Stones by zodiac signs

Is it possible to wear amethyst all the time?

Nature creates many amazing and beautiful things that attract not only their appearance, but also their content. One of these things can be considered the mineral amethyst. Today I want to tell you about what is amethyst? Let’s take a closer look at this mineral. The stone has a purple color, and depending on the characteristics of its origin and deposit, it can vary from dark purple to pale purple. This color is given to the stone by an admixture of iron and quartz, the crystals of which are unevenly combined into one whole. The mineral is a type of quartz, and today, as well as many years ago, it is used in jewelry and decorative items. The birth of amethyst occurs under the influence of water, at great depths in the earth and under sufficient pressure. The mineral is often found in cooled volcanic masses. There are many deposits of amethyst in the world. The largest of them are located in the Urals, Brazil, and Uruguay. Jewelers also purchase stone for their products mined in Mexico and Canada. Our distant ancestors knew about the positive effect of amethyst on the human body; they used the stone to treat various diseases, used it in magic, made amulets and amulets from the stone, amethyst in silver was considered an expensive and luxurious gift.

Healing properties of amethyst

  • · Dermatological diseases. Wounds, ulcers, cuts, and other troubles on human skin will heal faster if you wear amethyst in jewelry. For example, women can choose silver bracelets with amethyst and marcasites, or give preference to other decorations.
  • · Stress, anxiety and fear. If a person regularly wears amethyst, he can quickly and permanently get rid of these problems. His mental and emotional state will normalize, his mood will improve, and his attitude towards life will improve.
  • · Strengthening the immune system. After suffering a cold or severe surgery, a person’s immune system malfunctions and its protective functions become noticeably weaker, which can cause the development of new diseases. Amethyst products will help prevent this and increase resistance to pathogenic microbes and viruses.
  • · Depression is a disease of modern society. The rapid pace of life, the influx of information and constant bustle negatively affect a person, causing him apathy and severe psychological disorders. Experts have proven that if you look at amethyst for a long time, you can get rid of depression. For this you can wear silver rings with amethyst and marcasites.
  • · The mineral will also help cope with insomnia and other sleep disorders. By placing a stone under a pillow or on a bedside table, a person will relax faster, forget about troubles, and fall into a sound and healthy sleep.
  • · Vision problems will disappear with constant contact between the body and the amethyst. Lithotherapists are confident that the mineral reduces eye pressure, improves the quality of vision, and allows you to see the entire environment clearly and clearly.
  • · Headaches, regardless of the cause, disappear. The stone helps improve the body’s condition during migraines, changes in atmospheric pressure, and severe fatigue. It is enough to apply the stone to the sore spot for a while.
  • · Muscle pain, spasm and limb fatigue can be easily relieved using silver products with amethyst.
  • · With regular contact of the stone with human skin, the condition of the endocrine system improves, the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas is normalized. Patients with diabetes note that the level of glucose in the blood decreases noticeably if they constantly carry an amethyst with them, in jewelry, or simply in their pocket.
  • · The mineral helps improve memory, which is especially important for older people. But young people who live at a frantic pace and are faced with huge amounts of information every day will also find amethyst useful in jewelry. For example, you can purchase and regularly wear silver earrings with amethyst and marcasites.
  • · Purifying the blood and regulating blood circulation is another property that experts attribute to amethyst. Many claim that the stone prevents the formation of blood clots and helps get rid of varicose veins.

In addition, amethyst has antiseptic properties. By placing the stone in a container of water overnight, you can use this water as healing water in the morning. It will relieve colds and improve kidney and liver function. Washing with amethyst water helps preserve the beauty and youth of the skin, eliminates wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

But it is worth remembering that products with amethyst that touch human skin need to be cleansed. Running water is a great way to rid a mineral of energy and cleanse it of external contaminants.

The fact that amethyst has magical properties was known in the distant past. Our ancestors used the stone in magic, to make amulets and amulets, and believed that it could solve many problems. Knowledge was passed on from generation to generation, and today we can talk about the magical properties of the mineral. Let’s look at some of them.

  • · It is believed that the stone helps cope with hangovers and prevents intoxication when drinking alcoholic beverages. Our ancestors used it to prevent alcoholism and make people averse to alcohol. For this purpose they used amethyst with marcasites in various decorations, or discreetly put a small pebble in a pocket.
  • · Experts say that silver pendants with amethyst and marcasites They open a person’s soul, make him kind, attentive, and caring. Those who have a complex character and are prone to conflicts should definitely have the mineral with them.
  • · Travelers were given this stone on their journey so that their path would be successful, safe, and lead to the right place. Our ancestors were sure that amethyst protects against failures and troubles, and prevents problems.
  • · Silver watch with amethyst and marcasites – A wonderful gift for a loved one, symbolizing devotion and eternal love. In past centuries, widows wore rings and necklaces with amethyst, and this was considered the best sign of fidelity.
  • · Amethyst is a stone of reciprocity. Ancient ancestors claimed that this mineral evokes a feeling of love for the one who gives it. Therefore, guys who liked girls tried to give amethyst as a gift to make beautiful beauties fall in love with them.

