Rare and valuable minerals

Is it possible to wear hematite all the time?

The use of gems as talismans, magical amulets, which, with the help of the energy hidden inside, latently control human life, leveling the course of events, protecting their owner from harm or developing his talents, has been known since ancient times, because it was from the objects of worship that shone on the chests of priests and accompanying the dead to another world, the history of the widespread use of precious stones began. However, most minerals were not limited to such use – stones became an integral part of the daily life of both kings and commoners, found their way into the interior, in household items, and in elegant jewelry, where gems truly had no equal in either beauty or diversity. Having gained secular fame, gems gradually ceased to be associated with magic and spirituality – yes, everyone knows about their beneficial effects, but this function is perceived only half-heartedly, as a pleasant addition to decorative properties. But not all minerals succumbed to the “prose of life” – some specimens retained a purely energetic function, almost never becoming trinkets in the hands of a jeweler, and this constancy lies in their enormous strength. From the dossier:
Hematite – mineral, iron oxide. Hardness 5,0-6,0 on the Mohs scale, density 5,3 g/cm3, metallic or semi-metallic luster. Other names are bloodstone, red ironstone, iron kidney, red lead, red glass head.

The name hematite comes from the Greek word “hemo”, which means blood – literally translated as “blood stone”. An amazing property of hematite is that although the mineral itself has a dark gray color that shimmers with a metallic sheen, you should grind a piece of the stone and the powder will be brown-red, like coagulated blood. Even if you wash the stone with water, it turns pink, as if a drop of blood had been dropped into it – and these qualities did not go unnoticed by ancient people. Hematite immediately acquired a special status – it was declared a magical talisman, a symbol of the gods of war and victory, as well as a stone of occultists and sorcerers. The stone has been known to man for a long time – it was actively used in Mesopotamia and in Ancient Egypt, where hematite was given truly sacred significance. The priestesses of the supreme goddess Isis adorned themselves with the stone during ritual practices, believing that the amulet would protect the goddess when she descended to Earth to talk with her servants. The magical qualities of hematite are noted in one of the oldest works on precious stones, written in Babylon by the scientist Azhalius for the Pontic king Mithridates in the 1st century BC. – hematite was proclaimed one of the most powerful protective talismans. Hematite was used in a similar capacity in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome – legionnaires, going on military campaigns, often took with them figurines of household gods carved from hematite, so that they would give them courage. Another role of hematite is the use of its powder to produce red paint (red ocher): the Indians of North America, where there were always large reserves of hematite, applied intricate patterns to their bodies with this paint when they went on the warpath. In medieval Europe, where the craving for mysticism and superstition was combined with devout spirituality, hematite also came to court – alchemists and occultists could not do without a ring with a bloody stone when performing mysterious rituals. The philistine fashion for hematite, in contrast to the spiritual one, is quite fickle – for example, today the stone is not very popular, but thirty years ago it was one of the most commonly used. And perhaps this is correct – because hematite, in terms of its internal qualities, is one of the most powerful stones, and wearing it constantly and thoughtlessly, like a meaningless little thing, is simply dangerous. Hematite is the strongest military talisman, which used to be even sewn into a soldier’s clothes; it makes a person invulnerable, courageous, and restrains outbursts of inappropriate anger. It is not for nothing that it is called the stone of magicians – hematite helps its owner to accumulate energy, and then use it in the direction desired, influencing the people around him and the events taking place for personal gain. This stone helps to open the future and is recommended for those involved in divination and philosophy. At the same time, hematite protects its owner not only from physical influence, but also from astral attack, therefore it is recommended as a protective amulet during occult practices. It is dangerous to wear hematite for those who are weak and soft inside, because otherwise the energy given by hematite will go “off scale”, and a person’s thoughts will suddenly begin to “materialize”, including the darkest desires. Hematite also enhances sexual attractiveness – however, remember that such a quality should be demonstrated practically, because without finding a way out, sexual overstrain will destroy the owner from the inside. But hematite is useful not only for men, but also for strong, self-confident women, whom it supports when starting a new business or training. It is best for men to wear hematite in a ring on the index finger of their left hand, for women – on the index finger of their right hand. A hematite pendant allows you to hear your own inner voice, increases intuition, the bracelet improves hearing, and the beads improve vision. At the same time, be careful with the last two types of jewelry – hematite, worn in large quantities, can greatly lower blood pressure. The metals that best exhibit the properties of hematite are silver, copper, brass and bronze. Astrologically, hematite is suitable for Scorpios, Capricorns, Aquarius, Aries and Cancers; it is not useful for Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. Other signs can wear this stone only from time to time when engaging in occult or energy practices to increase their spiritual power. In terms of medicinal properties, hematite is also an unsurpassed healer – not so much in the number of diseases cured, but in the power of its influence on a person. This is primarily a means for purifying the blood, restoring red blood cells, regenerating bone marrow, restoring the functions of the blood-purifying organs: kidneys, liver, spleen. The stone also normalizes blood and heart pressure. This makes it capable of relieving or even helping to reduce any tumors, treat anemia and anemia. There is an opinion that bloodstone is also useful for sexually transmitted diseases, and also helps well with impotence. It is recommended to place a piece of stone for a while on those parts of the body in which blood circulation is weak and sluggish. It makes sense for nursing mothers to wear a hematite talisman on their chest – it promotes an abundance of milk. Hematite is also good for harmonizing the hormonal system, neutralizing the effects of stress, and getting rid of sleep disorders. It is believed that the stone can even dissolve and remove bladder stones from the body. In any case, hematite improves the owner’s energy, promotes a surge of new strength and keeps the body in good shape. When buying hematite, please note that despite its widespread use, there are many fakes – you should only purchase the stone from a reliable manufacturer. Ceramic metal “stones” are sometimes sold under the guise of hematite; a synthetic analogue of hematite, hematin, has also been created, which is practically indistinguishable from the original. However, hematin, unlike natural stone, is attracted by a magnet. And to find out if you have bought products made of metal-ceramics, run a piece of stone over an uneven chip of a ceramic fragment of a cup or saucer: hematite will leave a red line, a metal-ceramic alloy, of course, will not. If you forcefully rub one unpolished stone over another, a blood-red stripe will also appear. Things made from natural hematite must be stored carefully, avoiding impacts or friction; you cannot wear jewelry with hematite on your naked body under the bright sun – hematite can become hot and burn the skin. And a few years ago, scientists made a most interesting discovery: an American probe discovered hematite on. Mars, the mysterious “red planet”. And isn’t it strange that Mars was the name of the ancient god of war, to whom the bloody stone was dedicated a long time ago? Perhaps our ancestors knew – or intuitively guessed – about much more than it seems at first glance, and in old legends and lapidaries one can glean more valuable information than in modern purely scientific research. After all, science deals only with the external properties of matter – but the stone is multidimensional, and the most important secrets are hidden inside, like the magic of hematite, which carries the red glow of new great victories. Perhaps you have seen mysterious jewelry made of a piercing black mineral with a mesmerizing metallic sheen on the hands of media people and the powers that be? Most likely, these jewelry are made of hematite – the mysterious “father” of ordinary iron. So why don’t these obviously wealthy people part with inexpensive jewelry? Yes, this is a trend, but not only that. Hematite is endowed not only with a peculiar gloomy aesthetic, but also with other properties: according to lithotherapists, this mineral has healing properties, and esotericists revere it for its magical qualities.

