Stones by zodiac signs

How to properly charge crystals?

There is a mineral on planet Earth that is completely devoted to its satellite – the Moon. And although the selenite stone was born in the bowels of the earth, it carries its soft light, accumulates its energy and gives lunar female magic to its admirers. The mineral selenite is popularly called Moonstone. This translucent crystal has an extraordinary inner glow, similar to moonlight (the name comes from the ancient Greek goddess of the moon, Selene). Since the discovery of the stone, people have attributed to it magical and healing powers. Selenite is an ideal stone for energetic cleansing. One of the few crystals that have the ability to quickly revitalize stagnant energy and remove negativity. It also emits soothing vibrations, promoting calm and clarity. Selenite is an amazing crystal that enhances your meditative state and clears energy blockages in the chakras, a stone with a strong energetic vibration, cleansing, protecting. Selenite charges and cleanses other crystals, just place the crystal you want to cleanse on the selenite wand. It can also remove energy blocks in the bodies of other crystals and stones. To clear a space, you can simply place your Selenite wand in any room where you want to clear the energy, or in the corners of the room. Selenite is the only mineral that cannot be purified with water, because this gypsum rock is susceptible to destruction by water. Cleanse selenite with the smoke of sacred plants such as Palo Santo and California sage. Selenite enhances the energy of everything it touches. Use selenite in combination with other stones to enhance the intention you are working towards.

What does the lunar cycle/moon phases symbolize?

The changes in the shape of the Moon throughout the lunar cycle explain much of its symbolism, which is reflected in myths and rituals in honor of defeated and newly born gods. The change of lunar phases is a symbol of disappearance, intermediateness, consistency, an emblem of eternal youth in the traditions of the peoples of Oceania and, almost everywhere, a symbol of immortality. Each phase of the moon has its own meaning in the language of symbols, but together the phases of the moon mean cyclicity (birth, growth, aging, death) and rebirth, immortality and endless change. The values ​​for each individual phase are as follows: – full moon – perfection and completeness; – waxing moon – beginning and purity; – waning moon – self-restraint and restraint, the end of the old path and the inevitable beginning of a new one. The phases of the moon served humanity as a measure of time – on their basis the first lunar calendar was created. Since then, the term “month” has been firmly established in calendars as one of the main time units. The ancients determined the timing of the tides by the cycles of the moon; predicted what the future harvest would be like. In most traditions, the moon, which is responsible for a woman’s menstrual cycle and is therefore a symbol feminine, acts as the wife of the sun. The appearance and disappearance of the lunar disk and the spectacular changes in its shape led to the fact that the Moon became an expressive cosmic image of the earth’s cycles in the animal and plant worlds.

The magical properties of lunar selenite

Selenite and its magical properties are at their peak during the full moon. Ordinary people, shamans, astrologers and magicians each give selenite a certain magical property. Shamans have always considered selenite to be a stone capable of revealing the abilities of prophecy and telepathy in a person. Magicians used this gem to create powerful amulets that gave determination to men and tenderness to women. The magical properties of the stone can help ordinary people in family matters. The gem strengthens family ties, protects peace and tranquility in relationships with loved ones, and helps lonely people find their soulmate. It is believed that the mineral helps a person hear his guardian angel and see prophetic dreams. It also affects the emotional state of a person, calming, increasing the ability to concentrate, giving confidence, but at the same time caution to its owner. In addition, it can improve human memory. In prim Great Britain, lawyers, entering the courtroom, wear rings with selenite, because they believe that the stone can impart eloquence and coherence of thoughts. This mineral can serve as a source of powerful creative energy for poets, writers and artists. The most common point of view is that selenite is a feminine stone. But in fact, the magical properties of selenite are suitable for men too. Its power can inspire a man of the stronger sex, “grow wings,” and give a charge of vivacity and energy. In a word, act on him in the same way as a loving woman. The product is recommended to be given to teenagers as a talisman. It will protect against bad desires and actions, calm the soul, strengthen the will, moral qualities, and help in the development of the intellect. This is exactly what every mother wishes for her child.

