Therapeutic properties

Is it possible to wear found jewelry?

Gold is a metal whose value is undeniable, and gold jewelry is prestigious, incredibly beautiful and desirable. However, not always and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase brand new sparkling earrings or a fashionable ring in a jewelry store. In this case, the first thought that comes to mind is going to a pawn shop. But the majority immediately dismisses it, since there is a stereotype that other people’s jewelry can somehow harm them. Sometimes, however, there is no choice – a person has to become the owner of someone else’s jewelry, since it was received by inheritance or as a gift from older relatives. We know for sure that many people keep in their treasured box a laconic, large ring with an oval synthetic ruby ​​or a massive Bismarck chain with a powerful carbine – family heirlooms. And again the same question arises – is it worth wearing them? Let’s figure out whether it is possible to wear someone else’s gold from a pawnshop or inherited.

Alien gold from the point of view of mystics

Let’s start the analysis with that very “genetic memory” – folk signs and other folklore. After all, it is from there that the legs of superstitions and bad premonitions grow.

If the gold was purchased at a pawnshop

Popular wisdom, when asked whether it is possible to wear someone else’s gold bought at a pawnshop, answers – it is not possible. Why? The main reason is the negative energy of decoration. It was not because of a good life that the owner handed over the earrings or ring to the pawnshop. Most likely, he was forced to do this by unpleasant circumstances: debts, bankruptcy, death of a loved one, and the like. Accordingly, all these events could not help but leave an energetic imprint on the gold jewelry. And, of course, its new owner risks his well-being if he wears precious metal with such “firmware.”

If gold was inherited or as a gift from relatives

If used gold was received by inheritance or as a gift from older relatives, the situation is different. Firstly, what kind of relationship you are (or were) with its previous owner plays an important role. After all, if they are filled (or were filled) with sympathy, warmth and friendliness, it is unlikely that the person wished you harm. This means that its decorations will not cause harm, but will make you happier and luckier. Secondly, the fate of your older relative is of fundamental importance. If she was unhappy, if he was haunted by adversity all his life, then wearing his jewelry is not worth it. Gold is considered a magical metal: it, like a sponge, absorbs the energy of the wearer and the events of his life. And, according to popular rumor, all this is easy to “catch” through other people’s jewelry – like the flu or diarrhea. To summarize: you can wear someone else’s gold, gifted or inherited, only if you have a good relationship with its previous owner, and only if there were no serious tragedies in this person’s life.

Is it possible to wear someone else’s gold jewelry found on the street?

Popular wisdom warns that it is not worth even lifting such gold, no matter how great the temptation. Perhaps a gold earring or other jewelry was lost due to carelessness (say, a clasp accidentally came undone, a chain caught on clothing, and so on), or perhaps there was malicious intent. Well, if temptation has overcome you, try to get rid of the found precious metal as quickly as possible. Mystics say that people “reduce” their misfortunes on certain things (jewelry, money) and throw them in the hope that the person who finds them will take away their misfortunes along with this thing. After all, troubles cannot exist without an owner. This is especially true for engagement rings. An engagement ring is a sacred symbol, an absolutely mystical object, and if there were problems in the family of the former owner, then together with someone else’s engagement ring you risk getting them into yours.

Is it possible to remove negativity from someone else’s gold?

Is it possible to remove negativity from someone else’s gold? Psychics and other adherents of all shades of magic say yes. After performing certain rituals, you can wear gold from a pawnshop and inherited jewelry without fear of someone else’s karma. It is difficult to say that this method works, primarily because the result cannot be verified. But if it calms your worries after the purchase, then why not take a gold ring or earrings from a pawn shop to a familiar psychic?

Alien gold from a religious point of view

What does religion think about other people’s gold jewelry? Regardless of what religion you profess, it does not prohibit wearing someone else’s gold, inherited, bought at a pawnshop, or even found on the street.

Someone else’s gold from the point of view of realists

  • infectious dermatitis;
  • various fungal infections;
  • other infections, including such dangerous ones as tuberculosis.

But don’t be alarmed—thorough sterilization of your jewelry helps get rid of all pathogenic bacteria. For sterilization, an autoclave, regular boiling, treatment with special chemicals and infusion with medical alcohol are suitable.

However, if the gold jewelry has an insert, these methods are not suitable. Emerald, for example, can crack when heated or even simply in hot water, amethyst and other stones change color, and pearls “get sick” when in contact with an alkaline solution. In addition, boiling gold jewelry with inserts can weaken or deform the attachment points of the minerals. This means that there is a high chance of one day missing diamonds from your favorite ring.

So is it possible not?

Our advice: if funds allow, it is better to purchase new jewelry. Of course, you can give a product received, for example, as a gift or inheritance, to be melted down to make another piece of jewelry. But the game is not worth the price – a new piece of jewelry from a jewelry store will cost less than making a chain from your grandmother’s ring.

Are jewelry inherited from relatives or friends – protective friends or enemies? According to esotericists, they can become both a strong amulet and harm. Let’s figure out why and under what circumstances.

February 1, 2023 256 0 –>

Many people have heard about the signs “putting on someone else’s thing is trying on someone else’s fate,” “using parts from damaged cars means trouble.” But despite all this, the fact remains: each of us uses not only new things. This also applies to jewelry. Surely in your box there is a ring or earrings that you inherited from your grandmother/mother, or at least once in your youth you exchanged things with a friend or sister. And few people thought at that moment that this had its consequences.

