How to wear opal stone correctly?
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How to choose, store and wear jewelry with natural opal.
Details Category: USEFUL TIPS
For its multi-faceted, colorful shimmer, natural opal is called one of the most impressive gemstones. You look at a small piece of this amazing creation of nature and it seems as if it is alive. An opal ring may appear to have a red tint. But it immediately glows blue, green or yellowish. The exclusivity of opal lies not only in its multi-colored color, but also in its unusual properties.
Since ancient times, it has been believed that opal is the stone of brave and successful people. If you are not afraid of new discoveries, are ready to change your life and follow the next path sent by fate, feel free to wear jewelry with opal. For people who are overcome by doubts and complexes, opal helps them quickly overcome all fears and self-doubt. The magical shimmer of opal is perfect for representatives of creative professions. A crystal glowing in different colors awakens in them courage, sensitivity and helps to reveal all hitherto dormant talents much more successfully and quickly.
Such a lovely stone as opal needs to be worn correctly. Only then will it reveal all its properties and influence its owner in a positive way. The most valuable natural opal is black, it is mined in Australia and is one of the symbols of this country. Black opal is believed to have a calming nature. This property of black opal manifests itself in relationships between husband and wife, colleagues or relatives. For complex and anxious people, jewelry with opal will help them overcome their fears and put an end to difficult memories. You need to wear black opals especially carefully, the energetic properties of which are incredibly strong: it was black opal that from the most ancient times was considered an amulet of magicians and healers, endowing a person with the gift of clairvoyance. It is believed that white opal makes its owner a much more spiritual person and brings harmony to the world around him. Stones with brown shades are recommended to be worn by overly proud people, as they endow the wearer with modesty and the ability to do great things. But fire opals reliably protect the owner of the jewelry from various adversities and misfortunes, and ward off problems and bad thoughts.
Jewelers advise putting on a stone and listening to your own feelings. Are you comfortable and warm? Great, then opal is your stone. Feeling anxious or otherwise unwell? Maybe this stone still needs to tune in to your energy. More precisely, this attunement must become mutual, and this takes time. If you weren’t able to enjoy trying on jewelry with opal, don’t be discouraged. Astrologers all over the world are sure: any stone should be purchased exclusively for yourself, listening to your own feelings. Otherwise, the decoration will not bring good luck to you or those around you. It is also best to buy opal jewelry during the full moon. During this period, all the properties of a stone of any color are revealed in the best possible way.
The uniqueness of opal lies not only in its multifaceted color, but also in its unusual properties, about which there are many legends. Jewelry with opals is one of the most sought after in the fashion world. And although the hardness of opal is low, the aesthetic appeal of the stone does not allow it to stand aside from fashion trends. In general, opals can be divided into two categories: “noble” and “common”. Precious opals shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. They seem to glow from the inside because they are translucent and have a variety of colors – from black to bluish-white. But the ordinary ones do not shimmer so richly in the light, they are painted evenly, in soft tones: pink, milky beige, gray.
What is the best way to wear opal jewelry? It is believed that the most correct answer to the question will be one word – moderate. This is too strong a stone to wear without removing it. There is one more rule: silver jewelry with opal can be worn more often than gold jewelry. In the Middle Ages, astrologers advised wearing an opal ring exclusively on the middle finger of the left hand. Today’s experts give more recommendations: to strengthen interpersonal relationships in the family, with family and friends, you need to wear opal on your index finger. If you want to succeed in your professional field, put the ring on your middle finger. Be especially careful when combining the accessory with opal and other stones. Avoid mixing opal with: amber, pearl, aventurine, hematite, jasper, alexandrite or emerald. Multicolor opal will easily become a style-appropriate stone for a blonde or brunette, brown-haired or red-haired representative of the fair half. Thanks to its iridescence, opal can highlight any eyes and any skin color, because opal “adjusts” to the appearance of its owner.
We study what properties opal has, what types it comes in, how to use and store it correctly.
Milana Paley
Opal is one of the most multi-valued stones, which in one way or another has always been present in all mythologies. The Australians believed that he appeared where the Creator’s foot once passed. In India, there is still a legend about how the goddess of the rainbow, not wanting to give herself to anyone, was scattered with these stones. And if you believe the ancient Greeks, then the opal is the tears of Zeus, who burst into tears from his victory over the Titans. Let’s look at the magical and healing properties in a little more detail and carefully.
What is opal
Properties of opal stone
Let’s start with the fact that in the world of stones there are minerals and mineraloids. For example, quartz is a mineral. It is stable, it has a permanent structure that is formed and maintained by crystals.
And opal is not a mineral, but a mineraloid. Its structure is amorphous: water molecules in opal are in absolutely arbitrary quantities that cannot be caught or recorded – from 13% to 30%. This is an unstable compound of silicon and oxygen.
What colors does opal come in?
Types of opals are distinguished by the following characteristics: color, shine, transparency, hardness, presence and types of impurities. In total, among these mineraloids there are three iconic groups: boulder opal, black opal and fire opal.
Boulder opal
Boulder opal
It is also called “Australian opal”. In nature, it can be found in all colors and shades among iron ore massifs. When light hits a boulder opal, it seems to sparkle from within. The rays pass through the dark edges of the stone and create an effect called “opalescence.”
black opal
black opal
It has a bright personality – what and in what quantities of impurities are found in it really cannot be repeated. Black opal is considered a particularly rare and therefore expensive mineraloid.
fire opal
fire opal
Or “Mexican opal”. The color really looks like a clot of fire that was caught and imprisoned in stone. At one time it was popular among the ancient Romans – they considered it a symbol of love and hope.
Where is opal mined?
Opal did not find itself in ore: one of the most unstable stones is born under the influence of processes that occur when lava hardens. It is also quite bloodthirsty ––– it is often found in fossils, remains of animals and plants.
Opal is mined in Australia, Mexico, Ethiopia and Peru. Australian ones are considered to be the rarest and most beautiful (for example, harlequin opal is found there). Ethiopian and Mexican specimens have pleasant sunny shades, even fiery ones. And Peruvian unexpectedly differs from others in its deep heavenly tints.
In addition, due to pleochroism, this stone seems to constantly change color. In fact, it just begins to play with different shades if you look at it from a different angle.
History of the origin of opal
It is a stone of playful purity and light with a long and eventful history. Opal was first mentioned by the inhabitants of the Carpathians in 400 BC. The mineraloid can also be found in the tales of Plato and the writings of the ancient Romans. In Europe, jewelry with opal was considered a special luxury – before the discovery of Australian deposits, the stone was mined only in Slovakia.
This continued until the 19th century, until Walter Scott wrote the novel “Charles the Bold, or Anna of Geierstein, Maid of Darkness.” The Scottish prose writer greatly annoyed the disgrace: the fact is that in his work this stone brings the heroine to the grave. Only Queen Victoria saved the reputation of the mineraloid: she adored them and gave jewelry with them to her daughters.