Is jade a stone or a mineral?
In its composition, the stone is nothing more than an aggregate of actinolite or tremolite with a tangled fibrous structure. Jade is a stone suitable for creating real masterpieces! The most common color variety of jade is green . Slightly less common white , blue , yellow and even the black mineral. Red jade, called “cock jade,” is also widely known in the Celestial Empire. The mineral has a rather complex chemical formula, including calcium, silicon, oxygen, hydrogen, magnesium and iron. Along with the most common one, there are other names for the stone. Until the end of the 19th century, both jade and jadeite, which were considered one and the same in earlier times, had the same name – jade. The mineral is also known and is still known today as ax stone , kidney mineral , Maori stone , New Zealand green stone etc. The healing and magical properties of jade have provided the stone, combined with excellent decorative qualities, with high popularity and a wide range of applications. It is believed that jade figurines enhance its properties The healing properties of jade Due to its high heat capacity, the mineral always feels warm and pleasant to the touch. In order to take advantage of the healing properties of jade, it is recommended to apply the mineral to the kidney or stomach area. The stone has the same beneficial effect as a warm warming compress, which can gradually reduce the inflammatory process, relieve acute pain, and ensure a smooth healing process. It is precisely because of its ability to have a healing effect on the kidneys that it was popularly nicknamed “kidney stone”. In a jade mug, even ordinary water acquires healing properties! The jade talisman helps normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, prevent hair loss, strengthen the digestive system, liver, bones and blood vessels, and improve the quality of vision and hearing. Today it is known for certain that jade is an excellent remedy for the treatment of migraines, atherosclerosis, strokes and diseases of the visual organs. Special jade massage rollers are also widely used, allowing to normalize blood pressure, increase potency, and rid the facial skin of cosmetic defects. In addition, a special massage helps improve blood supply to the brain, which in turn helps fight increased fatigue and chronic fatigue. Magical properties of jade Along with pronounced healing properties, jade also has a wide range of magical properties. Thanks to its strong energy, the mineral can make a person softer, fairer, more honest and bolder, and stimulate the acquisition of new knowledge. Jade is an excellent choice for those who want to begin to perceive other people and the surrounding reality in a completely different way. The stone is a conductor of an enlightened worldview. Traditionally, it was customary to prescribe the ability of jade to endow its guardian with amazing vitality, strength and longevity. The jade ball has special magical properties Eastern sages considered it a victorious stone, a powerful amulet that strengthens health and gives strength to fight. According to legend, the mineral brings good luck in gambling, business and finance. It is also known that the stone is capable of becoming cloudy and dark, thereby exposing its keeper of unseemly actions. Jade is a truly universal mineral that can be worn by absolutely all representatives of the zodiac circle, however, the stone especially favors Pisces , Cancer и Aquarius . Any shades of the mineral can bring peace, harmony and a positive mood into their daily lives, allowing them to optimistically perceive existing circumstances and the surrounding reality. Do you want to experience the beneficial properties of jade? Then take a look at our catalog! Other products made from this stone: Nephrite is a mineral, a viscous cryptocrystalline variety of actinolite, consisting mainly of tangled amphibole fibers. The name comes from the Greek “nephros” – kidney, since some medium-sized jade pebbles resembled a human kidney in appearance. Until 1863, jade and jadeite were considered one mineral – jade.
The color of the breed is very diverse – from almost white through all shades of green (yellowish, grassy, emerald, marsh) to almost black. Red jade and blue jade – dianite – are extremely rare and especially highly prized. The color depends on the iron content and impurities of chromium, manganese, and nickel. Samples with a uniform color are valued higher than those with an uneven color (striped, spotted, “cloudy”). Translucent to opaque (chips or sections of jade up to 1 cm thick are usually well translucent). At the fracture, the surface is uneven with sharp thin edges. Has a waxy sheen, incl. on a polished surface at any degree of polishing. The most valuable jewelry variety of jade, the one with the cat’s eye effect, is very rare. Jade is very viscous due to the interweaving of fine-crystalline fibers, and therefore extremely durable. The strength of jade is comparable to good grades of steel.
Most jade deposits are located in areas where intrusive igneous rocks intrude into serpentinites. There are rare deposits where jade was formed as a result of the action of magma on magnesium-rich dolomites.
In Russia, jade is mined at the Bortogolsky, Gorlykgolsky, Ulankhodinsky (now depleted) and Ospinsky deposits (west of Lake Baikal in the spurs of the Eastern Sayan along the Onot and Biboy rivers). The Buromskoye and Golyubinskoye deposits (basin of the Vitim river, Eastern Siberia) are placers of high-quality white, yellow, soft green (light green) and black jade. In China, jade is mined in the western spurs of the Kuen Lun Mountains near Kashgar and Khotan and in the form of pebbles along the banks of rivers flowing from the spurs of these mountains (ancient and most famous deposits). There are large deposits in the province of British Columbia (Canada); in the states of Montana, Alaska, Washington, California (USA); large deposits are also known in Australia, New Zealand (New Zealand material is distinguished by its high quality: it is translucent, has good coloring and is considered one of the best in the world), Brazil, Mexico, and Poland.
From the history of jade.
Jade began to be used in the Bronze Age. People used it as a stone to make very durable weapons and tools, and later as objects and jewelry.
Jade and China.
- Khotan — the most valuable varieties of jade for the Chinese are mined in Hotan County in Xinjiang Province. From here they bring the most valuable white jade, called “lamb fat color” with a thick waxy matte sheen. In ancient times, only the Emperor himself could use products made from such jade.
- Xiuyan – jade, which is delivered from Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province, is colored white or light green. Jade is usually translucent, but is rarely transparent.
- Lantian – This variety is obtained in Lantian County, north of Xiyan in Shanxi Province. It is yellow in color interspersed with green, sometimes containing a cloudy pattern.
- Nanyang is the most common jade, sometimes also called “Dushan jade”, which is brought from Nanyang County, Henan Province. This translucent jade is usually white with a yellowish tint and contains many different impurities. This is a very heterogeneous jade with pinkish, green, and yellow inclusions. It is very often used for making sculptural compositions.
Jade in Maori culture.
Jade plays an important historical role in the culture of the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. In this regard, all New Zealand jade deposits have been placed under Maori management since 1997.
- Russia
- China
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Brazil
- Mexico
- Poland
Buyer’s Reminder. What to look for when buying?
Although jade comes in lavender, orange and other shades, the most desirable is a very specific shade of green.
The texture of jade is smooth, medium rough and rough, depending on the size and hardness of the crystal.
The best are translucent crystals, which means that you will be able to read the text through the stone; when you place it on a sheet, the text will be slightly blurred.
The weight.
The cost of jade cabochons, beads, bracelets increases with increasing size, all other factors being equal.
Good quality jade is usually cut into cabochons for use in rings and other jewelry. I carve incredibly beautiful detailed decorative figurines and panels from jade.