Stones by zodiac signs

Is it possible to wear zircon every day?

Zircon is considered a real favorite of the jewelry industry. All thanks to its brilliance, second only to diamond in its strength and beauty. Colorless, green, red, golden-yellow, blue and even black minerals are found in nature. Read our tips, choose your option and wear it every day! Who and where to wear zircon Classic gold pendants with zircons are suitable for business women. Combine such jewelry with formal office suits. A successful combination of noble metal and beautiful diamond shine of minerals will make a pleasant impression on colleagues. 678. 00 rub.
730. 00 rub.
730. 00 rub.
730. 00 rub. A youth option is jewelry with the zodiac sign, inlaid with such stones. Young girls prefer bracelets or earrings with zircons in the now fashionable “children’s” theme: with animals, bows, butterflies, and fish. Such jewelry looks appropriate with plain T-shirts, jeans, overalls and knitted dresses. 400. 40 rub.
289. 30 rub.
999. 00 rub.
599. 00 rub. Spectacular, bright accessories always look better with evening dresses. The most successful combinations of products on a chain or velvet and dresses with a deep neckline or open back. Zircon pendants with completely open shoulders look great. Such jewelry will highlight a seductive neckline and highlight your assets. A piece with a closed, plain, dark-colored dress with a high collar will look no less elegant. Remember that small accessories with zircon (for example, thin pendants) are suitable for petite girls, while statuesque ladies are better off wearing more massive models that visually elongate the neck and make the image harmonious. 104. 50 rub.
478. 00 rub. 152. 90 rub. 1. 226 rub. Care Tips Like all stones, zircon requires careful care. It is very sensitive to various chemicals, including household ones. You can clean it with a flannel or woolen cloth using a weakly concentrated soap solution. This product should be stored separately from others. The mineral is quite fragile, so you need to avoid damage to it, which can be caused by even the slightest mechanical impact. Buy jewelry with zircon in a durable frame that can protect the mineral. Follow simple care rules, and jewelry with zircons will delight you for many years. Choose your ideal product on our website!

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Zircon is a precious stone that has not yet occupied a place in the world of jewelry that corresponds to its high qualities. This fate of this stone is to some extent explained by the fact that the names by which it was known – “zircon”, “jargon” and “hyacinth” (or “jacinth”) – never became widespread.

Name of the stone zircon comes from the Persian word zargun – golden color.

How and where is it formed

Zircon is an igneous mineral found in granites, syenites and other rocks, and is common in pegmatites. In almost all types of igneous rocks it is present as an accessory mineral. In crystals with a high content of radioactive elements, particles formed as a result of their decay destroy the structure of zircon, as a result of which it becomes metamict. It is chemically stable and, when its host rocks are weathered, becomes concentrated in placers.

Physicochemical characteristics

Chemical formula – ZrSiO4

Shine – diamond

Color – brown, reddish-brown, colorless, gray, green

Transparency – transparent, translucent, opaque

Hardness – 7,5 on the Mohs scale

Density – 4,6 – 4,7 g/cm3

Kink – conchoidal


Varieties of dyed jewelry zircons are distinguished by color

– hyacinth (orange or brownish-red)

Place of Birth

Deposits of jewelry zircon are very rare, although zircon as an accessory (part of) mineral is widespread in alkaline igneous rocks, pegmatites, albitites, etc. The main source of jewelry stones are deposits in Thailand, Kampuchea, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. There are also deposits of jewelry zircon in Burma, the USA, Brazil, Canada, Norway, Australia, and Tanzania. In Russia, jewelry zircons are found in the Urals and in kimberlite and placer diamond deposits in Yakutia.

Application and Use

Zircon is the main source mineral of zirconium and hafnium. Various rare elements and uranium, which are concentrated in it, are also extracted from it.

Zircon concentrate is used in the production of refractories.

The high uranium content in zircon makes it a convenient mineral for determining the age of mineral grains using the uranium-lead dating method.

Clear zircon crystals are used in jewelry.

How to distinguish real from fake

The main difference between many natural gemstones are all kinds of inclusions. This criterion is especially helpful in determining the authenticity of minerals if they are transparent. Zircon is one of these minerals, therefore, it is worth arming yourself with a magnifying glass and carefully examining the stone – natural voids, inclusions (large or small) – all these are signs of natural zircon. Cubic zirconia, in turn, amazes with its purity.

Another difference between zircon is its diamond shine. Few minerals have it, so take a closer look at the stone.

When establishing the authenticity of zircon, try to find an opportunity to compare its weight with the weight of cubic zirconia – the latter will be much heavier than a real mineral.

It’s good if, when examining a mineral, you have the opportunity to check it for radiation emissions. Natural zircon is radioactive. There is no need to be afraid of this – the radiation is negligible to cause harm to the human body.

If you look at a stone held at eye level, you will notice how the edges of the mineral cone bifurcate. If this happens, then the zircon is natural;

Medicinal properties

Zircon helps with coronary heart disease. It is recommended for nosebleeds. Some lithotherapists attribute to zircon the ability to stimulate the thyroid gland and liver. Blue stones are sometimes used in the treatment of obesity, as they significantly reduce appetite, help reduce gastric secretions, help with constipation and stimulate intestinal function. Black stones alleviate colds caused by hypothermia. In some countries, traditional healers recommend wearing products with zircon to get rid of insomnia and nightmares.

Magical properties

In magic, zircon is used quite often. This is due in no small part to the fact that the shape of the crystals is like a double pyramid. In ancient India, zircon was used as a magical remedy to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In magical rituals, zircon was used as an instrument capable of inducing supernatural powers in a person, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Talismans and amulets

Zircon is a talisman for people doing business. Jewelry with zircon, charmed for merchant success, has served as talismans in concluding trade deals since ancient times. And in our time, practicing magicians make talismans, which they recommend carrying with you when concluding the most profitable contracts – the talisman will protect its owner from making the wrong decision.

Additional Information

Energy – projective Yang (releases, activates energy)

Element – Earth, Fire, Water

Horoscope — Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius

Effect on chakras – parietal chakra

Planets – Sun, Saturn

Connection with names – Anastasia, Nina

History and legends

Previously, natural colorless zircons were used as the most successful substitutes for diamonds. Now they have been replaced by synthetic cubic zirconia, which in 1972 years since 30 has completely replaced all other diamond substitutes from the jewelry market (both natural and synthetic stones). Synthetic zircon (zirconium, cubic zirconia) is very different in composition from natural zircon. If natural zircon is zirconium silicate (silicon acid salt) and can never be synthetic, then cubic zircon (cubic zircon) is a single crystal of zirconium oxide, grown using Soviet technology and so far has no analogues.

Best regards, Katerina (Napoleonka)

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