History of use

Is it possible to wear onyx all the time?

Black magicians believe that the soul of a person can be caught and imprisoned in onyx. The white variety of this gem is often used in occult rites and rituals. Let’s get to know the stone better and touch on its mysterious nature. Milana Paley
Legion-Media Onyx has a very controversial reputation. For some cultures and peoples, it is considered a harbinger of disasters, while others revere it as a sacred stone. For example, the throne and walls of Solomon’s Temple were made of onyx. We study the history of this mineral and its magical and healing properties. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE

Onyx – what kind of stone is it?

Onyx is a type of quartz. Its distinctive feature is the encircling rings. The color of the stone depends on which impurities it contains more: white, red or brown. Many people think that onyx is an ordinary decorative mineral, but in fact it belongs to the second category of precious stones and is highly valued in jewelry.

History of onyx

This chalcedony has wide cultural and religious significance, which is why there are many legends surrounding it. It was first discovered on the territory of Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. They say that the Aztecs used onyx during their rituals, and the ancient Egyptians made sacred utensils from it. The word “onyx” itself comes from the Greek “nail”. This is connected with one of the legends, according to which the crystal was formed from nails cut from Aphrodite’s feet. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE

How onyx is formed

How is onyx stone formed?
Legion-Media Onyx grows when the water in a hot mineral spring reaches a certain temperature, the pressure decreases, and the level of carbonic acid salts increases. The mineral “clogs” voids in the rock. It can also be found in caves in the form of stalagmites. ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE

Where is onyx mined?

Each type of onyx has its own deposit. The real leader in stone mining is Egypt. Yellow, pink, white and beige are found in Pakistan. Green and light brown – in Iran. Mottled pink and green minerals are brought from Mexico, agate rocks from Mongolia, Argentina, Australia and Bulgaria. In Russia, onyx is mined at the Tsagankhodinskoye deposit in the Irukt region, the Tumuldur deposit in Yakutia, as well as in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka, Chukotka and the Urals.

What types of onyx are there?

What types of onyx are there?
ADVERTISEMENT – PRODOLJENIE NIJE In fact, natural onyx has a very rich palette, which is quite difficult to classify. But the most important thing to consider when choosing is that natural stone is never uniform. They say that the more impurities it contains, the stronger its healing properties. Moreover, the waves on the crystal should flow into each other smoothly, and not abruptly. Let’s try to identify several of the largest groups among onyxes.

  • Sardonyx. These include agate and carnelian onyx. Red-red stones with alternating brown and white stripes. They are considered symbols of courage. They help the wearer find his own path, both literally and figuratively.
  • Marble or Algerian onyx. A layered variety of marble. A talisman that protects against diseases, tragedies and accidents.
  • Black or Arabic onyx. Dark as the night itself, with white admixtures of varying thicknesses. A stone of wisdom that enhances intuition.
  • White or pure onyx. Beige, with pink or aquamarine splashes. This type of stone is actively used in interior decoration.
  • Common onyx. Pink, beige, brown, yellow and blue. Its stripes are almost invisible against the background of the main tone.


Magical properties of onyx

Magical properties of onyx

Most often, onyx is used as an antivirus for any negative energy that tries to break through your aura. This is a healing talisman of good luck that gives its wearer exceptional willpower. It stabilizes not only the internal state of mind, but also the external flow of life, opening up new opportunities and paths.


As you probably already know, all the stones in lithomagic act on certain energy centers in the subtle or, as it is also called, the “psychospiritual” body of a person. Onyx is directly connected with Muladhara, that is, the root chakra, which is located in the perineum area. In women – near the cervix. It is through Muladhara that destructive energy leaves the body. If you don’t cleanse your root chakra on time, you can undermine the balance between all the others.

Onyx also helps to remain protected by higher powers when your crown chakra, Sahasrara, opens. You can unlock it using the white appearance of this stone. Through the crown chakra, you open a portal not only into the deep depths of your mental state, but even into the history of your previous incarnations.


As for green onyx, it can be used to open the heart chakra – Anahata. She is responsible for loving herself and others.

Healing properties

Onyx helps keep the nervous system under control, strengthens the immune system, and increases your stamina. It quickly restores the body after prolonged periods of illness, depression and burnout.


Onyx crystals prevent relapses and focus the body’s strength towards full recovery. In addition, this stone supports the normal functioning of the blood-forming organs, and also strengthens teeth and bones.

Emotionally, onyx brings a sense of calm and harmony, restoring self-control and self-confidence. It has a good effect on overly hot-tempered people, and brings down those who have their head in the clouds too much. Helps you make thoughtful and informed decisions, which often involve a creative approach. Onyx is especially useful for those who are grieving – it gives comfort.

It can have a color from black to dark gray. Due to its closeness in structure to agate, a completely black stone is also called “ black agate ».

Since ancient times, black onyx has been used to make jewelry.

And in Egypt and Greece they made eyes from it for statues of gods. It was believed that this is how the gods see the human world from the inside. This confirms the attitude towards onyx as a magical stone.

Especially for black onyx

According to legend, it protects against ghosts, vampires and other otherworldly evil spirits.

Black onyx, the most popular stone is a talisman. Many modern esotericists confirm its enormous magical properties. But these properties appear only if a person has a kind heart and peace in his soul.

A talisman – a talisman made of black onyx – protects its owner from sudden death and from attempts on his life.

Brings into this life: tranquility , stability , Confidence in your strength , concentrates and directs vital energy in the right direction. Under the influence of the talisman, a person’s living space is harmonized and becomes immune to negative energy influences from the outside.

In parallel with its magical properties, the healing properties of onyx have been known since ancient times. Sometimes it is also called “the stone that draws out diseases.” This stone relieves pain , relieves inflammation , reduces tumors, reduces temperature during fever.

It’s quite simple for this

apply it to the painful area

In Eastern medicine, black is the color of cold energy. It is this property that helps black onyx successfully fight the listed ailments.

The kidneys, bladder and skeletal system of the human body also function under the energy of cold.

If black onyx jewelry is constantly worn on the body, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs, but especially on the kidneys and bladder. If the stone is set in silver, it will relieve problems with the heart and blood vessels.

It will also help normalize sleep and relieve nervous breakdowns. It will give people of the older generation the desire to live and enjoy every day. Black color is known to attract the sun’s rays.

If black onyx stones are laid out in the sun, allowed to warm up, absorb this life-giving energy, then wrapped in a scarf and applied to the body, then a healing cosmic flow, gifted to us by the universe itself, will flow through it. And black onyx is a conductor, the bridge that connects us to this universe.

From an astrological point of view, black onyx is best suited – Virgo и Capricorn , but still more favorable Devam .

It brings them luck and fortune. It is among Dev , there are a lot of people from creative professions, purposeful, achieving their goals at any cost, and not stopping there.

Products made from onyx, like other jewelry, require mandatory care. By its structure, onyx is a rather fragile gem. It is desirable that its contact with any solid objects be minimal.

Even if the stones touch each other, scratches may remain on their surfaces. It is best to clean products made from black onyx in an ultrasonic cleaner.

This is the safest way

You can use a soap solution and a soft bristle brush. But in this case, there is a big risk that the product or just a smooth stone will slip out of your hands and break upon impact. Therefore, precautions should be taken.

With proper care, black onyx will delight you for many years with its beauty, mirror shine and amazing properties.

Do you want to touch real onyx?

Then feel free to visit our catalogue!

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