History of use

Is it possible to sleep with rock crystal?

Occultists and lithotherapists advise everyone to carry a rock crystal talisman with them. Why, says Passion.ru. Transparent as a tear, keeping the secrets of the future, healing and giving wisdom, and at the same time not demanding anything in return. Rock crystal is one of the most mysterious stones and effective talismans. Read about what else is remarkable about this mineral today on Passion.ru.

Description of rock crystal and its application

Rock crystal is pure natural silicon dioxide, a type of quartz, one of the crystalline modifications of silica (glass-forming oxide). It is formed in the voids of hydrothermal or pegmatite veins, in contact-metamorphic deposits of various types and in sedimentary rocks. Rock crystal hardness is 7, density is 2,6. The mineral is colorless, transparent, has a glassy luster, the shape of the crystals is prismatic, trigonal-trapezoidal, specimens with two heads are most valued. There are also irregular crystalline intergrowths, druses (several fused crystals on one base) and geodes (a closed cavity filled with crystalline mineral matter). In river sediments, the stone often takes the form of a well-polished pebble. Rhinestone Rock crystal is also called colorless quartz, dragomite, Herkimer, Bohemian, Rhine, Cayenne or Arabian diamond and simply crystal. Its variety is considered to be hairy – a mineral with inclusions of crystals of tourmaline, goethite, actinolite or rutile. Rock crystal has been known since ancient times – tools and weapons made from it found at excavations in Moravia date back to the 28th century BC. The ancient Greeks believed that this was not an ordinary stone, but frozen water that had absorbed cosmic energy, therefore not melting and always remaining cool. In ancient Rome and Greece, cups, balls that cooled hands, and lenses were cut out of it, with the help of which priests lit fire on altars. Several centuries before our era, many diseases were already treated with it; in Avicenna’s treatises there are also references to the healing properties of this mineral. The ancient Mayans also used rock crystal – they created female skulls from it, with the help of which they called down troubles on the heads of their enemies. If such a skull is illuminated from below with candles, then rays of light begin to emanate from the eye sockets, and the jaw of these artifacts is movable. They say that visitors to museums where these crystal “crafts” are kept fall into a trance, their blood pressure rises, and tinnitus appears. Rhinestone Rock crystal is a very common mineral, its deposits are found all over the world. It is mined in large quantities in the Alps and, accordingly, in the countries through which this mountain system passes, in Brazil, China, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, India, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. The best druzes were found in the Middle Urals, South Yakutia, and the Pamirs. Rock crystal is used to create decorative panels, to decorate the interior, to make figurines, vases, souvenirs and jewelry. Crystals of this mineral are used in radio engineering to produce ultrasonic vibrations; spectrograph prisms and lenses are made from it. Rock crystal occupies a special place in the occult. Talismans, magic fortune-telling balls and energy pyramids are made from it, runes are carved on it, its crystals are used in cosmic energy and in Feng Shui. It is believed that in a house that has this mineral, there is always positive energy and true harmony reigns. In Chinese medicine, small crystal balls are used for massage, and small sharp crystals are used to influence energy or bioactive points on the human body.

The magical properties of rock crystal

Rock crystal is a mineral for fortunetellers and psychics. In a ball carved from this stone, you can see the future, and quite clearly. Sometimes it does not appear as individual symbols, but as whole dynamic pictures united by a common plot. This stone promotes the opening of the “third eye”, the development of intuition, telepathy and other extrasensory abilities; with its help you can look into the other world and “communicate” with the spirits of long-dead people. In addition, it pushes its owner to self-improvement and spiritual development. Rock crystal is pure silicon dioxide and is a form of the most common mineral on Earth, quartz. It was mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey, called “petrified ice” and “pathos diamond.” This mineral can be not only transparent, but also smoky, green and even black. Crystal has a number of unique properties: it can be warm in the cold and hot in the heat, transmits ultraviolet radiation, and does not crumble due to temperature changes. Already before our era, it was actively used for the production of weapons, utensils, ritual objects and, of course, jewelry.

Rock crystal: description of the stone

Rock crystal belongs to the transparent varieties of quartz. Quartz crystals are usually white, but sometimes there are examples with brownish, pinkish, greenish, smoky or golden hues. Polished rock crystal acquires a bright glass shine and transparency.
Crystal got its name from the Greek word meaning “ice.” Due to its resemblance to diamond, rock crystal is also called Bohemian or Arabic diamond. Since ancient times, this mineral has been used by magicians and healers. In polished balls carved from this stone, you can see pictures of the future or the past.
A person who wears rock crystal as a stone amulet can develop esoteric abilities, and even the gift of foresight. It is believed that if you put a piece of rock crystal under your pillow, it will help a restless person sleep soundly and have good dreams. Transparent, like a tear, rock crystal can clear the mind, organize thoughts, and set one in a positive mood.

Healing properties of Rock crystal

Rock crystal is often used in folk medicine. Moreover, the usefulness of its use as a healing agent is currently not refuted by traditional medicine. The healing properties of rock crystal were known back in Ancient Greece and Rome, and Slavic lithotherapists recommended using the stone in powder form to treat stomach and blood diseases and improve memory. The mineral is actively used in India and Tibet for massage practices and for opening the chakras. Modern lithotherapy recommends adding its crystals to water. Water “charged” with crystal allows you to increase your overall well-being, intelligence, and add radiance to your facial skin.

The healing properties of rock crystal were known back in Ancient Greece.

The ancient Greeks believed that this mineral was capable of disinfecting water. In Tibet, healers applied polished rock crystal balls to burns to speed up the healing of wounds. In modern lithotherapy, this clear quartz is primarily used as a stone to alleviate the effects of stress. Many believe that it quickly and effectively calms the nervous system, eliminates bad dreams, and renews energy reserves.

The magical properties of Rock Crystal

Since ancient times, different cultures have considered rock crystal to be the “skin” or “antenna” of the planet. According to mystics, it is this “skin of the earth” that is capable of feeling and picking up signals from the cosmos. A huge number of works have been written about the magical properties of the stone. All their authors agree that rock crystal is capable of revealing the secrets of the past, predicting the future, and bringing mutual understanding, love, and good friends into real life. Spheres from this mineral have been used by magicians and seers at all times. Smoky rock crystal awakens imagination, and black crystal is a guide to the world of the dead.

Compatibility of Rock Crystal with Zodiac Signs

Rock crystal can improve relationships, attract good luck and prosperity. The stone is suitable for almost all zodiac signs, especially those related to the elements of Air and Water, but Aries gets along best with it. It is important to remember that minerals of different shades have different properties, sometimes mutually exclusive. Crystal talismans are best worn around the neck, in a silver frame, but the most powerful are unpolished natural crystals that can be carried in your pocket. It is advisable for women to wear such a stone on the left, and for men on the right.

A gem located in any sector of the apartment can improve Qi energy and take away negativity, relieving tension and anxiety from the inhabitants of the house.

Astrologers believe that representatives of all zodiac signs can wear rock crystal as an amulet. This mineral interacts especially well with the energy of air signs – it helps them in love affairs, supports their flexibility in solving difficult problems, and develops communication skills. This stone can bring the greatest benefit to people born under the sign of Pisces. Astrologers advise them to wear jewelry with rock crystal all the time.

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