Myths and legends

How to wear jet?

Jet (black jasper) is an ornamental stone with a bright shine. It is believed that it softens separation and reduces mental pain, and also protects against the machinations of sorcerers and ghosts. There was also a belief that jet protects a person from nightmares, from fear, and makes it possible to cultivate courage. Jet was often used by black magicians to summon the souls of the dead. This stone received its name from the Gages River in Southwestern Turkey, another version: the name of the jet “Gisher” comes from the Armenian word “Gisheri” – “night”. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: black jasper, black amber, gisher. Jet is a type of coal. The color of the stone is black. The shine is pearlescent and silky.
Place of Birth
Main deposits: England, Germany, France, Ukraine (Crimea), Spain, USA. Genetic classification
Most experts believe that it was formed as a result of carbonization of coniferous trees such as Araucaria. Composition
Jet is similar in composition to ordinary coal and is often called black amber. Physical properties:
a) color: coal black, characterized by a velvety shine;
b) degree of transparency: opaque stone. Features of education
Jet is formed in the form of thin layers and layers of coal and in clay rocks; sometimes fragments and even entire tree trunks are found that have retained their original structure, but have completely turned into jet. Applications
A favorite decoration in the Caucasus, amulets were made from it – amulets, and later – crosses, rosaries; necklaces made of jets were worn on children. Medicinal properties
Jet bracelets are believed to help with gout and cramps. Lithotherapists suggest doing acupressure using jet balls to prevent joint diseases. They claim that plates made from this stone, if held in your palms for 2-3 minutes, relieve nervous tension and relieve stress. Magical properties
It is believed that jet contains the power of ancient light (in ancient times it was dedicated to the Great Mother), therefore it absorbs all the fears of the owner, dispels the negativity that a person creates himself (resentment, anger, hatred), and the negativity that is on him directed from the outside (from unkind thoughts and intentions of people who are not favorable to a person to the impact of negative energy flows from the environment on him). The stone reveals to its owner the ancestral secrets of his family, helps to correct his own destiny and the mistakes of his ancestors. He creates astral protection for his master, calling on the spirits of deceased relatives to help his descendant. Jet saves a person from cowardice, softness, slow-wittedness, indecision, and gives him confidence in himself and in the future. It helps its owner to uncover any deception and warns of possible external violence. In addition, jet corrects a person’s sexual desire – it instills in men and women sexual hostility towards people of the same sex. In ancient times, it was believed that this stone eases pain during childbirth (however, wearing it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women), cleanses a person’s home from evil spirits, and attracts good luck, prosperity and well-being to the home. The ability of jet to dispel negativity (in the old days it was believed that negative energy directed at a person was the result of the harmful effects of evil spirits) was used by black magicians to protect against the forces of evil, to whom they turned for help. Alchemists kept jet crystals in their laboratories so that their experiments would be more successful. Astrologers recommend wearing items with jet to Cancers and Pisces. People born under these signs are indecisive and timid by nature, but the stone will help them cope with cowardice and give them the ability to firmly defend their opinions. Capricorns should not wear jet. They are bold from birth, the mineral can enhance this innate quality of theirs and make them reckless and aggressive. Jet is contraindicated for Aries, Virgos and Aquarius – it disrupts their balance. Other zodiac signs can wear jets. Talismans and amulets
As a talisman and amulet, jet helps its owner get rid of nightmares, groundless fears, and insomnia. Set in silver (it cannot be set in gold), the stone becomes a talisman for travelers, doctors, and lawyers. For centuries, this black stone has inspired poets, personifying the darkness of the southern night. The beauty’s eyes and eyebrows were compared to him. In Shota Rustaveli’s poem “The Knight in the Tiger’s Skin,” jet is mentioned 30 times. According to legend, the black color of the stone is associated with the night, therefore, jet protects a sleeping person from nightmares. In the Middle Ages in the East, it was believed that jet had a beneficial effect on vision and helped against gout and epilepsy.

