Is it possible to combine agate and garnet?
Decoration with stones should delight not only with its beauty, but also be useful. Garnet is a mineral with powerful energy, so to combine with this stone you need to choose only those gems that are in harmony and energetically compatible with it.
Color compatibility
The choice of stones is worth starting from the color palette. Stylists are confident that the image will look complete only if the shades of the crystals in the jewelry complement each other.
Popular varieties of pomegranate:
- Pyrope. The color palette of the mineral varies from blood red to dark burgundy. The “fiery” nugget does not accept proximity to bright gems. Visually, pyrope will look great with diamond, rock crystal, zircon and topaz.
- Demantoid. This is a greenish crystal with gold inclusions. The mineral looks expensive and self-sufficient. Therefore, other gems must match it. Jewelers recommend paying attention to emerald, agate, zircon, jade.
- Spessartine. Impurities of manganese and aluminum give the mineral an orange color. It harmonizes with amber, citrine and spinel.
- Almandine is a common variety of garnet with a purple hue. It is recommended to combine the crystal with pink, red, blue and black gems. The best option is amethyst, onyx, sapphire.
In addition, you can choose a “neighbor” for a pomegranate depending on the girl’s appearance. Representatives of the winter type should pay attention on pearls and rock crystal. “Spring” will be transformed with the help of a tandem of pomegranate and cat’s eye. Suitable for “summer” girls opal or jasper. And “autumn” fashionistas are advised to complement their look citrine and ruby.
Astrological Compatibility
The color scheme is not all that is worth paying attention to. After all, crystals can have different energies and properties. In order to prevent “conflict” between gems, first of all you should select minerals of the same element as garnet.
The patron planet of the gemstone is Mars. She favors “fiery” nuggets. We are talking about crystals such as:
- amethyst;
- agate;
- hematite;
- eye of the Tiger;
- cornelian;
- onyx.
Also, the “fire” garnet is in harmony with the element of earth. Therefore, it can be worn with zircon, hematite, coral, melanite, chalcedony and aventurine.
How to select stones according to your zodiac sign
Astrologers believe that minerals of the elements of fire and earth contribute to family well-being, fulfill cherished desires, and protect from danger and accidents. To enhance the effect of pomegranate, you should pay attention to the following combinations:
- Aries – charoite, agate, turquoise.
- a lion – emerald, quartz, flint, opal.
- Virgo – carnelian, jasper, sapphire, onyx.
- Taurus – moonstone, tourmaline, malachite, hematite.
- Sagittarius – chrysoprase, shungite, cacholong.
- Capricorn – obsidian, serpentine, zircon.
Representatives of the air element should be careful. They have low compatibility with pomegranate. Therefore, the combination of crystals with a gemstone can be harmful.
Garnet is a royal stone that acts as a bright accent that stands out from the general background. It is considered a finicky mineral, since not all nuggets can become its “neighbors”. The stones must match each other both visually and energetically.
Dangerous combinations of stones 25.09.2018 13:28
. Stone compatibility rules: .
Due to the fact that all gems have magical properties, it is unacceptable to wear jewelry with the first stones that catch your eye. First you need to find out what specific stones can be combined with. A correctly selected stone will bring good luck, provided that nothing interferes with it.
Most often, stones are chosen by color. And only those who believe in the magical power of natural gifts pay special attention to their choice. First of all, they give preference to options that are worn according to the zodiac sign, name, element. At the same time, we miss an important point – the combination of minerals in relation to each other. Aventurine, aquamarine and precious diamond will be an excellent pair for amethyst, beryl, and heliotrope. Hyacinth, rock crystal, natural garnet, opal, ruby, and chrysoprase will complement each other. In a duet with them there is no place for gems that are opposite in energy – dark topaz, amber.
Onyx and black agate respond positively to emeralds, topazes, and multi-colored agates. Their magic will coexist perfectly if there are no rubies and chrysolites nearby in the pair. Representatives of different elements will not show themselves in any way if worn together, and can even harm a person.
Due to the planetary incompatibility of the patronizing stars, it is strictly contraindicated to wear in pairs:
amethyst with emerald; zirconium with dark morion; chrysoprase with carnelian; jade with jasper; rhodonite and zircon; hematite and amber.
A dubious combination of stones should raise alarm bells. Complementing each other in pairs, opaque hard rock minerals strengthen human health and give confidence.
Stones of two elements interact favorably on human energy – tourmaline with zircon, hematite with amber, coral with shungite.
Why can’t some stones be worn in pairs?
The energy of one stone can suppress the power of another mineral. As long as they remain paired, their purpose will not be revealed. The most dangerous thing is that the enmity between them can affect human health.
The elements will help to trace their discrepancy:
Water-Fire – representatives of these elements mutually destroy each other; Air-Water – creates unpleasant energy vibrations nearby; Fire-Air – are considered friendly elements; Water-Earth – consonant and very harmonious, they can be worn in pairs.
According to experts, the elements are always important. A specially compiled table of the correct compatibility of stones will help dispel doubts about the choice. Specialists from various fields of science – gemologists, astrologers and jewelers – worked on its creation. Thanks to the work done, the magical characteristics and features of minerals were studied.
Wearing the stones together is intended to allow each crystal to express its magic. When in contact with a person’s skin and his energy, inappropriate minerals will interfere with the revelation of each other’s strength. Simply put, they will interfere with the interaction of chakras and energy channels.
In modern man, the combination of minerals is dictated by considerations that are somewhat different from those of our ancestors. Previously, when choosing them, benefits were taken into account, but now – financial capabilities and fashion preferences. Wearing them in pairs increases their strength. Which stones have magic and healing powers:
Strong minerals with a healing effect: agate, aquamarine, diamond, sapphire, amber. Stones whose action is aimed at attracting wealth: carnelian, labradorite, garnet, tiger’s eye, citrine. Gems that are usually worn to attract happiness and good luck: malachite, jade , opal, hematite.
In order for stones to be a lucky amulet, and not a source of misunderstandings, you need to combine them correctly. The above material will be useful to those who believe in the magic of natural minerals and like to use several stones at the same time. A union of harmonious talismans will create a favorable environment for a person to achieve goals.
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