A bit of history

Hematite is a natural mineral of piercing black, gray, reddish or brown color. In essence, it is iron oxide, by nature it is ordinary iron ore, that is, the rock from which the corresponding metal is mined. Its name comes from the Greek “heme”, that is, blood. There are many varieties of hematite (or red ironstone), differing in both physical and chemical properties, but they all have one thing in common: a very high iron content. It is this that gives the mineral such a mysterious and bewitching metallic shine. Despite this, hematite became known to people even before the Iron Age. True, our distant ancestors used it for slightly different purposes: many rock paintings that have survived to our times were made with hematite.

Iron ore has been widely used as a dye since ancient times. The great painters did not neglect this property of hematite, mixing paint from ground iron ore. By the way, this is red lead, which is widely used today.

It is believed that the ancient Sumerians were the first to use hematite for making jewelry and magical amulets (and who knew the difference in those days?). The ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Romans also knew about the amazing properties of red iron ore. And the Aztecs made mirrors from blocks of this mineral! In Ancient Rus’, hematite was known as “bloodstone”. Warriors sewed pieces of it into clothes, because it was considered a powerful amulet against enemy arrows and swords. It was also used in medicinal art. Crushed iron ore was sprinkled on wounds: it not only stopped bleeding, but also prevented inflammatory processes. And this, by the way, is a scientifically proven fact!

What is a hematite bracelet

Hematite bracelet is one of the most popular jewelry made from processed red ironstone. Despite its widespread use, which results in a low price, processed hematite is very beautiful, with some kind of magical, otherworldly beauty. Hematite is processed mainly in the form of cabochons, so if you see a bracelet made of faceted black stones, it means that you are looking at another mineral or an imitation. In Europe, the fashion for hematite jewelry first appeared during the Renaissance. In recent centuries, it has either subsided or triumphantly returned again. Hematite jewelry is respected by recognized style icons: Kate Moss, Audrey Tautou, Sarah Jessica Parker and others. Domestic celebrities have also been spotted wearing them many times: Ani Lorak, Nastya Kamenskikh, Lera Kudryavtseva and other pop divas, who clearly can afford more expensive jewelry.

