Rare and valuable minerals

How to distinguish hematite from magnetite?

Magnetite (or magnetic iron ore) is a common mineral with magnetic properties. Its ability to attract iron has been known since ancient times. The origin of the name is not reliably known. It is usually associated with Magnesia (Magnesia), a historical region in Eastern Greece. According to legend, once upon a time there lived an ancient tribe of magnets, who were the descendants of the mythical Magnet – the son of Zeus and Phyia.

Physicochemical characteristics

Chemical formula – Fe3O4

Shine – metal

Color – iron black

Transparency – opaque

Hardness – 5,5 – 6 Mohs scale

Density – 4,9 – 5,2 g / cm3

Kink – conchoidal


Titanomagnetite – contains TiO2.


Magnetite deposits of contact-metasomatic origin are of great industrial importance. Magnetite is formed in the contact zone of granite magmas, magmas of syenite, diorite composition with limestones. In these deposits it occurs in the form of continuous masses and inclusions. Deposits of igneous origin are associated with basic, less often acidic and intermediate igneous rocks and represent the result of differentiation of magma. Magnetite is usually found in gabbro and pyroxenites. It is found in the form of inclusions in source rocks or forms thick layered deposits. Magnetite is formed as a result of the metamorphism of iron compounds of surface origin under the influence of high pressure and high temperature in deep conditions. The formation of magnetite and hematite is observed in the ore veins of the hypo- and mesozone.

Under surface conditions, magnetite is quite stable, so it is often found in placers. Sometimes it transforms into hematite (martite) or limonite. This is facilitated by the presence of sulfides, mainly pyrite, the destruction of which is accompanied by the formation of sulfuric acid, which enhances the process of magnetite decomposition.

Place of Birth

The main reserves of iron ore are located in Russia (about half of the world’s reserves). Then come Brazil, Canada, India, Australia, South Africa, USA, UK and Sweden.

The world’s greatest depository of iron ore is the Kursk magnetic anomaly, which stretches from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don. The identified reserves of KMA iron ores exceed the resources of Brazil, India, Canada and the United States combined. The KMA’s iron ore resources are three times greater than the rest of the world’s iron ore reserves.

Application and Use

Magnetite is the most important iron ore. Pure iron is used in chemical laboratories and in precision special instruments. “White iron” does not rust, it is eternal.

Beads, bracelets, pendants, pendants, and stimulation balls are also made from magnetite.

How to distinguish real from fake

The relative cheapness of magnetite makes its counterfeit impractical. However, magnetite can be easily confused with hematite, but it should be remembered that only magnetite is capable of attracting other metals.

Medicinal properties

In modern medicine, magnetite is used to treat the autonomic nervous system and improve the nervous regulation of the body. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates tissue regeneration processes in trophic ulcers, wounds, bone fractures, and the consequences of burns, reduces the sensitivity of the receptor apparatus (has an analgesic effect).
Magnetite plays a special role in the treatment of the circulatory system and heart diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.).
There is evidence that magnetite helps with joint pain, headaches, sclerosis, chronic venous insufficiency, allergic and itchy dermatoses, and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.
Magnetite is used in special magnetic bracelets, various biocorrectors and balls to stimulate and heal the body.
Since ancient times, magnetite has been used in medicine in the form of crushed powder as a hematopoietic agent for anemia, severe blood loss and general weakness, that is, when the body needs iron, which is part of the blood.
Pliny the Elder in his descriptions indicated that magnetite helps in the treatment of eyes, burns and wounds.

Magical properties

Since ancient times, many magical properties have been attributed to magnetite. It is considered a strong protective stone that protects against enemies. It stimulates innovation and invention, helps in drawing up new plans and organizing a new enterprise.
Magnetite helps to reveal (or enhance) extraordinary abilities. If it is placed in the area of ​​the “third eye”, a bridge appears that connects ordinary consciousness with superconsciousness.
Thanks to its magnetism property, this mineral has gained fame as a magic stone among sorcerers and alchemists.

Talismans and amulets

Magnetite is a talisman of inventors, engineers, geologists, and travelers. He helps them endure the difficulties of professional activity with dignity, protects them along the way, and helps them make discoveries.

Additional Information

Energy – Since ancient times in China, magnetite was considered a female (YIN) stone, since it attracted iron to itself, just as female charms attract the hearts of men.

Element – Earth, Ether (Space)

Horoscope — Capricorn, Aquarius

Effect on chakras – has a stimulating effect on all chakras

Planets – Mars

Connection with names – not found

History and legends

There is a legend about a Greek shepherd named Magnes, who was tending goats in the mountains and noticed that the iron nails from the soles of his sandals had disappeared (or the iron staff was stuck to the rock). This story may seem plausible. Especially if you forget that iron in those distant times was not much cheaper than gold. Yes, probably the peasants back then did not wear sandals or shoes with soles, but something simpler: onuchi or tsarvuli – pieces of goat skin sewn with the tendons of the same domestic animals.

Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka)

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