its name in honor of the Greek nymph Ametis. It is believed that the stone can protect a person from alcohol intoxication.
And the word itself comes from the Greek amethystos – not drunk. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: Bacchus stone, Apostle Matthew’s stone, bishop’s stone, dumpling.
Amethyst is a type of quartz. The color of the minerals is different: violet, from dark purple to pink, blood red, lilac-violet. The shine is glassy.
A variety of quartz, the most valuable of them. The composition of this variety of quartz is simply silicon oxide, or silica.
physical properties
The color is due to an admixture of iron. Amethyst can withstand high temperatures. Amethyst may fade when exposed to sunlight. If a piece of this stone is heated to 200 degrees, it will become colorless. But then, as it cools, it will return its color again.
Features of education
Amethyst crystals usually grow on a gray, opaque quartz substrate. In nature, amethyst is found in the form of elongated crystals, similar to scepters from 5 to 100 millimeters, and in the form of individual druses.
High-quality amethysts are mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil. In Rus’, icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias were decorated with amethysts. The crown of the Russian Tsarina Irina Godunova was decorated with huge purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.
This is a jewelry stone. In Rus’, icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias were decorated with amethysts. The crown of the Russian Tsarina Irina Godunova was decorated with huge purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.
Medicinal properties
In Ancient Rome, amethyst was placed in a glass of wine, as it was believed that it protected a person from uncontrolled drunkenness and even neutralized the effects of poison. Products with amethyst were worn during epidemics because they believed that it prevented infection from entering the owner’s body. The healers prepared an “amethyst” drink: at night they put several stones in a vessel with water and gave this infusion to patients with high temperatures and various inflammatory processes. Today in lithotherapy, amethyst is used to improve cerebral circulation, treat insomnia, anxiety, and nervous breakdowns. It is believed that amethyst worn on the ring finger of the right hand strengthens the immune system, and wearing it in earrings helps improve vision.
Magical properties
Amethyst is a stone that helps develop a person’s inner abilities, open doors to higher spheres, and comprehend universal wisdom. The magical properties of this stone are spoken of in ancient Gaumerian tablets, which say that amethyst is capable of arousing love for the giver of the stone, even if the person who received it as a gift was previously in love with another, therefore married or engaged people should never accept items as gifts with this gem from strangers.
For many peoples, amethyst is a symbol of peace, sincerity, sincerity and virtue. The owner of this stone can be confident in the fidelity of the chosen one (or chosen one) and in the sincerity of his feelings. In Ancient Greece, it was believed that amethyst contributed to the rejuvenation of the body, smoothed out wrinkles, and removed freckles and age spots. The stone was placed under the pillow at night to prevent nightmares, cure insomnia, and induce pleasant dreams.
Amethyst should be worn constantly, only then will it really help the owner. However, one must remember that this gem easily changes its mood and, if the owner wears it during conflict situations at work or quarrels with family, the stone can tune in to negative energy and begin to transmit it to its owner. Therefore, after any conflict situation, a product with an amethyst should be held for 5-7 minutes under running water so that the stone calms down.
A few more words should be said about the amethyst setting. It should only be worn in silver. However, if a product combines several stones, they can also be set in gold.
Amethyst is contraindicated for Leos and Taurus. Other zodiac signs can wear it, but it is especially useful for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius
Talismans and amulets
As a talisman, amethyst serves as protection against the anger and discontent of high-ranking officials. It is also an amulet against drunkenness.
It is recommended to wear amethyst on the ring finger. For women on the left hand, for men – on the right.
Amethyst has been known to people since ancient times. But it became especially popular and loved in the Middle Ages. The hero of Anatole France’s novel, Abbot Guitrel, describes the bishop’s ring as follows: “The bishop wears the ring as a symbol of his spiritual marriage with the church, and therefore the ring should, in a certain sense, express with its appearance the idea of purity and austerity of life.
Amethyst is apparently considered very suitable for decorating a pastoral ring. This is why it is called the “bishop’s stone.” It sparkles with a moderate shine. It is one of the twelve stones set into the breastplate of the European high priest. In Christian symbolism, it means modesty and humility.
Nowadays, amethyst, compared to other jewelry stones, is not very expensive. And it’s not just that many amethyst deposits have been discovered. It’s just that people have learned to create amethysts themselves, and so successfully that even scientists using laboratory tests are unable to distinguish synthetic amethysts from natural ones. Amethyst growers have learned to grow crystals up to 15 cm long! In addition, synthetic amethysts do not fade in the sun and during production you can give them exactly the color you need.
Amethyst is the only artificial stone that costs about the same on the market as a natural one. So, if not a piece of the Amethyst nymph remains on the planet, the Amethyst stone will still exist.
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