What are mica minerals?
MICAs, a family of widespread rock-forming minerals of great industrial importance. They are hydroxyl- and fluorine-containing aluminosilicates; The four most common types – muscovite, biotite, phlogopite and lepidolite – contain potassium. The composition of muscovite, also known as white or potassium mica, is KAl2(Si3Al) O10(OH,F)2, biotite, or black mica, is K(Mg,Fe2+)3(Al,Fe3+)Si3O10(OH,F)2 . Biotite is opaque and therefore, unlike other micas, has no industrial significance. Phlogopite (amber or magnesian mica) has the formula KMg3 (Si3 Al) O10 (F,OH)2. Lepidolite is lithium mica K(LiAl)3 (SiAl)4, O10(F,OH)2. All these minerals are characterized by very perfect cleavage in one direction (parallel to the base); the commissural leaves are elastic. Micas often differ well in color. Muscovite varies from colorless to white, sometimes yellow, occasionally pinkish or greenish, biotite – from green to black, phlogopite – from yellow to brown, a colorless mineral is less common. When exposed to light, the adhesive leaves of phlogopite are distinguished by golden and reddish-brown hues. Lepidolite is usually pink and lilac (most often it forms scaly or scaly aggregates, or curved rosettes, rather than plate-like deposits characteristic of other micas). However, lepidolite is sometimes white, yellowish, gray, and then it can be distinguished from muscovite only by the color of the flame red (lithium test). Muscovite and biotite are the most common types of micas. They occur as rock-forming minerals in granites and other igneous rocks; At the same time, muscovite is included only in acidic rocks (granitoids and rhyolites), and biotite is included in all types of igneous rocks. Both minerals are present in pegmatites, but muscovite is found in much larger quantities. Muscovite is a common mineral in high-temperature hydrothermal veins and replacement deposits (greisens), especially those with tin, tungsten and molybdenum mineralization. Fine-flaky muscovite (sericite) occurs in the wall rocks of mid-temperature hydrothermal veins, where it is deposited by ascending ore-bearing solutions. Muscovite is quite commonly formed as a result of alteration of aluminum minerals, and it is also common in sands, sandstones and other clastic accumulations because it is unusually resistant to chemical attack. Mica (biotite and muscovite) schists are the most common type of metamorphic rock. Phlogopite is formed at the contact of granites with magnesian limestones and dolomites. Phlogopite deposits of the second type are confined to massifs of alkaline ultrabasic rocks. Because both geological settings are relatively rare, phlogopite is significantly less common than muscovite and biotite. Lepidolite occurs most often in granitic pegmatites enriched in lithium, where amblygonite and spodumene are associated with it. It is also present in some lithium-bearing granites. Commercially, the term “mica” refers to muscovite and low-iron phlogopite. Sheet mica includes light transparent varieties that are split into “books” of different thicknesses, suitable for stamping products of the desired shape. Due to the high electrical insulating properties of mica, they are used in radio electronics, electrical engineering, and electrothermy (during World War II, mica was indispensable in these areas and was one of the top five strategic minerals). Fine-flaky mica under the trade name “scrap” is used for the production of thermal insulation materials in the heat power industry and the construction industry and serves as a sorbent in agriculture. During the war, lepidolite was used as a lithium ore mineral and in the production of opaque glass. The main suppliers of mica sheets are India and Brazil. The United States leads in gross mica production (2/3 of its production comes from North Carolina). Lithium mica is mined in Namibia. The main producer of phlogopite is Madagascar. In Russia, deposits of sheet muscovite are located in the Irkutsk region and Karelia, and phlogopite deposits are located in Transbaikalia, Yakutia, Taimyr and the Kola Peninsula. Mica is a mineral, one of many representatives of a whole species, which also includes muscovite, biotite, phlogopite, and lepidolite. Since the names of these minerals are difficult to pronounce and remember, they are usually classified as mica. They usually have the same structure, but contain different types of metals. Mica is very soft, translucent, with a smooth surface. This is a yellow, green, red, brown, black mineral that comes from volcanic rocks. Mica is mined in mines in different countries and continents, including in northern Russia. Areas of application: it is widely used in electrical engineering, in the construction of ships, in the production of electrical equipment, since mica is a good electrical insulating material. In addition, fine-flaked mica is used in the agricultural industry in the form of a sorbent. Mica is used to make materials that have good thermal insulation. Foil, mother-of-pearl, mica. all of them are used in the restoration of antiques. Many cosmetic companies use mica in their production process, as it serves as one of the components of various cosmetic products and serves to give women’s skin shine and radiance. No powder is complete without mica.
