How to energize a moonstone?
In the process of working with natural stones, the practitioner may feel that the product has ceased to function as it did before. Most often, this indicates that the stone has accumulated foreign energy that does not correspond to its nature. Let’s look at this question with an example. Products made from black tourmaline are good protectors against negative energy. The mechanism of such a talisman is due to the fact that black tourmaline is capable of accumulating large amounts of such energy. Sooner or later, depending on the intensity of the impact, the volume of the stone will be filled and it will no longer have protective properties. The question arises: How can you cleanse a stone of negative energy? The answer to this question must be sought in the famous Hermetic principle “as above, so below.” Any stone, from the point of view of magic, carries various types of energy. First of all, all stones carry the energy of the Earth element, since they are its derivatives. In addition, each stone projects the cosmic energy of one of the planetary archetypes, being a “reflection of the heavenly bodies.” For example, carnelian is the archetype of Mars, therefore it carries the energy of the element of fire. Aquamarine is a stone of the Water element, gravitating towards the Neptune archetype, but can also be an archetype of the Moon. It is important to note that not only stones can be decomposed into such properties. Any object or phenomenon carries the characteristics of certain elements and planetary archetypes. To return the original properties of a natural stone, it is necessary to clean it and charge it with the energy natural to the nature of this stone. There are a huge number of methods of purification; from the point of view of alchemy, the best is purification with “fire and water”. It is worth remembering that some stones, when exposed to natural fire, can change their properties. For example, heating amethyst at high temperatures turns it into citrine. Also, some stones do not tolerate water. When cleaning, it is necessary to take into account the physical properties of the stone and influence the form without losing the content. One not obvious way to clean a stone is to overcharge it with the necessary energy, which displaces all foreign energy from its structure, but this method requires deeper knowledge about the nature of the elements from the practitioner. A stone cleared of negative energy and information, i.e. brought to its original state, it is necessary to activate, i.e. charge it with natural energy. The task is to determine the archetype or element of the stone. Some sources mention the incompatibility of stones of different elements; this statement is quite superficial and is based on a primitive understanding of the elements. The dual division into good and bad takes place only in the human mind. From a fundamental point of view, in nature there is a variety of objects that interact with each other and give rise to various phenomena. From the combination of all four elements, from the point of view of alchemy, our world appeared. In addition, as mentioned earlier, all stones are, first of all, a product of the elements of the Earth, and as additional properties they carry various archetypes and qualities of the elements. The successful arrangement of objects with different characteristics allows you to direct and move energy. Having determined the planetary archetype of the stone and its elemental properties, we can make the right choice in the method of charging it. There are seven main planetary archetypes: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. There are four elements, respectively: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. In each archetype, like in the elements, one can identify an inclination towards masculine or feminine energy. Fire and Air are male elements, Water and Earth are female. The Sun has masculine energy, the Moon has feminine energy. Mercury – equal parts of both energies. Venus is undoubtedly feminine, and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are masculine energy. Thus, we can determine what energy the stone gravitates towards by simply adding up the characteristics of the archetype and element. For example, moonstone is identified with the planetary archetype of the Moon, and its element is Water, from here we can conclude that moonstone gravitates towards feminine energy. Sometimes situations may arise when a stone contains both male and female energies, and in equal proportions. In this case, you can try to identify which of the shares in this stone predominates to a greater extent, or trust your feelings, or use only that one in practice. part of the energy you need. It is best to charge a stone with the energy corresponding to it, i.e. it is necessary to determine at what point in time the planet associated with this stone has the greatest energetic impact. Some practitioners use astrological information, while others trust their feelings, but in any case this can be a problem for a beginner. It is worth remembering one simple rule: in magic there are always alternative paths! The Sun and Moon are the most important space objects for us, because. The Sun is the largest and the Moon is the closest. These two celestial bodies occupy a central place in all esoteric movements. As mentioned earlier, the Sun carries masculine energy, and the Moon carries feminine energy. We can charge stones with the energy of one of these two luminaries, guided by the following rules: all male archetypes, solar, fire and air, must be charged with the energy of the Sun, and all female, lunar, water and earthly with the energy of the Moon. Charging occurs as follows: the light of the Sun or Moon must fall on the stone. The question arises with charging mixed archetypes, which energy to choose? Before answering this question, it is necessary to look at several examples. It is known that stones such as aquamarine, rose quartz, amethyst and citrine can lose their external properties when exposed to sunlight. Aquamarine is a stone of the Water element; there are no questions about why this happens. Rose quartz is, on the one hand, the planetary archetype of Venus, and on the other, a stone of the air element. Formally, this stone has mixed energies; its “fading” is associated with oversaturation with the energy of the Sun and the transition to another state. We will not go into details and just say that it is better to protect these stones from sunlight and charge them using the Moon, or choose an alternative charging method. Now let’s look at the other two stones, amethyst is identified with the male archetype of Jupiter and carries the male element of Air, from the point of view of a primitive understanding of the nature of the elements, this stone can be charged with the energy of the Sun, but there are cases when this stone “faded” from exposure to sunlight and, as mentioned earlier, when heated significantly, it