The healing properties of the stone

The properties of selenite stone, allowing it to be used in the treatment of diseases, were known to ancient Greek healers. They believed that Apollo himself, the patron saint of doctors, asked the Moon to give a healing gem to people. Indian healers attributed the crystal’s ability to ward off nightmares and insomnia. It was also believed that the mineral helps to get rid of excessive aggressiveness, nervousness, and the desire to control everything. A little to the northeast, in the mountains of Tibet, selenite was also used to help the sick. It was used for inhalations, lotions and massage. The monks believed that the gem relieves pain from urolithiasis. Powdered selenite was the most popular anti-aging agent in ancient Egypt. It helped maintain youth and elasticity of the skin. Military doctors stopped the bleeding by sprinkling crushed crystal on the wounds. Selenite powder is used to treat diseases such as periodontal disease, hypotension, and migraine. The stone also helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, spleen, and also blocks inflammatory processes.

Who is selenite suitable for?

According to astrologers, selenite is suitable for absolutely everyone, but it will bring the greatest benefit to “water” signs – Cancer and Pisces. There are no contraindications to wearing it. When choosing a talisman for yourself, you can simply rely on intuition and personal taste. If you like a gem, or fate itself pushes you to purchase it, feel free to get it. Crystals and stones have been used for medicinal purposes for many, many years. When you take care of them and use them correctly, they can be very helpful in enhancing and improving various aspects of your life. Even though crystals and stones can only physically survive for a certain period of time, their energies will simply live on. When you use crystals and stones for healing, energy work, magick and other purposes, the energies they possess can be drained or used up. As a result, they can be replaced by negative, stagnant, outdated or harmful energies. To remedy this, crystals and stones should always be cleaned and charged regularly before and after use. This ensures that they are in excellent condition and work well. This will also prevent negativity from growing and dispel lingering negative energies that may be affecting you and the people who are around the crystals and stones. Crystals and stones need to be charged because the energy they carry is not limitless. Over time it will weaken and begin to deplete.


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Crystals and stones that are still deep in the earth do not need to be charged because they naturally draw energy from the earth. But once they dig into the earth, they also lose the ability to charge themselves using the earth’s energies. This is why their energy must be renewed by everyone who uses and cares for them. Charging crystals and stones is a fairly simple process, and there are many ways to do it. The only thing you need to do is choose the one that is most convenient for you and most effective for your crystals and stones.

How can you charge crystals and stones?

Charge your crystals and stones with the help of the universe.

This cleaning and charging method works well for crystals and stones such as clear crystals, rutilated quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, ametrine and citrine. To harness the energy of the universe, you will need a piece of gold-colored cloth. The cloth should be large enough to accommodate all the crystals and stones you want to cleanse and charge. Place them all on top of the fabric and focus on connecting with the powerful and positive energies of the universe. Visualize the crystals and stones being cleansed by the vibrating universal energies and immediately being charged with pure and powerful energies.

Solar energy can also charge crystals and stones.

All crystals and stones will benefit from the power of the sun.

Yellow is the color of solar energy, and all you need to do to cleanse and charge your crystals and stones is leave them in the sun for a few hours, up to a maximum of seven hours. How long you put your crystals and stones under the sun will be up to you. I recommend at least 24 hours to get the best results. Just remember to bring them back inside when the sun goes down. Your crystals and stones should only be exposed to sunlight. If you leave them too long and they are purified or charged by moonlight, the energy will also change. This can also affect how their energy affects you the next time you use it.

Cleanse and charge crystals and stones by moonlight.

By placing your crystals and stones under the light of a full moon or crescent moon, you also cleanse and charge them. Be sure to put them there for about seven hours. Similar to cleansing and charging crystals and stones with solar energy, make sure they are only exposed to moonlight.

Charge crystals and stones with the earth at your feet.

To cleanse and charge your crystals and stones with earth energy, Tiger’s Eye, Petrified Wood, Mahogany Obsidian, Jasper, Citrine, Carnelian, Calcite, Boji Stone and Agate are suitable. Using this method of cleansing and charging can bring powerful healing energy to you and your crystal work. As long as you have access to a small area of ​​natural earth, this should be a very easy way to cleanse and restore the energy of your stones. Place the crystals and stones you want to cleanse and charge in a glass jar or bottle, then bury the crystal on the ground for about seven hours. The glass container does not need to be completely buried, just deep enough to cover the crystals and stones. After seven hours you can simply dig them up again. They are now ready to use.