Bioenergetics experts advise to be especially careful if you take other people’s things or bring them home. They can become both a strong amulet and harm. After all, any thing, especially gold jewelry, is saturated with the energy of the previous owner and bears the imprint of his fate. How safe it is to use other people’s jewelry, how it affects a person’s fate and when it can cause harm – we’ll look into this in a new article.

Is it possible to wear someone else’s gold jewelry?

Gold is a metal that energy therapists consider special because of its powerful energetic properties. Even in ancient times, amulets were made from yellow aurum, and gold coins were used to cast spells. Gold jewelry quickly absorbs the emotions and feelings of another person. Therefore, as esotericists say, even if the product was received from relatives, you cannot be sure that it will not bring you harm.

Our ancestors said with caution that other people’s jewelry could cause trouble, so they forbade them to be measured or picked up from the ground. When you do this, you seem to take on all the difficulties and sorrows of the other person.

However, those who are far from superstitions believe that jewelry conveyed with good thoughts does not contain anything bad. On the contrary, over time it can become a powerful talisman for you. Especially when it comes to mother’s or grandmother’s jewelry.

Parents’ decorations

It is believed that parents’ jewelry is the most energetically powerful. If earrings, a chain or a bracelet were given by your mother, then they will certainly bring you good luck. Such a product becomes a strong amulet that will protect against troubles and misfortunes.

The Sisters

If you and your sister have a good relationship, then this is a safe option. It is believed that jewelry from blood sisters has positive energy, especially if given with love.


They say that such jewelry can be worn absolutely safely, because a godmother is like a second mother before the Lord for a girl. But, if a person has a difficult life, then jewelry should be worn with caution and not all the time.


Esotericists say that this is an energetically favorable decoration. Grandma’s product can even speed up the birth of a child in the family. Jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation has powerful energy accumulated over generations.


But it is recommended to wear jewelry from your mother-in-law with caution. Especially if your relationship is very strained. Such products can lead to disagreements in the family.

Husband’s relatives

If you have a good relationship with your in-laws, then such jewelry will bring you neutral energy. Perhaps there will be a change in views or greater commonality with the interests of the previous owner.


We advise you to listen to your inner instinct – what feelings this decoration evokes in you. After all, it happens that you don’t even want to wear the ring of a loved one.

Strangers (bought second hand)

Our ancestors warned: from someone else’s gold jewelry you can get other people’s problems and misfortunes, but with your ring you can give away part of your joy and well-being.

Such jewelry is dangerous because its history is unknown: what kind of person wore it, what difficulties he experienced, why he decided to sell it. In addition, many conspiracies are carried out using gold accessories. And an ordinary ring or chain can turn into a repository of diseases and adversity.


It is not recommended to wear antique jewelry every day; it is better to wear it several times a year. Ancient jewelry has survived many lives and accumulated the destinies of many people. They have powerful energy. Wearing them every day can affect the biofield and the fate of the new owner.

Is it possible to clean someone else’s jewelry?

Energy therapists advise putting on someone else’s jewelry only after preliminary cleaning. After all, the gift may not be from the heart, and the ring from strangers could have been tried on by many people with different feelings before you.

The easiest way to clean your jewelry is to run it under running water for a couple of minutes. But this applies to a new product. Other people’s things require longer cleaning. For example, someone else’s ring is placed in water or salt for three days. Churchmen advise that you be sure to consecrate the found jewelry.

But precious stones, say esotericists, can be cleansed with moonlight, leaving them on the windowsill for a month.

Another way to cleanse is with fire. During the day, light a candle and leave a decoration nearby with the words: “I accept the good, but I drive away the bad.” The product can also be cleaned with sea/table salt by placing it in a container for 48 hours.

What things can convey destiny?

Some objects tend to “absorb” the energy of their owner especially quickly. Therefore, if you give/take something, you automatically “accept” someone else’s energy. And it can be both positive and destructive.

According to esotericists, sharp objects (scissors, needles, pins) best “absorb” negative energy. If you prick yourself with such an object, you will not avoid trouble.

Powerful energy weapons are crosses, coins and watches. Such a find can transfer the fate of the previous owner onto you. Therefore, it is not recommended to bring them home.

Alien gold from a religious point of view

The Orthodox Church is loyal to wearing other people’s jewelry, especially when it comes to alms. True, it is mandatory to consecrate the item – sprinkle it and hold it in holy water. Further, jewelry and costume jewelry can be worn at your discretion or stored as a family amulet.

If you want to wear someone’s thing, then wear it and remember with the kind words of the person who gave it to you. And all bad energy is removed by confession and communion.

Opinion of esotericists

Esotericists are wary of wearing other people’s things. After all, they carry the energy of an outsider. Jewelry may belong to bad people and there may be an evil eye on it. In this case, such things will attract a lot of troubles and disappointments into your life.

Gold jewelry, like items with stones, are things with a strong energetic connection to the past. This is the strongest energy magnet. The least dangerous, according to esotericists, are moonstone, pearls, and onyx.

The most harmless metal would be silver, since it can simply lose its properties on someone else’s body. If you find gold jewelry, you should return it to the owner or take it to a pawnshop. But under no circumstances should you take it home.

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