turns into citrine. This does not mean that the stone “deteriorates”, it simply changes its properties, essentially turning into a different stone. If you want to preserve the properties of amethyst, it is better to use an alternative method of charging the stone. The most interesting thing is the change in the properties of citrine under the influence of sunlight. This stone is a representative of the male archetype of the Sun and carries, according to some classifications, the male element of Air, according to others, the male element of Fire. Summarizing the characteristics of citrine, we can conclude that the best way to charge it is the sun’s rays, but what about its “fading”? With prolonged exposure to the Sun, citrine loses its yellow color and turns into quartz (rock crystal). Rock crystal is a universal accumulator of any energy; this property of this stone has been known since time immemorial. By and large, most semi-precious and ornamental stones are rock crystal with the presence of various impurities and changes in the structure of the crystal lattice. From here we can draw the following conclusion: the excessive influence of the Sun on citrine, from the point of view of magic, does not spoil it, but, in a sense, contributes to evolution, making it more perfect. Returning to the issue of charging black tourmaline, we will once again make a detailed analysis. This stone, from a physical point of view, contains iron impurities. Iron, from the point of view of alchemy, is associated with Mars, and therefore with Fire. The stone itself has a rich black color and, according to some characteristics, belongs to Saturn and, accordingly, to the element of Earth. In fact, this stone has many more non-obvious properties and hidden archetypes, but we are now only interested in the main ones. Thus, summing up all the data obtained, we can conclude that shorl (black tourmaline), to restore its protective properties, can be charged with the energy of the Sun. An interesting fact is that most amulets are of a solar nature. Not only the choice of the heavenly body is important, but also its position in space. The Moon has three states: waxing, full and waning. We do not highlight the new moon here, since at this moment the Moon does not reflect light and does not have a significant effect on the stones, but this does not change the fact that this position is important for other magical operations. If you want to fill an object, in our case a stone, with lunar energy, then you must place it in the moonlight every night, from the waxing moon to the full moon. If your task is to free yourself from this energy, then the operation occurs in reverse, from the full moon to the waning moon. A similar rule works with the Sun: by placing an object in its rays from dawn to zenith you fill it with solar energy, and from zenith to sunset you free it from it. You choose the duration of exposure both in the case of the Moon and in the case of the Sun yourself, guided by your feelings. A full cycle is preferable; for solar charging, several such cycles can be repeated. In conclusion, I would like to say the following: trust your feelings and do not be afraid to make mistakes, because they are an integral part of any learning and allow you to find the right solutions! With constant contact between a person and natural stones, a strong relationship and interchange of energy is established. Over time, the stone spends its positive energy, saturating its owner with it, and accumulates more and more negative energy, which significantly reduces its beneficial effect on a person. The accumulated negative energy must be cleansed from the stones, and only after cleaning can you begin to charge the stones. Today “The Magic of Stone” will tell you how to cleanse and charge stones so that the stone does not lose its magical and healing abilities.
How to clean stones?
- One simple way is to clean the stones with salt water. To do this, you need to dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt in hot water; after the salt has completely dissolved, you need to add cold water, since placing stones in hot water is strictly forbidden – their structure may be damaged. And so, the stone should lie in this solution for at least about 4 hours, but no more than 3 days.
- You can clean stones using sea or river water. This is not a very convenient method, since it takes 15 minutes to dip the stone in and out of the water.
- As you know, running water is an excellent way to remove negative energy. This also helps stones: you just have to hold the stone under running water for a couple of minutes, and it will take away all the negativity.
- You can also cleanse the stone with the help of earth: you need to bury the stone in the earth all night, and it will draw out all the accumulated negativity.
How to charge stones?
We have looked at several mandatory methods for cleaning stones, after which we begin charging them.
Let’s explore different ways to charge natural stones.
- Charge the stones with the light of the Moon and the Sun. Sunlight and moonlight are an excellent source of energy that will help charge your stones. You just have to put them in a place where moonlight or sunlight directly hits them. The stone needs to be charged in this way for at least 24 hours. There are stones that tend to fade in the sun, for example, turquoise and opal – they should be charged exclusively with moonlight. The waxing Moon has the most effective power.
- Charge the stones with earth. One of the methods of cleaning stones using earth is also charging it. Having buried the stone in the ground for a day, it undergoes a process of complete cleansing and charging, which is especially suitable for grounding all black stones, smoky quartz, red jasper, etc.
- Charge stones with other stones. Many stones are energy generators. One has only to place the stone on the generator stone, and for 24 hours there will be an exchange of energy, which will allow the first stone to be saturated.
- Charge stones with quartz crystals. There is a way to charge a stone using a group of stones, namely 8 quartz crystals, which need to be placed around the mineral being charged. After a day, the stone will be completely renewed and full of strength.
- Charge stones with plants. Plants are good absorbers of negative energy. They will help not only cleanse the stone of negativity, but also charge it. To do this, you just need to place a natural stone next to a growing and healthy plant, which will do its good deed within 24 hours.
For those who like to wear jewelry made from natural stones, and for those who use stones as a talisman, it is always worth remembering that stones require care, cleansing and charging so as not to lose their meaning and properties.
And one more important piece of advice: after you have cleaned and charged the stone, do not give it to anyone, so as not to lose one hundred percent connection with your talisman.
Especially for the site “Magic of Stone”