History of mica use
Not a single royal palace or church of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries could do without mica windows. This was the fashion trend of the time. It was called “crystal” and also “Moscow glass”. The windows were made by mounting pieces of mica of different sizes, and were decorated with various patterns and pictures, and lamps and lanterns had mica windows that covered the fire. In addition, mica has found wide use in decorating icons and the interior of churches. Russia was famous for its mica mining. In addition, this mineral was very expensive, and only the elite of society could hire craftsmen to install mica windows in their mansions. Ordinary peasants and working people were content to cover the holes in the walls of their houses with bull bladder. Only the poor, who lived in areas where ore lay on the surface of the earth, could afford mica windows.
Russian mica was considered the best in the world, and was known in Europe under the name “muscovite”. Entire caravans of ships with this valuable product sailed from Russia to the West and East. Foreign merchants greatly respected this product, since mica ore deposits were found only in Russia.
Compliance with GOSTs
- History of mica mining in Russia
- Mica fishing in old Russia
- Mica industry after the revolution
- Current state of mica mining in Russia
- Traces of mica. Who found them on Mama
- Mica factories in Russia
- Mamsko-Chuiskoye field
- Main mica-bearing regions of Russia
- Application of mica
- Mineralogical characteristics
- Chemical composition and chemical properties
- What is mica
- Types of mica
- What is PSMA
- Mica plates
- Mica for microwave ovens
- Mica phlogopite
- Lepidolite
- Vermiculite
- Mica CO
- Brief information about mica
- Types and uses of mica
- What is muscovite
- Mica products
- Properties of mica
- Properties of muscovite
- SMOG mica plates
- Muscovite in the Irkutsk region
- Muscovite
- Buy mica
- Mica plates
- Mica factory of the Siberian Minerals company
- Mica
- Mica mining
- Mica factory
- Mica microwave
- Mica plates
- Mica muscovite
- Buy mica
- Mica mining
- Mica muscovite
- Mica mining
- Where to buy mica?
- SMOSH (cut muscovite mica for brush holders)
- Mica microwave
- SMGP (muscovite mica for generator devices)
- Capacitor mica
- Muscovite
- Mica SF (filter mica)
- GOST 13751-86
- Buy mica
- Where to buy mica?
- Mica SMOE
- Mica SMGP
- Mica CO
- How is mica mined?
- What is muscovite?
- What is capacitor mica?
- What is SMOE?
- What is microwave mica?
- Where is the best place to buy mica?
- Mica SMOG
- Mica SMA
- Mica factory of the Siberian Minerals company
- Mica plates
- Where can I buy mica at a profit?
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Mica capacitor
- Protective mica
- Mica SMOP
- Where to buy mica in the Irkutsk region?
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Mica SMGP
- Mica VLF
- Mica cut
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Where to buy mica and mica products?
- Production of mica SMOE
- Mica production SMOSCH
- Microwave mica production
- Where can you buy mica?
- Production of mica SK (mica for valves)
- Mica production SMGP
- Where is it profitable to buy muscovite?
- Where is it profitable to buy cut mica?
- Where can you buy mica in bulk?
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Where can I buy capacitor mica?
- Where can I buy protective mica?
- Where can I buy SMOP mica?
- Muscovite and its scope
- Where is it profitable to buy SMOE mica?
- Where is it profitable to buy mica SMOSH?
- Where is it profitable to buy microwave mica?
- GOST 13751-86
- Sale of mica from the company “Siberian Minerals”
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Where can I buy mica SMGP?
- Where is the best place to buy mica parts?
