What are the antinomies of pure reason?
Antinomies of reason are contradictions in reason; the presence of two opposing but logically justified judgments about a certain state of affairs. contradiction between two equally logically provable propositions. In particular, Kant cites four antinomies: 1) the world has a beginning in time and is also limited in space (thesis) and the world has no beginning in time and no boundaries in space (antithesis); 2) there is only the simple or that which is made up of the simple (thesis), and not a single complex thing in the world consists of simple parts, there is nothing simple in the world (antithesis); 3) to explain phenomena, along with causality, it is also necessary to assume freedom (thesis) and there is no freedom, everything happens only according to the laws of nature (antithesis); 4) an absolutely necessary entity (God) belongs to the world, either as a part of it or as its cause (thesis), and nowhere is there any absolutely necessary entity (antithesis). Kant explains the presence of antinomies by the attempts of reason to go beyond the limits of possible experience, to cognize a thing in itself. From this he draws a conclusion about the limited capabilities of the mind and its inability to comprehend the world as it exists in itself.
Dictionary-reference book on philosophy for students of medical, pediatric and dental faculties. – Stavropol: St. State Medical Academy publishing house. T. B. Sergeeva. 2009.
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Antinomy,
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- ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON — in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, contradictory statements about cosmological ideas. Developing the doctrine of reason as the highest cognitive ability that brings the synthesis begun by reason to unconditional completeness, Kant introduces. . History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia
- ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON – in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, contradictory statements about cosmological ideas. Developing the doctrine of reason as the highest cognitive ability, bringing the synthesis begun by reason to unconditional completeness, Kant introduces. . The latest philosophical dictionary
- ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON – in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, contradictory statements about cosmological ideas. Developing the doctrine of reason as the highest cognitive ability that brings the synthesis begun by reason to unconditional completeness, Kant introduces. . History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia
- Antinomies – (erroneously antimony) Greek. antinomia contradiction; contradictions between two equally convincing provisions (in some translations, instead of grinding, flaring is a technological term meaning one of the types of deformation. . Lem’s World – dictionary and guide
- ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON — ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON (German: Antinomie der reinen Vernunft) is a term in Kantian philosophy denoting the state of duality of pure reason, as well as the contradiction of its laws and equally provable provisions. Introduced in the “Critique of Pure Reason”, . . Philosophical Encyclopedia
- CRITIQUE OF PRACTICAL REASON – (Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Riga, 1788) Kant’s second work after the Critique of Pure Reason, which sets out his teaching on morality – critical ethics or metaphysics of morals. The book was first published in Russian in 1879 in. . History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia
- antinomy of pure reason — ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON is one of the central concepts of I. Kant’s critical philosophy, borrowed by him from Protestant theology. Calling the contradictions of the laws of pure reason antinomies, Kant insists on their irreducibility and inevitable. . Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
- Critique of pure reason — “CRITICISM OF PURE REASON” (“Kritik der reinen Vernunft”. 1st ed.: Riga: Hartknoch, 1781; A internationally accepted pagination of this edition. 2nd ed.: Riga: Hartknoch, 1787; B internationally accepted pagination of this edition) one of three. . Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
- CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON – one of the three main works of I. Kant (1781). In the second edition of the book (1787), a number of sections were significantly revised and the fragment “Refutation of Idealism” was introduced. “K.ch.r.” is devoted to identifying and assessing the sources, principles and boundaries of scientific. . Philosophical Encyclopedia
- “CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON” – (“Kritik der reinen Vernunft”, Riga, 1781), main. Kant’s work. In 2nd ed. “TO. ch. p.” (Riga, 1787) a number of sections were significantly revised and the fragment “Refutation of Idealism” was introduced. Dedicated to identifying and assessing sources, principles and boundaries. . Philosophical Encyclopedia