Representatives of creative professions and those who spend a lot of time surrounded by strangers should also always have this stone with them.

As you know, each zodiac sign has its own patrons in the form of stones. In other words, each sign has its own favorable stones, which enhance the influence of the stars, attract good luck, and ward off misfortune. Yes, astrologers advise buy silver products with amethyst and marcasites Aquarius and Aries, Leo and Libra.

For Leo and Aries, amethyst will become a kind of stabilizer of their excessive emotionality and will balance their feelings. People born under these signs will become calmer and more confident in themselves, and will be able to cope with their emotions and ambitions. Libra and Aquarius, who have, for example, silver brooches with amethyst and marcasites, or other jewelry with these stones, will be able to improve their personal life and find harmony of soul and body. In addition, this mineral helps a person identify important moments in life for himself, set priorities correctly, and this makes it possible to find peace of mind and move in the right direction.

Other zodiac signs, if desired, can also wear amethyst, but they should give preference to a pale pink stone and avoid the rich color of the minerals.

If you are interested in the natural mineral amethyst, its properties and capabilities, you can purchase a beautiful stone by visiting our online store. The catalog contains a huge selection of jewelry and jewelry with amethyst.

Amethyst is the most expensive variety of quartz. The magical purple color of this stone has always had a truly mesmerizing effect. Due to its rare beauty, amethyst received the name “stone violet”. Surely, for many girls, their acquaintance with the world of precious stones began with him. After all, amethyst was a mandatory decoration in the collections of our mothers and grandmothers.

Why is amethyst so attractive? The answer lies in violet shade stone Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits, remember? Purple in the rainbow is in last place. It is very unusual to the human eye. And remember – how often in nature do you come across something of a natural purple color? Agree that other colors catch our eye much more often. This color has the shortest wavelength of radiation, that is, it is almost on the verge of being perceived by the human eye. That is why it attracts and fascinates our consciousness so much. This color of the Universe, color of Space, mysterious and deep. It has long been considered the color of magicians and philosophers, that is, people who have reached new heights of consciousness and have a special level of enlightenment. If we look at the “chakra map”, we see that the body colors rise from red, corresponding to the most primitive human needs, higher to cool shades. It is the violet color that closes this chain, located at the level of consciousness and deep thoughts of a person. Therefore, this color is chosen by unusual people who gravitate toward knowledge and a higher understanding of the world around them, who are intellectually developed and extraordinary.

Interesting fact: Experiments have been conducted where small children under 3 years old were given a choice of several different colored stones. Most children intuitively chose amethyst.

Physical properties of amethyst.

  • Formula: SiO2.
  • Syngonia: trigonal.
  • Hardness (Mohs scale): 7. (On a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is the hardest stone, diamond).
  • Density: 2,6 g/cm3.
  • Pleochroism: Blue-violet to purple.
  • Luminescence: weak in green tones.

So, the rich lavender color is what makes amethyst so desirable. The stone owes its incredible hue to iron, it is this element that gives clear quartz its magical dark lavender and violet shades. Color may vary depending on deposit. For example, Ceylon amethysts have a soft purple hue, while Brazilian amethysts have a bloodier and richer purple hue.

In nature, amethyst occurs in the form of oblong prismatic crystals ending in an oblong pyramid.

Almost all amethysts are unrefined, unheated, that is, the way Nature created them. Namely, the lack of refining makes precious stones the most expensive and interesting. This is why amethyst is a fairly underrated stone that deserves a much higher value.

Amethyst geodes and druses are especially beautiful. Geodes are cavities, most often spherical in shape, overgrown with crystals. In cross-section, geodes look incredibly beautiful, because we can observe the creation of Nature itself!

When heated to 300 degrees Celsius or more, amethyst can change color. This is how amethysts of a beautiful green color are obtained – prasiolites.

Interesting fact:

The largest geode was discovered in 2007 in Uruguay. Its length is 3,25 meters and its weight is 2,5 tons! The geode received the beautiful name “Empress of Uruguay”. The work to extract it took 3 months. After the geode was recovered, it was shipped to Australia. As of 2019, its cost is approximately $250.

The history of amethyst.

The name of the mineral is of Greek origin. «ametustoz», translated as “non-drinker”, “not drunk”, “not intoxicating”, that is, it is a stone of sobriety. According to one version, the Greeks loved to drink grape wine, which they diluted with water until it was “the color of amethyst.” It was believed that you would not get drunk if the wine was no darker than the shade of purple stone.