- GOST 13752-86
- Where can I buy mica at a profit?
- Mica SSP
- Mica VLF
- Mica CO
- Mica CP
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Mica grade SMOP
- Where can I buy cut mica?
- Where are mica plates used?
- Where is it profitable to buy capacitor mica?
- Muscovite mining in the Irkutsk region
- Mica SMOE and its scope of application
- Mica SMOSCH and its scope of application
- Microwave mica and its scope of application
- Where to buy mica on favorable terms?
- Mica mining and sale
- Mica PSMA and scope of its application
- Mica SEP and its scope
- Mica SPM and its scope of application
- Mica SMA and its scope of application
- Where can you buy mica in bulk?
- Mica SZ and its scope of application
- VLF mica and its scope of application
- Mica CO and its scope of application
- Spacer mica and its scope of application
- How is mica mined?
- What is capacitor mica used for?
- Where can I buy cut mica wholesale?
- Where are mica plates used?
- Where is it profitable to buy SMOP mica?
- Where can you buy mica in bulk?
- Where is it profitable to buy SMOE mica?
- Where is it profitable to buy SMGP mica?
- Where is it profitable to buy microwave mica?
- What is muscovite and where is it used?
- Sales of mica from the manufacturer
- Where to buy mica SMOSH?
- Where to buy mica SMA?
- Where to buy SEP mica?
- Where to buy mica SPM?
- Properties and scope of application of spacer mica
- Properties and scope of application of mica SK
- Properties and scope of application of mica CO
- Properties and scope of application of VLF mica
- Properties and scope of application of mica SZ
- Mica mining in the Irkutsk region
- Where can I order mica products?
- Where can I order mica plates?
- What is cut mica used for?
- What is microwave mica used for?
- Where can I buy mica on favorable terms?
- What is muscovite and where is it used?
- Where can I order mica SMGP?
- Where can I order SMOE mica?
- What is SMOSH mica used for?
- What is SPM mica used for?
- What is VLF mica used for?
- What is mica CO used for?
- What is SZ mica used for?
- Where is it profitable to buy cut mica?
- Where is it profitable to buy spacer mica?
- Where can I order mica SEP?
- Where can I order SMA mica?
- Where can I order mica SK?
- Where can I buy muscovite at a profit?
- Where is it profitable to order mica products?
- Where is it profitable to order mica plates?
- Where to buy capacitor mica?
- Where can I buy microwave mica?
- Properties and purpose of capacitor mica
- Properties and purpose of mica SPM
- Properties and purpose of VLF mica
- Properties and purpose of mica CO
- Properties and purpose of mica SZ
- Crystal structure
- Mica hardness
- Heat resistance
- Swelling and water release
- Thermal conductivity
- Electrical Conductivity
- Electrical strength
- double refraction
- Shine, transparency of micas
- Density
- Hygroscopicity, water absorption
- Crystal surface microrelief
- Electrification of crystals and splitting work
- Secondary bonds in a split crystal
- Molecular water and thermal pinch
- Shear force anisotropy
- Defective cut edge
- Types of deposits
- Search and exploration of mica-bearing bodies
- Deposit sampling
- GOST 13752-86
- GOST 13751-86
- GOST 18096-87
- TU 5724-025-00281944-01
- GOST 13753-86
- GOST 13750-88
- GOST 7134-82
- GOST compliance
- Muscovite
- Mica mining
- Mica deposit in Russia
- Applications of mica insulation
- Mica spacer
- Mica parts
- Mica plates
- Mica cut
- Characteristics and history of mica mining
- Production of mica products by Siberian Minerals company
- Types of mica and their purpose
- Properties of mica for attenuators
- Properties of mica for vacuum devices
Discounted SMOG mica plates
Mica is one of the most common minerals in the earth’s crust. In ordinary rocks it occurs in the form of tiny flakes. Industrial deposits where crystals reach large sizes are extremely rare.
One of the largest muscovite crystals in history was found in Canada. Its size was 1,95×2,85×0,6 m and it weighed about 7 tons.
The yield of finished mica sheet products from mined raw materials averages 8,25%. This leads to a fairly high price for products and their shortage.