Terms of delivery

Option 1: Russian Post (depends on the distance and weight of the parcel)

Delivery cost: 400 rubles Jet, translated from Greek, means black amber, because. some of its samples can become electrified by friction. In fact, jet is not a mineral; it is a type of coal formed from coniferous trees of the Araucariaceae family in the Paleozoic era. Jet occurs in the form of layers and lenses up to 20 cm thick in brown coals or carbonaceous shales. According to Pliny, the name of the stone comes from the city or river Gagas in Lycia. The golden age of jet occurred at the end of the 19th century. Jet is also called black jasper. Physicochemical characteristics Chemical formula – С Shine – resinous Color – black or brown-black Hardness – 3-3,5 Mohs scale Density – 1,3 – 1,4 g/cm3 Varieties Jet is painted black, can be easily processed and polished, and also has slight flexibility when heated. Place of Birth The main deposits of jet are England, Germany, France, Russia (Irkutsk region, Crimea), Spain, USA. Application and Use Jet is used as an ornamental stone. It is the most favorite material for making rosaries (Buddhist, Christian, Muslim), and crosses and icons are also made from it. In the middle of the 19th century. Large and voluminous jewelry was made from light jet. How to distinguish real from fake Most often, ebonite, black glass and black onyx are passed off as jet. But armed with knowledge, it is quite possible to determine the naturalness of jet: — jet black color — very deep and intense — jet has low thermal conductivity, so touching it is always accompanied by a feeling of warmth. This feature allows jet to be distinguished from the natural minerals onyx and chalcedony, which are cool to the touch because they are relatively good conductors of heat. Glass is cooler than jet, but inferior in this regard to natural minerals. – Natural gemstones and glass are heavier than jet, and this can be easily determined by weighing. Most of the imitating materials differ little from it in weight. Density is not a diagnostic feature, since in terms of this property jet does not differ significantly from many of its “doubles”. – with a sharp knife you can pick out a small piece and set it on fire. Since this procedure causes damage to the product, it is preferable to use a hot metal needle. This method is the most reliable of all types of tests, but, unfortunately, is only applicable to the purchased product. Antiques dealers half-heartedly welcome buyers who want to test the items they sell with a hot needle. However, some of them still express a desire to check the quality at least on a porcelain plate. In most cases, a cursory examination of the products is sufficient for identification, since, in essence, only a very small number of them raise doubts and require careful examination. Magical properties Jet is a protective stone. Indian magicians believed that jet protects a person from dark forces, absorbs his pain and dispels his fears. In the Middle Ages in Europe, a piece of jet was burned to drive out evil spirits from the house, and was applied to newborns to protect them from the evil eye. In English-speaking countries and Armenia, people believe that jet softens the pain of separation – it is given to a person with whom they are separated for a long time, and jet is able to retain memories and transfer them to the person. Medicinal properties In lithotherapy, jet is used in the form of massage balls, amulets, beads, and also in the form of plates to remove negative energy. In the old days, it was believed that jets could prevent cramps and make childbirth easier, although wearing them constantly during pregnancy was not recommended. Jet applied to the kidneys is said to increase blood pressure. There is an opinion that jet saves from poisoning and stomach diseases. In the Middle Ages they also believed that jet strengthened eyesight. Talismans and amulets As a talisman and amulet, jet helps its owner get rid of nightmares, groundless fears, and insomnia. Set in silver (it cannot be set in gold), the stone becomes a talisman for travelers, doctors, and lawyers. For centuries, this black stone has inspired poets, personifying the darkness of the southern night. The beauty’s eyes and eyebrows were compared to him. In Shota Rustaveli’s poem “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger,” jet is mentioned 30 times. According to legend, the black color of the stone is associated with the night, therefore, jet protects a sleeping person from nightmares. In the Middle Ages in the East, it was believed that jet had a beneficial effect on vision and helped against gout and epilepsy. Additional Information Energy – receptive Yin (absorbs energy) Element – Earth, Fire, Ether (space) Horoscope — Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn Effect on chakras – solar plexus, sacral Planets – Saturn Connection with names – Varvara, Lydia, Tatiana History and legends In Ancient India, jet was considered the stone of the Great Mother of the World. According to legend, he could reveal to a trained person the secrets of his people’s past lives. Another part of the legends is due to the black color of jet, symbolizing mourning. So, in Ancient Rome, this stone was associated with the god of the underworld, Hades. Jet powder was sprinkled on the sacrifices offered to him. The peoples of the Caucasus made jewelry from this stone to be worn during funerals. Jet funeral decorations and urns were made by the ancient Britons. Often the black stone served not only as a symbol of mourning, but also as protection from dark forces. For example, in Ireland it was used to drive away sorcerers from the village. For this purpose, jet was burned and it was believed that if a person calmly perceives its smoke, then it has nothing to do with black magic. Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka)

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