The name is also associated with the legend of the beautiful nymph Amethys, which Artemis turned into a gem to protect from the attacks of the god of wine Dionysus. This stone began to be considered an amulet that protects against intoxication.

In Rus’ in the 16th century, reddish amethysts were called “dumplings” and were valued very highly. It was believed that the stone even surpassed the ruby ​​in value. Amethyst was considered the canonical stone of the church; it was used to decorate icons, altars, crosses and panagias. Royalty did not disdain the stone either. Yes, crown Tsarina Irina Fedorovna (Godunova) was decorated with large deep purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.

Notorious Princess Tarakanova wore a ring with an amethyst, believing in its protective power. But having fallen under the charm of Count Orlov, the woman gave him a talisman, and from then on troubles and misfortunes rained down on her: imprisonment in a dungeon, a flood, and finally, tragic death from tuberculosis.

Amethyst deposits.

Amethyst is a very common stone. It is this circumstance, despite the beautiful shade and transparency, that does not allow it to skyrocket in price.

The most significant deposits of amethysts are located in Brazil. The largest geodes, for example, are found in the southern state of Brazil – Rio Grande do Sul. Famous amethysts maraba from the northern state of Pará.

Beautiful stones are found on the territory Of Mexico. Amethysts mined in the state of Veracruz have particularly strong vibrational energy. These stones often have a less colored center. And the most prized are amethysts with a rich purple hue, mined in the state of Guerreiro.

Many stones come to market from Uruguay. It was in this country that the largest geode in the world, the “Empress of Uruguay,” was found. Bolivia, also boasts amethysts of a beautiful rich shade.

Ural Amethysts have shades from crimson to deep eggplant. Cape Korabl on the shores of the White Sea is famous for its mining.

In Africa, amethysts are mined in Zambia, Namibia and South Africa.

В USA и Canada Although amethysts are mined, their color is not particularly valued on the market: they are brownish-purple and bluish.

How to care for amethyst jewelry.

The most important rule is Do not wear amethyst constantly in bright sunlight. After all, this stone may fade a little in bright rays. Store it in a closed box. You can clean the stone with a soapy solution in warm water, gently wiping with a soft cloth. Although quartz is a very hard mineral, it is best to take care of it by making sure that it does not get scratched by other items in the box.

Magical properties of amethyst.

Amethyst – stone purity and devotion. At all times he was a symbol sincerity and peacefulness. Its mesmerizing lavender color helps to calm, cleanse the mind, and induces peace and harmony.

In Ancient Egypt, the stone was considered a talisman of happiness and health, in India – peace. It is believed that an amethyst crystal, which is placed between the eyebrows, helps achieve enlightenment, calm, and harmony. This stone helps the “third eye” to open, lifting its owner to the heights of knowledge.

Amethyst is capable calm down, relieve stress, reduce passions and vices, extinguish anxiety. The mineral will help you stick to your diet and protect you from bad habits.

The violet mineral promotes more harmonious communication, so it will be very useful to install an amethyst druse in the office.

It is believed that a given amethyst will call the donor reciprocal feeling. Therefore, young people sought to give girls jewelry with amethyst. This stone is capable extinguish departing love and open the way to a new feeling. That is why it is not customary to give jewelry with amethysts to other people’s wives.

You may have heard that amethyst is called the “widow’s stone.” It sounds a little creepy, but you shouldn’t be scared. The fact is that amethyst is considered capable of tuning into a higher mind, achieving enlightenment and bringing one closer to the heavenly worlds. Women who lost their husbands wore jewelry with this stone, believing that amethyst would help them mentally get closer to their spouse and reunite husband and wife after death.

Healing properties of amethyst.

Lithotherapists believe that purple quartz helps preserve youth and freshness of the skin, and even reduces freckles! Amethyst is used in healing migraines and insomnia. Contemplating the stone before bed has a beneficial effect on the body, helps you relax and have good dreams.

Amethyst purifies the blood and relieves nervous tension. It reduces nervous tension. It is believed that the stone even helps protect the wearer from infections and viruses.

Who does amethyst suit according to their zodiac sign?

Amethyst is filled with the energy of the air, and therefore is perfect Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Amethyst will also have a positive effect on representatives of other signs, as it pacifies and instills a peaceful mood.

So, we hope that you will appreciate the incredible lavender hue and transparency of amethyst. You can admire this stone for hours, be it jewelry, geodes or sections. It doesn’t matter whether the stone shines with sharp edges or captivates with the sphere of a cabochon, or perhaps raw “wild” crystals are used in the decoration. In any of its manifestations, amethyst is incredibly beautiful! It is not for nothing that the royals of Europe have such love for him. Look how beautifully they wear jewelry with a purple stone, combining it with diamonds!

Author: Anna Solovyova.

Photographer: Inna Kubareva.

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