History of use

How to extract polished andesite?

Processing of solid blocks appeared already in version 1.8, and was of interest, first of all, to “creatives”. Since polished stones fit very well into the standard structure and create original ornaments and patterns.

Common andesite

  • Andesite is not affected by gravity, so it will not fall on the player’s head;
  • 30% resistance to dynamite;
  • You can get it with a wooden pickaxe (at least).

If you don’t have enough time to find andesite, but have a decent supply of diorite and cobblestones, then you can craft it in a workbench.


Crafting recipe

Polished andesite

Block ID – 1:6 | Text ID – smooth_andesite

To polish andesite, it doesn’t take much time; just open the workbench or inventory, place four andesite stones next to each other – and the result will be one polished andesite. In order to get one stack of polished andesite, we need 4 stacks of regular andesite.​


Crafting recipe

Like polished granite, andesite after polishing is used as decoration; very rarely it is used as the main material in construction. In terms of its properties, polished andesite is completely identical to ordinary andesite.

The main decor where polished andesite is used:

  • Bridges, columns and arches;
  • Steps that lead to buildings;
  • Frames around entrance doors and windows, plinths, etc.

Tags: Minecraft 22.05.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX


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Blocks suitable for construction.

Hell stone
Serves as a raw material for creating hell bricks.
Diamond block
A very durable building block.
Amethyst block
Serves for decorative purposes.
A type of stone.
A type of dark-colored igneous rock in the Nether. Used for decorative purposes.
Bamboo block
Required to obtain bamboo planks.
Hell Brick Block
Made by combining four hellish bricks.
Redstone block
Crafted from 9 pieces of red dust.
Honeycomb block
Decorative block created from bee honeycombs.
Moss block
A moss block can be spread onto some other blocks using bone meal.
Block of honey
A sticky block crafted from bottles of honey.
Raw iron block
Allows you to store raw iron more compactly.
Raw gold block
Allows you to store raw gold more compactly.
Raw copper block
Allows for more compact storage of raw copper.
Slime Block
It has unique properties when interacting with moving entities and mobs.
Solid part of a tree trunk. Source of wood.
Required to create a large number of items.
Waxed copper block
Copper block, not subject to corrosion.
smooth basalt
Decorative block of dark color, derived from ordinary basalt.
Smooth stone
It is obtained from ordinary stone by melting in a furnace. Can be used in construction.
Glazed ceramics
The vibrant and varied appearance of glazed pottery makes it useful as decoration.
Mud bricks
A block of adobe (adobe) bricks is made from dense mud.
Clay block
Made from 4 portions of clay.
When mining gravel, there is some chance that flint may fall out.
A type of stone. Can be polished.
Used to craft adobe bricks.
A type of stone. Can be polished.
Obtained from logs of the corresponding tree.
Wood (bark)
A block of wood is similar to a block of logs, but has the same bark texture on all edges.
A block of land covered with grass (turf) on top.
iron block
Crafted from 9 iron ingots.
Mossy cobblestone
It looks like an ordinary cobblestone, only it has a greenish tint and is covered with cracks.
Mossy stone brick
It looks like ordinary stone brick, but has a greenish tint.
One of the most common blocks. Found at any altitude.
Golden Block
Crafted from 9 gold bars.
Emerald block
Allows compact storage of emeralds.
rocky ground
A block of rocky soil is similar to regular soil, but is never covered with turf.
Stone brick
Made by combining four stone blocks.
Made by melting cobblestones in a furnace.
drip block
Required for the appearance of stalactites and stalagmites.
Quartz block
A white block that can be created from four portions of Nether Quartz.
Required to create glazed pottery. Ceramics can be made by firing a clay block in a kiln.
Brick block
Beautiful building material. Made from four bricks.
Bone block
Created from 9 servings of bone meal.
Red sand
It differs from ordinary sand only in color. Used to create red sandstone, glass, dynamite and cement.
Red Sandstone
Created from four blocks of red sand.
Lapis lazuli block
Created from 9 lapis lazuli.
Players on a boat can quickly move across the ice, reaching speeds of up to ~40 blocks/s, but turning with this method of movement is difficult due to sliding.
Magma block
Any mob or player located on a magma block receives 1 health unit of damage every tick.
copper block
Can be crafted from 9 Copper Ingots.
Sea lantern
Glows underwater. Emits light with an intensity of 15 units.
Netherite block
Allows compact storage of netherite ingots.
Required to create a Portal to the Nether.
Used to create sandstone, glass, dynamite and cement.
Created from four sand blocks.
Weeping Obsidian
Required for crafting the Anchor of Revival in the Nether.
Dense ice
It has the same properties as regular ice, but does not melt.
Polished andesite
Polished version of andesite. Can be used for decorative finishing of premises.
Polished basalt
Decorative block of dark color, derived from ordinary basalt.
Polished Granite
Polished version of granite. Can be used for interior decoration.
Polished diorite
Polished version of diorite. Can be used for interior decoration.
A stone-like material with a texture reminiscent of cobblestone, only green in color.
Prismarine Brick
One of the varieties of prismarine.
carved bookshelf
An interactive block that allows you to place up to 6 books in it.
Ore can be used to produce ingots and gems.
Serves as a good light source. Created from glow dust.
Blue ice
It is even more slippery than ice and dense ice. It doesn’t melt.
Snow block
Snow block, used to craft a snowman.
Sheaf of hay
Made from wheat. Can serve as food for horses and llamas.
Glass blocks
Transparent full-size glass blocks. There are different colors.
Dark prismarine
The rarest type of prismarine. Has a dark texture.
compacted dirt
It is obtained from ordinary dirt and is required for crafting mud bricks.
Upon contact with water, cement hardens and turns into concrete.
To obtain wool, you must either kill a sheep or trim it with scissors. In the latter case you will get more wool. In addition, wool can be crafted from threads. Wool can be dyed using dyes.

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