Interesting fact: hematite turns slightly red when exposed to methane. That is why the first European miners made buttons for work clothes from hematite and periodically monitored their color while working.

But let’s return to the healing properties of the hematite bracelet. Official medicine does not confirm the healing properties of minerals in general, rejecting lithotherapy as a science in principle. However, even inveterate skeptics agree that constant contact with a certain mineral can have a certain effect on the human body.

Hematite healing properties

The healing properties of hematite are explained by two factors. Firstly, this mineral generates a weak magnetic field, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. The second point is the incredible iron content, the smallest particles of which enter the body through the skin. This has a positive effect on blood composition and hemoglobin levels. It is somewhat reckless to claim that a hematite bracelet cures diseases. But it can serve as an effective prophylactic and be used indirectly in the treatment of certain diseases. That is, it does not treat diseases directly, like medicines, but can be effective as an adjuvant.

“The Father of History” Pliny wrote quite a lot about the healing and magical properties of hematite. In particular, he argued that this mineral is indispensable for eye diseases, specific female ailments and snake bites.

Hematite bracelets are believed to be effective for:

  • Treatment of anemia and other conditions associated with iron deficiency. Iron microparticles penetrate the body through the skin and help increase hemoglobin levels. As a result, a person gets rid of many problems associated with iron deficiency: insomnia, lethargy, unhealthy pallor. The condition of the skin, nails and hair improves.
  • Ensuring better oxygenation of the body. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen to all organs and tissues. This has a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • Improvement of hematopoietic functions of the bone marrow. The bone marrow begins to produce full-fledged red blood cells more intensively.
  • Stabilization of blood pressure and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The hematite bracelet does not lower or increase blood pressure: it strives to bring it to normal, so both hypertensive and hypotensive patients can wear it.
  • Relief from headaches. Some people note that when wearing hematite accessories, migraine attacks become less frequent, and the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia sometimes go away without a trace.
  • Removing waste and toxins. The vessels become more elastic and wider due to the evacuation of cholesterol plaques. And this is not only a general strengthening effect on the body, but also helps in the treatment of varicose veins and atherosclerosis.
  • Treatment of the urinary system. Wearing a hematite bracelet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys and bladder. It helps in removing stones and sand from the kidneys, treating nephritis and cystitis.
  • Increases potency. Since ancient times, hematite was considered a stone endowed with powerful masculine energy. And now lithotherapists use it in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and prostate adenoma.
  • Relieving pain and reducing bleeding during menstruation. Despite its “masculinity,” red iron ore also helps beautiful ladies, helping to stabilize the menstrual cycle and moderate pain.
  • Relief from stress and chronic fatigue. By saturating the body with iron, the state of the nervous system is stabilized. Sleep becomes stronger, awakening becomes more alert, and physical and intellectual work brings pleasure.
  • Healing wounds and other injuries. Hematite has a pronounced hemostatic (hemostatic) effect. Applying hematite to the wound prevents the development of inflammatory processes. You can apply it to bruises and hematomas: the pain gradually goes away, and the bruise resolves much faster.

Medicus of Ancient Rome widely used the healing properties of hematite. Women in labor held pieces of this stone in their hands to ease contractions and moderate bleeding.

Who can wear a hematite bracelet?

There are no contraindications for wearing a hematite bracelet, because, in fact, it is a homeopathic remedy with a very mild but long-lasting effect. You can wear a hematite bracelet all the time – there will be no harm from it. This decoration can be worn on any hand, and, if desired, even on the leg.

True, it is better not to wear a hematite bracelet on the hand where you wear the watch: theoretically, even a weak exposure to a magnetic field can negatively affect the operation of the mechanism. If allergic reactions occur (which is rare), it is better to avoid wearing this jewelry.

Benefit and harm

Lithotherapists and supporters of other trends in alternative medicine unanimously claim that there are benefits from wearing hematite bracelets. It may not be as obvious as when taking medications (I took a pill and the headache went away), but it is long-term and quite physiological. The body receives natural support without any side effects.

Official medicine does not agree with this: during research, no objective changes were revealed in the bodies of people who constantly wear accessories made of red iron ore.

Unfortunately, this inexpensive mineral is also counterfeited, passing off as metal ceramics and an artificial analogue, hematin. Natural hematite is practically non-magnetic and leaves brown marks on the surface when pressed.

If the benefits of hematite accessories are a debatable issue, then they definitely cannot cause any harm. The magnetic field is too weak to have a significant effect on the body’s functioning. In this regard, even the presence of a pacemaker and metal implants is not a contraindication for wearing a hematite bracelet.

This accessory helps some, but not others. Perhaps it is a matter of faith in the healing power of the stones, coupled with the placebo effect. However, even if a hematite bracelet does not help in the treatment of ailments, you will acquire a very stylish piece of jewelry that will certainly remain in the mainstream for a long time.

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