Tips for stone care

How to distinguish pyrite and chalcopyrite?

Pyrite – from the Greek pyrites lithos – stone that strikes fire – a mineral, iron disulfide FeS2, the most common sulfide in the earth’s crust. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: cat’s gold, fool’s gold, iron pyrite, marcasite, bravoite. The sulfur content is usually close to theoretical (54,3%). Often there are impurities of Ni, Co (a continuous isomorphic series with CoS; usually cobalt pyrite contains from tenths of a percent to several percent of Co), Cu (from tenths of a percent to 10%), Au (usually in the form of tiny inclusions of native gold), As (up to several%), Se, Tl (~ 10-2%), etc. The color is light brass and golden yellow, reminiscent of gold or chalcopyrite; sometimes contains microscopic gold inclusions. Pyrite crystallizes in the cubic system. Crystals in the form of a cube, pentagon-dodecahedron, less often – octahedron, are also found in the form of massive and granular aggregates. Hardness on the mineralogical scale 6 – 6,5, density. 4900-5200 kg/m3. On the Earth’s surface, pyrite is unstable, easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and groundwater, turning into goethite or limonite. The shine is strong, metallic. Installed in almost all types of geological formations. It is present in igneous rocks as an accessory mineral. Typically an essential component in hydrothermal veins and metasomatic deposits (high, medium and low temperature). In sedimentary rocks, pyrite occurs in the form of grains and nodules, such as black shales, coals and limestones. Sedimentary rocks are known, consisting mainly of pyrite and flint. Often forms pseudomorphs on fossil wood and ammonites. Field
Main deposits: Russia, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Azerbaijan, USA. Distribution
Occurs as grains and crystals in metamorphic schists and other iron-bearing metamorphic rocks. Pyrite deposits are developed primarily to extract the impurities it contains: gold, cobalt, nickel, and copper. Some pyrite-rich deposits contain uranium (Witwatersrand, South Africa). Copper is also extracted from massive sulfide deposits in Ducktown (Tennessee, USA) and in the valley of the river. Rio Tinto (Spain). If a mineral contains more nickel than iron, it is called bravoite. When oxidized, pyrite turns into limonite, so buried pyrite deposits can be detected by limonite (iron) caps on the surface. Medicinal properties
Pyrite, due to its similarity to gold, is able to influence the nervous system like gold. Traditional healers recommend wearing pyrite jewelry for nervous exhaustion, as it can improve mood, raise overall tone and increase performance. For people prone to excessive excitability, it is best not to wear this stone. Lithotherapists believe that pyrite products nourish the body, normalizing all internal processes. Magical properties
Pyrite is a powerful magical tool. It is considered a masculine stone. During the Middle Ages it was often used by alchemists. Thanks to its “masculine” qualities, pyrite gives its owner great emotional strength, which must be handled very carefully. Pyrite cannot be worn for more than three days in a row, otherwise increased emotionality will begin to harm the owner. Pyrite, unlike many others, does not like the proximity of other stones (with the exception of hematite and serpentine). Modern practicing magicians recommend choosing stones without cracks or chips. Otherwise, no one knows whether the crystal will bring harm or benefit. There is an opinion that it is better not to wear this stone, as it can endow any person with negative qualities. Connoisseurs of the magical properties of stones cannot say for sure which zodiac sign pyrite is most suitable for. Talismans and amulets
Pyrite can be used as a talisman and amulet by people with a pure soul and an open heart, as well as strong practicing magicians. This stone helps its owner gain self-confidence, get rid of fear, and become a leader. But it’s still better not to mess with this stone. Application
Pyrite is the most important raw material for the production of sulfuric acid. The resulting residual products from the oxidative roasting of pyrite – pyrite cinders – are used mainly in the production of concrete. Cobalt pyrite is an important source of Co, which means that part of Au and Se is also extracted from pyrite ores.

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Delivery cost: 400 rubles Chalcopyrite is a mineral, a complex substance, with the chemical formula CuFeS 2 , the impurities contain gold Au, silver Ag and thallium TI. The main use is as the most important ore in the production of copper, as well as by-products of gold and silver.

What is the mineral chalcopyrite

The name chalcopyrite indicates its similarity to pyrite. The first part of the name comes from the Greek. words chalcos – copper. Synonym – copper pyrite. Chemical composition of chalcopyrite: chemical formula CuFeS2, mass fraction of copper Cu 34,78%, mass fraction of iron Fe 30,44%, mass fraction of sulfur S 34,78%.

Contains Ag, Au, TI as impurities.

Copper ore almost always contains the mineral chalcopyrite. Syngonia tetragonal. The type of symmetry is tetragonal-scalenohedral –D2d = 42m(L⁴22L22P). Recently, a cubic modification has also been established, called talnakhite (from the Talnakh deposit). Structural cell contains Cu4Fe4S8. Space group – D¹² 2d J42d; а0 = 5,25, с0 = 10,32; а0 : from0 = eleven.

Crystal structure of chalcopyrite

It is characterized by a simple tetragonal, close to cubic, lattice. The unit cell consists of a double cell of the sphalerite type, in which zinc atoms are replaced by copper and iron atoms. Each of the copper and iron atoms is surrounded by four sulfur atoms.

