Myths and legends

Is it possible to get items with pearls wet?

Pearls are 90% calcium carbonate, 5% water, and another 5% the organic substance concholine, which plays a cementing role. The organic matter present in pearls dries out and breaks down over time, so pearls have a certain lifespan, then they dull, flake and break down. However, with proper storage and care, pearls do not lose their beauty for several hundred years. Pearls are negatively affected by four main factors:

  • heat;
  • high humidity;
  • significant brightness of light;
  • air pollution level.

Excessively dry skin of its owner also has a detrimental effect on it. In room conditions, the surface layer of pearls usually dehydrates slowly, but if your home is constantly hot, this process may accelerate.

Pearls do not feel well in excessively damp rooms. On the street, the most dangerous for pearls are industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust gases in the form of so-called “acid” rain. Harmful fumes and acids can dissolve the iris of pearls. As a result of this impact, the pearls seem to melt.

Tobacco smoke is harmful to pearls, which can cause them to turn yellow and fade. No less dangerous are all kinds of household and cosmetic products in aerosol packages, such as deodorants, hair sprays, antistatic agents for clothes, aerosol cosmetics for clothes and shoes.

Street and house dust are equally unpleasant for the life of pearls. Dust particles, settling on the surface of the pearls, damage them with their sharp edges and thereby gradually deprive them of their shine.

In sunlight, especially in hot weather, pearls gradually fade, fade, and sometimes turn yellow, losing their iridescence and shine.

You should not wear pearls in the sauna, bath, shower or pool, open beaches and ponds.

Perfume and eau de toilette should be used by the owner of the pearl necklace in advance of wearing it. Therefore, it is worth following a simple rule: you put on pearls last, and take them off first.

The thread on which the pearls are strung should be changed (given to a master for dressing) every 3–5 years, depending on the intensity of use, as it tends to stretch and may even break.

Nowadays, many special compositions for caring for pearls are sold, but this is just another way for entrepreneurs to make money. Pearls can be washed with plain water and wiped with a soft cloth. Pearls are durable. But, since it began to be consciously cultivated only in 1901, its lifespan has yet to be accurately determined. If the shell is thick and without cracks, then your pearls will be enough for both children and great-grandchildren. Natural pearls live for 200–300 years; pearls are known that are 400 years old. There is even one that is 800 years old.

How to restore pearls to their former shine?

We offer some practical tips to help restore your pearls to their former shine:

  1. Rub it lightly with potato starch to remove excess moisture and dirt.
  2. Rinse pearls in salt water
  3. Wash it in a mild soapy water solution and then polish with a soft cloth

In Rus’, other methods of treating “sick” pearls were also known. One of them recommended the following: pearls, without removing them from the string, should be sprinkled with salt, placed in a clean canvas bag and rinsed in warm water until the salt dissolves. Then the pearls should be dried in a bright, dust-free room away from sunlight.

Don’t forget that pearls are created with the help of living creatures – mollusks. Their lives were not in vain if you value and cherish their creation – the pearl of great price.

  • Necklace, choker, beads, chainsEarringsRings
  • BraceletsPendantsCorals
  • Silver jewelryAmber jewelryGifts
  • Moscow, Tulskaya metro station, Gamsonovsky lane, 5
  • 7 minutes from the metro
  • Schedule:
  • Mon-Fri 10:00 – 20:00
  • Sat 11:00 – 20:00
  • Sun 11:00 – 19:00
  • Check the availability of the products you are interested in before visiting the showroom

A pearl can live for almost 150 years. However, special care will be required to prolong its life.

Why do you need pearl care?

The need to care for pearls arises because dark spots begin to appear on them over time. Due to the plaque that forms, pearls gradually lose their original shine. Such phenomena are due to the capriciousness and whimsical nature of pearls. It is very susceptible to the negative effects of sun, dust and humidity. In addition, its quality is negatively affected by dry air and even body creams.

How to store pearls

  • Pearls should not be stored open. Over time, small scratches appear on it. They negatively affect the shine of the stone. Therefore, it is recommended to store pearl products exclusively in a box or a special bag. Moreover, if it is a box, then the inside should be covered with soft fabric. Another rule is that pearls must be stored at a certain distance from each other. Otherwise, they may accidentally become damaged due to friction. It also eliminates the possibility of storing pearl beads on a hook. This storage option contributes to the stretching of the jewelry and loss of presentability.
  • Pearls should not be left in direct sunlight. Neglecting this rule can result in loss of shine and discoloration.
  • Pearls should not be stored in damp areas. Moisture causes the stone to tarnish. It is also not recommended to store pearl products in rooms with dry air. It promotes delamination and cracking of the stone.
  • Pearls should not interact with acids. As a result of the interaction of this stone with essential oils, acids and solvents, mother of pearl is corroded. Considering that human sweat contains acids, it is not recommended to exercise wearing pearl jewelry. Alcohol-based cosmetics are also enemies of this mineral. As a result of their exposure, the stone turns yellow.
  • Pearl jewelry should be worn only after the makeup is completely ready.
  • It is advisable to remove such jewelry before going to the gym, swimming pool, etc. They require careful handling.

How to clean pearls

Pearl products require cleaning after each wear. To do this you need:

  • take a soft, lint-free material and moisten it in water;
  • squeeze out this material and clean the surface of the pearl from dirt;
  • wipe the mineral with a wet cloth (provided that a soap solution is used);
  • let the pearls dry on a paper towel;
  • After an hour, put it in a jewelry box.

If you plan to carry out general cleaning, then for this you need to take care of a means for creating a soap mixture, sea salt, a soft rag, pieces of suede or velor. You will also need containers for water and soap solution.

It is worth adding that it is not advisable to use window or dishwashing detergents to make a soap solution. To solve this problem, washing gels, shampoos and baby products are ideal. In this case, you should exclude the possibility of using regular soap. This fact is due to the high alkali content in solid soap.

Starch can be used to clean pearls. It ensures the removal of plaque and dirt. At the same time, starch helps polish the product to the required shine.

To ensure effective cleaning of pearl jewelry, there are also special jewelry pastes. With their help, plaque and dirt are removed. Thus, the product becomes shiny again.

The algorithm for using jewelry pastes is as follows:

  • applying cleaning paste to the fabric;
  • cleaning jewelry and removing cloudy areas;
  • removing excess paste using a special napkin;
  • wiping the decoration with velvet cloth and polishing it to a shine.

It is worth adding that this cleaning method is only relevant for pearls. Other methods should be used to clean precious metals.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that the highest quality olive oil can be used to give pearls their pristine shine. It must be applied to cotton wool. Next, each pearl must be rubbed individually. After this procedure, you need to take care to get rid of lint and excess oil. A soft cloth is used for this.

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