How to distinguish Moldavite from a fake?
The messenger of the cosmos, the bottle stone moldavite, can become the strongest amulet and protect its owner from any misfortunes and give inspiration to creators. A mineral is a substance homogeneous in structure and composition that is part of a rock, meteorite or ore, formed in the earth’s crust or its water shell as a result of natural physical and chemical processes. Jewelry stones (both precious and semi-precious) are beautiful and rare varieties of a particular mineral. Tektite Density It is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the volume it occupies. When comparing two objects with the same volume, the one whose density is higher will be heavier. 2,3 g/cm³ Mohs hardness A relative scale of mineral hardness, with Mohs 1 being the least hard and 10 being the hardest. The standard for the greatest hardness is a diamond with a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale. Green, brown, black
History of moldavite (vltavin)
The exact time of discovery of moldavite is unknown. It is believed that the mineral was formed as a result of the collision of the Earth with meteorite fragments. The rock boiled almost instantly, and the result of this process was named moldavite after the place where the mineral was discovered. The name is derived from the Czech Vltava River, which in the Old German version was called Moldau. In addition, the stone is also called vltavin or vltavit, bottle stone and water chrysolite. Advertising – Continued below Until the 18th century, it was believed that moldavite was of volcanic origin, but more careful analysis of the composition using more modern technologies disproved this theory. According to another version, moldavite is an attempt by ancient people to make glass. But no evidence was found for such a statement.
Physicochemical characteristics
Moldavite is silicon dioxide with a small proportion of aluminum oxide. Due to the nature of its origin, the texture of the mineral is heterogeneous: it contains air bubbles and small cavities with gas. The surface of the stone is relief, dotted with grooves and specific waves. The color of the stone varies from light green to almost black, with occasional examples of a brown tint. Advertising – Continued below The hardness of vltavin on the Mohs scale ranges from 5 to 6 units with a density of 2,3 g/cm 3 . The mineral has an extremely high melting point. It reaches 1300˚С.
Stone deposits
There is only one place in the world where moldavite is mined. It is located in the Czech Republic, in the place where the meteorite fell, in Bohemia near the Vltava River. After studying the deposit, it was found that it contains about three thousand tons of raw materials. Presumably, by the 22nd century, production in the Czech Republic will cease.
How to distinguish natural moldavite from a fake
Real moldavite can be distinguished from a fake by its main external features. Advertising – Continued below The color of the mineral is most often saturated, with dark shades predominating. The color of natural stone always has an admixture of green. Read more:
Green Jewelry Stones: Natural Beauty The structure of the vltavina shows a characteristic relief with grooves and tubercles. If the mineral in the jewelry has a smooth surface, then it is most likely a fake, since it is impossible to polish moldavite perfectly.
The healing properties of vltavin
Moldavite gives its owner an additional source of strength and inspiration. Meditation with the mineral will help restore emotional balance and help during the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, insomnia and depression. Lithotherapists advise people prone to panic attacks to keep a small piece of jewelry with moldavite with them. Advertising – Continued below It will be useful for older people to purchase jewelry or crafts with vltavin. It helps with migraines and hypertensive attacks. In addition, the gem has a beneficial effect on eye function, relieving tension and sharpening vigilance.
The magical properties of the stone
A variety of tektite is highly valued as a power stone of meteorite origin. It is used to make protective amulets for loved ones and loved ones. This stone, along with obsidian, is considered a mediator between man and higher powers. Moldavite is believed to prolong youth, calm the spirit and help develop personality. With prolonged contact with the mineral, intuition sharpens. A person becomes more sensitive to internal and external manifestations. Advertising – Continued below
How to care for jewelry with moldavite
Moldavite is a fragile stone that is important to protect from impacts and falls. To clean jewelry containing vltavit, it is recommended to use only cool running water.
Who will benefit from Vltavin?
Moldavite should be carried by a person who wants to develop intuition. For a depleted body, vltavit will help restore energy levels. Everyone will find in this stone an assistant and adviser who will make life better.
What zodiac signs is it suitable for?
Vltalvit goes well with representatives of all zodiac signs. Astrologers note that the stone interacts best with the signs of the elements of Air and Earth. You should be wary of the mineral for Scorpios and Pisces.