The word “mica” (“sluda”) is originally Russian. Since ancient times, the meaning of the expression “sludiatsya” meant “to layer.” The word “slada” was first mentioned in the “Ostromir Gospel” (1057)
The second half of the 18th century was marked by successes in glass production and a decrease in its price. This led to a fall in demand for mica and a reduction in its production. However, the windows of warships continued to be made of mica, since glass ones could not withstand gun salvos.
In the ancient Indian city of Teotihuacan in Mexico, a strange structure called the “Mica Temple” was discovered. Similar structures have not been found anywhere else in the world. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the structure on top is covered with a double layer of muscovite mica, the purpose of which is still unknown.
The name of the variety of mica “vermiculite” comes from the Latin word “worm”, because when heated it forms long worm-like columns and ropes.
If mica is added to concrete, this will dramatically increase its strength, while reducing heat and sound conductivity.
For the first time, synthetic mica, fluorphlogopite, was obtained by the Russian scientist K.D. Khrushchev in 1887. Artificial mica is almost transparent and is superior to natural mica in a number of characteristics.
During the time of Peter I, there was a great demand for mica (“Moscow glass”) from Western Europe and America, used for the windows of warships, which was satisfied mainly by Mamskaya mica.
August 1689 is considered to be the starting point of the mica industry in the Mamsko-Chuysky region, when the Yakut governor Zinoviev issued the Cossack Afanasy Pushchin with a “Mandatory Memory”, to which he was obliged.” find and harvest mica along the Vitim River. »
The chemical composition of mica reaches 40 elements. Moreover, sharp fluctuations in the chemical composition are observed even in micas from the same deposit and, often, from the same crystal.
Muscovite mica has high chemical resistance. Hydrochloric acid does not decompose it when heated to 300 degrees Celsius. It is also not susceptible to alkalis.
Muscovite is a strategic raw material, used in 22 areas, “from cosmetics to space.”
Mica belongs to the electrical insulating materials of the highest class of heat resistance: when heated to several hundred degrees, it retains its electrical properties.
Mica plates are also widely used as a design material. Thus, mica is used for fireplace screens, creating a decorative effect and at the same time protecting against high temperatures.
During the Great Patriotic War, the demand for high-quality mica used in the defense industry increased sharply. Mica was in acute shortage: the Karelian deposits were captured by the enemy, Biryusinskoe was depleted. All muscovite mining was carried out only at the Mamsko-Chuyskoye deposit.
In accordance with the spectral classification of asteroids, a rather rare type of carbon asteroids of class G is distinguished. It is believed that these asteroids are mainly composed of low-temperature hydrated silicates such as mica and clay with an admixture of carbon or organic compounds.
In the 18th century, mica occupied an important place at the annual Irkutsk fairs along with traditional Siberian goods – furs, leather, silver. Here it was purchased by Russian merchants and exported to Moscow.
The heat resistance of muscovite, i.e. the temperature at which it retains its properties, reaches 700 degrees Celsius. For comparison, the melting point of aluminum is 660 degrees, lead – 327, silver – 962.
In the middle of the 20th century, the price of sheet mica varied from 50 to 1000 kopecks per sheet. For comparison, foreign merchants of that time paid 16 rubles for 1 squirrels, and XNUMX ruble for a pound of black caviar.
In Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, a paradoxical situation has arisen: a power that has enormous mica resources is forced to buy it abroad, since there is practically no domestic mining. History is cyclical: an absolutely identical situation was observed at the beginning of the last century.
Mica, having high dielectric properties, significant heat resistance, and the ability to split into thin sheets, is an unsurpassed electrical insulating material widely used in radio engineering.
Neither the ancient Greeks nor the Romans were familiar with mica. In scientific treatises of Western Europe, mica began to be called “Vitrum Moscoviticum”, i.e. glass of Muscovy. Later the name was simplified, it became shorter “muscovite” and, finally, in mineralogy it became stronger as “muscovite”
Muscovite mica is transparent and has a glassy luster. Phlogopite is usually a dark mica, visible only in thin sheets.
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