Aggregates and habit

Most often, chalcopyrite forms granular, continuous or disseminated aggregates. Rarely found in crystal form. As a rule, they have a tetrahedral habit with the predominant development of tetrahedra and. The faces of the main tetrahedron are usually matte, oxidized and covered with hatching, while the faces of the negative tetrahedron are smooth. Chalcopyrite forms growth twins along (112), (012), sometimes along (110), as well as regular intergrowths with sphalerite, fahlore and galena.

physical properties

The color of chalcopyrite is brass-yellow, often with an iridescent tarnish. The streak is greenish-black. Metallic shine. Opaque. Cleavage is imperfect according to (011). The fracture is uneven. Fragile. Electrical conductivity is weak. Lamellar and polysynthetic twins are often observed under the microscope.

How to identify chalcopyrite

Diagnostic signs Chalcopyrite is characterized by crystal shape, color and slight hardness. Main lines on radiographs: 3,03; 1,855; 1,586. Dissolves in nitric acid HNO3. Application of blowpipe: on coal it is fused into a magnetic bead, and with soda it forms a copper bead. In a closed tube it cracks and produces sublimation of sulfur. Difference from similar minerals. Chalcopyrite is similar to native gold, pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite and millerite. Differences: 1) native gold has a strong shine, malleability, and does not dissolve in acids; 2) pyrite and marcasite have a brighter color and greater hardness, 3) pyrrhotite is darker than chalcopyrite, often magnetic; 4) Millerite forms needle-hairy crystals. Artificial acquisition. Chalcopyrite is obtained by fusing pyrite with copper sulfide and heating copper and iron oxides in an atmosphere of H2S.


Chalcopyrite deposits are represented by magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary types. In igneous deposits, chalcopyrite is found in copper-nickel sulfide ores in mafic igneous rocks. These are the so-called Sedbury-type deposits (named after one of the largest copper-nickel ore deposits in Canada). These include the deposits of the Bushveld complex in South Africa.

Place of Birth

In deposits, chalcopyrite is found together with pyrrhotite, pentlandite, magnetite, as well as cobalt and nickel arsenides and platinum and palladium minerals. The largest number of chalcopyrite deposits were formed by hydrothermal means. Among them there are several formations: 1) contact-metasomatic (Turinsky mines in the Urals, where chalcopyrite is found in association with pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and tetrahedrite); 2) copper-tourmaline (Braden deposit, Chile); 3) formation of disseminated copper ores, where chalcopyrite is in association with pyrite (Kounrad deposits in Kazakhstan, Almalyk in Uzbekistan, Bingham in the USA, Chuquicamata in Chile); 4) pyrite deposits in which chalcopyrite is dispersed in the mass of pyrite bodies (Ural deposits). Sedimentary deposits are cuprous sandstones, where chalcopyrite, together with bornite, cements sandstone grains. Deposits of this type include Dzhezkazgan, as well as deposits in Katanga and Southern Rhodesia in Africa. Single crystals of chalcopyrite were found in the Sainte-Mario-Min deposit (France), in Cornwall (England) and in the French Creek mine (Pennsylvania, USA). Destruction of chalcopyrite and pseudomorphosis. On the earth’s surface, chalcopyrite is unstable and transforms into various oxygen compounds according to the following scheme: Pseudomorphs of chalcopyrite over chalcocite and calcite have been observed.


Chalcopyrite is an important copper ore. The minimum industrial copper content in some deposits is assumed to be 0,5%. Copper is one of the most popular metals on earth; almost all electrical appliances, electric motors, etc. are made from it. It is used in the nuclear industry in the form of an electrically conductive element (cable). In agriculture in some fertilizers, and also as a poison against some pests.

Frequently asked questions answers?

How to distinguish pyrite and chalcopyrite? Pyrite has a brighter color and greater hardness, while chalcopyrite has a brass-yellow color and is less hard. You can distinguish chalcopyrite from pyrite by dissolving it in nitric acid, converting it to copper sulfate and reducing copper with iron. Pyrite does not contain copper in its composition, chalcopyrite does. Chalcopyrite special properties? According to lithotherapists, chalcopyrite has some magical properties, for example, it improves metabolism, as well as improves appetite and activates normal digestion. Improves a person’s mental state and helps with any emotional and mental exhaustion. Improves the general condition of its owner, and also increases immunity.

But you should always take into account that chalcopyrite is a copper salt, and copper salts are all poisonous.

How much sulfur is in chalcopyrite? The mass fraction of sulfur S is 34,78%, that is, 347,8 grams of sulfur per kilogram. Article on the topic Chalcopyrite Similar pages: Cubanite is a mineral, a complex substance that belongs to the cubanite group, with the chemical formula CuFeFeS3. Used as copper-nickel ore. What. Pyrrhotite is a mineral, a complex inorganic substance, which includes: iron Fe and sulfur S. The chemical formula of pyrrhotite is Fe1-nFe1/2nS. Application. Sulfur compounds with halogens When chlorine is passed into molten sulfur, sulfur monochloride is formed, which is an orange liquid boiling at 138°. Bornite is a mineral that is part of the bornite group of minerals (bornite, chalcopyrite and stannite). The chemical formula of bornite is Cu⁺5_nCu²⁺1/2nFe3+ S4. It is used very much. Biotite is a mineral, a complex substance, chemical formula K(Mg, Fe)3(OH, F)2[AlSi3O10]. It is used (phlogopite) as a material in the radio and electrical industries. What. Potassium alum is a mineral, a complex substance, part of the alum group, chemical formula KAl[SO4]2, but found in nature in the form of dodecahydrate.

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