What stones are combined with
First of all, let us clarify that the stone has nothing to do with Moldova. Its name comes from “Moldau” – the old German name of the Vlatva River, in the basin of which the only deposit on the planet of this mysterious mineral was discovered. Patriotic Czechs prefer to call it vlatvit. Advertising – Continued below The origin of the stone is as confusing as its name. According to scientific theory, about 15 million years ago a meteorite fell to Earth in the area of the future Czech Republic, which is why this mysterious mineral appeared. Whether it was the result of the melting of rocks or is part of a comet of unearthly origin – now even Hermes cannot tell. One way or another, the cosmic powers of moldavite have been used by people since ancient times. It is not for nothing that the Star Stone is shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere. Esotericists believe that he is able to open in a person the dormant abilities of clairvoyance and the gift of a psychic. In combination with tiger’s eye and amazonite, it develops the mind and intuition, and helps to cope with excess weight. Malachite and charoite are also good companions for moldavite.
What metals does it combine with?
In the 18th century, moldavite was extremely popular among jewelers not only because of its enchanting shine, but also because of its miraculous properties. Earrings, pendants, brooches and necklaces were made from it; amulets were in great demand, as it was believed that vlatvin protected against dark forces. Read more:
Jewelry educational program. Underwater rocks The metal of the mysterious and fickle Moon – silver – helps to fully reveal the mysterious energy of the cosmic crystal. Solar gold is unlikely to have any effect on the esoteric properties of the bottle stone. Advertising – Continued below
If you dreamed about moldavite
It is generally believed that moldavite, lying at the head of the bed, drives away nightmares. But what if you dreamed about the stone itself? Interpretations are radically different – from problems in your personal life to an unexpected gift or wedding. We recommend interpreting the dream based on your current state of affairs and state of mind.
How much does moldavite cost?
Due to the fact that at the moment only one deposit of vltavite is known, its price on the market is quite high. A raw mineral measuring no more than 2 cm in diameter can cost a minimum of $50. Since stone reserves are exhaustible, the price of the resource increases every year. Here you can find the continuation of the article on how not to make mistakes when buying moldavite. Differences and Similarities Between Fake and Real Moldavite Both real and fake moldavite are made of glass, but that’s where the similarities end. True moldavite is interspersed and filled with bubbles, which are the result of its formation.
Fake moldavite also has bubbles, but not as many as real moldavite, and they may be on the surface, which is rare with real moldavite. The counterfeit specimen is manufactured in a controlled manner, which minimizes the formation of bubbles (bubbles can cause glass to crack when cooled in a furnace), while real moldavite was formed by accident without any controls.
How to distinguish real moldavite from a fake There are several ways to distinguish real moldavite from fake moldavite, ranging from simple knowledge to touch and use of a flashlight. Each of these methods will help you quickly determine the authenticity of the item being examined.
It should be remembered that moldavite was formed millions of years ago and during this time has undergone physical changes. True moldavite will always have a worn, dusty or dirty appearance due to thousands of years spent underground.
Fake moldavite cannot replicate this look and will always appear wet or shiny. True moldavite only shines when it has been split into pieces, and even then, only the broken edges of the piece shine. Real pieces of moldavite are used to create molds for fakes. These shapes can be reduced or increased in size but will retain the original shape, ridges, waves and pattern of the original. It is not uncommon to find moldavite in several sizes with identical appearance.
Manufacturers of fake moldavite tend to use the same molds over and over again and flood the market with their fakes. It won’t be long before you start noticing the same shapes for sale online and at trade shows.
Inclusions are common in moldavite due to the nature of its creation. It is quite normal to see bubbles and threads of lechaterite inside moldavite. Sometimes these inclusions are visible to the naked eye and are an integral part of the appearance of the stone. However, there are often times when you need to use a jewelry loupe, flashlight or magnifying glass to detect inclusions and bubbles in a transparent product.
Frequently Asked Questions About Real and Fake Moldavite
Why is moldavite counterfeited?
The best moldavite is mined in Bohemia, South Bohemia and Moravia, but these areas have been heavily mined for almost 50 years. Most of the mine fields are closed, and only four mines are operational today.
According to experts, the reserves of moldavite in these mines will last less than 10 years, and when they are exhausted, there will be no more high-quality moldavite left. This potential shortage has inflated the price of Moldavite, prompting scammers to produce counterfeits to prey on the unwary.
What are the benefits of moldavite?
Moldavite’s hardness makes it ideal for cutting and setting into jewelry. It has been used in jewelry since it was discovered in the late 18th century, and you can find antique, vintage, and modern pieces using moldavite.
In its natural form, moldavite is popular among pendant makers. As stated, some seek out moldavite in its natural form or as part of jewelry to store or wear for its purported energetic properties.
Where does fake moldavite come from?
Most fake moldavites come from China and India. Some East Asian countries also produce fake moldavite, but the majority of products on the market come from these two countries. If you come across a product from countries other than the Czech Republic, then most likely it is a fake.