Cleanse and charge your crystals and stones with water.

Water energy for your crystals and stones can be obtained by placing them in sea water with plenty of sea salt for about seven hours. Some crystals and stones that can benefit the most from water are turquoise, sodalite, iolite, clear quartz, blue quartz, blue lace agate, azurite, aquamarine, aquaura, amazonite and agate.

You can leave the crystals and stones inside the glass bottle and place them in the sea, stream, lake or other unpolluted bodies of water.

If you don’t have access to natural water, you can also use tap water and add a little salt to make a salt water solution. Be careful when using this cleaning and charging method because salt is abrasive and can damage stones and crystals that are made of softer properties.

You can also cleanse and charge crystals and stones with fire.

When determining how to recharge crystals, people are often surprised that fire can play such an important role in cleansing and recharging these wonderful stones. Fire is classically viewed as such a destructive force that it is easy to overlook its energizing, inspiring and nourishing properties. After all, fire is central to much of how humanity has advanced over the centuries. Likewise, smoke and flames can evoke spiritual feelings that really help to excite crystals – especially those of the fire element and association. Some crystals and stones that will benefit from fire energy include Mahogany Obsidian, Tiger’s Eye, Rutilated Quartz, Jasper, Boji Stone, Agate and Bloodstone. You can use smoke or fire to cleanse crystals and charge stones. Direct fire burns away any negative energies. This method can be completed in a matter of seconds and done on a candle flame.

You can also smudge your stones with sage, cedar, sandalwood, or palo santo.

Simply pass the crystal or stone through the smoke for about half a minute. This will cleanse and charge it at the same time.

Air can charge crystals and stones.

Some of the crystals and stones that can benefit from this clearing and charging method include smoky quartz, citrine, rutilated quartz, amethyst, and clear quartz. Apart from the stone you want to cleanse and charge, you will also need the essential oils of your choice, a 100ml bottle, a small spray bottle, unscented baby oil and some clear detergent. Add the stones and crystals, cleanser and about seven drops of your chosen essential oil to a 100ml bottle. Add unscented baby oil last. Hold a bottle containing your crystals and stones and speak out loud your intentions for cleansing and charging. Leave the bottle somewhere safe and quiet for seven hours. After seven hours, the oil is ready to be transferred to a spray bottle. Once you have transferred the oil, add distilled, filtered or boiled water. This spray can now be used to cleanse and charge other crystals and stones as well as the environment with just one spray.

Crystals and stones can cleanse and charge other crystals and stones too.

Crystals such as Amethyst, Quartz and Crab Fire Agate can absorb the energies of other crystals and restore them. Selenite is one of the most popular cleansing and energizing crystals. All you have to do is place the crystal or stone you want to rejuvenate on Selenite for at least seven hours.

Thoughts on Cleansing and Charging Crystals and Stones

Each crystal or stone has its own metaphysical characteristics and pulsates under the influence of its own vibrations. This is a very powerful aid that you can use to strengthen and access energy. It is important to know that you have these crystals and stones to work with energy, but they are just directors, lenses and guides. Individual crystals and stones vibrate at specific frequencies that naturally resonate with specific intentions, manifestations and energy patterns. Choosing the crystals and stones you work with can give you some really big and cathartic changes. The more you work with your crystals, the more you will raise your vibration and the more energy you will attract to the crystals. It is important to take care of your crystals and stones so that they continue to assist you in your energetic work. When you charge crystals and stones, you must make your intentions known. You must also ask yourself what it is that you want to manifest, seek help or release. Some of the most common intentions that often convince people to work with crystals and stones include love, wealth, happiness, healing, spiritual growth, peace, endings and beginnings. If you decide to use any of the cleansing and charging methods listed here, be sure to clearly communicate your intentions, emotions, thoughts, and vibrations to the universe. Remember to thank the specific crystal and stone for being your faithful companion and ally in doing this energetic work.

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